A mutagen is brainly

A mutagen is brainly. g. Very small doses of a mutagen usually have little effect while large doses of a mutagen could be lethal. Mar 15, 2024 · Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ The visible expression of a genetic trait such as hair texture in humans is known as a. - Homework Help, AI Tutor & Test Prep Apr 27, 2020 · The sequence of nucleotides in an mRNA is 5’AUGACCCAUUGGUCUCGUUGGCUGAAGUCA 3’. Acridines bind to DNA by intercalation between adjacent base pairs. Neither of these are typically involved in ignition or burning processes. A mutagen can be a chemical, physical or biological agent that causes mutation in the DNA. Explanation: When cells are unable to repair the damage caused by a mutagen, several outcomes can occur: The damaged cells may undergo programmed cell death, known as apoptosis, to prevent the spread of genetic defects. UV radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. messages. The cells grow more quickly than those that were not exposed to the chemical. Types of Mutagens: Physical mutagens: Ionising radiation, such as X-rays, gamma rays, and alpha particles, is one example. Nov 23, 2022 · question. The group of mice fed the food with the added mutagen will show a higher ability to digest the new, harder-to-digest food. Thus any carcinogen (that increases the risk of getting cancer by causing mutations) is a mutagen. In this case, the best ones are acridines and nitrous acid. Mutations are rare occurrences. any chemical that can poison living cells. From the choices given, tobacco and X-rays are considered chemical mutagens. star 4 /5 Nov 3, 2023 · while working with cultured yeast cells, the scientist unknowingly treated the cells with a mutagen that although rare, causes deletion or insertion of individual bases in dna. Explanation: A chemical mutagen is a substance that can cause changes, or mutations, in the DNA of an organism. Oct 21, 2023 · Tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen, while tanning beds, X-rays, and sunlight are not. This can increase the frequency of mutations above the normal background level. A. A mutagen is a chemical or physical agent that causes a permanent change in the genetic material (DNA) of an organism. Mutagen, any agent capable of altering the genetic constitution of a cell by changing the structure of the hereditary material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Hydroxylamine is a mutagen that results in the conversion of a GC base pair in the DNA to an AT pair. Sep 28, 2020 · Mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA caused by a mistake in DNA replication or by a mutagen. A mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that, in genetics, irreversibly alters genetic material, typically DNA, in an organism. star 4 /5 Nov 3, 2023 · A chemical mutagen is a substance that can cause changes in an organism's DNA, leading to genetic disorders or an increased risk of cancer. These changes in the nucleotide sequence can affect one or more phenotypic characteristics of the affected organism, which is also passed to offsprings because it is a genetic change. Brainly Tutor. an agent that causes a mutation in DNA. Nucleoside analogs are chemicals that resemble the structure of nucleotides, but they have slight differences May 31, 2023 · X-rays are considered a chemical mutagen. The term " mutagens " refers to chemical or physical substances that have the power to alter an organism's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), hence raising the rate of mutation in the population. profile. Answer: The chemicals which help in imposing heritable changes in the genotype of an organism are termed as "Chemical Mutagens". A mutagen is. Oct 13, 2020 · A mutagen is 1: a living thing that has undergone a mutation. Physical mutagens include electromagnetic radiation , such as gamma rays, X rays, and UV light, particle radiation, such as fast and thermal neutrons , and beta and alpha particles . A chemical or agent that can cause DNA sequence alterations and mutations is known as a mutagen. . Mutagens have no effect on the body unless you have inherited them. What must be true? OA. It has several effects on the environment, some of which can be harmful. For students. Or organic compounds containing 5 or 6 carbon planar ring structures that intercalate (i. The first metabolite of ethanol, acetaldehyde, is mutagenic. A frame-shift mutation is that change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA which affects the frame-shift of the nucleotides. A mutagen may alter gene function to the organism's benefit. Apr 12, 2017 · Solar UV radiation is not a mutagen, germicide, or pollutant. Mutagen can cause diseases by harming the cells such as cancer. B. Out of the given options, tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen. One group is given food with an added substance that is known to be a mutagen. She exposes plant cells to a large amount of this chemical in the laboratory Which statement best provides evidence that the substance is a mutagen? The cells die within hours of being exposed to the chemical. Learn more about Types of mutagens here: Nov 12, 2023 · Nucleoside analog is a mutagen that is structurally similar to a normal nucleotide and can cause errors and mutations in DNA replication. A mutagen could harm the organism by disrupting gene function. Other examples of mutagen are radioactive substances, ultraviolet radiation and certain chemica… Jan 20, 2023 · The mutagen might alter gene activity in a way that is advantageous to the organism. Commonly, people get exposed to mutagens through sunlight (UV rays) and tobacco smoke. This corresponds to option D. Answer: the one that is considered a chemcial mutagen is : Tobacco. lucky1742. To reverse this type of mutation, a mutagen that can specifically remove or add the appropriate number of nucleotides would be required. May 30, 2023 · A mutagen is 1: a living thing that has undergone a mutation. 4:a chemical that can poison living cells. It's a mutagen to humans, but a pollutant to the environment. Jun 6, 2017 · Mutagen is an agent that causes DNA mutations. Jun 13, 2016 · Mutagen is an agent that causes DNA mutations. A monofunctional ethylating agent called ethyl methanesulfonate has been shown to be mutagenic in a range of genetic test systems, including viruses and mammals. The mutagen that causes mutations by the formation of thymine dimers is Ultraviolet light. Jan 25, 2024 · A chemical mutagen is an environmental factor or a chemical agent that causes mutations in the DNA. 3:a mutation that has affected one gene. A MUTAGEN is any substance that causes genetic mutation in an organism's cell. Explore similar answers. Mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA or gene. Out of the options given, tobacco can be considered a chemical mutagen. Alcohol causes cancer, birth defects, and mutations in humans. Tobacco contains various harmful chemicals, including carcinogens, that can damage DNA and lead to mutations. O Severe mutations are usually caused by small amounts of a mutagen. Hence, a plant cell exposed to this mutagen will be induced to mutate. Mark this and retur TIME REMAININ 01:44:05 Save and Exit Submit Dec 1, 2020 · Answer. A mutagen can alter codon-anticodon binding. These terms both refer to changes in the DNA sequence of an organism. com Nov 9, 2023 · A mutagen is a substance that causes changes in DNA. In this case, the exposure to a mutagen caused the person to develop a tumor as an adult. For example, 'Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a Mutation is a process that occurs from time to time to the genetic material of living cells. a mutation that has affected one gene. Jan 31, 2024 · I'm the Brainly AI Helper here to assist you with your question! 1. O Small amounts of a mutagen often do not have an effect on health. These mutations occur when the high-energy X-rays Oct 28, 2023 · When a person is exposed to a mutagen, it can cause mutations in their cells. The first symptoms of the disease caused Spider-Man to lose his spider powers. Mutation in itself refers to heritable changes to the genome of a cell or an organism. Oct 31, 2023 · A) Poisonous B) Carcinogen C) Mutagen D) Teratogen. "Hydroxylamine" (NH₂OH) and "Nitrous acid" (HNO₂) are chemical mutagens. Common mutagens include: bromine, sodium azide, psoralen, benzene, x-rays, gamma rays, alpha particles, ultraviolet radiation, etc. The DNA molecule can change after being exposed to a mutagen Mar 24, 2016 · Answer. Jun 30, 2021 · Answer:The mutation disease was the result of Spider-Man mutating even further from the spider bite. Feb 18, 2019 · Most mutagens are of natural origin and are not just a modern phenomenon. Oct 27, 2023 · Radiations from X-rays is not a mutagen. mutagen … The visible expression of a genetic trait such as hair texture in humans is known as a. Examples of mutagen include bromine, gamma rays, uv rays etc. The second group is fed the same food without the mutagen. Chemicals that cause genetic material to mutate are known as chemical mutagens. Jul 12, 2018 · In the word search below are the names of several pieces of lab equipment. UV light is the most common source of radiation that affects DNA, but it is a weak radiation and it penetrates only the surface cells of your skin. X-rays can also have harmful effects on living organisms. mutagen - brainly. A mutation is the actual change that occurs in the DNA sequence, while a mutagen is any agent that causes a mutation to happen. Mar 13, 2016 · Expert-Verified Answer. Jun 14, 2018 · When a base analogue is phosphorylated, it acquires the tendency to get incorporated into D. 2. The UV radiations are radiations having very high energy and it acts as a mutation causing agent. Explanation: arrow right. phenotype Feb 7, 2018 · A chemical mutagen isn't energy waves, chemical mutagens are actual chemicals. Mutations caused by mutagens are not natural. , cosmic rays, X rays, ultraviolet light) are mutagenic, as are a variety of chemical compounds. Tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen due to the harmful chemicals it contains. Mar 17, 2021 · the answer is B. UVA radiation penetrates deep into the skin and acts as a mutagen. Example- Physical agents such as - Oct 31, 2023 · Find an answer to your question Use the drop-down menus below to match each example to the corresponding type of mutagen. Jul 23, 2020 · Which is considered a chemical mutagen? Most chemical mutagens are alkylating agents and azides . In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. Jul 22, 2020 · A mutagen is generally described as a chemical that is capable of causing mutation in cells. What do you mean by Mutation? Dec 8, 2023 · While working with cultured yeast cells, the scientist unknowingly treated the cells with a mutagen that although rare, causes deletion or insertion of individual bases in DNA. Mutagens are substances or agents that can cause a change in the genetic material (DNA) of an organism. There are only 13 words out of the listBunsen burner,Pipestem triangle, Evaporating dish, Beaker, Utility clamp,Iron ring, Mortar and pestle, Crucible and cover, Gas bottle, Saftey goggles,Corks, Watch glass, Erlenmeyer flask, Wire gauze, Pipet, Buret In the word search below are the names of several pieces of lab equipment. In the given options, tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen. Apr 12, 2021 · The answer to the question is that Mutagen is an environmental agent that changes DNA. Tobacco contains numerous chemicals, such as nicotine Jun 2, 2014 · A mutagen is a physical, chemical or biological agent that alters or changes the genetic information of an organism and therefore increases the frequency of mutations above the natural level. There are only 13 words out of the listBunsen burner,Pipestem triangle, Evaporating dish, Beaker, Utility clamp,Iron ring, Mortar and pestle, Crucible and cover, Gas bottle, Saftey goggles,Corks, Watch glass, Erlenmeyer flask, Wire gauze, Pipet, Buret Feb 18, 2020 · While working with cultured mouse cells, a researcher unknowingly treated the cells with a mutagen that causes the deletion or insertion of individual nucleotides in DNA. These mutagens can cause cancer and hence can Jan 12, 2022 · Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Anything that causes a mutation. Jun 13, 2017 · A mutagen is 1: a living thing that has undergone a mutation. This process is called mutation. The correct option is B. This can be any chemical or physical substance that can change the genetic material generally DNA or chromosome. Subsequently, the researcher isolated and cultured a single cell from this group and noticed that the progeny of this cell were not producing a certain protein, and that this Dec 23, 2016 · The correct answer should be pollutant UV radiation pollutes the environment and that can lead to mutation in humans. Explanation: In the context of mutagens, a chemical mutagen is a substance that causes changes in the DNA sequence of an organism. It can be a physical or chemical agent that alters the DNA sequence, leading to changes in the genetic information. Out of the options given, tobacco , X-rays , and tanning beds are considered chemical mutagens. 7 × 10^-6 mutant cells and in part B is 9 × 10^7 cells. Explanation: A mutagen is something that causes a mutation. Dec 19, 2023 · Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Which term describes a permanent change to a genetic sequence? 1 mutation 2 karyotype 3 mutagen 4 phenot… Jun 5, 2015 · In the word search below are the names of several pieces of lab equipment. Examples of chemical mutagens include nucleoside analogs, which are structurally similar to normal nucleotide bases and can be incorporated into DNA during replication, and chemicals that modify Oct 24, 2023 · Tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen, as it contains harmful chemicals that can damage DNA and increase the risk of mutations. The mutation occurred in a somatic cell and cannot be inherited by future generations. radiation UV rays chemicals tanni Oct 1, 2023 · On the other hand, a carcinogen is a substance that promotes the formation of cancer, and a mutagen is an agent, such as radiation or a chemical substance, that causes genetic mutation. As you find each piece of equipment, record its name on the list. mutation b. Sep 9, 2023 · Find an answer to your question Which term describes a permanent change to a genetic sequence? a. proposed that acridines induce mutations by causing deletions or additions of single base pairs during replication. Aug 31, 2022 · You have just learned that a chemical you work with is a mutagen. Oct 31, 2023 · A chemical mutagen is a substance that can cause genetic mutations. Studies showed that consuming tobacco has proven to created DNA deformations for the fetus if it consumed by pregnant women. Mutagen best describes the relationship of solar UV radiation to the environment Dec 11, 2018 · Advertisement. Part A: The number of mutant cells in the bacterial culture after one round of replication in the presence of mutagen can be calculated using the formula: where: n is the number of mutant While working with cultured mouse cells, a researcher unknowingly treated the cells with a mutagen that causes the deletion or insertion of individual nucleotides in DNA. com Jul 16, 2022 · A scientist thinks that a certain chemical is a mutagen. Get this answer verified by an Expert. Explanation: Brenner et al. 2: an agent that causes a mutation in DNA. Phenotype expresses traits, karyotype is a complete set of chromosomes. Brainly - Learning, Your Way. Jul 12, 2017 · The agents that caused a mutation in DNA and chromosomes are mutagens. Oct 1, 2020 · Why tobacco is considered as chemical mutagens? Tobacco smoke contains more than 100 carcinogens and mutagens, which leads to lung tumors and cancers in humans. Test Prep Soon. it is a permanent change in the genetic material of a cell or a microorganism, which can alter a trait or a characteristic of a person or cause disease. Oct 9, 2023 · A blue-eyed dog's exposure to a mutagen produces a mutation that causes it to birth a litter of puppies that all have brown eyes. So the correct option is b. Tobacco smoke contains many chemical carcinogens that can cause mutations in the DNA, leading to cancer. Jun 27, 2016 · Mutagen is an agent or a substance that causes permanent change in the genetic material of living organisms ( DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid). Jun 30, 2023 · The statement "The substance has been shown to induce DNA mutations in laboratory tests" is the best evidence that supports the substance being a mutagen. It is usually caused by errors during replication or induced by an external substance called MUTAGEN. e. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. For teachers. A mutagen increases the frequency of mutations by changing the genetic material. Because the mice are highly inbred, they are essentially identical to one another. I hope it helps you. "Nitrous acid" (HNO₂) causes de-amination of Cytosine thus, creating Uracil. Dec 10, 2018 · A mutagen is a agent which causes change in DNA by mutations. Answer: The agent that causes mutation in the DNA or chromosomes is called as mutagen. Jun 10, 2016 · Mutagen among the following best describes the relationship of solar radiation to the environment. They are created through the acceleration of charged particles and can be produced naturally or artificially. An example of this type of mutagen is UV radiation, which can cause the formation of thymine dimers in DNA. Oct 30, 2023 · A chemical mutagen is a substance that can cause changes in the DNA sequence, leading to mutations. They can damage the DNA by causing changes in the nucleotide sequence or by interfering with DNA replication, transcription , or translation processes. Exposure to tobacco smoke has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and other genetic disorders. 3. Mutagens can be found in the food we eat, the air we breath, or the ground we walk on. So the correct option is C. Among the options given, tobacco is a chemical mutagen because it contains substances, like benzopyrene, that can lead to DNA damage by binding with the DNA and causing mutations. Aug 10, 2018 · A mutagen is any agent that affects a change (specifically referring to a change in DNA). N. A) Somatic Mutation O B) Mutagen Oct 31, 2023 · Radiation, such as X-rays and UV rays, is a type of mutagen that can cause DNA damage. There are only 13 words out of the listBunsen burner,Pipestem triangle, Evaporating dish, Beaker, Utility clamp,Iron ring, Mortar and pestle, Crucible and cover, Gas bottle, Saftey goggles,Corks, Watch glass, Erlenmeyer flask, Wire gauze, Pipet, Buret Jan 16, 2023 · When it comes to environmental factors that can cause a change in the DNA of an organism, one of the most common and important ones is a mutagen. Examples of chemical mutagens would be nicotine and other compounds in cigarette smoke that cause mutations involved in lung cancer. Mutations cannot be acquired. One type of mutagen that can achieve this is a site-specific endonuclease. Advertisement. molecules. Explanation: The mutagen that is structurally similar to a normal nucleotide is Nucleoside analog. At that point, samples are taken, a series of dilutions is made, and the cells are plated on either minimal medium or minimal medium containing leucine. In a bacterial culture in which all cells are unable to synthesize leucine (leu ), a potent mutagen is added, and the cells are allowed to undergo one round of replication. subsequently, the scientist isolated and cultured a single cell from this group and noticed that the progeny of this cell were not producing a certain protein and this was having an effect on their viability (even Dec 7, 2022 · This chemical mutagen includes substances like salt, Sodium azide, and ethyl methanesulfonate. A mutagen has the power to alter genetic code to create a mutation, which affects an organism's morphology and functionality. a living thing that has undergone a mutation. UV radiations can also act as possible mutagens. The codon-anticodon binding may be altered by the mutagen. Site-specific endonucleases are enzymes that can cleave DNA at specific sequences, such as restriction enzymes used in genetic Oct 5, 2023 · In an experiment, the scientist creates two groups of twenty highly inbred mice. Here option C is the correct answer. It can be physical agent or chemical agent. karyotype c. Learn more about Chemical mutagens here: Oct 5, 2023 · Yes, you certainly can use the terms " mutation " and " mutagen " in the same sentence. Subsequently, the scientist isolated and cultured a single cell from this group and noticed that the progeny of this cell were not producing a certain protein and this Jan 17, 2023 · In the word search below are the names of several pieces of lab equipment. A mutagen is an agent that causes a mutation in DNA. There are only 13 words out of the listBunsen burner,Pipestem triangle, Evaporating dish, Beaker, Utility clamp,Iron ring, Mortar and pestle, Crucible and cover, Gas bottle, Saftey goggles,Corks, Watch glass, Erlenmeyer flask, Wire gauze, Pipet, Buret Mutations cannot be inherited. Dec 15, 2022 · Brainly User A mutagen refers to any agent found in an organism's environment capable of producing genetic mutations in DNA. A mutagen is any substance that causes mutation in an organism. Chemical mutagens: Mutagens include arsenic, nickel, and chromium. Nov 26, 2023 · A mutagen is an environmental factor that can cause mutations in an organism's DNA. Dec 27, 2023 · Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ A mutation that involves one or a few nucleotides is called A)a point mutation B)an inversion C)a mutagen D)… May 24, 2016 · In the word search below are the names of several pieces of lab equipment. Brainly is the knowledge-sharing community where hundreds of millions of students and experts put their heads together to crack their toughest homework questions. "Hydroxylamine" (NH₂OH) is commonly used as a chemical mutagen in chemical laboratories and industries. For parents. Explanation: Chemical mutagens are substances that can cause changes in the DNA sequence of an organism. , get stuck between) the bases in DNA and Vious Activity Quiz Active 12345678910 Which is a point mutation and not a frameshift mutation? mutagen insert Get the answers you need, now! vious Activity Quiz Active 12345678910 Which is a point mutation and not a frameshift mutation? mutagen - brainly. "Nitrous acid" (HNO₂) is a potent chemical mutagen. Jun 23, 2020 · Answer: An example of a biological mutagen is Bacteriophage MU. Hence, if a chemical is suspected to be a mutagen, such chemical must be able to cause mutation in the cells if they are exposed to it in large amount. If not repaired, the dimers can prevent the formation of the double helix. Explanation: X-rays can be defined as a physical mutagen as they have the ability to cause mutations in DNA. genotype b. Explanation: In this context, a mutagen is a substance or a form of radiation that can cause changes (mutations) in the DNA of an organism. Oct 24, 2017 · Explanation: A chemical mutagen is a substance that can interact directly with DNA and cause changes in the nucleotide sequences, leading to mutations. Dec 11, 2020 · Mutagen's effect: Deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), which are utilized by DNA polymerases to duplicate DNA, can also be damaged by DNA-damaging agents. Chemicals, such as those found in tanning beds and cigarettes, are also mutagens that can lead to DNA mutations. Oct 13, 2023 · When cells cannot repair damage caused by a mutagen, they may undergo apoptosis, pass on the mutation, or enter senescence. The question states that the person's children do not develop tumors, which suggests that the mutation did not occur in the person's somatic cells. Chemical mutagen refer to the substance that affected the DNA of those who consume the substancce or their offspring. The puppies' offspring all have brown eyes as well. Nov 22, 2019 · The type of chemical mutagen to choose depends on the intended effect. One of the main effects of solar UV radiation is its ability to cause sunburn and skin damage in humans and other animals. So we can conclude that tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen because of the presence of various mutagens in its composition. 1) A drug or other substance that cause birth defects 2) Toxic substances that are man-made or result from human (anthropogenic) activity 3) A type of interaction between two chemicals, which causes one chemical that is not toxic to become more toxic: 4) A substance that is known to cause cancer. Explanation: A mutagen is (b) A substance that causes changes in DNA. This is because the mutagen is likely to induce genetic mutations in some of the mice within that group. Nov 8, 2023 · A mutagen is something that causes a mutation in the DNA. Mutagens can be chemicals or types of radiation. They include UV radiation, certain viruses, and chemicals like those in tobacco smoke. mutagen d. If hydroxylamine were applied to cells and caused a mutation (G to A) at position 20 of the DNA that codes for the mRNA, how many amino acids long would you expect the polypeptide to b Nov 14, 2023 · X-rays can be defined as a physical mutagen as they have the ability to cause mutations in DNA, leading to genetic alterations and potentially contributing to the development of cancer. There are only 13 words out of the listBunsen burner,Pipestem triangle, Evaporating dish, Beaker, Utility clamp,Iron ring, Mortar and pestle, Crucible and cover, Gas bottle, Saftey goggles,Corks, Watch glass, Erlenmeyer flask, Wire gauze, Pipet, Buret Mar 4, 2024 · Final answer: A GC to AT transition cannot directly affect a change from proline to histidine due to different codon requirements, but a single-point mutation can lead to a proline to serine change since serine's codons allow for such transition. mackenzie716. A point mutation is a type of mutation that affects or involves only one nucleotide base in the sequence. Some mutagens cause genetic changes that can be 'corrected' by re-exposing cells to the same mutagen. This increases the frequency of mutation above the natural background level. This statement indicates that the substance has undergone specific laboratory experiments , where it has been observed to cause changes in the DNA structure. What is a mutagen? Anything that can cause a mutation in the genes by causing a change in the genetic structure is called a mutagen. Nov 23, 2022 · Only option C is a physical mutagen while others are chemical mutagens provided in the question. Subsequently, the researcher isolated and cultured a single cell from this group and noticed that the progeny of this cell were not producing a certain protein and that this Nov 23, 2019 · Mutagens are agents that cause mutations in DNA. Many forms of electromagnetic radiation (e. Mutagens can cause various types of mutations, such as substitutions, insertions, or deletions, in the DNA molecule. These substances might either be chemical (like some chemicals or pollutants) or physical (like radiation). Apr 3, 2023 · In Part A the number of mutant cells after one round of replication in the presence of mutagen is 4. Option B: tobacco is considered a chemical mutagen. X-rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that has high energy. report flag outlined. Nov 1, 2023 · Which term describes a permanent change to a genetic sequence? mutation karyotype mutagen O phenotype Mar Get the answers you need, now! Aug 7, 2016 · Brainly App. ca va eq re ha tt ke vv dh tp