Pathfinder pantheon While most deities' followers span cultures and races, some races and "civilized" monsters have their own pantheons of deities, worshiped primarily within Dwarven society in the Five Kings Mountains and beyond is heavily influenced by the worship of the traditional dwarven gods. Orcs are forged in the fires of The most significant deities of the Inner Sea region are the 20 presented in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. It is home to the spirits of like-minded mortals and the wild and freedom loving azata, and is Pantheons Elven Pantheon, The Last Breath Devotee Benefits Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma Divine Font harm or heal Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy [Nethys Note: Generated per Remaster Compatibility FAQ] Catfolk are outgoing, active humanoids who delight in discovery, whether of hidden ruins or a comfortable place to nap. . 67 Pathfinder Wiki Aesocar Details Alignment LG Pantheon Azlanti Pantheon Areas of Concern Creation of life, health, and medicine Domains Artifice, Good, Healing, Law, Protection Favored Weapon Mancatcher: Andoletta Grandmother Crow Source Inner Sea Gods pg. They are exceptionally social, both within their tight-knit communities and with other creatures they meet. ; Leveling has everything you need to know as you complete the Elven Gods Source Gods & Magic pg. Apart but not aloof from the races of Golarion stand a legion of deities: merciful guardians, impassive observers, vile destroyers, and inscrutable entities, all with designs they seek to make manifest upon the At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. The deity Zon-Kuthon (pronounced ZONN-koo-THON) 1 possesses one of the most twisted and evil minds in the Great Beyond. Different cultures might have their own names for the god of magic, for instance, but only a single deity answers their prayers. Across the Inner Sea region, his worship is most concentrated in the savage Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 298). She's changed little since those earlier days, and she Tian Xia 1 (pronounced TEE-yawn-shaw) 2 is the continent geographically farthest from Avistan, and lies across the Embaral Ocean that borders the eastern shore of exotic Casmaron. When you do so, you gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, but suffer a –2 penalty to Charisma. 1 Each of the core pantheon's deities are presented below in stat block format for ease of reference. For all the diversity in worship and artistic depiction, common themes unite the Mwangi approach to worship. He was originally a stone monkey statue A family tree of the Osirian Pantheon. There are over 60 domains and over 100 non-divine spells usually available via deities. Torag (also known as the Father of Creation) is the most important of these, but he is not the only one. Their guidance can be literal, or for others, more spiritual—some worshippers seek to know the progress of Sarenrae (the sun), Tsukiyo (the moon), and Desna (the stars) and through this knowledge gain enlightenment. 28 Pathfinder Wiki Calistria Details Alignment CN Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Elven Deities Areas of Concern Lust, revenge, trickery Domains Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery Subdomains Azata (Chaos), Captivation*, Curse, Deception, Innuendo, Lust, Memory, Thievery * Requires the Acolyte of The 20 primary deities of the Inner Sea region are well known due to either widespread worship or their historical tendency to help or harm the people who live there. The sort of creative minds who engage in the sort of invention that Brigh most Looking down from above, these deities help travelers and voyagers find their path. 1. 3 They have thick, heavy bones, tightly packed muscular sinew, and Can druids, inquisitors, and other classes with access to domains take subdomains?. 1 2 This pantheon is Elven Pantheon Legacy Content Source Gods & Magic pg. 4 Lawful neutral. Notice the file mostly contains the various info regarding Domains, Favorite Weapon and such, while Doctrines and Anathema can The head of the dwarven pantheon is the most visible of the dwarven deities, to the extent that Torag is the only dwarven deity most non-dwarves know of. Ce site se base sur les licences Open Game License et Pathfinder Community Use Policy et les conditions d'utilisation BBE. In addition to the worship of the major deities, elves also have a number of minor elven deities who are worshiped almost exclusively by their A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. They are often grouped alongside the Great Old Ones, who Orc Legacy Content Uncommon Humanoid Orc Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. She is every grain of rice and every farmer that harvests The Moot of Ages is an annual meeting held on the summer solstice, hosted on the Isle of Arenway by the druids of the Wildwood Lodge. Apsu entered the Material Plane to battle Gnomes are a wounded ancestry, not native to Golarion and far from ideally suited to life in the mundane world. Both pirates and Gnomes most commonly worship deities that value individuality and nature, such as Cayden Cailean, Desna, Gozreh, and Shelyn. Halflings often associate him with Norgorber, be it as a friend, minion, or slave. During the Age of Enthronement , the Osirian deities, while continuing to guide Osirion from afar, The Pathfinder campaign setting plays host to a large pantheon of deities, ranging from the all-powerful greater deities to the minor gods and demigods who are mostly powerful extraplanars. Find the names, alignments, domains, and favored weapons of the deities in the Pathfinder RPG. Unlike covenants , which can be formed by non-deific beings and are limited to being composed of beings with the same outlook, pantheons are formally defined organizations of deities and other divine entities working toward a shared goal even if their personal creeds differ. 3 Chaotic good. Many kobolds worship Asmodeus due to the emphasis placed by his faith on tyranny and subjugation, and seek to Overlooking all of Pharasma's Boneyard is another, lesser god. Join us on for more discussion on discord. Site Owner: Blake Davis Email Spam Checker: MX Guarddog Email Spam Checker: MX Guarddog Aesocar The Healing Touch Source Pathfinder #123: The Flooded Cathedral pg. 4 2. 3 They are an ancient species, and A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. The Pantheon of Many contains shrines to all the traditional core deities of the Inner Sea except for Gorum, Lamashtu, and Rovagug. While these forces need not be named, they typically hold influence over one Found this pantheon while browsing the Archive, loved the divine polycule idea, and sadly learned it was a barely mentioned example in a blog post (Friends In High Places). ScrewTurn The following domains are used by the primary deities of Golarion. Clerics gain several benefits from their choice of deity, including proficiencies in a skill and a weapon, the Divine Font feature, three or more spells added to the Divine Spell List, and the list of A dwarf is a stout humanoid, usually standing a foot shorter than their human counterparts but with a much broader frame. 17 Pathfinder Wiki Apsu Details Alignment LG Pantheon Other Deities Other Pantheons Scalefolk Deities Areas of Concern Good dragons, leadership, peace Domains Artifice, Good, Law, Scalykind, Travel Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Construct, Dragon, Exploration, Toil, Trade * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha Ragathiel General of Vengeance Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Home. The DC is equal to 10 + your opponent’s Hit Dice. 6 Chaotic neutral. Some apocryphal spells are Many modern goblins revere Lamashtu above all others, and recognise the four hero-gods as equal secondary deities. In violent holds and lands, orcs have no interest in any peaceful deities All elements of the Pantheon must be Pathfinder Society Legal, including patron deity, alignment restrictions, and cleric spells. 3 They are an ancient species, and Born amid the primal chaos of the multiverse's earliest days, the eight elemental lords are divine embodiments of the Inner Spheres' raw elemental forces. Homebrew I''ve decided to convert some stuff from the Forgotten Realms to be used in Pathfinder 2e, so for now, have the list of various deities, created with the pf2e scribe tools. It is intended to be a quick reference for those looking to browse all canon deities Worship of this pantheon was most popular during the early millennia and waned as the Osirian people gradually turned to foreign deities. Unlike covenants, which can be formed by non-deific beings and are limited to being composed of beings with the same Each deity below has their name and title, followed by a short description and cultural information, including the attributes for characters who have the Raised by Belief background. In the Trope Pantheons, the following were chosen: Abadar, God of Favoring the Law over Money as an Intermediate Ketephys is the tight-lipped elven god of the hunt, who instructs his followers to care for the forest and defend it from his arch-enemy Treerazer. If you succeed at the check, you gain a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against that enemy. 20 Pathfinder Wiki Asmodeus Details Alignment LE Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Archdevils, Kobold Deities, Order of the God Claw Pantheon Areas of Concern Contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny Domains Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery Subdomains Arcane, Ash, Corruption, Deception, Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Zura's worship is most common wherever blood-thirsty vampires and their thralls can be found. 3: Critical Luck (Ex) Keep a record of every time you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, to a maximum number equal to your Charisma bonus. starstone. The two principal deities are Ragathiel (General of Vengeance), who brings his devotion to duty and revenge, and Vildeis (The Cardinal A pantheon is a group of divine entities worshipped as a collective. One of the first was Dahak, the destroyer. 61 Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. , used under Paizo's Community Use Policy Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Alignment, Gender, and Areas of Concern : The gender of a deity is indicated by use of “god” or “goddess” in this entry. 3 Often referred to as the Dragon Empires, Tian Pantheistic Blessing Source Faiths and Philosophies pg. The main The Empress of Heaven is worshipped across all of Tian Xia by people of all walks of life, from commoner to lord, farmer to samurai, human to dragon. Favored Weapon Quarterstaff Symbol Rune This article covers the elven ancestry. 100 Pathfinder Wiki Nethys Details Alignment N Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Ascended Pantheon, Elven Deities, Gnomish Deities, Kobold Deities Areas of Concern Magic Domains Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune Subdomains Aeon, Arcane, Catastrophe, Defense, Divine, Education Sorrow's Sword gained a large following among the Crimson Reclaimers because of the pantheon's focus on duty, sacrifice, and channeling the pain of past losses into motivation to overcome any future obstacle. Universal: All deities in the setting belong to a single pantheon. 2 3 History One very important factor with deities in Pathfinder compared to other systems is how much mechanical influence they have on certain classes. 5 Neutral. Golarion has felt the influence of only the nine Asmodeus Prince of Darkness Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Neither Cayden Cailean nor Desna had a shrine within the Pantheon when it Arshea Spirit of Abandon Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. 1 The entire Set (Lord of the Dark Desert) Legacy Content Source Book of the Dead pg. 19 There is a slight rivalry between the followers and Norgorber and Irori, as the Master A little bit of home brew could create a 'pantheon' choice, or a Dm could 'allow you' to be a cleric of/worship multiple deities. 322 Pathfinder Wiki Pathfinder: Main Deities, Tian Xia Deities, Racial and Cultural Pantheons, Outer Gods, Empyreal Lords, Fiendish Divinities, Great Old Ones, Other Gods Starfinder: Deities Common tropes Ethnic God: Usually downplayed. If you fail at the Knowledge check, you At Hemachandra, Seat of the Golden Moon the entire pantheon comes together: it is thought that the tower contains a shrine to every Vudran deity. For their canon replacement as the Darklands elves since the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project, see Ayindilar. Through the miracles of priests and the weapons of crusaders, the deities of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game command unrivaled influence over the lands of the Inner Sea. This patron is a vague and mysterious force, granting the witch power for reasons that she might not entirely understand. She also actively hunts the deity Ghlaunder, the A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Halfling Deities, Sandpoint Pantheon Areas of Concern Healing, honesty, redemption, the sun Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a movanic deva (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 28) to aid you. TbXie has been playing Path of Exile since the release of Open Beta, playing a variety of leagues in which he has played Hard- and Softcore, Standard, and Solo-Self Found. Irori. The Prismatic Ray Legacy Content Source Friends in High Places pg. The General of Vengeance presides over chivalry, duty, and vengeance, acting as the quintessential knight. 1 Lawful good. [1] It is said that Apsu and Tiamat created the original gods. The deva follows your commands Calistria The Savored Sting Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Animals and Gear (3) Pathfinder: Main Deities, Tian Xia Deities, Racial and Cultural Pantheons, Outer Gods, Empyreal Lords, Fiendish Divinities, Great Old Ones, Other Deities Starfinder: Deities. While many people worship a single deity who might belong to a broader pantheon, some people The Pathfinder campaign setting plays host to a large pantheon of deities, ranging from the all-powerful greater deities to the minor gods and demigods who are mostly powerful extraplanars. Apocryphal Domain Spells Source Dark Archive pg. Favored Weapon Quarterstaff Symbol Rune Deities of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting; Core deities Abadar • Asmodeus • Calistria • Cayden Cailean • Desna • Erastil • Gorum • Gozreh • Iomedae • Irori • Lamashtu • Nethys • Norgorber • Pharasma • Rovagug • Sarenrae • Shelyn • Torag • Besmara's followers are most commonly found in Garund, particularly on the island of Ilizmagorti and the Shackles. While these forces need not be named, they typically hold influence over one Folgrit The Watchful Mother Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 17 2. Appreciate any advice. Nocticula , the last member of the pantheon, for her part uses the cover of the darkness, the gaps in between the others, to Shelyn The Eternal Rose Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Members Source Pathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth Valley pg. PathfinderWiki uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc. If you are actually a minotaur, this ability instead allows you to assume a humanoid form at will (this change Gorum (pronounced GOR-um) 1 was a god of battle above all other pursuits; it is said that he would rust away into nothingness if there is ever a time with no more conflicts to be fought. Alignment: A deity’s alignment reflects their innate moral and ethical outlook. 1 2 3. ; Leveling has everything you need to know as you complete the Aesocar The Healing Touch Source Pathfinder #123: The Flooded Cathedral pg. Vudra is the home of Irori, who is one of the core gods of the incredibly diverse and complicated Vudran pantheon. 132 Pathfinder Wiki Ananshea Details Alignment CE Pantheon Sahkil Tormentors Areas of Concern Brutality, torture The Outer Gods 1 are a pantheon of utterly alien, unfathomably ancient, poorly understood deities that exist outside of reality itself, or the concepts of faith, souls, and quintessence. The four goblin hero-gods. Sometimes those who live gluttonous lifestyles make supplication to her, as do those suffering from a serious illness. Desna is strongly opposed to Lamashtu due to the murder of Desna's one-time mentor, and wishes to reclaim the domain of beasts. Benefit: When taking this feat, select a pantheon from the list below. Name and Title : The deity's name and its common title. 2 Neutral good. It's said that Daikitsu wears shapes the way a mortal might wear a scarf. Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 298). The Amaranthine Forest, Ketephys's Realm, is an endless wilderness located in Elysium. The Isle, one of the great centers of the Green Faith, is located within the Verduran Forest of Fetchling Legacy Content Uncommon Fetchling Humanoid Source Ancestry Guide pg. 0 Once human and now something apart, fetchlings display the Shadow Plane's ancient influence through monochrome complexions, glowing Desna (pronounced DEZ-nuh)[1] was one of the first deities, but while her peers burdened themselves with the task of creating Golarion she spent her time building the heavens. Hadregash; Venkelvore; Zarongel; Zogmugot; References In Pathfinder, deities are not only a narrative element of the world, but also a mechanical component of some classes. With two lords of air, two of earth, two of fire, and two of water, half their number represent the aspects of each element that mortals consider benevolent, while the others represent the malicious and destructive aspects of those A page for describing Pantheon: Pathfinder. He is a nomadic god, and his realm slowly follows him as he Unsurprisingly, other deities do not fully trust him due to his penchant for betrayal and sabotage. 2 3 4 According to the draconic creation myth, he was one of the primordial dragons who Archives of Nethys Deities by Alignment | Deities by Pantheon. His last name always changes to match the last name of the Primarch of Absalom; for example, during the tenure of Gyr of House Gixx, his full name was Thamir Gixx. Eldest known to Golarion. The deity of agriculture and craftsmanship, Daikitsu is one of the most important members of Tian Xia's pantheon, as her domains encapsulate everything that nurtures civilization. His position as god of pain is well earned, and he has been the root of countless tortures, murders, and Many orc communities view religion as simply an exchange of power with whichever deity will help them most in battle. His followers claim that he was once a mortal who achieved absolute physical and mental perfection and View all types of animals and gear. At the root of their identities, the gods are symbolic expressions of the Mwangi Expanse's most Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Ascended Pantheon, Gnomish Deities, Halfling Deities, Taldan Pantheon (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 47). In a setting of your own design, the most powerful and prominent deities are entirely up to you. A deity's areas of concern represent those aspects of reality in which it has the most interest and Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 298). Elves have also adopted Alseta, a minor goddess of doors and transitions, as their The Pathfinder campaign setting hosts many pantheons of divinities that range from all-powerful deities to demigods, quasi deities, and other powerful beings who can grant their followers divine magic powers. This section is a stub . Pages in category "Pantheons" The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total. She is revered as the ruler of the Tian pantheon, respected as the finest samurai in Apsu is the patron deity of all good and metallic dragons, and one of the oldest gods of the Great Beyond. Regardless of which deities hold sway in your setting, you should take the time to design and detail your chosen pantheon of gods and goddesses, both as individuals and as Build Tool. 127 In polytheistic traditions, a pantheon is a divine hierarchy of multiple (or even all) deities. Drow, 1 or dark elves, were purportedly the descendants of the Lizardfolk, also called iruxis amongst themselves, 1 2 are a reptilian ancestry of humanoids who dwell in many of Golarion's swamps and marshlands. The goddess Daikitsu (pronounced dye-kee-tsoo) 1 is a common object of veneration given that she has the everyday subjects of rice, agriculture, and craftsmanship under her divine purview, all subjects of broad interest in Tian Arshea Spirit of Abandon Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Animals and Gear (3) Pages in category "Azlanti pantheon deities" The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total. Gazing across all of time, she judges and shepherds Golarion's Urgathoa (pronounced oor-gah-THO-ah) 1 is the Varisian goddess of physical excess, disease, and the undead. Greater than the wars of armies and empires, beyond the ambitions of revolutionaries and tyrants, more devastating than the fury of magic or monsters, is the power of faith. Yes, as long as they follow the rules for subdomains. gg I'm creating a pantheon based on the elements as well, but instead of deities being the 4 elements + aether, I'm using the 4 elements along with Order and Chaos as the Sun Wukong (Sūn Wù Kōng; pronounced swen wu-kong), 5 the Monkey King, is the Tian Xia god of trickery, nature, and drunkenness. Prerequisites: Wis 13, must worship a pantheon of deities. There are many familial relationships within the Osirian pantheon shown on the family tree diagram. 142 Not all clerical traditions are taught among the orthodoxy. A character who does not worship a deity (such as some druids and paladins) may select any one subdomain Brigh (pronounced BRY) 1 is the goddess of invention and seems to particularly favor creations that take on a life of their own, like clockworks or constructs. Even though they share their devotion to Calistria and Desna with Golarion's other ancestries, they also share the worship of the Sovyrian Conclave, four additional deities who exemplify elvenkind's most valued traditions. Astronomers and astrologers will tell you the Cosmic Caravan is a collection of constellations visible in the night sky, said to travel forever in a circle around the star Cynosure. 133 Set is the most reviled of all the Ancient Osirian pantheon. While most deities' followers span ancestries and continents, some ancestries have their own pantheons worshiped primarily within their own ranks. 67 Pathfinder Wiki Aesocar Details Alignment LG Pantheon Azlanti Pantheon Areas of Concern Creation of life, health, and medicine Domains Artifice, Good, Healing, Law, Protection Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Construct, Loyalty, Purity, Restoration, Resurrection * Requires the Nethys The All-Seeing Eye Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Apsu is the patron deity of virtuous dragons, and one of the oldest gods of the Great Beyond. 21 You are grated a small bit of divine power as a result of your veneration of a pantheon of deities. 320 Pathfinder Wiki Folgrit Details Alignment LG Pantheon Dwarven Deities Areas of Concern Children, hearths, mothers Domains Community, Law, Nobility, Good Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Family, Home, Martyr * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Granted, homebrew isn't usually well received and I'm sure, with it being pathfinder, worshipping multiple deities is ripe for abuse mechanically. Nocticula , the last member of the pantheon The members of the pantheon are venerated as exemplars of law in opposition to chaos. Many kobolds worship Asmodeus due to the emphasis placed by his faith on tyranny and subjugation, and seek to Pages in category "Azlanti pantheon deities" The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total. Toggle Osirian Pantheon subsection 19. Browse the pantheons of the core, other, and regional deities, as well as the The Pathfinder campaign setting hosts many pantheons of divinities that range from all-powerful deities to demigods, quasi deities, and other powerful beings who can grant their followers A pantheon is a group of divine entities worshipped as a collective. Cast adrift from their original home, the realm of the fey known as the First Ancestral deities. Along with Tiamat, he is (at least according to draconic lore) believed to be one of the two original creator beings of the multiverse. At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. On Friday, Paizo announced Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, a new lore-focused Pathfinder 2E rulebook that will update its core pantheon See also: Osirian pantheon The most common religions in Osirion are those of Abadar, Nethys, and Pharasma, but despite the efforts of the Keleshite rulers of the past, the worship of Elysium (pronounced ee-LIZ-ee-uhm) 1 is a plane of the Outer Sphere that represents the ultimate expression of wild freedom and compassion. While most deities' followers span cultures and races, some races and "civilized" monsters have their own pantheons of deities, worshiped primarily within their own ranks. You gain telepathy with the movanic deva to a range of 100 feet. 0 The traditional deities of the elven pantheon are Calistria, Desna, Findeladlara (goddess of twilight and traditional art and architecture), Ketephys (god of hunting and the moon), and Yuelral (goddess of gems, craft, and magic). Drow, 1 or dark elves, were purportedly the descendants of the The Cleric is a notable exception. [Faerun to Pathfinder 2e] Deities . If you are actually a minotaur, this ability instead allows you to assume a humanoid form at will (this change Erastil Old Deadeye Source Inner Sea Gods pg. Question Hi all, I know each character and build is different and has its own needs, but in general for a ranged character, what are the 2 best choices? I’m having a hard time knowing which is doing the best for me. At the head of the Vudran pantheon is Irori, Master of Masters, a god so powerful Build Tool. Build Information has all the key mechanics which make Toxic Rain Ballista tick, learn how your Skills work, or why the build uses a specific Unique item. Tap into their incredible might with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: View all types of animals and gear. She is most commonly worshiped in the haunted counties of Ustalav and decadent cities of Cheliax. Entrants are encouraged to read the full rules for Pantheons in Lost Omens: Gods & Magic and the Friends in High Places blog post for more information. In the Lost Omens setting, most deities maintain realms tied to the Outer Plane that matches their alignment. gg/pathfinder2e or f. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Ascended Pantheon, Deities of Tian Xia, Order of the God Claw Pantheon, (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 99). Appearance. Yet there are those who have no interest in redemption, who glory in slaughter and death. 6 Most of Besmara's devotees are people whose livelihood relies on piracy, either directly or indirectly. He has experience playing solo and both in Best Choices in Pantheon - Pathfinder . 19. Regardless of which deities hold sway in your setting, you should take the time to design and detail your chosen pantheon of gods and goddesses, both as individuals and as Irori (pronounced ih-ROHR-ee 1 or ai luo li 2) is the god of enlightenment, self-perfection, knowledge, healing, and inner strength. The following section summarizes this information for each deity in the core pantheon, to provide players of characters (and GMs of NPCs) who worship one of these deities more information The Pathfinder campaign setting plays host to a large pantheon of deities, ranging from the all-powerful greater deities to the minor gods and demigods who are mostly powerful extraplanars. Azlanti ruins may attract Azlanti Thamir is the halfling god of greed and opportunity and is mostly revered by cutpurses, assassins, and mistreated halflings. Sun Wukong is depicted as a monkey. 0 PFS Note Due to years of successful Pathfinder Society activities, all characters have access to the orc ancestry. This is Groetus (pronounced GRO-tus), 1 the god of the End Times, a sentient and uncaring moonlet that looks down upon the Boneyard and waits for the last living soul Lizardfolk, also called iruxis amongst themselves, 1 2 are a reptilian ancestry of humanoids who dwell in many of Golarion's swamps and marshlands. Born of the archdevil Dispater and Feronia, a neutral demigoddess of fire, Ragathiel struggles to overcome the reputation of his parentage, and he understands the struggle to be accepted, to be trusted, and to fight against his own nature for the sake of good. The association of a diverse array of deities and demigods linked to the stars—and the spaces between Elves are no less passionate about religion than other ancestries, although they do take a more casual approach to the worship of their deities. 1 2 The Order's depictions of the pantheon portray its deities as more severe and heavily armored than those by other worshippers. In the Overview you can find the Build Rating, Video Guide, Gear & Ascendancy overview, Farming Strategies and Crafting Guides. While the other dwarven gods represent specific areas of dwarven life and culture, This article covers the elven ancestry. She is mostly worshipped by hedonists, dark necromancers, the undead, and those wishing to become undead. From the remorseless evil of the undead and fiends, to the cruelties born in the hearts of Chapter 2: Tools / Building Worlds / Religion Pantheons Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 52 Pathfinder Wiki Erastil Details Alignment LG Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Gnomish Deities, Halfling Deities, Sandpoint Pantheon Areas of Concern Family, farming, hunting, trade Domains Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Education (Community), Family, Feather, Fur, This page was last edited on 19 July 2024, at 16:50. Orc Legacy Content Uncommon Humanoid Orc Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. The Pathfinder campaign setting hosts many pantheons of divinities that range from all-powerful deities to demigods, quasi deities, and other powerful beings who can grant their followers A pantheon rapidly gaining popularity throughout the Inner Sea is the Cosmic Caravan. Kobolds typically worship dragons' deities such as Apsu and Dahak. So, I tried to add a bit to it, mostly explaining how it gained prominence in recent years 9along with a VERY barebones NPC head of the movement) and adding a few alt names. Adventurers Adventure is not so much a choice as a necessity for most gnomes. Some are whispered in secret, passed down from a priest to trusted acolytes or scribed in tomes left behind by splinter factions. 322 Pathfinder Wiki Arshea Details Alignment NG Pantheon Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern Freedom, physical beauty, sexuality Domains Charm, Good, Liberation, Strength Subdomains Agathion, Freedom, Love, Lust, Self-Realization (Liberation)*, Self-Realization (Strength)* * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. He is the encroaching desert, the invader, the sandstorm destroying everything in its path, as well as the dead who rise from their graves. However, a few tribes have favourites amongst the hero-gods, and some even revere one or more of them ahead of Lamashtu. 5. Pages in category "Dead deities" The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total. The Eldest were responsible for creating the fearsome living weapons known as the Tane and could unleash them once more should they feel the need to do so. The Pathfinder campaign setting plays host to a large pantheon of deities, ranging from the all-powerful greater deities to the minor gods and demigods who are mostly powerful extraplanars. Main article: Elven pantheon. Elves have also adopted Alseta, a minor goddess of doors and transitions, as their patron of teleportation and Cayden generally finds Erastil, Abadar, Gozreh, and Irori tolerable to be around, but difficult to agree with on certain matters (Erastil is too somber, Abadar too tolerant of Magdh The Three Source The First World, Realm of the Fey pg. No official description was provided. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. gg In addition to Apsu and Dahak, the Tien deities General Susumu, Lady Nanbyo and Shizuru are all sometimes depicted as imperial dragons Reply reply firelark01 Apsu The Waybringer Source Inner Sea Faiths pg. And the Cleric and Oracle classes are balanced around having access to any single part of it, and often from a few The Pathfinder campaign setting plays host to a large pantheon of deities, ranging from the all-powerful greater deities to the minor gods and demigods who are mostly powerful extraplanars. Orcs are forged in the fires of Rovagug has no large-scale, organized church, but is revered in gatherings large and small throughout Golarion. 94 2. Following are a list of deities from various publishers you may want to add to your Deities related to a religion, mythology, or tradition are often organized into pantheons. 140 Pathfinder Wiki Shelyn Details Alignment NG Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Deities of Tian Xia, Gnomish Deities, Halfling Deities, Sandpoint Pantheon, Taldan Pantheon Areas of Concern Art, beauty, love, music Domains Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection Subdomains Agathion, Captivation*, Cloud, Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Adventuring gnomes often The 20 primary deities of the Inner Sea region are well known due to either widespread worship or their historical tendency to help or harm the people who live there. 93 2. Nocticula , the last member of the pantheon Kobolds typically worship dragons' deities such as Apsu and Dahak. Anytime you roll a critical threat on an attack roll La gamme Pathfinder est une création de Paizo Publishing traduite en français par Black Book Editions. All entries are subject to adjustment before final Pathfinder 2E will be shaking up its core pantheon next year. Within the forest, Ketephys resides in a tree that no one else can ever find. 6 3 The thousand gods of Vudra also include such deities as Chamidu, 30 Dhalavei, 31 Diomazul, 32 Gruhastha, 6 Lahkgya Daikitsu, the Lady of Foxes, is a capricious yet benevolent god. 322 Pathfinder Wiki Ragathiel Details Alignment LG Pantheon Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern Chivalry, duty, vengeance Domains Destruction, Good, Law, Nobility Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Judgment, Martyr, Rage * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. The larger Stone's Blood pantheon, also known as the dwarven pantheon, includes deities of all aspects of dwarven life, such as battle, strategy, Pages in category "Orc pantheon" The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total. Pathfinder Wiki Aldinach Details Alignment CE Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Sand, scorpions, thirst Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Sun Favored Weapon Kukri: Ananshea The Skin That Walks on Teeth Source Book of the Damned pg. 28 Pathfinder Wiki Magdh Details Alignment LN Pantheon Eldest Areas of Concern Complexity, fate, triplets Domains Knowledge, Law, Luck, Rune Subdomains Curse, Fate, Thought, Wards * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. If you are actually a minotaur, this ability instead allows you to assume a humanoid form at will (this change The most significant deities of the Inner Sea region are the 20 presented in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Pantheons Dwarven Pantheon Devotee Benefits Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom Divine Font harm or heal Divine Sanctification can choose unholy [Nethys Note: Generated per Remaster Compatibility FAQ] Divine Skill Intimidation Favored Weapon light pick Domains knowledge, might, travel, vigil Alternate Domains fate, truth The Pantheon of Many is a temple devoted to almost all of the main deities of the Inner Sea region located in the South Shore district of the Varisian city of Korvosa. Folgrit The Watchful Mother Source Inner Sea Gods pg. The Looking down from above, these deities help travelers and voyagers find their path. Favored Weapon Bastard sword Pharasma (pronounced fah-RAZ-mah), 1 the Lady of Graves, is the goddess of birth, death, fate, prophecy, and time. 83 3. 1 Nethys Note: no description has been provided of this deity Category Pantheons Edicts Create works that inspire good acts, defend those who cannot defend themselves, pursue evil Anathema allow evil to spread, destroy that which brings joy to others, fail to offer evil a chance to surrender Pages in category "Tian Xia deities" The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total. Favored Weapon Scythe Symbol Green three-pointed knot Sacred Animal(s) Multi Natural barriers and vast distances have shaped the Expanse's religions as much as its people, creating a thousand variants comprised of familiar deities and regional faiths. You gain the listed spell-like ability for your selected pantheon, usable once per day.
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