Characters in the bible and their characteristics pdf. Lesson 6: God. The Character of David. October 18, 2022. Collect them all! SORT BY. Each Bible character has their own one-page "cheat sheet" full of the who-what-when-where-why background information. Feb 1, 2021 · This paper examines four female leaders in the Bible who display character traits that exemplify. Contributed to the fulfillment of God's plan: From Sarah to Mary, women played integral roles in God's overarching plan for humanity. As a young man, Daniel was taken captive by the Babylonians and forced to serve in the king’s court. Peter, the most well-known disciple of Jesus, denies even knowing Him three times while Jesus is being crucified them, and he healed their sick” (Matt. 8207 commitment. Ancestry and family life: Samson was a Danite, the son of Manoah from the city of Zorah. “Man,” “mankind” (Genesis 5:2; Deut. Ancestry and family life: Jacob was the second son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Like Joshua, much that is revealed about him is when he was older. He persevered through some of the most dreadful circumstances. Step 2. baptizing people. How did God Use Them? Christian Course for Beginners – Lesson Six- God’s Character and Attributes. Q: Is a Freemason Bible any different than a regular Bible? A: No. Sons: Cain (Genesis 4:1), Abel (Genesis 4:2) and Seth (Genesis 4:25). Elizabeth's story is much like Hannah's, her faith just as strong. Did their character change over time? If so, how? w w w . It will only take a few minutes to search Google, “Bible verses about (insert character’s name). He was descended from Shem and his father was Terah. The Bible was written over a period of 1,600 years from the time of Moses, who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament, to the time of John the Apostle who wrote the last several books of the New Testament. Even in the face of death, he trusted the Lord and refused to worship other gods. 6 How Did God Act on Their Behalf. Meaning of name: Distinguished. Obedience is also the willingness to cooperate with God, and with others in their godly directions and plans. Step 1: Choose a Bible Character. 8201 blamelessness. Yet Satan's attributes, impressive as they are, are not limitless. There are many more such as: His wisdom, faithfulness, fatherhood, goodness, grace, longsuffering, mercy, etc. God. The choice is completely yours and that’s where the real fun is. These are the generations of Noah – Noah was a justified man, perfect in his lineage. As a judge, she had open communication with God. David is considered one of the greatest characters in the Old Testament. Nehemiah was willing to ask questions and get involved. These 9 studies open his story to you, showing you the principles at work in Resources Dictionary of Bible Themes 8000 The life of the believer 8200 The character of the believer. Ancestry and family life : Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah. The temptation to misrepresent ourselves and the pressure to put on a mask causes further damage. The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. His grandfather was Methusaleh, who lived longer than anyone in recorded history. Each study takes an in depth look at one person in the Bible and their life story. Those who follow corruption or falsehood will be destroyed by the decisions and actions of their lives. It is our hope that we can gain valuable training in being people of great faith ourselves. Here are 17 strong women in the Bible you must know. 8200 The character of the believer. Books of the Bible. Mar 6, 2018 · 6. These “one page wonders” were designed to complement just about any Bible lesson you’re currently teaching. The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia observes that “The use of the title by the Jews to denote the Book of Joshua did not imply a belief that the book was actually written or dictated by him; or even that the narratives themselves were in substance derived from him, and owed their authenticity and reliability to his sanction and Him or can’t see Him. James, son of Alphaeus. Intercessors have faith in what they cannot see. All characters in the Bible play different roles, and one of the most prominent roles falls in the hands of Mary Magdalene. Jacob was two generations removed from Abraham who came from Mesopotamia. Goliath teases From the creators of Explore the Bible, Explore the Bible: Characters is a seven-volume resource that examines the lives of biblical characters within the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture. Analyze the character of the person. Because a prophet honors and esteems the Holy Spirit, they often cry when praying, worshipping, or delivering God’s message. That is the branch of the family Isaac went to, to get his wife and also Jacob. Perhaps it is because his character isn’t as brash or outspoken. Mary - the mother of Jesus and her strong faith in God. Looking at the timeline of this person in biblical history and where their story took place can reveal much about not just the person but their role in biblical history. From humble beginnings as a youth tending his father s sheep to his reign as Israel s greatest king, he has always been regarded as one who had great faith and love for Jehovah. It refers to his well known role of. The name “John” means “God is gracious”. Test 2: We know that we are Christian because our lives are marked by sensitivity to sin, repentance, and confession (1 John 1:8-10). Simply choose your character. It is essential, with the aid of a concordance, to gather into a group all references to the person to be studied. His mother was barren. Sep 4, 2023 · The complete list of biblical names and their meanings. He appears to have been the leader of the apostles on every occasion. Character Studies in Genesis Lesson One: Adam Adam: The First Man Biography Personal Data Name Defined: 1. Apr 25, 2023 · Deborah was a powerful prayer warrior and spiritual leader. them away fasting, lest they faint in the way” (Matt. Dr. The period between Saul driving David out of the royal court and Saul and Jonathan’s deaths on the battlefield at the end of 1 Samuel is the least well known part of David’s life and career. Elisha’s ministry was anointed by the power of God and he performed more miracles than any other individual in the Bible except for Jesus. Jul 3, 2004 · The Pursuit of Christian Character (2 Peter 1:5-7) 1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing that His divine power Mar 17, 2023 · Step 1 – Pick your Bible character. Judas, son of James (a. However you should by now have a better understanding of God prior to this lesson. Our style of life is gradually conformed to what God has revealed to us about His nature and will. She was a woman of great faith, and her story is an inspiration to many. Collect all relevant Bible passages. Abram had two brothers and married his half-sister, Sarai. Judas Iscariot (the traitor) Hannah was one of the most important women in the Bible. Noah is transitional because he lived before, during, and after the great flood. (2) Check John 14:6. Bible Characters and Themes These character traits are what make us “peculiar” in this world, but pleasing unto God. The Bible is filled with incredible and interesting characters—from Jesus to Eglon, Gabriel to Legion. Left a lasting legacy and impact: Their stories continue to inspire and guide believers today. Have each section or page have one of the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where, and Why) Step 3 – Start coming up with questions under each W section. (4) Assign self-study questions. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not The Bible lists the disciples in four places: Matthew, Mark, Luke (John has no list), and Acts. “Earth,” “ground,” “soil,” “red earth” (Genesis 2:7; 3:19, 23). “Yahweh, Yahweh, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness. 8206 Christlikeness. Noah walked with God – Genesis 6:9-10. Ancestry and family life: Noah was the tenth of the pre-flood patriarchs. Share that person’s story (look up the Bible passages if you need to refresh your memory). The injection of extraneous questions concerning His character into the argument Despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned on false accusations, Joseph found ways to live in forgiveness and hope. Search The Bible. In each list, the names can be viewed in three groups… - Group 1 always has (Simon) Peter first, then Andrew, James, and John in varying orders. He wrote Through the Bible in One Year, Great Truths of the Bible, and Great Characters in the Bible for laymen, to be taught by laymen. The first step is the most fun, simply picking a Bible character you want to study. Job, The Man Of Perseverance. The Scriptures provide us with a clear description of what God is like and what is important to Him. God answered her prayer, and Hannah gave birth to Samuel. 1 2. It will be our main intent to emphasize the successes of such characters, however. May 5, 2014 · Long concerned with the struggle most people have in understanding the Bible, he set out to write a study course that would bring believers more knowledge and a greater appreciation of God’s Word. The characteristics of Peter are transparent and easily analyzed. He lost all of his children, cattle, and servants at the same time! (Job 1:13-19) He persevered by worshipping the Lord! Microsoft Word - Four month Bible Reading Program - Characters. Step 2 – Grab a sheet of paper (or more) and write the name of the person you are studying. Adam - Earth, Man. When God caused her to conceive at an old age, her son grew up to become John the Baptist, the mighty prophet who heralded the coming of the Messiah. . His power is subject to God's restrictions (Job 1: Names of women in the Bible. She plays an important role in the Christian church and is one of the few female disciples of Jesus. Place in history: Elisha is not as well-known as Elijah. Despite facing pressure to conform to Babylonian customs and beliefs, Daniel remained faithful to God and refused to compromise his values. Asshur - Who is Upright, Who is Happy. MEN OF CHARACTER ARTICLES. Feb 25, 2017 · Great leaders wash their people’s feet. w o m a n o f n o b l e c h a r a c t e r. Ishmael – 2080 BC. But after their rise to prosperity in the reign of King David, the people of Israel abandoned their God. Through it he deceived Adam and Eve and took over their rule of the world for himself (Gen. Judas Iscariot. Daniel is one of those great characters from the Old Testament who stands as an example of faith and strong character. We now move to the New Testament to get to know 7 of its main characters, beginning with Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist. Whereas, when we work tighter together, we Barnes’ Bible Charts The Nature & Character of God - Part 1 God is a SPIRIT John 4:24 God is PERFECT Matthew 5:48 God is HOLY Psalm 98:1 God is GREAT Psalm 145:3 God is JUST Acts 10:34-35 God is TRUE Romans 3:4 Godly leaders are concerned, and they are willing to get involved. His cleverness enables him to carry out his deceptive work almost at will. Why is a person’s belief in God important? In what ways do these beliefs shape other areas of a person’s life? 2. org Republisher_time 450 Scandate 20220303171646 Scanner station59. Noah Bible Study Podcast. Thomas. 2. Job is probably my favorite character of the Bible. Each article highlights biblical principles that apply today, calls attention to a relevant Bible verse to remember, and poses probing questions to Mar 9, 2022 · Pdf_module_version 0. The wide range of figures in the Bible are known for different distinctions of character. Conclusion. 1. (3) Read “God”. The wise man or woman will live a life of integrity, which is a part of wisdom. Strengths and weaknesses are identified. Because of Stephen’s godly character, he was able powerfully and courageously to preach to the Hellenistic Jews from the Synagogue of the Freedmen. This verse is the most quoted and reused verse in the Hebrew Bible. Some of them are named and some are not. How he died : Jonathan died by the hand of the Philistines in a war. With this attitude, we are to strive to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. One of our most popular Bible study series is on Bible characters. 8204 chastity. Many of these “gods” are very much Timothy grew up in the town of Lystra as the son of a Jewish woman named Eunice, who was a believer, and a Greek (Gentile) father who is not mentioned by name (Acts 16:1). The Gospel invites us to come into and live in the light. What God does must be absolutely right, by definition. cebu. 68” x 9” page size. Attacked the Philistines with only his armor bearer and started a route that drove the Philistines before them. You can study through these Bible characters in 4 months, following the daily reading plan outlined below, or you can pick a character and do a more in depth character study. It is working together to further the Kingdom as a community, shining with the glory of our Lord together. Apostle Peter. But amid the chaos, God was faithful. 4 Look for the Person’s Strengths and Weaknesses. - Group 2 always has Philip first, then Bartholomew (Nathanael), Thomas, and Matthew in varying orders. Here are eleven of the prime players in the Bible, from the first humans to Bible prophets to Apostles to Jesus himself. She was a phenomenal woman. In the case of doing a character study, you might want to do more research and look up more Bible Jul 18, 2015 · Man standing at the right hand of God. It sees the tremendous privilege we have in Him. For each of the qualities listed below, think of as many Bible figures as you can who demonstrated that characteristic. You can check out a list of names of women in the Bible in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Bible character studies that explore the lives of key people in the Old Testament and New Testament to discover principles we can apply to our lives today. Meaning of name: His actual name was John as commanded by the angel who appeared to Zachariah. k. STUDY NOTES. Nathanael. 8203 character. Name: Daniel- God is Judge (Belteshazzar)- May Bel protect his life. Through prayer, she heard from God what to do about each case she judged. [Sign up to get the Know the Bible free email lesson series from Bible Gateway] Jesus Character of God: Faithful. If you want to teach children about the incredible life of Daniel, these Daniel Bible activities can help! Jun 23, 2023 · The sheep characteristics in the Bible hold a powerful and profound symbolism that resonates throughout the teachings and stories of Christianity. The Freedmen were descendants of Jewish slaves captured by Pompey in 63 B. C. Jun 17, 2020 · Great women of the Bible are plentiful throughout its pages. His father was Lamech (a different Lamech than the murderer in Genesis 4:19-24). By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 501 Nelson Pl, Nashville, TN 37214 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Additional reading: Inspiring Bible stories about David. a. Deborah heard God’s voice the way she heard humans talk to her. Character Bible Studies – Study Key People in the Bible. List Of Old Testamnet Bible Characters In Chronological Order. She listened to the voice of God. You can discover the customs, traditions, and beliefs that shaped the lives of those who lived in ancient times and how they continue to influence our Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the falseness of the treacherous will destroy them. Peter: Leaders recover from failure. Each six-session volume includes videos to help your group understand the way each character fits into the storyline of the Bible. They are not apathetic as so much of the church is. It is also the time when the characterization of David as a “man after God’s own heart” is most challenging to maintain. Bartholomew also known as "Nathanael". Other than this brief mention of Timothy’s father, there is no other information about him so we have no idea if he was even a part of Timothy’s life growing up. May 20, 2021 · 5 More Characteristics of a Prophet. archive. In this section is the famous verse 12, "Cretans are always liars," and then he talks about those who are preaching Jewish fables and teaching the commandments of men. Satan also has high intelligence. Matthew. 4 days ago · Aaron the first high priest of the Israelites, brother of Moses (Exodus 4:14) Abednego one of Daniel's three companions who, together with Shadrach and Meshach, was miraculously saved from destruction in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace (Daniel 3:12–30) Abel the second son of Adam and Eve, a shepherd, murdered by his brother Cain (Genesis 4:1–8) Abigail the woman who brought provisions to Dec 22, 2020 · Earlier in this series, we explored 11 major figures of the Old Testament and considered lessons we could learn from their lives. Oct 24, 2023 · Let me introduce you to the 9 faithful strong women that we will be studying: Esther - a woman of strength and dignity. 18 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20220309065535 Republisher_operator associate-noreenangelika-saberon@archive. We may not like what others do or agree with their decisions, but God’s heart for them is unchanging and is always redemptive. ecause they believe in Joshua [s leadership, they follow Joshua [s example. Abraham & Sarah (Journey to Canaan to Death) – 2091 BC – 1991 BC. their allegiance to God. Mastering a character like Enoch whets the appetite for the study of another who fills a larger niche in the Bible’s gallery of saints. Step 3. Nov 2, 2020 · Elizabeth, another barren woman in the Bible, was singled out by God for a special honor. D. Throughout the millenniums (thousands of years), no other book has been reproduced and translated as many times as the Bible. We can likewise grapple with authenticity and frankness. Name. 5 What Were Their Victories and Struggles? 2. They reveal God’s heart to others and emphasize the imminent coming of the Lord. a. Amid the people’s sin and struggle, God’s presence remained. We may sacrifice our will and pride, for these things result in separation and strife. Joseph – the beloved son of Jacob (Genesis 37:1-4) Joseph at the Potiphar’s House (Genesis 39:1-20) Joseph in the Prison – (Genesis 39:20 – 41:37) Characteristics of the Bible. During this time Assyria was the most powerful empire in the world and dominated the region. True b. Meaning of name: Dove. The Ultimate Bible Character Guide brings 150 of them to life with comic-book style illustrations and hundreds of facts for kids to explore. From their innocent and gentle nature to their role as sacrificial lambs, sheep serve as a constant reminder of the importance of humility, obedience, and selflessness in our spiritual journey. Jason Dexter. This can come in the middle of something you’re already studying, or you can do it as a standalone study. Character, in simple terms, is the foundation of a person’s life that holds them up under pressure, and during the “storms” of life. They are not too busy, and they do not say, “Somebody else will do it. After that create 5 sections or pages. Study. Bible Character. Peter was known for being bold, confident, courageous, frank, impulsive, energetic, vigorous, strong, loving, and faithful Apr 13, 2021 · First, God revealed Himself to us in His Word, the Bible. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateway’s emails at any time. Download, print, fold in half, and save each card. But the angel of the Lord (pre-incarnate Christ) appeared to her twice (the second time both of his parents were there). Choosing a character. Apr 12, 2021 · 2. None of these characters is perfect and these lessons will not ignore their shortcomings. Showing 1 - 30 of 41. Not only is the man of God known by what he flees but by what he pursues. These features include brief expositions of Scripture that look at men in the Bible and focus on their decisions, choices, actions, and relationship to God and others. 11. 8202 boldness. Meaning of name: Comfort/Rest. 0. Jul 3, 2019 · The meaning of ‘Joseph’ is “ God adds ”. doc. Ahab - Uncle, Brother of the Father. Upon the hungry multitudes “Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send . (1) Review Jesus Christ. Through her character, we discover pure devotion and faith. org Oct 14, 2019 · 1. Proverbs is a book of wisdom. Depending on which source you check, the number of female Bible characters will vary. He is named first in every list of them and was their common spokesman. Sensitive: A prophet always speaks words that bear witness of Jesus Christ. Joseph’s life can be divided into five phases. Esther, from the Book of Esther, displayed bravery and empathy when Titus 1:10-16 The New King James titles this section "The Elder's Task. God is unabashedly honest in his depiction of the human condition. Characters and Topics Index. " It covers instructions to the ministry in their job to protect the church from false teachers. Daniel Character Bible Study Background and Lessons. 1:26; 3:1-7; 2 Cor. The angel of the Lord told them they would have a son and that this 1. He doesn [t have to threaten or boss them around; he just inspires them by his example. 3. They had heard enough; “they cast him out of the city and stoned him. In 1 Samuel 17, the Israelites are being de-feated by the Philistines and their 9-foot tall giant–Goliath. 11:3). ”. That He does exist, as an omnipotent, personal, holy God, is proved to a high probability by causal reasoning, as well as by the evidence of the person of Jesus Christ and by the testimony of His written Word. Introduction. Matthew also known as "Levi". He prophesied there (2 Kings 14:25) and eventually in Assyria. When God reveals who he is to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7, one of the ways he describes himself is faithful, or in Hebrew, emet. Adam and Eve (Before 4000 BC) Shem, Hem, and Japheth (Before 3000 BC) Cain and Abel (Before 3000 BC) Noah (Before 3000 BC) Job, 2100 Bc. Stephen’s godly character was the foundation for his courageous witness. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not Nov 1, 2023 · There is much to learn from every character in the Bible. Abraham - Father of a Multitude. Firstly, by learning about the characters of the Bible, you can gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the history and culture of the people and societies that existed during those times. 32:8). The word “pursue” is sometimes translated “persecute. She was the mother of Samuel, who was a key figure in the Old Testament. God is better described as a simple being, rather than as a complex being. The CSB Men of Character Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). Thaddeus or Lebbaeus) Simon the Zealot. Eternally part of God’s character d. With our eyes on Him, our gaze is away from ourselves. Young readers will be captivated to read about both well-known characters of the Bible and some they Relatives. As a prophetess, she was God’s mouthpiece to the people of Israel. Only found in the Godhead 5. Learn about your favorite Bible characters. Paul lists six godly character traits that the man of God pursues. Asher - Happy, Blessed. For 33 years, human beings could observe the incarnate God through their senses as they walked and talked with His Son, Jesus. Andrew - Manly, Strong. Wife: Eve (Genesis 2:21-23; 3:20). He was young, likely 16-18 at this time, good-looking, intelligent, and wise. Everybody knows this story. Jot down the verses that are noted and plan some time to read them. He was the eleventh son of Jacob and the elder of two sons of Rachel (Genesis 30:24). Hannah was barren for many years, and she prayed for a child. In the world today there are many so-called gods and there are many opinions of what God is like. Jun 8, 2020 · There are seven steps in this study: choosing a character, summary of their story, what they’re known for, their strengths and weaknesses, their victories and challenges, how they point us to Christ, and lessons we can learn from them. Their history and background are examined along with key events in their life. and taken to Rome. They are the ultimate companion to c. Giving him this name surprised Nov 4, 2021 · The Bible has a "cast" of thousands, but some of them play more important roles than others. James, Simon, and Judas. The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others. John, son of Zebedee. “The Baptist” was a title given to him later on, perhaps by the writers of Scripture or perhaps by the crowds. The following chapters and books then focus on God's revelation of himself to the world and their acceptance or rejection of him. When/Where Did they live. After you have picked the character to study you will need to search out all Bible verses about that character. Of course, the most important character in the Bible is God, but because God isn't a "people," he doesn't appear in this collection. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that Apr 10, 2023 · Here is a big list of 48 godly character traits with their descriptions and references to help you develop Godly character in your kids: Alertness: Knowing what is going on around me (II Timothy 4:5a) Attentiveness: Listening with the eyes, ears and heart (Proverbs 4:20-21) Carefulness: Taking one step at a time to do a job right (Ephesians 5: 6. c o m. He was the last of the patriarchs from whom all Israel descended as after him Israel split into twelve tribes. Upon a widow 2 How to Study a Character in the Bible? 2. She was an exceptional woman! Deborah - a woman of valor. Daniel. God is the central figure of the Bible. what it means to be a leader. Name: Jonah. 15:32). Abel - Breath, Vanity. 14:14). 1 Timothy 6:11. 3 Summarize the Character’s Story. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. Thomas also known as "Doubting Thomas". Abraham means “father of a great number. Bible Character Cards. Amos - Burden, Burden-bearer. false bible Study and diScuSSion QueStionS 1. Philip. There are over 100 women in the Bible. ” But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him” (Acts 7:54-57). C. In addition, Elisha headed schools of prophets (2 Kings 4:38-44, 2 Kings 6:1-7). Ancestry and family life: We know that Daniel was a young man of the nobility and was the cream of the crop of the Israelites (1:3-4). The kingdom divided after the reign of King Solomon and spiraled out of control. Second, God came down from heaven to live on earth. That’s WHY we designed our Bible Characters At-A-Glance Reference Sheets. The Bible opens in Genesis 1:1 with the words that God created the universe. In this lesson, we are going to consider Noah, a transitional character in the Book of Genesis. Name: Samson. The Bible (from the Greek word, biblia) is for all Christians the most sacred of books, the source of truth and the revelation of God's word. Syllabus Lesson 1 Noah Lesson 2 Abraham Lesson 3 Lot Lesson 4 Joshua Lesson 5 Caleb Jan 9, 2024 · Mary Magdalene. ” 3 It refers to eagerness and diligence in going after something. 2 Find Bible Verses Related to the Character You Are Studying. people in the land of Israel. Ancestry and family life: Unknown (Except that his father was a man named Amittai) When and where he lived: Jonah lived in Israel during the 8th century B. If there is no “character” in a person, they will that they so easily make. Contentment realizes who we are in Christ, the insurmountable, incredible, and wonderful blessing we have in Grace. Name: Noah. Read and reread Apr 23, 2014 · Test 1: We know that we are Christian because we walk in the light (1 John 1:4-7). 1 What Are the Biblical Characters? 2. It was written by dozens of people from diverse backgrounds; there were kings like David, shepherds Aug 7, 2013 · 2. In conclusion, I have presented only a few of the characteristics of God. He smote the garrison of the Philistines and starting the war to free Israel from their power (1 Sam 13:3). From Joshua 24:2, we know that Abraham’s father and grandfather worshiped false gods. 8205 childlikeness. Another figure who found favor with God is Daniel. lr cs nm ye bf az lu lk kg he