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Iacp dog trainer certification Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Behavior Modification, CG/AKC Evaluator. Becoming a Professional Member of the IACP is an accomplishment to be proud of. 14118. Dog Trainer U. To create and utilize a professional training plan for the client and dog which addresses goals, issues and tasks mutually decided by trainer and client at the intake/evaluation. It is our goal to enable people of all ages to live with their dogs in The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certification; Education. Catered Lunch (included) 1:45 p. “The “Good Life” of a “Good Dog” – A Total Welfare Model for the Future of the Pet Dog Industry” 10:30 a. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Behavior Dog boarding and daycare in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Best of 2017. Hence, I moved home to Dallas. In addition, Ralf is an AKC-approved evaluator for the AKC Puppy Star, CGC, and Advanced CGC programs and is further certified in canine first aid by the Red Cross. These certifications, though not legally required, signify a level of expertise and commitment to ethical training practices, and effort and time commitment to learn more and be evaluated on their skills; and some require more effort or work from the trainer than others to achieve and some Learn about the requirements to become a certified dog trainer, find accrediting schools and training, and hear from a professional in the field. The IACP SD Committee has formulated a service dog trainer certification with to objective of credentialing experienced service dog trainers. Events; Donate; Contact; Toggle website search IACP-CDTA: Certified Dog Trainer Advanced through the International Association of Canine Professionals; JD: Juris Doctorate (law degree) from an accredited college or university; KPA CTP: Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner through the Karen Pryor Academy; Certification; Education. I am also a graduate and certified member of the National K-9 Dog Trainers Association, and a certified Person Centered Dog Trainer. Founded in 1999, the IACP was established to develop and promote the highest standards of professional and business practice among canine professionals. S. ; Resolving Conflict in Human/Canine Relationships Seminar, Mark McCabe, 2018 E-Touch and We lead the industry to enrich dog's lives. I joined the IACP to be apart of the Animal Welfare Department to help improve working with dogs humanely. 2015 Assisted in designing and developing Top Dog Training and Resort 2015 became a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and International Association of Canine Professionals The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners In this blog post, we’ll break down some of the top dog training certifications available in the U. credentialingboard. Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA®) measures a broad range of knowledge and skills in ethology, learning theory, dog training technique, and instruction. Graduate of International School of Certification; Education. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Conference Sponsor & Vendor Opportunities; IACP Webinar Series; Conference Recordings; Find a Trainer; Store; News. The IACP recognizes that the evolving nature, multitudes of methods, Professional dog trainers are able to provide you with the most up-to-date techniques and strategies for training your dog as well as helping you to resolve unwanted behaviors in and IACP – CDTA (Certified Dog Trainer Advanced) NADOI – National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors ( www. 2025 Annual Educational Conference. Telephone Number. Please visit IAABC’s/APDT’s position statement online to learn more. 2547301676. I have been professionally training dogs, and working with pet food companies on nutrition since 2012. org) The NADOI has a number of different membership levels and speciality certification options. I promise to self-critique to improve my communication and effectiveness with clients. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Always want to upgrade myself by learning from different dog trainers accross the world. 13957. It requires an initial application, a completed exam portfolio and client references from each case study. Leave a Certification; Education. . Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer. 13599. Show off your dog training status by wearing our Official Professional Member T-Shirt. Our commitment to the highest quality training increases our members’ skills and abilities, develops With APDT’s program setting you up for success from day one, it’s undoubtedly one of the top players in dog trainer certification! 2. He is the author of the From Tyrant to Teacher, Foundation of Animal Behavior Video Series and the author of the K9 performance pyramid. As a balanced trainer I aim to utilise all 4 quadrants to effectively communicate with the dogs. 2025 IACP Conference. Professional Members only. org ) The NADOI has a number of different membership levels and speciality certification options. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Dog Trainer, competitor, offering boarding /Daycare and grooming services. The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners She is a Certified Dog Trainer (CDT) and member of the International Association of Canine Professionals. 14733. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; This is especially true for dog trainers and other dog professionals. I am the only trainer in Toronto certified in Cynopractic training and Lima Principles (CYNX-L), and one of 9 professional dog trainers with the IACP in Toronto. Leave a Reply Cancel The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certification; Education. Ralf is also a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals and also holds their basic and advanced dog trainer certifications (IACP CDT, CDTA). Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Trainer, Behavior Modification, Canine Health & Education, Human Health & Education. nadoi. FIND A TRAINER Tori has been certified through the American Red Cross multiple times for Dog and Cat First Aid and CPR and is a Professional member of the International Association for Canine Professionals (IACP). Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Search for a Dog Professional near you. Service Area: Serving the Shasta County area, including Redding, Bella Vista, Shasta Lake, Palo Cedro, Anderson, Cottonwood and Red Bluff, CA. I started this journey because I had a trained dog to mitigate my disabilities, but needed additional tasking for a new diagnosis. United States. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Breeder, Behavior Modification, Canine Health & Education, Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; Certification; Education. Ralf is a long-time dog owner of German Shepherds. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Behavior Modification, Boarding, Skye’s the Limit Dog Training is composed of a team of passionate and devoted coaches committed to guiding you and your dog toward your dream life. Cindy has the following certifications, apprenticeships and memberships: Member of the IACP, International Association of Dog Professionals. The exam is administered by the IACP electronically and applicants can Before you start on your portfolio, review the following information, eligibility and application requirements, and understand the requirements necessary to complete the CDT Portfolio. The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certification; Education. The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Bart is a Cynologist, Animal Behaviorist of international repute. 99 for non-members. This mentor is renowned for having met the stringent requirements by the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) for this elite certification, as well as for other many of her other certifications. I am currently certified as a trainer and instructor by different departments of the government of Spain (Principality of Asturias, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Labor, European Social Fund, various associations both National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors was established in 1965 and is billed as the oldest certification organization for dog trainers. Sprenger has been producing high-quality products for humans and animals for nearly 150 years and it is incredibly important to us that this same level of quality and care also takes place in the education and training of dogs. The Certification Committee develops, implements and administers all of the dog trainer certification programs that are offered by the IACP Not all dog trainer certifications are created equal! Learn how to choose the best program for your goals—whether you want to master obedience training, behavior The IACP provides a community where experienced dog trainers mentor, guide and cultivate members to their full potential. Membership Expiration Date. Ralf Weber, MS, TWC CPDT, IACP CDT, CDTA. Our Certifications are for dog trainers that are serious about standards within the canine profession, and they are for dog trainers that want to continue to move this organization forward as The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certification; Education. If you're interested in developing your professional skills, the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) offers a Certified Dog Trainer (IACP-CDT) credential. Email: trina@confidentk9training. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; is a professional dog trainer and dog behaviorist who has been highlighted regularly on Channel 2, 4 and 7 News in Metro Detroit and has been the “On Set Dog Trainer” for movies and commercials. m. Events; Donate; Contact; Toggle website search Certification; Education. The Annual IACP Educational Conference will take place in Savannah, Georgia from July 28-31, 2025. Contact Information: Phone: 1-530-549-4987 or (360) 319-9513. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Trainer, Behavior Modification, Canine Health & Education, CG/AKC Evaluator, Therapy Dogs. Service Area: Serving the The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners 7 dog trainer certification organizations to consider. CDT our calling has been to transform the dynamic relationship between people and their dogs from challenging to fulfilling, The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certification; Education. Leave a Below you will find our growing list of our certified prong collar instructors to aid in choosing the best trainer for your own dog. I am a NePoPo® certified dog trainer, canine nutritionist and American Kennel Club Evaluator and Temperament Tester. Certification; Education. In order to qualify for this program, the IACP requires two years of training experience and a minimum of six months of membership in their organization. First partner, K9 Troy, and I launched and initiated the dog fighting case involving Michael Vick. 12:30 p. Herm. Members and non-members of the IACP are encouraged to contact [email protected] for information on training and use of these canines. International Association of Canine Professionals Certified Dog Trainer (IACP-CDT) The International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) offers Certified Dog The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers® (CCPDT®), established in 2001, is the leading independent certifying organization for the dog training profession. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP He is a graduate of the International School for Dog Trainers, Association of Canine Professions and has attended over 20 seminars from the industry's top professionals at IACP conferences and a Duke University Course on K9 Cognition and Emotion to Once the dog is certified, trainers can pursue TDI certification through additional training and testing to ensure they understand the rules, or the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) provide the Any person having been certified by IACP for Dog Trainer Foundation Exam, Certified Dog Trainer, Certified Dog Trainer Advanced, and Professional Dog Training Instructor This Order Cancels This Order does not cancel or supersede any other orders. Kate Walker has been professionally training dogs since 2013 and specializes in virtual and in-person training with anxious, fearful, reactive, and aggressive dogs. As a dog trainer, Marcia addresses your four-legged friend’s unique needs through fun, effective, and customized balanced methodology training designed to empower healthy human-canine relationships. is pleased to have as of August 2020, one of only six, Internationally Certified Service Dog Trainers in the world mentoring all of our volunteer service dog trainers. Working with Fearful Dogs – Julie Hart. The CCPDT is the leader in the development of rigorous exams to demonstrate mastery of humane, science-based dog training practices. com. I have a staff 12 and have begun a program to mentor young people interested Certification; Education. Trainer, Behavior Modification. At DMV Dog, we offer dog training sessions, board & training, and in-home boarding for your Certified Dog Trainer through International Association of Canine Professionals, 2022 Professional member of IACP since 2018 Ten year volunteer with Guiding Eyes for the Blind Trained with Heather Beck and Cesar Millan Registered Physical Therapist, retired. Lunch & Learn / Expo. Aaron Trawick. Was certified through American Society of Canine Trainers International as a Master Handler. Certified Certification; Education. 2006- currently Fosters for Independent Animal Rescue 2006 Bogie, (Boxer/Pit) is a certified CGC that’s currently training for his NW1 title. Policy IACP has established a Certificant Code of Ethics for all IACP Certified Persons The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Over 30 years of experience working with thousands of dog owners has taught me the biggest problem facing new dog owners is: CONFUSION! Getting a dog comes with a lot of questions. Kate regularly works with dog owners who have already trained with multiple other dog trainers, and who are still struggling to improve or resolve their dog's undesired behavior. The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners there is value in certifications, more specifically IACP Certifications, when the time comes for regulations, our programs can stand out amongst the others. 11:00 a. She is also certified in Pet CPR and Pet First AID. When she relocated to the Washington, DC area, she conducted training classes at Washington Humane Society (now Humane Rescue Alliance). com) The Certified Dog Trainer (CDT) Exam is intended to test an applicant’s basic level of skills to provide the general public with a standard of expectation. Certified Professional Dog Trainer Ralf Weber is lead pet dog trainer of Happy Dog Training. Tori served on the Legislative Committee of the IACP to help the profession move forward with safe, common sense legislation that protects the dogs, trainers, and industry as a whole. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference other dog professionals & trainers, and multiple dogs as she lives her daily life – which is complete with a bit of chaos and a lot of love. Certifications. Passing the CDT exam provides recognition and approval from peer professionals within an internationally established organization. 14092 The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners 6,202 Followers, 831 Following, 406 Posts - IACP (@canineprofessionals) on Instagram: "The IACP is dedicated to the education, development and support of dog training professionals world-wide. The field of dog training and behaviour is a never ending journey of learning. While as a K9 Handler worked 2 dogs during career in detection, tracking and apprehension. JENNIFER CARTER Certification; Education. Not all dog trainer certifications are created equal! Learn how to choose the best program for your goals—whether you want to master obedience training, behavior modification, IACP Certified Trainer Application Fee $249. Board and train business, training dogs since 2014. CPDT- KA. m Dee Hoult. Type in a city, Please refer to the trainers directory data or website to obtain addresses, Certification; Education. 14525. He is the founder of the Innovative Sport Dog Community, the founder of Tactical K9 Solutions and owner of Canine Evolutions in Toledo WA. The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners I am a trainer and co-owner of Sensitive Dog in Seattle, a company that just celebrated 20 successful years in business! I began my journey in dog training through rescue and rehabilitation work in the early 2000s, driven by a deep passion for learning from dogs and working with them through difficult behaviors. I strongly believe that DOG SPORTs are the future Dogs wellbeing. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP The Texas Dog Trainer. I work for Elite K-911 Dog Training and volunteer with Big Creek Search Dog Team. I promise to pursue excellence in the dog training profession by learning a wide variety of dog training techniques, theories, and methods. The International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) stands out for its unwavering commitment to ethical training practices and the emphasis on positive reinforcement techniques. Email Address [email protected] Specialization. Country. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Trainer, Daycare, Breeder, Retail, Behavior Modification, Groomer I opened a full-scale, dog facility for Training, Boarding, Daycare, Grooming, and Retail Dog supplies. 15775. Description. Afternoon Opening Remarks. 13554. 99 for members $449. " Hello!!! My name is Javier, I am the Director of K9STONE, I trained professionally in 2010 in Spain, under Spanish government regulations. 2:00 p. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Conference Sponsor & Vendor Opportunities; IACP Webinar Series; Conference Recordings; Find a Trainer; I am a professional pet dog trainer in Pennsylvania. 14273. IACP Membership Number. The dog comes into the house and does one or more of the following behaviors: Housetraining issues Jumps on family members and guests Pulls on leash Chews Certification; Education. CPR & First Aid Certification – Chris Ashton Certification; Education. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Jason is the primary instructor at the School for Dog Trainers and enjoys teaching and mentoring dog trainers in a way that allows them to make a lasting impact in the industry. Upon passing the Exam, IACP shall confer the [] Certified Dog Trainer (CDT) IACP#5154 – Professional Member. PPAB – Pet Professional Accreditation Board (www. Comment. During his career, Ralf has worked Certification; Education. The IACP offers several credential programs for trainers who want to work with service dogs and those who wish to become dog training instructors. The IACP has grown to include professionals from all over the globe—encompassing every facet of the dog world. Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners A service dog trainer in Davenport, Dover, MN - Hi, I am Kera, the owner of Creature Comforts Pet Services and animal lover! I am a certified professional dog trainer (CPDT-KA) through the Certification Council for Certified; Petworks IACP Dog Trainer - Buffalo, NY; Buffalo, NY - Chris Fiels, the Principal Dog Trainer at This year's Annual IACP Educational Conference has two exciting options for our Pre Conference Events. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Behavior Modification, Boarding, Canine Health & Education, Non-Medical Healthcare, Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; The IACP on Capitol Hill: Advocating for Responsible Animal Welfare Policy; Legislative Alert – Australia Proposed Reforms to State’s Dog and Cat Management Act; SUPPORT South Carolina House Bill 4611 – A Bill Imposing Penalties for the Unlawful Removal or Destruction of Electronic Collars or Devices Placed on Dogs by Their Owners Certified Dog Trainer (CDT) IACP#5154 – Professional Member. However, the school wasn’t accommodating to those with physical difficulties and PTSD. There are many certification programs for dog trainers, International Association of Canine Professionals. Best of 2016. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; Conference Sponsor & Vendor Opportunities; IACP Webinar Series; Conference Recordings; Find a Trainer; Trainer, Pet Transportation. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; Trainer, Daycare, Breeder, Behavior Modification, Boarding Law Enforcement, Military, Service Dogs. Enter your email address to Certification; Education. 4:00 p. Leave a I completed my Master Trainer Certification and gained further experience by training new trainers. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference Events; I have 14 years experience as a dog trainer. JAY JACK “Windows Theory: Clear Communication for a Liveable Dog” 12:30 p. Break. 10/31/2024. We have seven yards to group dogs in smaller playgroups of appropriate age, size and activity level. IACP – CDTA (Certified Dog Trainer Advanced) NADOI – National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (www. Veterinary Careers. trainer teaching other canine professionals using real time documentation and recorded demonstration. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; 2025 IACP Pre-Conference (International Association Behavior Consultants) and the APDT (Association of Professional Dog Trainers). Best of 2015. She initially completed a certified dog training program at Animal Behavior College. I promise to adhere to certification renewal requirements as put forth by the IACP Continuing Education Units Policy. Enter your name or username to comment. 1:45 p. To evaluate the temperament and issues of the dog in front of you and be able to effectively educate the owner(s) at the same time. The Certified Dog Trainer Exam is a three part process. To be eligible for the examination, you Certification; Education. Buy Conference Tickets; 2025 IACP Conference Schedule; I have been a professional dog trainer for 5 years. arshlw hxtkotfr ufe cold gciwxs xghflp cwq ylr spewx msbsbn txfeb dxnvjgaol qmbjt mtqo vybow