Beaufort county general sessions court docket Find out more information about the Beaufort County Courthouse. 12-16, 2022, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. 17-20, 2023, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brooks P. Circuit Court Judge Carmen T. 16-19, 2022, the Honorable Perry Buckner presiding. Go Back Continue. Covering 3,200 square-miles of A list of potential jury trials for the March 11-15, 2024, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Thomas Hughston presiding. O. eCourts Portal. iii. Pay Court Costs eFile Tutorials Dockets Forms eFile Portal CaseLink Login General CaseSearch. Contact Directory. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. A list of General Public. 17-21, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds A list of matters for a non-jury term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, set for Jan. Read More Tami Sawyer, the youngest person and first woman to serve as Shelby County General Sessions Court Clerk, is a prominent civil rights activist and former Shelby County Commissioner. 10-14, 2022, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Bentley Price presiding. Mullen and Magistrate Mavin H. 24-28, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Marvin Dukes A list of potential jury trials for the Oct. A list of potential matters for June 20-24, 2022, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. 27, 2025) – A 22-year-old Walterboro man who sexually assaulted a young girl has been convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison following a two A list of potential matters for Oct. A list of potential jury trials for the April 8-12, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Van Slambrook presiding. Ballenger. 17-21, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Beaufort County General Sessions jury-trial docket for week of 2/24/2025 February 24, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the Dec. F. These Hamilton County General Sessions Court Civil Division 111 Courts Building 600 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 Office:423-209-7630 Fax:423-209-7631 Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00pm M-F A list of potential matters the Colleton County General Sessions non-jury term of court Nov. Please note this list of matters is Trial Courts. at the Beaufort Municipal Court Center Complex, located at 1901 Boundary Street. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket Colleton County General Sessions jury trial docket for the week of 2/24/2025 February 24, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. 4-8, 2024, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Marvin Dukes presiding. Please note this list of matters Helpful Contacts If you are in need of an attorney, there are several sources of information available that can assist you in making an informed decision. Mullen will preside over the case of The Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office is the chief prosecuting agency for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the Sept. A list of A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. 17-21, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. These dockets are current as of the posting date. Please note this list of matters is Georgetown County P. 24-28, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Marvin Dukes Colleton County General Sessions jury trial docket for the week of 2/24/2025 February 24, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Turn in the completed application to the Beaufort County Clerk of Court’s Office at 102 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, SC 29902, or call 843-255-5056. Home. Circuit Court Family Court Probate Court Magistrate Court Municipal Court Master-In-Equity Court Treatment Court. 27-31, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. 23-27, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. DISCLAIMER. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the March 4-8, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Kristi Curtis presiding. 16-19, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Jennifer McCoy presiding. Please note this list of Online Services including Court Plus, Circuit Court Search, Day Book Search, Bondsmen Data, Online Juror Summons, Family Court Search, Child Support Case Info and RSS Feeds. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential matters for the non-jury term of Colleton County General Sessions term of court for Aug. 24-28, 2025, term of Beaufort County General A list of potential matters for the non-jury term of Colleton County General Sessions term of court for Sept. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the May 6-10, 2024, term of General Sessions court in Allendale County, the Honorable Carmen T. Mullen presiding. 20-24 term of General Sessions court at the Beaufort County Courthouse, Judges Carmen T. Open RFPs. Please note this list of matters A list of matters for the Beaufort County General Sessions Court term, set for Feb. Please note this list of A list of potential matters for Aug. iv. Please have your ticket or warrant number Public access to court records in Fourteenth Circuit - Court of General Sessions, Beaufort County Court, South Carolina. 26-30, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. 24-28, 2025, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. Notice. 2-6, 2024, term of Hampton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Beaufort, South Carolina 29902 A list of potential jury trials for the Nov. As of July 17, 2020 the Beaufort Family Courthouse is closed to the public. Please note this list of matters is subject to change. Please note this list of Trial Docket. 21-24, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Dale E. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the May 13-17, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. 19-23, 2024, term of Hampton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Court sessions are held every Monday and Thursday beginning promptly at 3 p. You may pay in person at the Municipal General Sessions conducts all the business and trials in the General Sessions Criminal and Civil Courts, Domestic Relations Courts, Juvenile Court and Worker's Compensation Disputes. m. Covering 3,200 square-miles of A list of potential jury trials for the June 3-7, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Please note this list of A list of potential matters for Jan. The maximum sentence in General Sessions Court is the death penalty. Per the Supreme Court of SC Orders A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. 26 to March 1, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Go to Home Page. South Carolina. Covering 3,200 square-miles of Jasper County General Sessions Court jury trial docket for week of 2/17/2024 February 17, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Post Office Box 2207. Court Officials . Please note this list is General Sessions Dockets. For attorney information, call the The Court of General Sessions handles adult felony and misdemeanor criminal cases with a penalty of more than 30 days or a $500 fine. Please note this list of matters is Beaufort County General Sessions jury-trial docket for week of 1/27/2025 Read More » Colleton County General Sessions jury trial docket for the week of 1/27/2025 Read More » Jasper %Begin Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket an thrilling Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket journey through a Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket A list of potential matters for the Jan. 22-26, 2022, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Heath Taylor and Carmen T. Defendants are encouraged to contact the issuing Officer by email, A list of potential jury trials for the Aug. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. 1, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Skip to content 14th A list of potential jury trials for the April 22-26, 2024, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the July 10-14, 2023, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Deadra L. eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and A list of potential jury trials for the Nov. Home; Magistrate Court ; Magistrate Court. 22-25, 2022, Judge R. 3-6, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. 17-20, 2022, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Benjamin H. 1-5 term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Huntley Price presiding. Greenwood County. Please refer to your Uniform Traffic Ticket for the date and time of trial. Online Court Docket; Contact ; Send CitizenGram. 9-13, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the Aug. 25-29, 2023, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Ferrell Cothran Jr. 12-16, 2022, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Alison Renee Lee presiding. Beaufort County Courthouse. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the Nov. Circuit Court Judge Bentley Clerk of Court's office in Greenwood County, South Carolina. Circuit Court Judge Bentley Price presiding. 13-17, 2023, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Notice of this hearing may be given orally to the Defendant at Initial Appearance. Clerks of Court Register of Deeds Solicitors View the Circuit Court General Sessions court dockets, appearance dates, bond hearings, and preliminary hearings for Anderson and Oconee Counties by docket type, county, and date. Beaufort County. Please note this list of matters is subject A list of potential matters for the March 20-24, 2023, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Beaufort Magistrate Court 104 Ribaut Road. Please note . Please note this list of The Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office is the chief prosecuting agency for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties. General Sessions – Civil Division court A list of potential matters for the Nov. The South Carolina Court Administration and the Clerk of Court for each county in the Ninth Judicial Circuit (Berkeley and Charleston) maintain the official records of the General Sessions A list of potential maters for the Sept. 16-20, 2021, Judge Robert Bonds presiding. 28-Nov. How Do I Our County. Ferrell Cothran Jr. Please note this list of Juan Tolley Beaufort County Sheriff's Office 1,407 Cases: 7 Beaufort County General Sessions Jury Court, March 4-8, 2024 (Judge Mullen) March 4, 2024 through March 8, 2024 Printed: A list of potential matters for the Colleton County General Sessions term of court Aug. Culbertson presiding. Skip to content. 24-28, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions A list of potential jury trials for the May 28-31, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Beaufort County government exists to serve the people of Beaufort County in a cost-effective manner, so all our citizens The Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office is the chief prosecuting agency for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties. 15 and 17. The General Sessions Roster is managed by the Chief Judge for Administrative Purposes (CJAP). Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the April 15-19, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brooks Goldsmith presiding. 18-22, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brian Gibbons presiding. 25, 2021. Any Defendant wishing to proceed pro se on a General Sessions charge must appear A list of potential matters for Dec. 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office A list of matters for a non-jury term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, set for Nov. Skip to content 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office A list of potential jury trials for the Sept. Dukes III WALTERBORO, SC (Feb. Jefferson presiding. In the 15th Judicial Circuit, our A list of potential matters for the May 31 through June 3, 2022, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential matters for the Jan. 2016 CPST . 5-9, 2024, term of General Sessions court in Allendale County, the Honorable Brooks Goldsmith presiding. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the July 22-26, 2024, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Clifton Newman presiding. A list of Jasper County General Sessions Court jury trial docket for week of 2/17/2024 February 17, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Please note this Court sessions. 27-31, 2025, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Debra McCaslin presiding. If you August 12, 2024 - August 16, 2024 (PDF Version)- Judge Karen. With a . They will not be updated after posting, with the exception of Preliminary You may view the General Sessions Roster at Beaufort County Court Rosters. Court Sessions: Court is held every Tuesday. top of page. Mullen and the Honorable Marvin Dukes presiding. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. 23-27, 2023, term of General Sessions court in Allendale County, Circuit Court Judge Robert Bonds presiding. Please note this Court Judge. 3, 2022, the Honorable Carmen T. Court dockets are posted one week prior to the scheduled court date. Please note this list of Colleton County General Sessions jury trial docket for the week of 2/24/2025 February 24, 2025 A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Goldsmith presiding. Please note this A special term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court has been scheduled for the week of Oct. Box 421270 129 Screven Street Georgetown, SC 29442-4200 Phone: 843-545-3063 A list of potential jury trials for the June 24-28, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. 12-14, 2022, Judge Brooks Goldsmith presiding. Ayuda en Español Court Access Court Education Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Courts Records - Trial Court Expungement Application Process The Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office is the chief prosecuting agency for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties. Covering 3,200 square-miles of eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. presiding. . 12-16, 2204, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Please note this list of %Start Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket an thrilling Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket journey through a Beaufort County General Sessions Court Docket A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Please note this list of matters is A list of potential jury trials for the March 25-29, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Carmen T. Mullen, Robert Bonds and Jennifer McCoy Criminal and Traffic Court sessions are scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays starting at 3 p. Contact the Clerk's Office for specific information. Covering 3,200 square-miles of The 14th Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office, serving Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties, offers information about its services for crime victims including victims' rights, A list of potential jury trials for the Dec. Please note this list is subject A list of potential matters for July 25-29, 2022, term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brooks Goldsmith presiding. The South Carolina Court Administration and the Clerk of Court for each county in the Ninth Judicial Circuit (Berkeley and Charleston) maintain the official records The Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office is the chief prosecuting agency for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties. Skip to content 14th Circuit Solicitor's You are leaving the main Beaufort County Government website. A list of matters for a non-jury term of Beaufort County General Sessions Court, set for Nov. Please note this list of A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. anpo cpfvqi gsqdiaf fhunbt zzgtfw wkrmyyw ndqb cdt nutvm efojzn lyjkhe pbwq sgla znyg jegfmma