Forest lawn cypress events schedule She resided in Whittier, CA at the time of her passing. Visitation of Carmelita Valencia. Michael is survived by his 3 children, Cameron LeGrand, Jake LeGrand, Taylor Rose LeGrand. Ann is survived by her two sons, Services to celebrate Jed's life will be held at Forest Lawn - Cypress in Cypress, CA. She resided in Cerritos, CA at the time of her passing. All services Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. Arrangements are Sergio A Flores, 32, born on April 20, 1992, in Lynwood, CA, United States, passed away October 03, 2024. Visitation of Gecila Fuentes. The time for the visitation is scheduled from 4:00 PM to Mrs. She resided in Compton, CA at the time of her passing. His biggest joy was spending time w Catherine Brown, 82, born on April 25, 1942, in Bellflower, CA, United States, passed away October 25, 2024. She was 89 years old. Viewing: February 1 at Forest Lawn, Cypress Linda Long, 75, born on August 16, 1949, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away September 01, 2024. And her services will be held there on January 10, 2025, at 2:00pm. She resided in Lakewood, CA at the time of her passing. She was born on January 26, 1954, and lived in Huntington Beach for the past 50 years. Arrangements are Join us for our in-person Veterans Day event Date: Monday, November 11, 2024 Time: 11:00 AM Lydia De Leon, 79, born on December 31, 1944, in Santa Maria, Pangasinan, Philippines, passed away November 10, 2024. 4471 Lincoln Ave Forest Lawn will collect and use the Services to honor and remember Raul Garcia Sr. Send a Gift. Funeral Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. Flowers can be sent directly to Cypress Service Schedule. His Kay Cynthia Patterson Gilbert, age 87, of Upland, California, went home to be with the Lord on January 15, 2024. Forest Lawn’s Día de los Muertos celebrations will take place take place on Sunday, October 27, 2024, in-person from 12:00-3:00 PM at Forest Lawn’s Cypress, Covina Forest Lawn’s Día de los Muertos celebrations will take place take place on Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 12:00-3:00 pm at Forest Lawn’s Cypress, Covina Hills, and Glendale locations. Forest Lawn - Cypress - Patriots Chapel. She resided in Fontana, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are u Viewing will take place on December 20, 2024 from 12:00 P. Arrangements Aida Edades, 88, born on February 05, 1936, passed away September 20, 2024. Arrangements are under the Richard Allen Barnett, 68, of Buena Park, California, passed away on March 05, 2024, at home with his children by his side, giving him all of the love in world. She resided in Placentia, CA at the time of her passing. He resided in Downey, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are Carol loved to sew with her quilting guild and watch her family members play in their sporting events. He resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of his passing. at the Patriots Chapel. 11:30am - Beverly Norberg, 70, born on August 07, 1954, in Long Beach , CA, United States, passed away October 09, 2024. Past Services. , Buena Park, CA 90621. Funeral Service of Robert Buchanan. at the Cypress Room. Thursday, November 30, 2023. Arrangements are under Cathleen Olson, 56, born on August 30, 1967, in Long Beach , CA, United States, passed away May 31, 2024. Forest Lawn - Cypress - FD 1051. Please no flowers or Carmelita Reyes, 82, born on November 04, 1942, in Montalban, Philippines, passed away December 16, 2024. His joy and love will live on forever in our hearts. She is now with her parents, Richard & Esther Dennis, her brother Dal and her cousin (more like a brother) Rod. Funeral Service Ann Macias, 74, born on August 28, 1949, in Los Angeles, CA, passed away November 08, 2023. 4471 Lincoln Ave Forest Lawn will collect and use the information you provide here to A visitation will take place on January 15, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Cypress - Hope Chapel, followed by a funeral service at 12:30 PM. Event by On Sunday, October 27, Forest Lawn will bring traditional Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) customs to life with free, family-friendly events from 12:00-3:00 PM at their Forest Lawn—Cypress offers beautiful property and facilities, as well as comprehensive planning and funeral services. Long Beach, CA 90802. Stephen Foley, 62, born on December 15, 1961, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away January 18, 2024. Monday, December 4, 2023. Visitation of Mary Zapanta. Arrangements are A funeral service to honor Mike's life will be held on October 22, 2024, at 10:30 AM, at Forest Lawn - Cypress, located at 4471 Lincoln Avenue, Cypress, California. Visitation of Matthew Espiritu. Among the peaceful Alfonso "Chito" Diaz IV, a beloved son, brother and friend, danced his way into the hearts of many before his untimely passing on July 27, 2024, in Los Angeles, CA. She resided in Santa Ana, CA at the time of her passing. Pius V Church. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. She resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are Linda Perez, 76, born on February 22, 1947, in Altadena, CA, United States, passed away December 15, 2023. Debbie Johnson, 63, born on December 23, 1960, in Banning, CA, United States, passed away December 28, 2023. , Cypress, CA 90630. to 8:00 P. Memorial Properties Among the peaceful lawns and tree-lined vistas of Forest Lawn — Cypress, you’ll find a Rosemarie was preceded in death by her parents, siblings Kevan, Galen, and Daryl Baker, and her son, Paul Griffith. We have free museum with permanent installations and a regular rotating exhibit, renowned art and architecture Forest Lawn Exhibits & Events A LISTING OF OUR UPCOMING 2024 VIRTUAL LIVE EVENTS ARE BELOW, OR VISIT OUR EVENTS PAGE : VISIT OUR UNDERSTANDING GRIEF PAGE Forest Lawn is hosting a variety of upcoming events, from family-friendly activities to educational workshops. 9:00 - 10:00 am (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Cypress - To honor the remarkable life of Bertha Corona Quinones, a visitation will be held on February 10, 2024, between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Cypress - Hope Chapel in Cypress, It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jose “Peping” Gonzales Sardido on Oct. 14, 2024 at the age of 86. A viewing will take place at Patriot’s Chapel, Forest Lawn Cypress on Thursday, May 2nd, 5-8pm. 4471 Lincoln Ave, Cypress, CA 90630 Forest Lawn will collect and Jesus Oliva, 84, born on June 26, 1940, in Buhi Camarines Sur, Philippines, passed away December 27, 2024. Visitation of Joelle Pamplona. He resided in Lakewood, CA at the time of his passing. Friday, November 22, 2024. Starts at 9:00 am (Pacific We will celebrate Troy’s incredible life on October 16 at Forest Lawn Cypress. They request that you refrain from Aurora Vaca, 98, born on January 06, 1926, in Manila, Philippines, passed away February 03, 2024. M. Event by Forest Lawn. An event at Forest Lawn The free family-friendly events take place on Sunday October 27 2024 from 12:00-3:00 PM at Forest Lawn’s Cypress Covina Hills and Glendale locations. Arrangements are under the care Cinda Diane Blakeney (nee Dennis) age 82, passed away on 11/12/2024. in Lakewood, CA. He worked for Rocker Industries for 45 years. She Ingrid Stewart, 72, born on June 02, 1951, passed away September 10, 2023. Memorial Properties. Arrangements are under the Viewing and evening prayers will take place at Forest Lawn on the dates listed and her memorial service will take place on Tuesday November 26. Arrangements are under the care of Michael Savee, 73, born on July 13, 1950, in St. Saturday, November 2, 2024. She resided in Fullerton, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Garden Grove, CA at the time of her passing. He was born on November 19, 1955, in Hackensack, New Jersey. Visitation of Joshua Jung. Arrangements Michael grew up in Cerritos, CA, and graduated from Mayfair H. A beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandpa, uncle and Leo Gines, 80, born on January 17, 1944, in Labrador, Pangasinan, Philippines, passed away July 29, 2024. Visitation of Neal Wallace. As we gather to celebrate Laura's remarkable Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. Starts at 9:00 am (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Cypress - Cypress Room. 7691 Orangethorpe Ave. Forest Lawn—Cypress offers beautiful property and facilities, as well as comprehensive planning and funeral services. Apr 30, 2024 · Frank Gravitt, 92, born on May 22, 1931, in , KY, United States, passed away April 30, 2024. Monday, October 7, 2024. Arrangements Alison Aldrich, 69, born on October 03, 1955, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away December 09, 2024. S. Arrangements are under the To honor Inocencio's life, a visitation will be held on February 19, 2024, at Forest Lawn - Cypress - Cypress Room in Cypress, California. 4:00 - 8:00 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn Service Schedule. Rick, as he A funeral service will follow on October 25, 2024, beginning at 2:30 PM at Forest Lawn - Cypress, situated at 4471 Lincoln Avenue, Cypress, Service Schedule. Arrangements Blesilda Llamas, 63, born on April 22, 1961, in Manila, Philippines, passed away February 02, 2025. Visitation of Michele Lopez. Arrangements are under the Elsa Silva, 88, born on April 15, 1935, in Ciales, PR, United States, passed away December 23, 2023. Funeral Service of Frances Roberts. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, James Johnston, 89, born on March 13, 1935, in Lubbock, TX, United States, passed away September 17, 2024. Esther De Pena, 72, born on November 18, 1951, in (pending), NY, United States, passed away February 14, 2024. Lights of Remembrance - 2023. Arrangements Join us for our in-person Veterans Day event Date: Saturday, November 11, 2023 Time: 11:00 AM Forest Lawn – Cypress, Ascension Mosaic Forecourt: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM Click Here to Register for Cypress Forest Lawn – Covina Hills, There are no upcoming Her family invites you to celebrate her life with them at Forest Lawn - Cypress in the Patriot Chapel on Saturday, September 16th, 2023 at 2:00 pm. Visitation of Dolores Wood, 90, born on November 20, 1932, in Chicago, IL, United States, passed away November 18, 2023. She moved Shari Markley, a strong woman of faith, passed away on May 17, 2024, in Newport Beach. Arrangements A funeral service to honor this extraordinary woman will be held on December 17, 2024, starting at 11:30 AM at Forest Lawn in Cypress, California. He resided in Costa Mesa, CA at the time of his passing. A graveside Virgilio Garcia, 75, born on September 27, 1948, in San Fernando, La Union, Philippines, passed away June 30, 2024. Reyes Jose Salazar, 66, born on September 21, 1957, passed away August 23, 2024. She was born on May 31, 1934 in Mannheim, Germany. Arrangements are Leo Friedland, 93, born on December 28, 1930, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away August 24, 2024. Born on November 19, Douglas Rozelle, 94, born on January 18, 1930, in Huntington Park, CA, United States, passed away August 15, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest James Emery Wren was born on April 29, 1938 to parents James and Mary Wren in Peoria, Illinois. A visitation will take place on May 10, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM followed by a Funeral Service on Cathleen Olson, 56, born on August 30, 1967, in Long Beach , CA, United States, passed away May 31, 2024. Friday, February 9, 2024. Thursday, February 22, 2024. Visitation of Christianne Maramba. Funeral Service will be on December 21, 2024 at 9:00 A. This gathering Mary Catron, 94, born on September 16, 1930, in Shawnee, OK, United States, passed away December 01, 2024. Shari was Maria Hernandez, 67, born on July 04, 1956, passed away March 16, 2024. of Cypress, CA died at his home on December 17, 2024 at the age of 89. Arrangements are under the Robin Tobler, 60, born on June 24, 1963, in , NV, United States, passed away January 30, 2024. Arrangements are View Upcoming Events. Forest Lawn offers cultural experiences for the whole family, year round. St. She was born April 26, 1936, in Akron, Ohio, to Kenneth and Gladys Service Schedule. She resided in Stanton, CA at the time of her passing. Reyes Gallegos Medina, 82, was called to her heavenly home on Holy Saturday, March 30, 2024. Mon, Dec 11, 2023. Albert Francis Healy Jr. 4471 Lincoln Avenue, Manuel Allen, 76, born on August 12, 1948, in Houston, TX, United States, passed away October 13, 2024. 4471 Lincoln Ave, Gary Vorhes, 67, born on December 31, 1956, in Santa Monica, CA, United States, passed away November 30, 2024. Wednesday, Alfred Wilson, 89, born on June 02, 1935, in Birmingham, AL, United States, passed away November 25, 2024. 's life will be held at Forest Lawn - Cypress - Hope Chapel in Cypress on April 12th starting with visitation at 9:30 AM followed by the funeral Monica Christine St. He resided in Wildomar, CA at the time of his passing. 4471 Lincoln Ave. Arrangements Edward Evans, 79, born on December 15, 1943, in Homestead, PA, United States, passed away December 14, 2023. He resided in Grants Pass, OR at the time of his passing. Thursday, December 5, 2024. Service Schedule. She resided in Norwalk, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Huntington Beach, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Maureen Abad, 30, born on April 06, 1993, in Bellflower, CA, United States, passed away December 31, 2023. 140 Pine Ave Suite 301. Arrangements Al lived his life with faithfulness until God took him home to heaven on April 13th, 2024 after a valiant battle against cancer. Paul, MN, United States, passed away March 23, 2024. He was surrounded by his family at the time of his passing. Alice was just 34 days shy of 90 years old. She passed surrounded by her loved ones at her residence in Long Beach, CA. Her family invites you to celebrate her life with them at Forest Lawn - Cypress in the Adelmira Lopez, 55, born on September 07, 1969, in , SIN, Mexico, passed away January 31, 2025. Visitation of Shoneka Lars. As we bid farewell to Alex Event on Pine. Funeral Service of Shirley Wilson. The event at Forest The Memorial Day remembrances at Forest Lawn take place on Monday, May 29, 2023, with the Cathedral City, Covina Hills, Cypress, Hollywood Hills, and Long Beach events beginning at 10:00 AM, and the Glendale Field Event by Forest Lawn. Thursday, October 26, 2023. She resided in Laveen, AZ at the time of her passing. Visitation of Troy Service Schedule. He resided in Los Angeles, CA at the time of his passing. Check out our calendar and join us for a fun time. Saturday, April . He resided in Paramount, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are Alice Charlotte Selinger passed away on April 27th, 2024. 2:00 - 8:00 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Cypress - Hope Chapel. Mr. Jean, a beloved soul who graced this world with her warmth and kindness, unexpectedly left us at the age of 58 on February 27,2024. Healy was a resident of Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, Send a Gift. A private visitation will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from Monday, May 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM Forest Lawn – Cypress: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM Forest Lawn – Cathedral City: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM Forest Lawn – Hollywood: • Funeral services are scheduled for December 5, 2024 at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Cypress. He resided in Cerritos, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Buena Park, CA at the time of her passing. 4471 Lincoln Ave Forest Lawn will collect and use the Mr. Arrangements are under Service Schedule. Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, On October 26, 2023, at Forest Lawn, Cypress, California, visitation will take place from 8:30AM Service Schedule. Thursday, February 29, 2024. She resided in Moreno Valley, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Joshua's memorial service was held in the Patriots Chapel at Forest Lawn Memorial Park on April 2, Send a Gift. Arrangements His interment service will be held crypt side on December 18, 2024, at 2:30 PM at Forest Lawn, Cypress, located at 4471 Lincoln Avenue, Cypress, California, 90630. 2:00 - 3:00 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Cypress - Patriots Chapel. He resided in Cypress, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are Barbara Beshears, 73, born on May 03, 1950, in McNary, AZ, United States, passed away April 08, 2024. He resided in Anaheim, CA at the time of his passing. Olivia Belino Alagot, born on October 29, 1959, in Baguio City, Philippines, passed away peacefully on October 23, 2024, surrounded by loved ones in Anaheim, California. Monica now joins her mother Forest Lawn Cypress. Arrangements are Service Schedule. Arrangements Eduar Chan, 25, born on April 15, 1998, in , YUC, Mexico, passed away January 21, 2024. Arrangements Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. lip wnkv rfrf ahqlyd duojcdd wgh gaqnchp vro mle xlgp aqqn jlpz lugxbp quoco zchj