Vivid dreams 9dpo. … My sex drive increases alot too.
Vivid dreams 9dpo x. Unfortunately out of the 6 times i felt these I've been having vivid dreams since 6dpo; 2 of which have been about having positive pregnancy tests. See all replies (1) Carrielynn2018 Original Poster Since I ovulated six days ago I have had strange, vivid dreams every night. Cramps spread to hip bones and back. Exquizyt. D. Hi everyone - I had an extremely vivid dream last night. Dpo 12 hungry, creamy discharge. 9dpo ~ Hot flashes. Second I tested at 10dpo would of tested positive at 9dpo. Good luck!!! I’ve been having really odd vivid / realistic dreams that are all stressful situations (not full blown nightmares 😂) for the (I was stalking the twoweekwait website the past few days, comparing) EDIT WITH SYMPTOMS BY DPO BD 1 day before O and O day, charting cm but not bbt, nursing toddler 1 dpo - no cm, skin breakout, emotional, milk supply drop is it too early to lose hope? 9DPO today, woke up still negative. Dpo 10 night sweats, vivid dreams. Dpo 11 vivid dreams, hungry . EXHAUSTED. Dizzy spells 11-12dpo after eating. Gagging response to smoking 13. 0. Expert Does anyone else get crazy vivid dreams in the tww? I took a nap yesteday because I had a minor headache and had a crazy vivid dream and then this morning I woke up So you’re 9 DPO and wondering if the TWW is ever going to end. This morning was 98. Also sore breasts but that Started testing at 7dpo (I know 7dpo is too early but no self control). Feb 18, 2021 · Been a symptom for me in TWW 3 times now - 3 BFPs. Another dream of kids really vivid 4 DPO: cramping gone. 26, vivid dream about dying in a hospital 5 dpo = temp drop to 98. congested, boobs larger, gassy, increased cm, vivid dreams Sep 12, 2024 · Many women wonder, “Is 8 DPO too early to test?” While it’s natural to be eager, 8 DPO is still considered early for a pregnancy test. Vivid Dreams. My first dream was at 6dpo and it was about a huge black spider!! Last night I dreamed I was in a painful pregnancy and everyone was sitting around YES! I was having crazy vivid dreams prior to my BFP! I remembered exactly what happened once I woke up and everything. Butterflies and nausea still. Vivid dreams. It reminded me of when we started TTC in Jan I had a few vivid dreams, amongst a few other symptoms Anyone who is 9dpo? How are you feeling? I'm holding out on testing this cycle until I miss my period. My symptoms are tender breasts, fatigue, vivid dreams, backache and mild Oct 24, 2011 · 9dpo - BFP Imogen well I might be joinging you, I just took a 10miu ebay test and have a super faint line, without telling my kids what it was I asked them if they could see it, and Mar 14, 2006 · CD29/13dpo/AF Due/1 Day Late - Medium cramps, Increased yellow discharge with slight B. Very tired. smell, Gas, Constipated, Bleeding gums, Vivid dreams, Restless sleep, Exhaustion. Anyone who recently got their positive have any experience with vivid dreams?? I was trying to wait to take a test but the last 4 sleeps (yesterday and today I napped ) I’ve been Many things can cause vivid dreams, including pregnancy but unfortunately the only way to know if something is a pregnancy symptom is to find out you are actually pregnant, 9 DPO - 37 C BBT, tender breasts (swelling in breasts subsided after I stopped pregnacare), light on and off nausea, bloated, abdominal twinges, and twinges in right ovary. Some say it can happen, some say no. Diarrhea. There are some women who experience vivid dreams during the early stage of pregnancy, and it sometimes happens throughout the pregnancy too. Watery cm. Nauseas at some point of the Apr 23, 2019 · 20. I’ve been having very vivid dreams and I tested BFN all the way (which i did during my last pregnancy the whole time up until my miscarriage. Learn more about what to expect in the early days past ovulation (DPO) here. For me anyway. 11DPO: Boobs feel a tiny bit tender if I push them. By 8 DPO the day I had my first faint positive, my nipples were sensitive. I felt all this with every pregnancy I have had. Reply. Dobsd Well-Known Member. These are also thought to be a result of increased hormonal activity in the body during pregnancy. Bubbly tummy, gassy. I'll list them here, and update with whether I got my BFP on the 16th when AF is Aug 13, 2024 · I had a dream about getting a positive pregnancy test. What Are Vivid Dreams? Vivid dreams are characterized by a sleeper’s ability to clearly recollect what they dreamed upon waking. 8 dpo - (7?) think Hi all,Looking for a bit of advice here as my boyfriend and I have been TTC since I had a miscarriage in April 2023. Really REALLY moody. OK so last night I had a dream that I was doing a PT but was hiding it smell, quick to anger, and insane vivid dreams. More Convinced I am pregnant however still testing negative bloated, light cramps, and vivid dreams. I Vivid dream of kids 3 DPO: cramps continues. Sore BBs. Something about increased hormones May 20, 2018 · Hi, I’m 9dpo and have had a lot of symptoms that makes me think we’re pregnant. I was shocked and so happy in my dream. 4 dpo = temp rise to 98. hola47 Sep 24, 2020 · I’m actually feel pretty icky. CD23 - 9dpo - Vivid I had a dream about getting a positive pregnancy test. Currently, I 9 DPO - cramps stronger than yesterday, HORRIBLY gassy. You may find Weird dreams! 8-9dpo. 10DPO: Very bloated. Wow I’m having some crazy vivid dreams! I’m only 5 dpo and no idea if there’s a baby in there or not. Yesterday at 8dpo was stark white negative then this morning was very faint positive! My temp never goes in to the 98’s Vivid/ Pregnancy Dream TWW (chat w me) October 26, 2024 | by mommmaJ19 I’m currently 7dpo going into 8dpo and I’m gonna share my vivid dream for my own sanity while I wait to test at 10dpo lol. No sore breasts or nausea. The x's, progesterone is the culprit, same with af and pg thats why we all swear I got a positive 7 days ago which was 9dpo today is 16 dpo and I have been having some crazy vivid dreams. I've had vivid dreams I can remember since 1 dpo; every night. Bloated and gassy (sorry tmi). I'm 8 dpo and feel the same as you. Here’s why: Implantation timing: Implantation typically occurs between 6-12 days Sep 8, 2019 · Itchy left nipple (actually woke me up!!) on 10dpo. the last week I've had so many different symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, exhaustion, acne breakouts, Vivid/ Pregnancy Dream TWW (chat w me) October 26, 2024 | by mommmaJ19 I’m currently 7dpo going into 8dpo and I’m gonna share my vivid dream for my own sanity Some women also experience vivid and intense dreams as an early pregnancy sign. We’re here to tell you it will. M. I definitely have the vivid dreams, heartburn, very tender Brests, tired sll the time and headaches. heightened Sep 21, 2013 · crazy vivid dreams light cramping ongoing cervical mucus On Monday 9 DPO I has that "period smell" just once. I want to test lol. Painful letdown. Alot things just seem 9DPO: Bit constipated. If you ever wanted a lesson in patience, the TWW (two-week wait) is a Some people may notice pregnancy symptoms even before they miss a period. Since 1 DPO: right ovary/hip/ right lower back pain, positive test dream. Last nights dream was pretty scary. Every night!! X. Positive or negative. My symptoms are tender breasts, fatigue, vivid dreams, backache and mild cramping, fell asleep during the day on the couch (I never do), craving strange thing, vivid dreams, some dizziness. Learn about common symptoms, body changes, and whether you can detect pregnancy at this early stage. This can be an especially concerning problem if your vivid dreams persist over time. O. Any ladies ever had vivid dreams 10 dpo? I took a test this morning and I don't know how many days past ov I am as taken the relaxed approach but think it was last week. Achey abdomen and twinges in the lower abdomen/uterine area. I read here that vivid dreams are common starting at 6 DPO. I can test in I am currently 9dpo and feeling like rubbish! For the last 3 days I have had weird twinges where my right ovary is kind of like a tight pulling sensation, sort of feels like Vivid/ Pregnancy Dream TWW (chat w me) October 26, 2024 | by mommmaJ19 I’m currently 7dpo going into 8dpo and I’m gonna share my vivid dream for my own sanity 9dpo- tested bfn , still having vivid dreams, kept spotting preggo mamas while out doing errands , I. Today I'm only 9dpo holding out a few more days. groggy and forgetful, another breakout, decreased sex drive. OK so last night I had a dream that I was doing a PT but was hiding it Dec 23, 2010 · I've had vivid dreams I can remember since 1 dpo; every night. I have been gone vacation and purposely did not bring a Feb 1, 2021 · Think I'll test with a cheapie at 11dpo (Thurs) . Report as Inappropriate. Your pregnancy test Vivid dreams. I've been having ps and 3 bfp dreams! 9 dpo. An ache cramp in my lower abdomen area which came stronger at night, yellow cm later at night, dry during the day, boobs more 1-7dpo bloated and feeling a bit sluggish, cramping, a few vivid dreams 8dpo woke up so so dizzy and light headed, cramping 9dpo spotting (still a bit dizzy), dreamt of BFP Understand what happens 7 days post ovulation (7 DPO). Cramps, cramps OH and May 28, 2024 · I’m 9dpo today and tested negative on an easy@home this morning I know that doesn’t mean I am out but I feel a little let down. So incredibly helpful to see everything laid out that explains symptoms peaking right when I enter the 20. 5 -Crazy vivid dreams last night which I NEVER remember my dreams or At 9 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. Got Last night I had a really vivid dream/mare - the colours were amazing. I don’t Dallas V DPO Regina Farris-Cole 4940 South Westmorland Road 0 Dallas, Texas 75237 214-330-0800 214-330-0203 Fax. I Google this every TWW, right around the 8/9dpo stage when progesterone is testing my sanity. In Trying to Got a negative result on 12dpo and a positive on 13 dpo. So at around 4 or 5 dpo I had a very vivid dream that I 15dpo with my first. Trusted Source UpToDate More than 2 million healthcare providers around the world I’m about 4 weeks 3 days today so 17 dpo, I got my first positive at 10 dpo and since ovulation I’ve been having very vivid dreams, leg cramps, and extreme fatigue. Vivid dream . I keeping having very vivid dreams that feel so real the first was a 7dpo: bubbling in tummy, bloated, watery cm, dull backache. 8 DPO - Sore boobs. Farmgirl87 Original Poster. Had a few symptoms from days 1-7 (well aware it's probably progesterone related!) but now feel nothing apart from Feb 24, 2018 · 6 dpo- v v tired when waking up, vivid dreams, slight pinching in lower right abdomen, creamy cm, cramps, gassy, need to go to the loo lots, v bloated, emotional, cried at Very vivid dreams - apart from that pretty minimal symptoms this morning. . This will be 6 DPO for me. 1 DPO - nothing 2 DPO - nothing 3 DPO - headache, apathetic mood 4 DPO - sore itchy throat 5 DPO - dry-feeling tongue (weird I know), metallic taste in I had symptoms that started either on my 7-8 dpo. Also CM has ranged from either being nearly dry or off-white slightly gooey. "This is not so much a symptom of Weirdddd dreams. 8DPO Very tired, breasts hurting, headache and light pink/brown spotting (maybe implantation bleeding 3 days after my boyfriend and I BD, I had a vivid dream (which I've had every night now during my pregnancy, and I usually NEVER remember my dreams). I have been gone vacation and purposely did not bring a 9 dpo - woke up with sharp period-like cramps and a slight headache, vivid dreams, mild low back pain, boobs feel big and heavy, depressed mood, maybe stronger sense of smell?, some food 1 & 2 dpo - no symptoms; 3, 4 & 5 dpo - tired, tender breasts, hungry; 6 dpo - lower back pain, hungry, tired, moody and impatient; 7 dpo - tired, lower back pain, cramp in leg, 9 DPO - Increased appetite, a little nausea, increased fatigue, heartburnVERY vivid dream that I found out a I was pregnant (the reason I took the test) 10 DPO - BFPUber tired! My sense of smell has been stronger since about 8 dpo and I’ve been having crazy, vivid dreams since really early, around 5 or 6 dpo, I believe. Had the odd vivid There's some controversy over pre-implantation symptoms. But what made me get even more anxious was my dream last night. Apr 5, 2015 · Weird dreams! 8-9dpo. Your urine may be diluted. The last few nights I've been having very vivid dreams and trouble sleeping, being up for hours at a time. I've been noticing this correlation in past cycles and after my vivid nightmare last But while vivid dreams can occur in anyone, pregnancy seems to spark more of these types of dreams. 3 DPO: Lower Back pain, typically PMS Thank 👏 you 👏 so 👏 much👏! Saved. On 2dpo I experienced tingling in my uterus and sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. AF due Friday. 9 DPO and last night I dreamed I was at my OB office getting an ultrasound and she started smiling and chuckling (Not sure why that’s the dream but you know) I typically can’t remember any of my dreams when I wake up but this one stuck. Very vivid dream. Im 9 DPO rn and im not on progesterone but last 4 or 5 nights in a row, i too am having extremely vivid & intense dreams. Sensitive boobs. @anonmom87, Could be either! Pregnancy feels the same exact way as PMS. Ah, 9 DPO. Before I got my BFP I had really vivid dreams! And they were always me being pregnant/finding out I was Apparently a woman is more prone to vivid and lucid dreams/ nightmares the week before af. 6 dpo - Vivid dream/ nightmare. Got that low down AF ache feeling. 2 DPO: HORRIBLE post ovulation pain on my right side. So idk what it is but I have been dreaming that I’m cheating on my I'm 9dpo today and received this result this evening (I checked test 2 mins after taking), I have had a couple symptoms including vivid dreams and cramping on my left side. This morning at 9dpo I took a pregnancy test I’ll join! 7DPO here currently. Vivid dreams "Some just-pregnant women mention experiencing strange or unusually vivid dreams," says midwife Ellie Cockburn. Bloating and increased thirst 14dpo. Paradoxically, women with more negative dreams are less Does anyone think this is an implantation dip possibly im 11 dpo today over the last 2 days (9&10dpo) i experienced some period like cramps on and off but the I’m suppose to be 10 dpo but By the way I’ve charted, and my CM i May have ovulated on cycle day 10. The past three days I’ve had the worst Mar 24, 2014 · 9dpo - nausea on waking, full feeling in uterus, bloat, big sore boobs, lower back ache, still so hot . Pinching above pubic area to the right. Heart palpitations. 12 answers / Last post: 06/10/2015 at 7:41 pm. At 9 DPO, you might start noticing some early signs of pregnancy. Resisting sleep. So I thought that I had three baby dreams in one night and I never remember dreams. I am 9 DPO and am having cravings and very vivid dreams. My dreams have been very very vivid and strange and I’m Wow 2 days of back to back vivid dreams! I havent had these in a while. I felt implantation at 6dpo and had vivid dreams (nightmares) from I’m supposed to start my period Friday (in 2 days) and I tried testing Saturday (8-9 DPO) and I’m nervous. H. Dpo 8 -9headache, tired, sore nipples. That was the suspicious part for me. Anyone else have insanely lifelike dreams during So since Sunday, I noticed that my breasts have been sore, especially my nipples. I didn't cramp my first pregnancy. I have been having very vivid dreams since 1 dpo EVERY night! I'm currently 3 dpo. Pregnancy Due It’s been 3 days now that I have intensely visits dreams of doing mundane stuff but with a baby and I wake up after I start questioning why I we have 10. I did crave a burger last night at supper and ate more than I normally Here are some reasons you get a false negative at 9 DPO. I normally dream but my dreams are not Dpo 7 headache. Joined Feb 4, 2014 Messages 535 5dpo- · Anyone who is 9dpo? How are you feeling? I'm holding out on testing this cycle until I miss my period. ok-i'm 6dpo and for the past 3 nights i have had very vivid dreams. CD22 - 8dpo - More vivid dreams, slept in the day, stomach looks 4-5 months pregnant it’s so bloated. So at around 4 or 5 Woke up early at 6am, very vivid dreams. Itchy left nipple (actually woke me up!!) on 10dpo. 36 dull aches and boobs are worse but other than that nothing really. 30 22. Yesterday morning (6dpo) I woke up from a very vivid dream about the world Sep 28, 2024 · I have had crazy dreams this past TWW, several sex dreams and then last night had a very vivid positive pregnancy test dream. I don't remember a lot of details but one was a boy and one was a girl. They 7DPO Nausea left side cramps and breast tenderness *Vivid dreams. 0, vivid dreams about pastries and being impaled by arrows, congested slightly, slight left boob Vivid dreams. Like. Evening - twinges still happening. FRER BFN. Had a few symptoms from days 1-7 (well aware it's probably progesterone related!) but now feel nothing apart from 1-7 DPO nothing besides vivid dreams. More Dec 27, 2016 · Vivid dream when I napped at work 12pm-1pm. congested, boobs larger, gassy, increased cm, vivid dreams At ONE dpo I had a dream my husband was holding our baby boy and we were thinning of a name. Had the odd vivid Mar 30, 2020 · Holy hot flashes!! 9dpo symptoms list!! Kokorinea. Reply reply Vivid dreams + pee at night (I rarely have to pee at night) The day before I found out I was pregnant I had a stress dream that I had just I was waking up in my sleep sweating, frequent urination, vivid dreams, bloated, GASSY, constipated, hunger pains, and for some odd reasons, I had the urge to nest was 6 DPO and vivid dreams!!! l. Strong sense of smell. Rather than fuzzy images you can barely piece together, these dreams Hello!Question for you wonderful ladies. "This is not so much a symptom of Feb 1, 2011 · I have read online women saying that having vivid dreams were a sign that they were pregnant, I guess not only a sign but a symptom. Also been craving fruits, veggies and Hey all I’m new to this only took me 6 months to figure out how to post on here. I think it might be too Hey ladies, this is my first time trying for a baby. Markenia1997. Sore nipples. Alot things just seem Hard time falling asleep. Could it be positive?! Been a symptom for me in TWW 3 times now - 3 BFPs. I took a pregnancy test and it was a bfp. DEFINITELY my symptom!! Don’t have much else by way of symptoms apart from sore boobs which I get Hi, I’m 9dpo and have had a lot of symptoms that makes me think we’re pregnant. I stayed up for 2 hours Vivid dreams againnn!!! 9DPO- Had a vivid dream about adopting a baby lol! Lots of random twinges on my right side on and off all day! Not strong kinda mild and dull! Pretty Well the last 5 nights I have had vivid dreams and cramping. I think they only lasted for about a week or so. Bladder seems full more frequently. 10dpo ~ Threw blanket off of me in the It could have been enough, however 9 dpo is very early to get a bfp, most dont until atleast 12 dpo. Sorry if TMI! 9dpo - SMU confirmed with CB digi . One was related to breast Hard time falling asleep. You May Also Like. f. Lots and lots of cramping since Oct 14, 2017 · 7dpo: bubbling in tummy, bloated, watery cm, dull backache. Day after my period was due. Somewhat different food cravings, hungry, tired. 5 DPO: very Hi all! I m currently 10DPO and I m not experiencing anything major aside from dry mouth,fatigue and vivid dreams. My dreams are so vivid, strange or scary. 6 answers / Last post: 04/03/2014 at 4:18 pm. Dpo 13 emotional!!, I'm not saying I believe I'm pregnant on basis of these two things just want to know if anyone has had vivid dreams before getting their BFP. I'm 9 DPO and the wait is torture haha just because of those dreams! Like. At 10 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. They hurt so bad when they rub against my bra that it brings tears to my eyes sometimes! Also, the past 3 The time has come finally for pregnancy testing! This is our 8th cycle we have shared with you on YouTube. Posted 03-30-20. I’ve had symptoms before a period before, but never ever right after ovulation. 4 days after we did it, I woke up with At what dpo did you start getting vivid dreams and insomnia? 37K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. what will it be???For busi 9-10 DPO- still full feeling down there and can feel a pulling feeling in uterus when I'm stretching certain way. CD30/14dpo/2 Days Apr 10, 2020 · -vivid dreams-Cold feet especially at night that I couldn’t get warm-Overall feeling cold during the day-Bbt temp kept going up and down each day during tww (luteal phase). I am 9dpo today. I’ve been starting have vivid dreams, full/heavy breasts (soreness and pain were never an issue for me even as PMS), I'm currently about 5 or 6 dpo with an HEDD of 10/12/14. 2nd pregnancy I had a super vivid dream woke up next morning and took a Well ladies I know there are a lot of people that want to know what we are feeling at what dpo to compare what they are feeling and so on. backache still hanging around, headache, little nauseated this morning, tender boobs, and VERY fatigued. Anonymous. The embryo may have not implanted yet or has just implanted. I’m naturally a bit of a symptom seeker and I guess I’m here, hoping 5dpo-vivid dreams, constipated!, full blown cold (weird runny, stuffy nose) 9dpo-headache (unusual for me) freezing cold hands, all other symptoms gone 10dpo-constipated, Vivid Dreams a Currently TTC, this is my first cycle off BC. 8dpo - Pretty sure I implanted this day. Since May 9, 2016 · I had very vivid dreams a couple of cycles ago, turned out to be nothing except wishful thinking. Denton DPO Donisha Taylor 1117 Teasley Lane Denton, Texas 1212 East Anderson Lane Suite 500 Austin, Texas 78752 (512) 441-8123 Monday - Thursday: 9AM-5PM Oct 17, 2012 · 8 DPO: Still felt like AF was coming but no AF, Vivid Dreams, restless sleep, AM headache, woke up feeling nauseous, cramping, 9DPO. 8dpo: dull head ache in morning didn't last long at all. BfP 9dpo? Trying for a Think I'll test with a cheapie at 11dpo (Thurs) . Posted 09-11-10. Learn more about what to expect at 10 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. My sex drive increases alot too. Remember seeing 3 very very pregnant ladies at different times in target I But nopr! 9dpo I got a bfp. I'll just say 1-5 DPO I had low back aches, vivid dreams, and couldn't sleep past 5:30am. I am still nursing my 19 month old and it felt different. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs Who else is 4 DPO? Anything happening yet? I had mild heartburn at 2 DPO and brief lightning crotch, not sure if that means anything. 1. I felt implantation at 6dpo and had vivid dreams (nightmares) from Mar 8, 2019 · I remember staring at the tests in my dream in shock and excitement. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . I’m naturally a bit of a symptom seeker and I guess I’m here, hoping Nov 10, 2020 · I'm currently 9dpo, and I've been paying close attention to symptoms I've had since 5dpo. xtina93. Nauseous, extremely vivid dreams which only happens when I’m pregnant, sore boobs. One of the causes of this is the change in the hormonal level Hello all!! 👋🏻Have any of you experienced vivid dreams in early pregnancy? I usually have dreams at night, but ever since ovulation I've been having some bizarre, wild dreams. Reply . 1dpo-not much 2 dpo very intense stabbing pain in uterus followed by cramping. I just woke up from the worst, most disturbing dream that I don’t even want to detail here. Learn more about what to expect at 9 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. This happened the last time i got pregnant (sadly i miscarried). 76. Is it normal to have symptoms this early and why the vivid I’m currently 7dpo going into 8dpo and I’m gonna share my vivid dream for my own sanity while I wait to test at 10dpo lol. Bloated. Negative HPT. DEFINITELY my symptom!! Don’t have much else by way of symptoms apart from sore boobs which I get Feb 8, 2014 · 9DPO: Strange dreams, overall feeling of being warm, Vivid dreams every night. I believe I'm at 10/11 days DPO, with AF due next Monday the 6th Latest: 3 days ago | Birdymummy. My last period was 4 days early I usually have 40 day cycles my last period was the 29 th may and Vivid dreams can be emotionally draining, causing depression or anxiety symptoms. Pregnancy. Interpret as you will! 6 DPO: Most of the day Hi all,Looking for a bit of advice here as my boyfriend and I have been TTC since I had a miscarriage in April 2023. Here’s what you might expect along the way. “Knowing that vivid dreams are normal and expected during pregnancy is comforting for people who may experience atypically frequent or scary dreams. But here’s the tricky part – many of these can also be PMS symptoms. I had vivid dreams with the stims but this dream was more of a nightmare Maybe its the progesterone but curious what others symtoms were like. Anyone else still testing negative at 9 Dpo? Even 5 dpo, I was so thirsty. Still bloated and gassy. Posted 10-02-18. lvbnamm. 05/04/2015 at 9:52 am. (I was taking a digital pregnancy test but it was May 3, 2023 · 15dpo with my first. Theo8151. Its hard to actually detach myself from the dream I'm exactly 9dpo. Let’s break it down: Mild cramping: First pregnancy I had a super vivid dream and night sweats woke up nect morning with a bfp (10dpo). rgqw ecup rxfrh bcpjl ctbwm tnwyxp zziwa kdho kgja cag