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Cpwi alignment. It works quite well with one exception.

Cpwi alignment Below 20 degrees, the scrolling on the LCD display is unreadable and the buttons seem to get "sticky". Not something that Difficulties with Celestron C6 and its alignment process through CPWI. That is the only trick to plate-solving with with CPWI, no automated tracking without at least a Quick Cant Connect with CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Decided to give CPWI a try so I set up things in the garage before going out at night. It wont ‘park’ at the end of a sequence!? I like to park the scope with the OTA on the west side and pointing slightly downwards. I also needed a bunch of I wanted the excellent model I had in StarSense in CPWI, and more particularly, I wanted the better CPWI alignment to transfer to SkySafari. what i like:-alignment procedure is well explained and easy-works with my wifi dongle - i can also use CPWI as goto interface - i can use also stellarium (once aligned with CPWI, and connecting it using cpwi driver)-i can use xbox controller . The first thing I did was level my mount. As I don't have an observatory, I need to carry out EDIT: I should mention that StarSense Auto Align is fully integrated into CPWI. Sie können die Software auch verwenden, um das Align-ment der Montierung mit dem optionalen StarSense AutoAlign-Modul durchzuführen oder ein All-Star Polar Alignment direkt in CPWI durchzuführen. Using an Evolution 8 with a NextStar+ hand controller, HP Laptop, and a USB to serial cable (Ive use it for firmware upgrades in the past). (It hasnt The fastest way I use to align the mount during the daytime: 1) Align the mount approximately, using a compass. I am interested to know if others have experienced this issue and to hear of any thoughts on what may be happening, and access many other features directly from your computer. Once that is complete and EQ Align. Hi All, Yesterday I installed the latest version of CPWI (Celestron's telescope control software) and, I had initially become frustrated trying to hold a laptop, slew for alignment, centre and finish the process while trying to look through the eyepiece, put glasses on to look at the computer screen and all in the dark. Unfortunately, when mounted on my C11EdgeHD with the large bracket and the large bracket base, the SSAG its not aligned well with my scope and some functions, This is how to polar align your Celestron rig and align the StarSense Autoguider using the tools within CPWI (Celestron and PlaneWave Instruments) Telescope CPWI and SharpCap Alignment possible? - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: I have a Celestron 6SE with a . CPWI is designed to be used standalone or as an interface for other apps like PHD2, Nina, Sharpcap, etc. Not something that you want to do. Using I run both CPWI and SharpCap, and yes, this is possible. Is there a way to get them to work? It is easier to center the alignment stars with the hand paddle over the computer gui buttons. It takes under a minute per star. Been using SkyPortal lately and its been working great for the CPWI problems - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Last night, I went out to do some EAA imaging. I didn't make it to the PlaneWave folks for their 2 cents and the Celestron guy didn't even elevate the question. Yet. CPWI pointing model worsening with each alignment point? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Im trying to understand why CPWIs pointing model is less than optimal and it seems to be worsening when adding alignment points, instead of improving. I Instead I now use Celestron's CPWI for PC/Windows. I cannot work out how to stop the mount slewing during an alignment IF CPWI pointing model worsening with each alignment point? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Im trying to understand why CPWIs pointing model is less than optimal and it seems to be worsening when adding alignment points, instead of improving. Probably not (but I have not tried) as normally, Celestron devices won't work that way and you have to stay with the device that did the alignment. Polar Alignment Issue - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have difficulty achieving precise polar alignment with Star Sense. I own a Celestron CPC 1100 GPS telescope with a Starsense and access many other features directly from your computer. I also try to locate the alignment stars in different parts of Page 4 of 4 - CPWI Plate Align v1. Even though I normally use a camera (EAA style) and can view through the laptop, I find this trick useful notably if doing Starsense Calibration and the calc-star is outside laptop FOV. 5. But I must be doing something wrong in my alignment process. I have been following this Forum for quite some time and I am very happy to do so. Celestron SkyPortal (WiFi) + CPWI & Stellarium - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Ive read many posts where the integration of ASCOM drive + CPWI allows people to control Telescope via WiFi in Stellarium ( Instructions ) It does work! The problem is the alignment part being constantly off. I eyeball CPWI alignment goto problem - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: When trying to manually align a NextStar 8E scope with wedge using CPWI software could not get the suggested alignment star goto to work consistently. Select Method of aligning (i. 1 - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: It depends on the mount. If you're interested in the full, very long version, I wil Since SC can also connect to the mount and control the mount GoTo, Polar alignment and Plate solve I have connected SC to the mount through the CPWI software without an issue using the CPWI driver under Hardware/Mounts in SC. Once Simply follow the on-screen instructions on the hand control or in the CPWI software, and you can complete a full polar alignment in less than five minutes. 4. You don't need to align on both. Once you have a wedge on your scope, there are 4 steps to polar aligning your scope. Everything is connected and firmware updated. It'd goto jupiter and it would be in my 10mm/20mm eyepiece. CPWI and Cordwrap - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I am using CPWI version 2. what Very bad tracking with CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: My telescope is a Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT. It says do a 4 star alignment by slewing to a point in the sky then selecting the object on CPWI CPWI is the software replacement for you hand control. After a successful completion of a 4 star auto align, a message Consistent Alignment Direction setting using Camera and CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: There are a dozen or more historic threads about this topic, and Ive looked at 3 of them. After you do your 2star alignment and have added calibration stars you do the All Star polar alignment. If not, click back to edit. I suspect that when all my alignment points moved to the west side of the meridian, the alignment model breaks. A one-star or solar system align should work fine The manual for the product clearly says to perform a StarSense Alignment (any type) first, then do the Calibration (centre alignment) thing, and finally perform another StarSense Alignment. once it is centered in confirm in CPWI and move to the next. It constantly drops the WiFi signal It presents a dialog box asking if I want to attempt to reconnect, but then, when I frantically click yes it doesnt reconnect. Simply follow the on-screen instructions on the hand control or in the CPWI software, and you can complete a full polar alignment in less than five minutes. The hand controller can be used to slew the scope to the alignment stars. You can also use the software to align the mount using the optional Difficulties with Celestron C6 and its alignment process through CPWI. I was trying NINA to leverage the PA CPWI beinhaltet die Planetariumsoberfläche SkyViewer, die die Suche nach Objekten und die Navigation am Nachthimmel erleichtert. I have wifi for my scope control through CPWI. Open Plate ALign, and connect CPWI and a camera. No interest at all in imaging. I have a NINA 3 Point Polar Alignment - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: The past few times Ive used NINAs 3 point polar alignment plugin and have been getting what I thought was a very good polar alignment. You can also use the software to align the mount using the optional StarSense AutoAlign accessory, and even perform an All-Star Polar Alignment directly within CPWI. Has anyone ever done any testing or aware of any difference in the accuracy of alignments done using SkyPortal/SkySafari vs CPWI. That’s where All-Star ™ Polar Alignment comes in. When asked to select the alignment method, choose Last Align. PC System Requirements This video condenses the 15 minute overview and 1h 20 min alignment videos I have already posted. Bottom line on the other threads was: Be consistent whatever you do always Aligning the mount through CPWI is easier than using the controller. Newbie: CPWI 2. Start SkySafari , in settings, under telescope setup, scope type, CPWI and Stellarium - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Hi, I have been trying to use CPWI to align my AVX/Nextstar and then switch to Stellarium to locate objects. Using You must still <align> and <confirm> star centering in CPWI and only use CPWI for GoTo, but it’s handy to have some control of scope at the eyepiece. 7350). ASCOM drivers are installed. You can also add more stars to the model in CPWI. Unfortunately, when mounted on my C11EdgeHD with the large bracket and the large bracket base, the SSAG its not aligned well with my scope and some functions, -stellarium is a bit heavy in terms of resources comparing with light CPWI . Steps: Rough Align; EQ North Align; Polar Alignment; EQ North Align #2 (optional) * NOTE: In the Southern Hemisphere, substitute EQ South Align for EQ North Align. Now I can get my 1st star into camera view without dragging the laptop back outside. StarSense CPWI Stellarium and SharpCap - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Im probably asking the obvious here or rehashing but Ive not searched up the answer I need. Align on at least two or more stars from each side of the meridian to achieve a good all-green alignment status. I needed help focusing, then getting the platesolving settings just right. 4. Once it slewed there, I clicked on the solve-and-center button in SharpCap. I am eventually obtaining a Starsense camera to do auto alignments. I was connected vis Direct Wifi and CPWI worked fine controlling my mount and focuser. HELP! Alignment in CPWI and Celestron CGX - posted in Mounts: Please Im brand new to all of this alignment stuff after I figure this out Ill movie on to guiding. SS Auto Align is not a good option for me . My simple workflow is to do a StarSense Auto alignment with my CPC 1100 connected to the laptop running CPWI via the USB on the Celestron focus motor. After I attached my Nexstar mount to the tripod, I attached the Nexstar 8SE OTA to the mount. 2) CPWI ALIGNMENT . The hand paddle buttons (NSEW) are disabled. It would be great to have this functionality built right into the PlateAlign. With CPWI, it, not the HC, handles the star alignment and calibration and builds its own model; the HC is used only as an interface between CPWI and the motor controllers. Rough Align You don’t actually use CPWI with the HC. Action(Telescope:AddAlignmentReference,ra:dec). CPWI, SharpCap and ASAP Integration issues - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Yesterday, I looked again at the integration of SharpCap, All Sky Plate Solver (ASAP) and CPWI. After a successful completion of a 4 star auto align, a message Page 1 of 2 - CPWI 2. Connect to the mount via CPWI, quick align and then polar align using SharpCap. This works as long as I can use eyepieces to confirm/adjust alignment when using CPWI to align the mount. I kick off the alignment process in CPWI, it slews to the selected star. All-Star is our exclusive, innovative polar alignment procedure—available on select Celestron computerized telescopes—that allows users to choose any bright star (not just one near the NCP) while the software calculates and assists with polar alignment. I attached Page 3 of 4 - CPWI Plate Align v1. If you want to guide your mount to do AP, start PHD2 and also connect using ASCOM to CPWI. I save the alignment. I sent you a pm with a copy of the exception. , but the tracking kept getting disabled in CPWI causing bad star trails. I run all the imaging for my C8 through the PC using automation so my hand controller isn't even connected when I You start the alignment with CPWI and choose a star. Here are my steps: Home the mount (index marks lined up, scope level, pointed north) Power everything up Set CPWI to StarSense Manual Alignment Slew to starry area, aquire image Got several plate solve failures even when SS saw 100 stars. One, two, tree star alignments are gone. Before you get started, please review the PC System Requirements and list of Compatible Celestron Mounts below to ensure your equipment is compatible with CPWI. CPWI, PointXP, StarSense? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I have recently discovered that I can pretty much bypass the use StarSense Auto Align by starting CPWI with the mount on the index marks and polar aligned, on a wedge. A. I have made a change in recent times from connecting the PC via the USB-B port on a Celestron Focuser to a mini USB port on the CPWI saved alignments - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have been using CPWI with my VX mount for a while. Just by (as others have suggested) marking the ground where the tripod legs land, the next day polar CPWI - I'm unable to stop the telescope slewing (if needed) during an alignment - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Hello, So Ive got CPWI up and running and have even programmed in my own custom User Auto Alignments for my specific area. I get a good multi-star alignment. So right now I am using: CGX mount GPS plug in thing Sharpcap for PA NINA for sequence of camera and filter wheel PHD for guiding I start off with a 2 star align and I center stars on the laptop screen using the ZWO viewer and crosshairs I did get plate solving working I think with the NexstarSE mount you will still need to do at least some sort of alignment initially. That includes anything eqmod controls, Skywatcher mounts using Synscan app, or a Nexus DSC, for example. CPWI loosing alignment in mid session - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: CPWI has been working reliably for a couple of years but lately it seems to loose alignment in mid session. CPWI will prompt you through the steps for Page 1 of 3 - Skyportal and wifi module align problems - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Has anyone had this problem. Im not sure of the exact steps to use CPWI to do the initial alignment at the I have set my location via cpwi on google maps with automatically determining my location down to my street level. Retaining Proper Alignment with Starsense Autoalign - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): This question is a bit hard to word but Ill try. I am interested to know if others have experienced this issue and to hear of any thoughts on what may be happening, I then delete the alignment and start the alignment process again. I have a nexstar 6se with a wifi module and the latest skyportal installed on my samsung s6,the problem is when I connect and align,the icon target for the scope on the skyportal app is no where near the place the scope is CPWI Software. Then Probably not (but I have not tried) as normally, Celestron devices won't work that way and you have to stay with the device that did the alignment. I've tried using ASCOM but the problem is the same. 0 Beta and it works great for me (note that 2. e. Then Join us for this exclusive tutorial series with astroimager Christian Sasse as he guides you through using StarSense Autoguider with your Celestron telescope CPWI, SSAG and Sharpcap - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I have a post over on the Sharpcap forum but figured I should also ask here. But. Questions about Starsense "Manual" Alignment. Level it with a level 2) Place a refractor on it with a diagonal mirror with a semi-transparent or transparent cover. You can use fewer or greater alignment points depending on the level of pointing accuracy you want. It cant find the WiFi signal even though I know its there It cant find my GPS It hangs up in the CGE, CPWI, NINA and PHD2 - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: Am I correct in that a Celestron CGE mount using a Nexstar+ HC will work in Nina only when serially connected from the bottom of the HC to the PC and CPWI is running? I am wishfully hoping for another way to get the mount to run in Nina as it seems CPWI has to be terminated in order Polar Alignment Issue - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have difficulty achieving precise polar alignment with Star Sense. I have the cpc800 and I use CPWI to do the alignment. After half an hour the scope points about half a degree away from that planet! CPWI beinhaltet die Planetariumsoberfläche SkyViewer, die die Suche nach Objekten und die Navigation am Nachthimmel erleichtert. However, my system works great simply auto-aligning my scope using Starsense from within CPWI. CPWI beinhaltet die Planetariumsoberfläche SkyViewer, die die Suche nach Objekten und die Navigation am Nachthimmel erleichtert. Once NINA centers your target, just go back to CPWI, select that star again and then go select Alignment/Sync on Target. I had to replicate it today because its daytime. You need to choose an alignment star in the south near the meridian and just above the Celestial horizon as your alignment star. 95 % of the time I view from home where my window of view is primarily South East to South West with also a NW gap in the trees. If connecting CPWI by cable to HC, definitely not as the HC must go into Boot loader mode. Before beginning an alignment, check the information in the Align Mount pop-up window to make sure it matches your current Weird alignment issues with CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I dont quite know how to describe my problem, so bear with me. So when I start alignment i had to pick stars from both Eastern and Western horizon. It is a command CPWI lost aligment - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Hi all, I use CPWI to control my CGX mount, but occasionally, the mount lost alignment in the middle of a session. 3) Using the Hand-controller, send the telescope pointed at the sun even if the mount is not aligned. I have recently switched over to the Starsense Autoguider (SSAG) for alignment and tracking. 2. what Alignment with Celestron CPWI - posted in Mounts: I have Celestron CGEM II EQ MOUNT and trying to align it with CPWI software. WORKS WITH CELESTRON COMPUTERIZED MOUNTS: Compatible with most Celestron computerized mounts. I would image somewhere, platesolve, then tell CPWI the coordinates. ) is used for this, as the Calibration point gets stored inside the StarSense Camera itself. The mount will use its most recent alignment parameters, plus its knowledge of where the switches (index marks) are for restoration of the alignment. The SSAG connects through CPWI. Also the software does not give me ability to select the star of I was trying to work around the alignment procedure for CPWI, which I tried using the mouse on the virtual keypad on the screen, while holding the laptop and looking through an eyepiece. I couldn't find a way. i get open universe, You'd think after alignment etc. CPWI finds the mount via USB and offers me the Auto-Alignment option, but when it A short video showing you how to perform alignment on your Celestron LCM, SLT, or Astro Fi telescope. Check product description for more compatibility info. But I seem to be having a bit of nonsense with CordWrap settings. Polar Alignment. You can also use the software to align the mount using the optional CPWI is equipped with a planetarium SkyViewer, which makes it easy to search for objects and navigate the night sky. Tried starsense alignment and manual alignment - both alignments result in the scope doing a goto to somewhere then during that goto the scope stops then does a really slow slew in altitude and Any difference in accuracy of alignments done using SkyPortal/SkySafari vs CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: The title pretty much says it all. Option 4: Quick Align Since SC can also connect to the mount and control the mount GoTo, Polar alignment and Plate solve I have connected SC to the mount through the CPWI software without an issue using the CPWI driver under Hardware/Mounts in SC. I was trying to first determine if the software was able to use the gamepad. I have a Nexstar+ HC with latest firmware. High-quality 4-element Optical Design The StarSense Autoguider features a I run a manual alignment in CPWI: one click to point to a suggested alignment star, then one click in SharpCap to plate-solve and center it, then a third click in CPWI to confirm it's centered. I first open my MKIT20 motorised focuser software and then (Starsense) align via CPWI. However, you can do a Quick-Align in CPWI that is just whatever star or space the the pc thinks the target is aiming at, and then do your first plate-solve. I especially want to thank California Curtis 17, since his Blog and -stellarium is a bit heavy in terms of resources comparing with light CPWI . Check to make sure your latitude, longitude, and system time are correct or the mount will move to incorrect places. Then through NINA, do a slew & center onto an alignment star that is prominent in CPWI planetarium display. Turn on mount and pick up your hand control and follow instructions provided on the screen Push ENTER for alignment; Set Index (done in step 2), push enter; Verify RTC (real time clock) is displaying your local time in MILITARY TIME. Edited by Rac19, 02 September Basic AVX alignment, GoTo, tracking questions - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I just got an AVX, my first GEM, and have been playing with it indoors to get comfortable with its operation and the RA/Dec coordinate system. 2 unable to see hand controller nor connect to mount - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I have an 8SE which is only a couple of years old, so it has the hand controller with the mini usb connection to the computer. 4-Element Design & Sony CMOS Sensor The StarSense Autoguider features a high-quality 4-element optical design devised by the famed optical designer Mark Ackermann. Once you are connected up, pick a star to start the a The first version of Celestron PWI allows you to align your CGX Mount and go to celestial objects from your PC. Or connect to CGX via HC port, cgx port, WiFi. Evolution mount goto failure after alignment - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: New problem with my scope (connected to the latest version of CPWI). You can start CPWI, connect to the mount (USB, HC,directly to mount) and do your alignment. Then start StarryNight and connect to CPWI using ASCOM to CPWI. When it stopped slewing to the target, CPWI loss of alignment? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: A few times recently, CPWI has lost alignment data in mid session requiring a new alignment procedure to be performed. When i pick jupiter which is very bright. I connect from NINA using CPWI and not ASCOM. Then was able to calibrate and fine tune the telescope, realign (as per Celestrons YouTube video instructions). I am very grateful to everyone. Use the HC instead of CPWI for alignment. - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Let me count the ways. Anything that can be aligned with a SYNC command will work. Guiding: CPWI offers a range of guiding options for Page 2 of 4 - CPWI Plate Align v1. When I first set up I use the compass app on my iPhone so the alignment pin of the AVX mount is pointing North. Im running it remotely using CPWI and PHD2. Bug fix: Excessive CPU consumption when CPWI is idle; Bug fix: StarSense User Auto-Align would send the mount to low-altitude position; Bug fix: StarSense camera would report finding stars but wouldn’t solve the plate the first time to the model. CPWI is equipped with a planetarium SkyViewer, which makes it easy to search for objects and navigate the night sky. The way it works is that you connect your Camera and CPWI-compatible telescope, then below you define the alignment point distribution and click auto-align. All Star Polar Align (ASPA) works on all equatorial Celestron mounts. started Nexstar wedge guiding tips, tricks, and results - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Im looking for some of your ingenuity in getting everything I can out of this humble set up, and providing more help for others looking in the future. And its a big one. For now, you can use this command-line tool to generate pointing model to be loaded into PlateAlign. Nonetheless, CPWI will tell the mount "go to these RA/Dec coordinates" (not alt-az, the translation is done in the mount's firmware). I have set this up to run on an older Windows 10 laptop just fine which is running CPWI 2. It works quite well with one exception. CPWI database does not allow me to CPWI and hand controller - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I have CPWI connected through the hand paddle with a serial port to usb adapter on a CGEM mount. I especially want to thank California Curtis 17, since his Blog and Wait for the Align Mount window to pop up after you have selected Connect. Sup Page 1 of 2 - Oh, CPWI, How I hate thee. Celestron’s FREE planetarium app is an astronomy suite that redefines how you experience the night sky. Every time i finish a auto-alignment and then slew to a planet. If you don't have star sense, you can select from manual, quick, or load pointing model to do a mount alignment. I level the mount and align using a phone app named PS Align Pro. That driver has recently been taken down from the ASCOM download website because it is no longer being supported by Celestron. While they are indicative, I dont feel confident applying it to my situation. If you want to add an alignment point through ascom, you need to use the special function ASCOM. I wanted to automate the whole thing. I hooked up my computer to the mount via the USB connection between the hand controller and the laptop. SharpCap reads the coordinates from CPWI - Puzzling Behaviour - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: There is a more detailed thread about this at the link below, but I am interested in this topic to discuss what this odd CPWI behaviour means and what might be triggering it. Instructions here. The alignment and Polar Alignment options all work together as Stan described above. CPWI - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): This is a question for anyone using CPWI to control their mount. Is that so? I believe that when Simply follow the on-screen instructions on the hand control or in the CPWI software, and you can complete a full polar alignment in less than five minutes. Been using SkyPortal lately and its been working great for the This is the revised version of how to set up and use a Celestron Starsense Autoguider. I’ve been 100% Alt/Az until now. Because the telescope won’t automatically slew to positions blocked by obstructions, the overall alignment process is quicker. This suggest to me that CordWrap is NOT enabled. However, I will try to help After multiple alignment attempts in which the StarSense camera reported a failed alignment attempt, I finally got it to align. Keep the HC as warm as you can. According to CPWI my polar alignment is mostly under 30 arcseconds. Celestron CPWI or not? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: OK this might be a silly question. Once you are connected up, pick a star to start the a Trouble with CPWI alignment - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I have a new telescope (Celestron CPC 800 HD w/edge optics) and downloaded CPWI. 1 - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I whipped up a complementary tool to PlateAlign - GenerateAlignmentPoints. 1. If you have nailed your polar alignment, how accurate is the telescope/mount control for finding different DSO, and how does it compare to those same controls on Stellarium? Celestron cpc 800 + wedge + cpwi - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Well I hope im in the right forum to ask this. Both pieces of software work together. Polemaster Polar alignment and CPWI ASPA - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Hi all, Recently upgraded to an AVX C8 with an added pole master. 5. If I initiate StarSense Manual Align but skip the addition of alignment points, the pointing model is already roughly I run a manual alignment in CPWI: one click to point to a suggested alignment star, then one click in SharpCap to plate-solve and center it, then a third click in CPWI to confirm it's centered. This is where CPWI comes in handy as you can save the alignment stars used and then upon restart just load it and sync on one star. Alignment with CPWI is easy, I like it this tool. It doesn't matter which controller (CPWI, HC, tablet, smartphone. However, I’m not sure how to get SGP to tell CPWI to park the mount. Ive been using it in Alt/AZ mode and have gotten some really cool pics, but of course cant do long exposures with it like that, so last night I attempted to use the EQ Wedge and I use the CPWI 2 Start CPWI and align with CPWI while connected to the Scopes WiFi. When SGP commands the Hello Jim, Depends on the mount, but to be sure, what type of alignment are you referring to. I have a zwo120 guide camera attached to a laptop. Check and make sure the Status box in the bottom right corner in the Mount section displays in green font that you are connected to CPWI. While I like aligning with CPWI and using ASPA, the user interface for selecting objects has serious drawbacks. A ‘custom’ park position. My mind does not easily accommodate topographic gymnastics but I’m getting To Polar Align using a Manual EQ mount, click here. Pointing accuracy will be slightly diminished relative to the hibernation option. Then, after slewing to a planet I notice that tracking is bad. SkyPortal App. If you want to use the HC instead, you need to start over (cycle power) and let the HC do the alignment and calibration and build its own model. Lets say I use the Celestron Starsense Autoalign, and the resulting alignment is good but not great, as in some adjustment/refinement is necessary to properly center the object. Ive gotten pretty good with the polemaster. I do a 10 star auto-alignment using CPWI with my 6SE using a previously saved file of a rather north to south, almost drunken-sailor walk, path across the sky during the alignment process since my east and west views are blocked by Last night I was trying the 3-point polar align in N. Align your mount using EQ align and follow the onscreen instructions on the hand control. On your hand control, click Align and follow the instructions provided. This is my alignment process: Pick 2 All Star Polar Alignment is located in the “Align” menu in the hand controller. Recently switched to CPWI software to control my Celestron CGX-L mount. CPWI keeps saying it cannot connect to the hand controller via the USB Plate Solving With Evolution Mount & CPWI Via Wifi - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hi All Seems a good time to make start into EAA to enhance my observing as the tech has improved quite a bit in the past couple of years bringing capture time down to something I can live with. The scope will slew, very roughly in that area. - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I use Starsense to Align thru CPWI. High-quality 4-element Optical Design The StarSense Autoguider features a EQ North Align. AutoAligning Software for CPWI - posted in Vendor and Group Announcements: Hello everyone! I developed an app capable of performing alignment the same way as the StarSense Autoalign accessory, just from the main camera and with a much more flexible distribution of alignment points. I can report that have found a solution to the sync issue with my 6 SE. That only takes a few minutes. I did a quick align in CPWI first to get the mount tracking, but it seemed like every time N. Using Celestron CPWI as ASCOM Hub with AVX Mount - posted in Mounts: Ive been driving my AVX for a couple of years now using APT with the ASCOM driver, Celestron Telescope and Focuser Setup (6. I can run ASAP, connect to AVX mount and get mount location. CPWI loss of alignment? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: A few times recently, CPWI has lost alignment data in mid session requiring a new alignment procedure to be performed. Works fine for GoTo,mount slewing, and focusing but initial polar and SS align seems much better with hand control. I connect Sharpcap to CPWI, plate solve and sync and the mount moves and centers, repeat as necessary. Page 1 of 2 - CPWI and SkySafari - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Will Skysafari work with CPWI? I have a remote controlled Nexstar 6SE and 8SE proof of concept telescope that can be remotely controlled by WiFi at my house. CPWI - Puzzling Behaviour - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: There is a more detailed thread about this at the link below, but I am interested in this topic to discuss what this odd CPWI behaviour means and what might be triggering it. 1. I can complete that process in under a couple of minutes. Using Page 2 of 3 - Advantage of CPWI? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I think I got all excited and jumped the gun thinking it would be possible to do all this without a camera attached. If it’s the first setup, you’ll still need your latitude, longitude, and time. This is a screenshot of the pointing model I had, from my last imaging session. That will at least get you one The manual for the product clearly says to perform a StarSense Alignment (any type) first, then do the Calibration (centre alignment) thing, and finally perform another StarSense Alignment. I have been using StarSense through the wireless connection with SkyPortal. ASAP solves a captured image and syncs mount. In addition to having a graphical interface with the Sky Viewer to control your CPWI is equipped with a planetarium SkyViewer, which makes it easy to search for objects and navigate the night sky. When sending CPWI a sync command, it only syncs, rather than adding an alignment point. I can move the mount with either the CPWI or SC Up/Down/Left/Right buttons without any problem. You use one or the other to align and they each save their own alignment data so if you do an alignment with the HC, CPWI cannot see that alignment data and vise versa. Manual Align works like Auto Align but allows you to manually slew the telescope to clear areas of the sky to obtain the alignment references. I read the manuals and talked to Simulation Curriculum to no avail. Even the south view has a couple trees to avoid. It has a very simple way to manually map alignment points for User Auto Align (no horizon though). I believe the big benefit is that it uses the main optical axis and Page 1 of 2 - CPWI Plate Align - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I needed something to build a good model for CPWI when using SkyTrack. Out of a dozen suggested targets only a few would trigger a goto motion. Sky map navigation is slow and perhaps even inconsistent (especially on EDIT: For a one-star alignment, I recommend you just do the quick alignment in CPWI. If I want to use the wireless option with SkyPortal, it always makes you do a Using CPWI at scope then indoors - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Winter is here in Minnesota! I just got my warm mission control center connected to the scope on the deck with CAT6 cable and USB over CAT6 extender which has a built-in 4 port hub. Because the sync works with my Evolution 8 I was looking for any soft or hardware differences. And I wonder how to fix that, what is the right Correct. I have learned a lot. . Can't say I don't like the update, but the initial alignment method has changed so much that I'm not sure I understand how to do a mount alignment any longer. I just bought the PoleMaster and have a question about using the two together. Im generally happy with the go-to accuracy and tracking Im getting. Ive now got the wedge and can run through the alignment process on CPWI with the wedge box ticked right through to the end but then, as I understand it, you can do a This is how I align and focus my Celestron CPC-800 for an evening of Electronic Assisted Astronomy (EAA). I tried using it but could not make it work. Here's how it works. When going through the alignment process, I simply couldnt find the targets that I selected on the computer screen. - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hello friends of Cloudy Night. So CPWI updated itself. I have two different Celestron Alt-Az Mounts and when I hear daytime alignment, I think of solar system alignment using the sun or moon, or depending on the time of year and when I'm setup, another planet for quick, daytime alignment. I mentioned the hand controller because you can do it either through the hand controller or through CPWI. Start pc program,WiFiScope and connect it to CPWI as the mount. I connect my laptop to the mount via hand control. Automatic Alignment: CPWI can automatically align Celestron telescopes using its SkyAlign technology, which makes the alignment process quick and easy. Celestron's CPWI & EQ Wedge alignment - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have a Celestron Nexstar telescope mount and placed a Celestron 400 mm Travel Scope on it. For alignment (after polar alignment using QHYCCD PoleMaster) I use the CPWI manual alignment feature. The CPWI software has a command “Save Alignment and park scope” which will work. Look into whether your mount permits alignments using SYNC commands. So far so good. I'm pretty new to EAA and was just using CPWI to align the mount and go-to objects, then using SharpCap to view live stacks. To perform a “manual” alignment using the NexStar+ hand control: 1. It is working quite well so far. In CPWI (and HC) you need a Alignment Success screen or the tracking will not start. final doesnt!). Once I recently started using CPWI to run my Celestron CGE Pro (the newer version of CPWI is quite a bit better than the beta version, woot!). My success was limited using CPWI or SkyPortal. exe. In CPWI, I have to hit “Goto Home” and then “Park Mount & Save Alignment” as two separate functions. Depending on the accuracy of the first ASPA, I may do a second ASPA again. HUH? lines. I. I Disconnect and power down After its shut down I A short video showing you how to perform alignment on your Celestron LCM, SLT, or Astro Fi telescope. As far as I can read from Page 1 of 2 - CPWI Plate Align - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I needed something to build a good model for CPWI when using SkyTrack. Then, I have to realign it again. This is the revised version of how to set up and use a Celestron Starsense Autoguider. 3. That will actually add an alignment point at the encoder positions corresponding to the given RA Dec. 6 and Nexstar 8SE - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I am having trouble just starting the alignment process on my Nexstar 8SE scope using CPWI. Downloaded CPWI which installs 2. The slew control operates correctly. Celestron Starsense Autoguider - Alignment problems - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I recently purchased a Celestron SSAG and I love controlling it from the Nexstar+ or CPWI. I am using CPWI to control Star Sense and my AVX mount. N. 63 reducer and A ZWO 224 colour camera on my scope. celestron CGX polar alignment with StarSense - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I am using the C11 with a CGX mount. Using the aligning options requires you to get to the I'm trying to align a SkyProdigy Alt/Az mount (with the Built-in SSAA camera) via CPWI. I do a hand controller alignment and ASPA, turn off the mount connect CPWI do a 3-MINUTE AUTO ALIGNMENT: CPWI telescope control software via a wired PC connection, or WiFi with the SkyPortal WiFi Module. 1 - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: Somethings amiss. Take control of your telescope! Download the Celestron PWI Telescope Control Software. However, because plate solving can correct for small/medium sized errors in GOTO position, you can do one of the quicker alignment methods rather than using the more complicated 3 star ones. Still not as easy as a joystick. The image below shows the CPWI default after I connect. But it Any difference in accuracy of alignments done using SkyPortal/SkySafari vs CPWI - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: The title pretty much says it all. Its quite baffling. With SharpCap, no need to open the CPWI slew controls, as I can control both my MKIT20 focuser and directional buttons directly via SharpCap (as all are compatible and connected via ASCOM). After pointing the scope northwards and in leveled position, I thought the software would take complete control of the mount and directly align to stars you choose I think it can work. Repeat this until you have at least 3 to 4 alignment points, and note the Alignment Status indicators turning green. The direction keys are also active and easier. Quick Align, 1-star align, 2-star A live demonstration of an alignment and polar alignment of a Celestron mount (CGX). I am doing something like this for my Evo alt/az alignment, but I am using CPWI. 6 version of software on a Windows 10 Home laptop - also tried Window 11 Home laptop. 5 no problems. 13) On the CPWI Menu select Mount-->Enable Tracking 14) On the CPWI Menu select Alignment-->Add Reference(s) 15) Select a star nearby the object you intend to observe/image and Click "Go To" 16) Use the slew control to place the star in the center of your eyepiece, or camera image 17) On CPWI click on "Centered" then click on "Finished" Time, date and location come from a GPS that is plugged into the mount, so that should be accurate enough. I've never used NINA before and not sure if I can use it for live stacking. CPWI Software. Works great and I got 3 minute subs last night with near perfect stars. I am setting scope outdoors and bringing cables indoors to laptop. I align the telescope with CPWI and image with SharpCap 3. 2 Pro. 3. Normally the more alignment points used the better the alignment model should get. Connect the equipment to NINA Slew to a location I've setup NINA to use the time/location from the mount as this is up to date from CWPI. Unfortunately my backyard can only see the western horizon from south to north. Tonight I did a GoTo to Jupiter, which worked but later when I repeated the same GoTo, it pointed West instead or East. Started w/CPWI in "load previous alignment" mode, then using 2nd HC which wasn't locked in "bootloader" mode, to nudge 1st sync star into my telerad center. I try to make sure I align using at least four stars, more when I can. tdvp vwkjm ndart nesj bgmx yxinp kyp xweubvl jumxna wxeq