What is securitization in politics In the last decade, research on securitization has grown significantly. Thirdly, the level of analysis. define de-securitization as a process whereby issues are shifted from emergency mode and placed into the normal political process. Bush administration in the United States and the impact of the events of 11 September 2001 Concepts of politics in securitization Ulrik Pram Gad U and Karen Lund Petersen, pp. Advocating for more research at different levels, Buzan and Waever differ between different scales of securitization and what they called “macrosecuritization” (). Rather, it takes a more limited, formal, zoomed-out approach that looks at major characteristics of existing ST research; we offer a corpus-based review of securitization research over the past 25 years, whereby each article The ongoing securitization dynamic has diametrically contrasting effects on democracy policies, leaving the EU, national governments, and security organizations with an increasingly split personality. Securitization and state encroachment on the energy sector: Politics o Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar Transnational securitisation of identity: distinctions between securit Securitization and the Global Politics of Cybersecurity Dr Mark Lacy, Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University Dr Daniel Prince, School of Computing and Communication, Lancaster University . Political actors use discourse to identify existential threats and seek legitimation from an audience for the exceptional measures necessary to handle them. , a higher degree of securitization Critical security theory is particularly interested in the securitization of the migratory phenomenon by politics. The present review article does not aim to settle all these debates by entering the various theoretical minefields on which they take place. While much has been written about the discursive and communicative aspects of securitizing, the concept of ‘act’ that contains much of the politicality of the speech-act approach to security has been relatively ignored. , an issue out of what [is] “normal politics” []. Securitization is done differently at different levels of analysis. The article argues that there are a number of concepts of politics in play in the current debates on securitization theory and that greater awareness regarding these conceptual differences helps clarify not only theoretical differences but also the possibilities for new theoretical development and reflection. Security, the Translation, Security Dialogue Holger Stritzel, pp. 28 For a sociological approach to securitization, by contrast, ‘exceptionalism’ is but an extreme possibility inherent to ‘deontic powers’. For Wæver (2015 and 2000), securitisation theory was built to protect politics against the disproportionate power of the state by placing the success and failure of securitisation in the hands of the audience, rather than in the securitising actor. For theorists of securitization, this is not surprising. Claudia Aradau’s work has largely served to define this debate, with Aradau arguing that securitization/security is an inherently negative conception inasmuch as its mode of extraordinary politics necessarily both institutionalizes fast-track decisionmaking Copenhagen School securitization theory has made significant inroads into the study of security in Western Europe. e. For COVID-19 this entails “securitizing” moves that frame the pandemic as a catastrophic threat, and “de-securitizing” moves that frame it as a manageable situation amenable to public policy interventions. Securitization in international relations and national politics is the process of state actors transforming subjects from regular political issues into matters of "security Click the card to flip 👆 Indeed, to study securitization is to unravel the process by which a securitizing actor induces an audience to agree with a given interpretation of an event or a set of events. While mainstream German political parties adopted a neutral stance I think that this has to be a good thing. 357 –83CrossRef Google Scholar; and Vuori, J. Migration, securitization and the question of political community in the EU8. Pandemic politics, securitization, and crisis management in Britain - Volume 13 Issue 4. For Waever, de-securitization is preferred to securitization as securitization in most instances, may end in loss of human life (Waever 1998). Securitization Theory regards desecuritization as a long-term goal normatively, arguing that issues should be solved within the political realm where political debate and discussion are possible. This emphasis shares a foundational assumption with securitization theory: security politics enact the politics of exceptionalism. The chapter also presents four empirical cases in securitization research—migration, religion, the environment and climate change, and health (including how COVID-19 has been Briefly: 'political securitization practices', 'the political in securitization analysis' and 'the politics of securitization theory'. , & McCluskey, E. As China continues to rise and expand its influence in the South China Seas, threatened neighboring states will balance against it. The first sense in which the expression is used is obviously important, and almost all of securitization studies is a cumulative effort to explore the phenomena to which it refers. In The Oxford Handbook of International Security (pp. Here securitization undoubtedly becomes an ethically and morally laden issue that by its very nature is stigmatized as bad. The ‘Essence’ of securitization: Theory, Securitization theorists hold that “national security” is a social and political construct, rather than a rational response to an external world rife with self-evident dangers. We know more and more about Taking the securitization of the recent influx of refugees from the Middle East to Europe as a case in point, it is argued that one of the reasons for the strong trend of securitization is rooted in the fact that diverse political camps (which in other political arenas would pursue rather different policies) contribute to the observed strong trend of securitizing the influx of Abstract: The purpose of this article is to revisit the normatively defined debate over securitization as a negative conception. 116-130). Toeing the line with Howell and Richter they concluded that the securitization theory is a coded For Wæver (2015 and 2000), securitisation theory was built to protect politics against the disproportionate power of the state by placing the success and failure of securitisation in the hands of the audience, rather than in the securitising actor. Conclusion: the politics of framing The sustained securitization of schools is an outgrowth of multiple social and political forces. regimes. Securitization has been basically linked to security as a speech act and to the facilitating conditions which make it more or less likely. The spectre of populism looms large in contemporary politics and international relations. After 9/11, there has been a new wave of securitization, as securitization viewed as a theoretical tool that facilities actors’ analysis but rather we get to see securitization from the point of view of the securitizing actor, namely as a political method. She has ghostwritten political, health, and Christian nonfiction books for several authors, However, for the securitisation of white supremacy to be just, the following criteria must also be satisfied: right intention (‘the right intention of securitization is the just cause’), proportionality (‘the expected good gained from securitization must be greater than the expected harm from securitization’), and reasonable chance of success (‘the chances of achieving the just cause From border walls and fences, to the growth of far-Right politics and populism across Europe and beyond, a consensus has emerged that host countries, predominantly, view migration through the lens of security and threat. Instead of deducing the political quality of the theory from various empirical statements by its proponents, The purpose of this article is to revisit the normatively defined debate over securitization as a negative conception. Instead it produces funds for future investment without balance sheet growth. However, it also effectively fragmented ST into different theories of securitization 12 From border walls and fences, to the growth of far-Right politics and populism across Europe and beyond, a consensus has emerged that host countries, predominantly, view migration through the lens of security and The aim of the chapter is to provide a closer look at the Copenhagen School of security Footnote 1 and its proposition of securitisation theory. Having disaggregated ‘state security’ into several sectors (military, political, societal, economic, and ecological), Buzan argues that ‘the question of when a threat becomes a national security issue depends not just on what type of threat it is, and how much the recipient state Briefly: 'political securitization practices', 'the political in securitization analysis' and 'the politics of securitization theory'. It is structured around initiatives such as the journal International Political Sociology and the network Doingips, as well as scholars such as Didier Bigo, Anastassia Download Citation | The Politics of Securitization in Democratic Indonesia | The book presents a novel analytical perspective on Indonesia's security policies during its transition to democracy. X) The concept of ‘securitization’ has become particularly influential in the post-9/11 world. This article makes a claim for re-engaging the concept of ‘act’ in the study of securitization. 171 – 201 CrossRef Google Scholar; Strizel, H. Securitization theory, in its most basic form, considers security as intersubjectively constructed via speech acts. His research interests include ethnonational politics and religio-political challenges. Claudia Aradau’s work has largely served to define this debate, with Aradau arguing that securitization/security is an inherently negative conception inasmuch as its mode of extraordinary politics necessarily both institutionalizes fast-track The Politics of Securitization. Oxford University Press. One of the great appeals of securitization theory, and a major reason for its success, has been its usefulness as a tool for empirical research: an analytic framework capable of practical application. However, the development of securitization has raised several criticisms, the most important of which concern the nature of securitization theory. 00217. In ‘Digital disaster, cyber security, and the Copenhagen school’, published in 2009, Lene Hansen and Helen Nissenbaum suggest ways in which securitization theory can help understand the politics of cybersecurity and cyberwar. Jun 2005. If successful, securitization justifies the use of extraordinary measures to counter the threat. There are two reasons for this. Securitization in international relations and national politics is the process of state actors transforming subjects from regular political issues into matters of "security": thus enabling extraordinary means to be used in the name of security. Across the globe, parties, leaders and movements have risen to power that claim to represent Bigo, D. The flexibility of securitization transactions also helps issuers tai- Securitization theory is mainly associated with the Copenhagen School . The Limits of ‘Securitization’: Power, Politics and Process in US Foreign Economic Policy CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENTS IN WORLD POLITICS APPEAR TO HAVE created an unusually propitious environment for academic fads. SECURITIZATION THEORY: LEGITIMACY IN SECURITY POLITICS | 247 • State actors claim that the secular state is threatened by terrorist Islam- ists who want to establish sharia – therefore they enforce restrictive re-ligious policies and ban religious groups. Within this theory, power is derived from the use of ‘appropriate’ words in conformity with established rules governing speech acts. This is demonstrated by the invention and use of the term Indo-Pacific, The prime claim of the theory of securitization is that the articulation of security produces a specific threatening state of affairs. In modern politics, security is a phenomenon, which may be seen as a complex institution beyond any ordinary concept. 374 Security Dialogue 42(4-5) Securitization of Politics and Insecuri ty in Nigeria: The Boko . Access through your Migration, securitization and the question of political community in the EU8. Since it was launched in the mid-1990s, the concept of securitization has consistently been in vogue, at least among European scholars of world politics and security studies. Securitization is a means of politics and the processes collectively described as securitization are The main purpose of the article is to begin the framing of a research agenda that asks what political acts can be in diffuse security processes that efface securitizing speech acts. The securitization focused on the refugee crisis and the effects that the refugees would have on Germany and its citizens. The rise of China has led to the securitization of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. refer to politics as an act, in the second conversation politics is inherently tied to the institutional or spatial structures of government - the state, the public, the political field, spheres, sectors or function. It argues that this shift is a conceptual impossibility in securitisation theory, in which by definition an issue cannot be ‘security’ and part of ‘normal politics’ simultaneously. Haram Experience . In fact, the appropriate methods, the research puzzles and type of evidence accepted all derive to a great extent from the kind of theory scholars bequeath their faith to. 315-328 Securitization as a causal mechanism Steffano Guzzini, pp. However, it also effectively fragmented ST into different theories of securitization 12 Thus, securitization is the process where issues turn into matters of security through political intervention; these ‘security matters’ are then taken outside the boundaries of normal politics and the mainstream ‘rules of the game’ and are subsequently treated as special kinds of politics or beyond politics, therefore potentially justifying actions that fall out of the ordinary A political audience is defined as an entity whose support for (or lack of resistance to) securitization is not needed under state norms but is viewed as an essential condition for completing a Securitization theory seeks to explain the politics through which (1) the security character of public problems is established, (2) the social commitments resulting from the collective acceptance that a phenomenon is a threat are fixed and (3) the possibility of a particular policy is created. Major states in this region have come together through the creation of the term Indo-Pacific to counter China’s expansionary measures. Bush administration in the United States and the impact of the events of 11 September 2001 In modern politics, security is a phenomenon, which may be seen as a complex institution beyond any ordinary concept. European Journal of International Relations. The structure and nature of a theory can have systematic political implications. 1 Another important definition is the one provided by Balzacq: [securitisation is] an articulated assemblage of practices whereby heuristic For theorists of securitization, this is not surprising. Conclusion: the politics of framing . The process by which an issue becomes defined as a ‘security issue’, that is understood as an existential threat to a referent object (most commonly, but not necessarily, a state) requiring in response the adoption of exceptional Securitization theory provides a powerful lens for understanding how seemingly ordinary issues can be transformed into urgent security threats, demanding extraordinary measures. The concept of ‘securitization’ has become particularly influential in the post-9/11 world. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. • Non-state actors claim that the just Islamic society is threatened by re- pressive corrupt leaders who constrain religious considerable political theatre. 1 Yet, multiple studies have also shown that this so-called ‘securitisation’ of migration is not inevitable but is the outcome of a top-down process The aim of the chapter is to provide a closer look at the Copenhagen School of security Footnote 1 and its proposition of securitisation theory. A. Guzzini identifies these interests and categorizes it into (1) securitization as a process and a framework for analysis Footnote 15; (2) securitization as an empirical theory of security Footnote 16; and (3) securitization as a political theory of security Footnote 17 (Guzzini, quoted in Hansen 2011: 331). Show details Hide details. For them, the language of security and existential threat enables extraordinary and exceptional practices. threats are constructed. , ‘The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context’, European Journal of International Relations, 11: 2 (2005), pp. 2007. Keywords Copenhagen School, critical theory, securitization theory, conceptual history, concept of politics Introduction Securitization of an issue also hinders public-political debate because the security realm has its own mentality, means, and dynamics. In other words, how migration is transformed by politicians into a security issue In security studies, the meaning of the term “securitization” ranges from a process where an “issue is presented as an existential threat, requiring emergency measures and justifying actions outside normal bounds of political procedure” (Buzan, Waever, and de Wilde 1998, 23–24) to a process “whereby an issue is moved from normal politics into the realm of Afghanistan’s political system has not developed beyond (or: devoluted into) a first-stage social system that fulfills the prime system function of territorial demarcation by adjusting to the problem of different authority claims on the same territory by constitutive wars; yet it is a political system. Instead of deducing the political quality of the theory from various empirical statements by its proponents, The politics of securitization accordingly becomes sharpened. In recent years, it has also begun to gain a presence elsewhere. We know more and more about Securitization: A term used in the discipline (and increasingly the practice) of International Relations, to indicate a process whereby an actor declares that a valued referent object is existentially threated by something or someone, necessitating the use of extraordinary measures to ensure the object’s continuous survival. Given the worldwide prevalence of mainstream approaches to security, the nature of peripheral international relations, and the Western Briefly: ‘political securitization practices’, ‘the political in securitization analysis’ and ‘the politics of securitization theory’. The process of securitization is what in language theory is called a speech act. 56 Identifying some- political issues, enabling a fuller capture of a phenomenon as multifaceted as securitiza- tion. 5 %PDF-1. Informed by Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization and critical security theory, I argue that the political issues, enabling a fuller capture of a phenomenon as multifaceted as securitiza- tion. The particular orientation of the George W. Wæver also voiced his preference for ‘desecuritisation’ – a return to normal politics. Securitization and Exceptionalism. D . Hence, there is a moral-legal problematique surrounding securitization, which Put simply, securitization theory focuses on the role of institutional actors such as political leaders in articulating and labeling threats, emphasizing how it is these actors’ position of power over the wider public and ability to Referencing his FirstView article for the European Journal of International Security (EJIS), Thorsten Wojczewski examines populism in contemporary politics and international relations. , ‘Towards a theory of securitization: Copenhagen and beyond’, European Journal of International Relations, 13: 3 (2007), pp. 13 Securitization theory also intersects with speech act theory, Schmitt’s political realism, Bourdieu’s sociology and Foucault’s theory of governmentality. an opposition alliance in competitive authoritarian. However, further elaboration has been called for, often entailing a diversified reading of Securitization is the process of transforming a group of income-producing assets into an investable security. Unlike conventional debt, securitization does not inflate a company’s liabilities. By examining the onset as well as the ebbs and flows of these forces, this article reveals particular contexts and historical moments when (openings for) alternatives to securitization emerge or prevail. This manuscript demonstrates how the use of securitization by the German political party the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has gained them votes in the German federal elections. 73 Common approaches draw on Pierre Bourdieu or Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory: for an overview, see Bueger, Christian and Gadinger, Frank, International Practice Theory: New Perspectives (Basingstoke: This article shows how we can use the securitization framework to study extreme history politics. First, it is important to realise that securitisation is one of the few International Relations (the discipline) and security studies’ concepts that has managed to gain traction in other academic fields and – at least the word “securitization” – also in the policy-making world. Discusses the dynamics of securitization in the military, Securitization theory seeks to explain the politics through which (1) the security character of public problems is established, (2) the social commitments resulting from the collective acceptance that a phenomenon is a threat are fixed and (3) Securitization of an issue also hinders public-political debate because the security realm has its own mentality, means, and dynamics. Securitization has initially been defined as the discursive process with respect to the construction of intersubjective meaning within political communities, whereby something is treated as an existential threat vis-à-vis referent objects. CQ Library American political resources opens in new tab; Data Planet A universe of data opens in new tab; SAGE Business Cases Real-world cases at your fingertips opens in new tab; SAGE Campus Online skills and methods courses opens in new tab; SAGE Knowledge The ultimate social science library opens in new tab; SAGE Research Securitization, fear politics, and the formation of. 3 Since the concept of securitization was first formulated in the 1990s,4 securitization theory has developed into an exceptionally successful framework, so much so indeed that securitization has become an “analytical shorthand for the political construction of security” in general. It is not a specific term only concerning a particular area: While security is This chapter introduces securitization theory, situating its intellectual roots and tracing its emergence and evolution as a framework for analysis, and spelling out its main concepts and dimensions. (DOI: 10. This article considers what the full securitization of climate change would This article makes a claim for re-engaging the concept of ‘act’ in the study of securitization. In doing so, it will focus on the discussion on the main conceptual building blocks of the theory, outlining their characteristics and critique reflected in the current securitisation literature. The Politics of Securitization and the Muhammad Cartoon Crisis: A post-structuralism perspective These insecurities function as a normalised and banal effect of the securitization process and represent significant normalised violence that is an outcome of securitization while simultaneously functioning in the context of normal politics. Investors benefit from more than just a greater range of investible assets made available through securitization. Ethem Ilbiz & Christian Kaunert. He sees the political core of securitization not in Schmittian decisionism with its strict division of the normal and exceptional, but in terms of ‘extraordinary’ politics, Buzan et al. The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context. 343-355. Also from SAGE Publishing. In fact, the appropriate (de)securitization theory is to identify what, when, where and how an issue is moved from being part of the normal environment of politics to become a threat to security and beyond normal politics – and the other way around. The idea of viewing security as intersubjective, Language is a clear indicator of political change. 1111/J. Issues that become securitized do not necessarily represent issues that are essential to the objective survival Securitisation theory challenges traditional approaches to security in IR and asserts that issues are not essentially threatening in themselves; Outlines the concept of securitization as a speech act that follows a specific grammar and rhetorical structure. Instead of deducing the political quality of the theory from various empirical statements by its proponents, There has been a growing awareness of the implications of climate change for national, international and human security. International political sociology (IPS) is an interdisciplinary field and set of approaches at the crossroads of international relations theory and other disciplines such as sociology, geography and anthropology. Thierry Balzacq. His main research and teaching interests lie in the areas of securitization theory, crisis management, protest and This chapter sets out an original conceptual framework for analysing the shift of ‘security’ from discursive and institutional arenas of ‘exceptional politics’ to ‘normal politics’. While much has been written about the discursive and communicative aspects of securitizing, the securitization Source: A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations Author(s): Simon RushtonSimon Rushton. It means tracking what kinds of This article outlines three ways of analysing the ‘politics of securitization’, emphasizing an often-overlooked form of politics practised through theory design. The contention that US foreign economic policy is increasingly subject to a process of securitization misrepresents the For Wæver (2015 and 2000), securitisation theory was built to protect politics against the disproportionate power of the state by placing the success and failure of securitisation in the hands of the audience, rather than in the securitising actor. Political critique often mobilizes the priority of constitutional and fundamental rights, institutional. The article argues that there are a number of concepts of politics in play in the current debates on securitization theory and that greater awareness regarding these conceptual differences helps clarify not only This article explores the concept of securitization and the ways in which these practices are applied in the field of migration. Securitization refers to a speech act or discursive process in which an actor makes a claim that some referent object, deemed worthy of survival, is existentially threatened. Shipoli argues that securitization is done differently at domestic level, at international level (), and at systematic Securitization pools assets and repackages them into interest-bearing securities. De-securitizing migration: Security knowledge and concepts of the political9. 10 world politics. Investors are paid the interest and principal payments from these securitized assets. To deliver its intended effects, securitisation relies on two messaging techniques that magnify the significance of the issue that government may want to exploit. 2 Introduction In ‘Digital Disaster, Cyber Security, and the Copenhagen School,’ published in 2009, Lene Securitization and state encroachment on the energy sector: Politics o Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar Transnational securitisation of identity: distinctions between securit Security Dialogue, 2011. Securitization theory has been an incredibly fruitful approach for the study of security. What this suggests is that even though Asia is a very different operational environment for the securitization of health threats, the social and political transformations witnessed in the region over the past 30 years might be creating sufficiently similar power and authority structures to enable securitization to be useful in a mainstream, Copenhagen-style way. Anyone you share the following link with will be The politics of (de-)securitization is a process of contestation. The securitization paradigm is crucial for understanding how extremist ideologies are constructed as existential threats, Hayat has held various high-level positions at different institutions. 6 %âãÏÓ 115 0 obj >stream hÞ23V0P°±ÑwÎ/Í+Q0Ð ©,HÕ÷/-ÉÉÌK-¶³ 0Š © endstream endobj 116 0 obj >stream hÞì™ÍjÛ@ Ç_ežÀÚ™ý†`HÜ (DOI: 10. This paper aims to scrutinize and, ultimately, reject an emerging set of claims about political economy which draw upon this framework. Thus, a study of securitization blends questions of persuasion and linguistic competence to place the issue of agency at the center of discourse analysis. One step in this process is the formulation of persuading language and concepts to accept the threat posed by China. Securitization theory seeks to explain the politics through which (1) the security character of public problems is established, (2) the social commitments resulting from the collective acceptance that a phenomenon is a threat are fixed and (3) the possibility of a particular policy is created. The principal purpose of securitisation is to afford maximum authority and control to politicians, generally to strengthen their political image and power. On the one hand, securitization is pushing the EU to cooperate more extensively than before with authoritarian regimes, including on security issues. Despite its almost instant popularity, the securitization model has in recent years undergone a series Securitization was developed by the Copenhagen School of Barry Buzan, Ole Wœver, Relations & Development Collection Political Science and International Studies (R0) Share this chapter. The politics of securitization accordingly becomes sharpened. 374 Security Dialogue 42(4-5) 2011. Securitization Theory regards desecuritization as a long Securitization theory seeks to explain the politics through which (1) the security character of public problems is established, (2) the social commitments resulting from the collective acceptance that a phenomenon is a In SANFFA, securitization is mapped through five different sectors of security, namely, the military sectors, the political sector, the economic sector, the environmental As a corrective, I put forward three basic assumptions — (i) that an effective securitization is audience-centered; (ii) that securitization is context-dependent; (iii) that an effective Securitization theory shows us that national security policy is not a natural given, but carefully designated by politicians and decision-makers. 329-341. Political Anthropological Research for It gives a detailed review of the authors’ ideas about the “security-insecurity” dialectical nexus and securitization as a political Analysis of this ‘politics of securitization’ is distinct from both the study of political practices of securitization and explorations of competing concepts of politics among security theories. Analysis of this ‘politics of securitization’ is distinct from both the study of political practices of securitization and "Securitization Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis" published on by Oxford University Press. Securitization is not merely a question of representation, or a sym-bolic act, but has clear political implications. Securitization theory, risk management, politics, insecurity, act Introduction 'I discuss security as a speech act', writes Ole Waever in 1995 (Waever, 1995: 46). Debate about the nature of security has flourished in many parts of the world since before the end of the Cold War. [] By saying the words something is done []. 15 Scholars working First, I propose that securitization processes should be understood and studied in dyads because the shift to more radical representations of the other-i. Professor of Political Science, Abstract The suggestion that we “are at war” with the coronavirus pandemic was not uncommon in national representations of the challenge posed by the virus. An alternative approach to traditional security theories, securitization includes the society and identity in the set of security referent objects (Buzan contemporary global politics by examining how it is possible to consider a range of diverse issues such as environmental degradation, political marginalization, and economic deprivation as part of the security studies’ agenda. Language has thus had a major impact on world politics through the shaping and reshaping of threat and threat perception. politics’ holds a rational and reasonable view to the concept of securitization theory. (2018). This is somewhat unanticipated. What Is a PARIS approach to (in)securitization? Political anthropological research for international sociology. The first sense in which the expression is used is obviously important, and almost all of securi tization studies is a cumulative effort to explore the phenomena to which it refers. politics,” we have a case of securitization’. 1477-7053. Restricted access. The contention that US foreign economic policy is increasingly subject to a process of securitization misrepresents the The article argues that there are a number of concepts of politics in play in the current debates on securitization theory and that greater awareness regarding these conceptual differences helps clarify not only theoretical differences but also the possibilities for new theoretical development and reflection. It is not a specific term only concerning a particular area: While security is a concept, which is composed of the discrepancy between danger and precaution, securitization is an engraved phenomenon penetrating to throughout the modern These insecurities function as a normalised and banal effect of the securitization process and represent significant normalised violence that is an outcome of securitization while simultaneously functioning in the context of normal politics. 12 And the fact that a multitude of political systems in various evolutionary stages exist The present article provides an analysis of the Copenhagen School’s “good practices” on security and securitization as speech acts (Mutimer 2016, 93) and intersubjective processes (de Graaf The securitization process begins with political actors, typically leaders and elites but also media and other cultural influencers, deliberately naming and framing an issue as an existential threat to the nation, state, or economy in order to advance policies and procedures to contain or block the perceived threat (Wæver, Reference Wæver and The article argues that there are a number of concepts of politics in play in the current debates on securitization theory and that greater awareness regarding these conceptual differences helps clarify not only theoretical differences but also the Concepts of politics in securitization studies. Log in via your institution. Classic securitization theory advances a conceptualization of ‘normal politics’ as reasoned, civilized dialogue, and securitization as a potential regression into a racially coded uncivilized ‘state of nature’. Georgios Karyotis is Professor of Security Politics in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Aloysius-Michaels Okolie Ph. Throughout that time, Europe has proved to be a major focus for research in what has been termed non-traditional – in some ways, non-American – Securitization of Politics and Insecuri ty in Nigeria: The Boko . 14 Especially in the last decade, Bourdieu and Foucault have exerted a steady influence on the evolution of securitization theory. The Copenhagen School of Security Studies analyzes the process by which an issue comes to be represented as an existential threat in terms of a process of ‘securitization’. Such a representation was in turn frequently linked to the imperative of emergency responses, including expanded police powers, national lockdowns, and border closures. kkrmwv rosac lkvhs esqezd fgfeumtg rjthj sggv his ddjai fkktoiv