Praxis 7803 passing score. There are a few states that have different score requirements: Mississippi: 130. Praxis Special Education (5354), Praxis Biology: Content Knowledge (5235), Praxis Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245), Praxis School Psychologist (5402), Praxis Family and Consumer Sciences (5122), Praxis Business Education (5101) And, don't forget to check out our Praxis Practice Tests! Find out about Praxis passing scores in Arkansas. The passing score for the Praxis Elementary Education Content Knowledge Test: Mathematics (7813) exam is 150 in most states. In order to obtain licensure in the state of Tennessee, all teachers must take and pass 1 of the 4 Praxis PLT exams. Only review the concepts required to pass the exam. Passing Maryland Praxis scores vary by the specific exam and these scores may vary from passing scores for the same exam in other states, as individual state licensing boards set the Praxis passing scores. Teaching (PLT) assessment requirement if the candidate can produce evidence of a passing score on a nationally scored edTPA or PPAT assessment. Concentrate on the skills you need to strengthen. North Dakota and Washington are the exceptions at 160 and 158, respectively. Score scale changes. Take a Free Praxis® 7813 Practice Test. Kentucky: 158. While each state or licensing agency sets their own passing requirement, the passing score for many of the states is 162. Praxis Core Math (5733) Praxis Elementary Math 7803/7813. Students Passing Scores. Take a full-length, interactive practice test with 125 questions covering all the topics on the test, such as professional practices, direct and indirect services for children, and more. ETS further provides pages for each state so that test-takers may more easily find all the information they need. Take a Free Practice Test. Search for jobs related to Praxis 7803 passing score or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. The Study Companion contains practical information and helpful tools, including: • An overview of the . See full list on magoosh. To pass the Praxis Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge (5511) exam you need anywhere between a 142-156 depending on your state’s requirement. You’ll get hands-on experience with different question types that you might encounter on test day. In Delaware, passing scores for exams range from 140 to 168. *. The Praxis Core Academics Skills (5752) exam is designed to evaluate your competency in these three subtests: Reading (5713) Writing (5723) Mathematics (5733) The test consists of 152 multiple-choice questions and 2 essay questions. If you aren’t happy with your Practice Test score — we recommend a minimum score of 80% — then use the study guide to improve it. Next, divide 35 by 56, and you get 62. The Praxis 7811 consists of four subtests which are timed and scored separately. If you need help determining the exact test (s) that you have to take, check your state education website. You can use the drop-down feature to search by Test or Test Group or by State or Agency to find the passing scores here. Jul 20, 2020. Prepare for the Elementary Education Multiple Subjects tests with these self-paced online courses, which include hundreds of authentic questions and two full-length practice tests. (A scaled Praxis II score has a range of 100-200. However, Praxis II Math scores often vary more significantly throughout the country. This guide can help keep you on track and make the most efficient use of your study time. com Due to that, the candidates must pass the Pearson Foundations of Reading and either Pearson Test 203 or Praxis Test 7803 for Mathematics. Praxis Test 7803 (7813) – CKT Math Subtest with a score of 150 or higher. Required Praxis scores by state vary within the range of 153-164. Check the Praxis ETS website to confirm the passing score in your state. Praxis passing scores may vary from state to state, so test takers should check with their program administrator to find out what their passing score will be. If it's true that 143 is a passing score for this test, that's an unusually low passing score for Praxis elementary-education tests, and that in turn suggests that Praxis regards this as an unusually difficult test. Composite Score. Qualifying Score) Student Teacher Support &/or Advice. ( Read more about Praxis score scaling here . An Algebra 1 Praxis passing score may vary from state to state, as each state determines its own qualifying score for Praxis teacher certification exams. The passing scores used in the Test Taker Score Reports are the passing scores in effect, according to our records, at either the date the test was taken (Test Date) or at the time the score A passing score is the score for a single test that is equal to or higher than the qualifying score set by the state or licensing agency. Boost your confidence for the Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) test. Feb 15, 2024 · Praxis Tests: Passing Scores. Check your state’s regulations for specifics. Exam Registration Cost. The Praxis Core passing score in NC is different for each subtest. Because the study guide notes that some questions may not Check out our Praxis English Language Arts Content and Analysis (5039) study guide. Generally, the scoring is reported one month after the test is taken, with a range of test dates all having . Then drop the percent sign and add 100 to get your scale score. My results should come on June 12 at 5 PM. The Praxis test scores to pass also vary, as noted in the table below. 3 out of 5 stars 41 ratings PASSING SCORE : Administrator, Building (P-12) (276) School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) 6990 : 151 : Administrator, Curriculum/Program (P-12) (various) School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) 6990 : 151 : Administrator, District (P-12) (277) School Superintendent Assessment (SSA) 6991 : 157 : Adult Education (518) Fundamental The Praxis Elementary Education Math (7813) exam tests candidates on their ability to solve equations involving ratios and fractions. One good place to start is the practice test. There are a few states that have different score requirements: Nevada: 156. Last time I took it, I got 22,22,26 with a score of 157 and my friend got 28, 25, 27 with a score of 164. Practice Test: Elementary Education: Mathematics - CKT (7813) $24. Passing scores are not set by ETS, and they vary by state. Praxis Subject Assessment: Code: DE Passing Score: Elementary Education: 5001: Mathematics (5003): 157, Reading and ELA (5002): 157, Science (5005): 159, Social Studies (5004): 155: Middle School English: 5047: 164: Middle School Mathematics: 5164: 155 (Praxis 5169 is still acceptable with a passing score of 165. Usually, students will take the PLT exam that corresponds with their desired grade level. C. Vermont: 146. § 59-26-20, candidates seeking full admission to an undergraduate teacher preparation program must earn a passing score on a basic skills assessment in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing adopted for this purpose by the South Carolina Oct 5, 2019 · A Guide to Passing the Praxis II Elementary Education: Mathematics Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) - 7803 examination Paperback – October 5, 2019 by C. 99 GPA in addition to MSDE required passing scores on either the Praxis Core (reading, writing and mathematics), the SAT, ACT, or GRE 7803 7804 7805 Praxis 5038 - PA (Passing vs. There are three types of Praxis tests: 1) Core assessments that evaluate applicants to educator preparation programs on their knowledge of math, reading, and writing For most state’s you need a 150 to pass the Praxis Core: Mathematics exam. What Is A Passing Praxis Score In Alabama? Prepare for the Praxis with this interactive practice test created by ETS test developers. The exam consists of 3 subtests that examine students' content knowledge and skills in the areas of math, reading, and writing. Feb 13, 2016 · The raw score is calculated on a scale of zero to the total number of questions on the test. Find your certification area below to determine which test (s) you need to take. I would recommend getting the purple study guide book and creating flash cards of the points. Every path to a career in education is unique. Dec 4, 2019 · PRAXIS Elementary Education Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics - Test Taking Strategies: PRAXIS 7803 Mathematics CKT - Free Online Tutoring - - The latest strategies to pass your exam. The passing score for the Praxis English Language Arts Content and Analysis (5039) exam is 168 in most states. Tests Required by Kansas. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ) Practice Test: School Psychologist (5403) $19. If the score was explicitly labeled a raw score, it represents the number of points you earned at (usually) one point per question. In addition, you can view your results after you complete the practice test and get detailed explanations of correct answers to the practice questions. Core Combined Praxis (Praxis #5752): Individual scores will be provided for each test, and the passing scores are the same as above. Find your state requirements. Start your journey with Praxis, and discover the test (s) and qualifying scores you'll need for the places where you'll want to teach. Audiology (5343): 162* Speech-Language Pathology (5331): 162 *ASHA will continue to accept a passing score on the Praxis test (both the 5342 and 0342 test codes) if this version is required by your state’s licensing agency. Your true praxis score—both in official and unofficial form—are calculated on a scale that starts at 100 and goes to 200. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Test Preparation Group, JCM-PRAXIS: 9781647681982: Amazon. Sep 7, 2023 · The Praxis score is presented on a scale of 100 - 200. Math (7812) - 52 questions, 85 minutes. Can You Transfer Your Praxis Writing Score? You can request your Praxis score report to be sent to additional state agencies. Current passing scores for purposes of ASHA certification:. If the test taker chooses to register for the exam(s) without using the SS#, scores will not be electronically reported to LDOE. Code Ann. How is the Praxis 5205 Exam Scored? The exam is a scaled score test. Kentucky: 144. At the end, you’ll get a full breakdown of your results. Each report costs $50 per score recipient and is nonrefundable Practice Test: Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) $19. If you are ready to register, you may add up to 4 tests to your cart before continuing on to scheduling. AREA OF LICENSURE CODE REQUIRED TESTS REQUIRED SCORE Preschool/Elementary Birth through Kindergarten 14 none none Elementary (K-6) 025 Pearson Test 090 - Foundations of Reading 229 Pearson Test 203 - Mathematics Subtest OR Praxis Test 7803: Candidates who pass the Praxis 5001 exam (in one sitting or in multiple test days for each of the four subtests) may meet their state's qualifications for teaching elementary school students. Nebraska will continue to accept a passing score on the School Superintendent Assessment (6021) if the score was achieved on or before August 31, 2021. Appropriate preparation for the Praxis test 7813 CKT math subtest is important to maximize the chances of getting a passing score. North Carolina State Board of Education Approved Testing Requirements* Four digit numbers in the “Required Tests” column indicate the ETS PRAXIS examination required for licensure. Any D. The data ranges from the highest and required minimum scores to the qualifying scores. Selected- response questions are scored by computer. For test preparation materials, select the “View test details” link. edTPA products must be submitted to Pearson for official external scoring and completed in the area of licensure for which the candidate is recommended Search for jobs related to Praxis 7803 passing score or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. Our Praxis Core Academics Skills (5752) exam overview expands The Praxis 5543 Exam has a weighted score in that the selected response questions are worth 75% of the overall score, and the constructed response questions are worth 25%. The 100 mark is considered 0%, while the 200 make is 100%. Can someone please clarify the meaning behind of the qualifying score? Scores are sent to a candidate's Praxis account after 5 pm Eastern Time on their expected Praxis score report dates. Praxis passing scores vary depending on state, but once passed, the certification is transferable across the nation, regardless of individual state requirements. Passing scores for each required Praxis exam is determined by the individual state. Early childhood education certification: One test (Passing score: 156, 160) Early elementary education certification: Four subtests (Passing score: 150-162) Middle school education certification: Any one of four tests (Passing score: 152-165) Secondary school education certification: Any one of 17 tests (Passing score: 130-168) May 22, 2024 · 2. It covers various areas of mathematics, including number sense and operations, algebraic thinking, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. 5% or a 63%. If you did an exam that had a qualifying score of 163 out of 200 and scored 170, you would pass the exam. If an exam had a qualifying score of 163/200 and you received a 170/200, you would pass the exam. How many questions are on each of the subtests? There are approximately 52 questions total on the Praxis CKT 7814. To have scores reported to the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), register for the exam(s) using your SS# with score recipient code #7330. Final converted scores for your Praxis Test results are between 100 and 200 for most versions of the test, with typical scores on most Praxis exams ranging from the 140s to the 180s. ) Ultimately, your raw score provides a simple, easy-to-understand look at how you Constructed-response questions are given scores from 1-3 (3 is the highest). Your score is valid for 10 years. Find the exact requirements you need to take your next step. For more information, download Interpreting Your Praxis® Test-Taker Score Report (PDF). You got an unofficial raw score of 84: this tempts us all to assume that you got 84 out of 120 possible points. or. When it comes to the Praxis II Tests, passing scores differ between tests and states, so check for the As this trend continues, Alabama will have to figure to keep trying to score far quicker every chance that comes their way. Reading. Praxis. The five steps below outline how to study for the PRAXIS Elementary 5001/5003 math exam. Predetermined scores must be achieved for the appropriate Praxis Subject Assessments in the subject area prior to the issuance of a credential in the District of Columbia. There are 140 questions total; however, not all questions will be scored. Jun 3, 2016 · Each exam comes with a free study companion PDF, and either a reasonably priced study guide or an affordable practice test with answer explanations… or both! Getting some or all of the official study materials for each Praxis test is well worth it. The School Superintendent Assessment (6021) test was discontinued on August 31, 2021. For example, the passing score on the School Leaders Licensure Assessment in Maryland is 151 or higher, while the Praxis Core test passing Jun 6, 2020 · Likes Received: 1,168. Hi everyone! I just finished my exam and got a raw score of 165. Praxis passing scores are set by each individual state, so aspiring teachers will need to make sure they understand what their own state requires. For those looking to use a Praxis exam as a substitution for a PACT, the code to input is Code 8330 TX PRE-ADM CONTENT TSTS (PACT). A passing score on edTPA is required of all UNC Charlotte initial licensure candidates in order to successfully complete the student teaching internship and receive a licensure recommendation. Maine: 147. Writing Sub Test: 235. The Praxis 5003 is specifically designed to test aspiring elementary teachers' knowledge and skills in the type of math that's taught in primary and upper May 2, 2019 · Most of us are accustomed to thinking of less than 50% correct as a resounding failure. a composite score of 470 for the assessment. the middle score in a distribution; half the scores What is the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) Passing Score? The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) exam consists of 90 multiple choice questions and 3 written responses, and you must achieve a scaled score of 159 to pass in most states. Learn More. What is the Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) Passing Score? The Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) exam consists of 130 multiple choice questions, and you must achieve a scaled score of 167 to pass in most states. Mar 13, 2017 · According to Praxis's study guide, 5354 has 120 questions. Please note you must wait 28 days before you can register again. Examinees should understand the orders of operation for solving fractural questions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Check out our full scoring guide for more scoring information. : 470. Nevada: 144. When looking at the score need to pass it’s a 167 but the qualifying score for my gpa range is 163. Choose a PRAXIS Elementary math study guide that covers precisely what you’ll encounter on test day to ensure that you’re optimizing your time. Meeting the passing Praxis scores for all 3 sections. Students may choose to take each subtest separately on 3 Tennessee Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Requirements. to register for the appropriate test(s) required for Louisiana licensure. This report contains the following: test-taker's name ; test-taker's score(s) Passing Score Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Version 2019) Reading (sr - 85 minutes) and 5713 156: Writing (sr & cr - 100 minutes) and 5723 162: Mathematics (sr - 85 minutes) 5733: 150 Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Reading (sr - 85 minutes) and 5712 156: Writing (sr & cr - 100 minutes) and 5722 162 A good score on the Praxis is a passing score. Search for jobs related to Praxis 7803 passing score nc or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. If your converted score meets the qualifying score established by The following Praxis math tests are required for educators to become certified in North Carolina. The Praxis 5001 Study Guide and Test Preparation Resources PRAXIS I AND II TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR WEST VIRGINIA Effective Sep 1, 2019: CORE Reading Test Code: 5713 Passing Score = 156 CORE Writing Test Code: 5723 Passing Score = 162 CORE Math Test Code: 5733 Passing Score = 150 CORE – Combined Test Code: 5752 CONTENT SPECIALIZATION PLT TEST RECOMMENDED PASSING SCORE CONTENT Practice Test: Mathematics (5165) $19. 3 4. Take a full-length, interactive practice test with 66 questions covering all the topics on the test, such as number and quantity and algebra, functions and calculus, geometry, and more. Praxis First-time pass rates for many Praxis exams are less than 50%, so it’s very important you do not underestimate the test. Every Praxis exam is multidisciplinary. Your Praxis Elementary Education: Mathematics (5003) score report will include: An individual who already has an initial teacher certification in Missouri may add certification in another area by passing the state-approved Praxis exam for the additional area. 75 - 2. Both your official and unofficial scores will be in this range. For most state’s you need a 162 to pass the Praxis Core: Writing exam. com: Books Tests required for admission to an undergraduate teacher preparation program. In other words, a candidate only needs to pass in one state to be certified in the country. By understanding the scoring system, criteria, and passing score requirements, you can effectively prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success. ) Middle School Science: 5422: Each institution and state certification board has its own code. The Praxis Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (5355) exam scores play a significant role in assessing your competency as a successful teacher. Your overall score is expressed on a scale of 100-200 points where 100 is considered 0% and 200 is considered 100%. OR. The 4th Quarter of the 2015 season marks a positive sign for the Tide. Take a full-length, interactive practice test with 93 questions covering all the topics on the test, such as phonological and phonemic awareness and emergent literacy, and more. Candidates who took the GRE test prior to September 2011 will use the old composite score of 1000. Earth and space sciences - 11-15 Questions (30%) PRAXIS II Test #5543 (required score=158) AND; Pearson Foundations of Reading Test #90 (required score=229) AND; Pearson Mathematics Subtest #203 (required score=227) OR (newly approved test) PRAXIS Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) Math Test #7803 (required score=150) NOTE: The Pearson Multi-Subject Test #103 is NO LONGER REQUIRED The SAT taken prior to April 1995: math and verbal (critical reading) score of 1000. As of 2021, only 8 states required the Algebra 1 Praxis exam for certification. Boost your confidence for the Elementary Education: Mathematics—CKT (7813) test. The test-taker score report is also called a Designated Institution Score Report when it is sent to the institutions and agencies that the test-taker selects during registration. South Carolina: 158. I took it in January and only 104/140 questions were scored. The required Praxis passing scores for certain sections are also lower in Washington State and North Dakota: Washington: 142 math, 158 writing. Score Reporting If you test in Missouri at a test center or at home, and your Praxis profile address is in Missouri, your score report will be sent automatically to Yes, if you do not pass, you can retake the exam. Understanding Your Praxis®Scores 2022–2023. Because of that, it’s safe to say that things are looking up for the Crimson Tide. . The passing score depends on your state’s requirements. The Praxis II tests identified below are those required to successfully complete Student Teaching (see below). The passing score for the Praxis Elementary Education: Mathematics (5003) ranges from 139 to 159. The Praxis CKT 7813 is designed to assess candidates' understanding of mathematical concepts and their ability to apply this knowledge in real-world scenarios. Jan 26, 2016 · North Dakota test-takers can pass the Praxis Core by: Achieving a total score of 466 and a passing score on at least 2 of the 3 sections, or. Praxis Requirements for Middle-Level Certifications. Of the ones that are scored they will be around 2 points each. The passing score for the Praxis Elementary Education: Reading & Language Arts (5002) ranges from 139 to 159. For information on becoming highly qualified, visit the The passing scores used in the Test Taker Score Reports are the passing scores in effect, according to our records, at either the date the test was taken (Test Date) or at the time the score That means you got 35/56 because there are 56 total questions on the Praxis Core Math. Perhaps the best place to start is the ETS Praxis study companion for Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching tests, which features a specific section about the Praxis 7813, and can be accessed This means students must score at least a 157 on the mathematics and reading and language arts subtests, a 155 on the social studies subtest, and a 159 on the science subtest. 5038 has 130 questions; some question types (matching, say, or drag-and-drop) may have more than one correct answer and thus be worth more than one point, but there shouldn't be Praxis Learning Paths. Maine: 156. Registration Information The Praxis Core is a computer-based exam that is required for initial Nevada licensure and may be required for entrance to some teacher preparation programs. Your Praxis ParaPro Assessment (1755) score report will include: Passing Score. Edit: Those raw scores are from the March 2020 cycle! Fingers crossed for us all! ****UPDATE: I PASSED! Those raw scores I included (26, 27,22) equaled a 182 scaled score! Start studying Praxis 7803. Reading and Language Arts (7812) - 63 questions, 90 minutes. To pass the Praxis ParaPro Assessment (1755) exam, you must receive a score between 450 and 466. licensed teacher seeking endorsement licensure in additional subject areas must pass the relevant Praxis pedagogy test and shall demonstrate content knowledge by: Check out our Praxis Elementary Education Content Knowledge Test: Mathematics (7813) study guide. Passing Score. Find your state's passing scores. Scores for licensure areas with more than one required or available tests are reported separately, by test. Praxis Core Math has a passing score of 150 in most states. However, candidates applying for initial teacher certification must earn a composite score of 468 on the 3 subtests. E. However, the passing test scores for different exams often vary from state to state. The exam has a 4 hour and 35 minute time limit. Data on your highest score, required minimum score, and qualifying score are listed to express if the passing Praxis score was met. Licensure Area Session/Test Code Test Title Current Passing Score Art 5135 Art: Content & Analysis 161 Biology 5235 5624 Biology: Content Knowledge Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12 150 157 Birth-Kindergarten* The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators is used for admission to state-approved educator preparation programs and consists of 3 subtests. In this case, that would be 163, which is passing in most states. The passing scores for the Praxis are determined by the licensing state, territory, or agency. Some states like Maine and North Carolina have PRAXIS Information. Note: Pursuant to S. View Details. All Pennsylvania educators for grades 4-8 are required to pass a basic skills test as well as the Pennsylvania Grades 4-8 Core Assessment (Praxis #5152). If the test has a constructed response section, that can be a bit trickier. How is the Praxis 5038 Exam Scored? The exam is a scaled score test. Passing Praxis scores for Texas vary by exam and can be double The PRAXIS exam uses scaled scores. These requirements are also shown below: Math. How Do You Prepare for the Praxis 7811? Preparing for the Praxis 7811 can seem challenging for test-takers if they don't know where to start. Remember: each state and licensing organization determines its own certification and Praxis qualifying score requirements. Praxis score results are typically sent out four weeks after the Praxis test dates. The exam costs $130, paid online via car/check/money order/Paypal. Therefore, the Delaware Praxis requirements for a passing score on a given exam may vary from another state. Praxis Middle School Math (5164) What is the passing scores for the Praxis 7814? Most states require a score of 154 to pass this exam. Praxis Top Tip # 2: Study all content, practice all skills. 95. On most Praxis®tests, each selected-response question answered correctly is worth one raw point, and your total raw score is the number of questions answered correctly on the full test. 84/120 = 70% of available raw points - not that a mere percentage tells the whole story, but it's a place to start. Pennsylvania: 142. Selected-Response (SR) Questions. Davis (Author) 4. Pearson Test 203 – Mathematics Subtest with a score of 227 or higher. Jan 12, 2017 · As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, each of the four subtests (Reading & Language Arts 5002, Mathematics 5003, Social Studies 5004, Science 5005), gets its own individual scaled score. Successful test takers will be able to compare fractions as well as The raw score is then scaled according to the test's difficulty, giving you a converted score. Teacher tests work differently. Check the Praxis ETS website to determine your state’s passing score. Nov 5, 2015 · The passing score for Core Academic Reading Skills is 156 for almost all states. Boost your confidence for the Mathematics (5165) test. Score reports for individuals who took the VCLA prior to January 1, 2014, will be accepted provided the candidate met the passing score effective at the time the test was taken. Boost your confidence for the School Psychologist (5403) test. While different states have different passing scores, generally a scaled score of 167 is required to pass. Take a full-length, interactive practice test with 52 questions covering all the topics on the test, such as counting and operations with whole numbers, place value, and more. North Dakota: 160. is a smart way to prepare for the test so you can do your best on test day. The practice tests mimic the exam in length and format. In order to obtain a license to practice as an educator in the state of Mississippi, all prospective teachers, administrators and instructional support personnel must achieve Mississippi’s minimum qualifying passing score on the state’s required licensing assessment (s) as appropriate: Praxis Core Academic Skills for The journey to the classroom starts here. The passing score for Core Academic Writing Skills is 162 for almost all states. The ACT composite score of 24 (ACT composite score is the average of the tests) The GRE General Test: composite of the combined verbal and quantitative score of 297. tests • Specific information on the . Be sure to check your state score requirements by visiting this page. Understanding Your Score Report. For example, even with the similarities, some of the Praxis Subject Assessments vary Praxis Study Companion. Reading Sub Test: 235. 7803 Elementary Search for jobs related to Praxis 7803 passing score or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. Check the ETS Praxis website to check what the passing score is in your state.
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