Tank tmr ffbe. Ffbe builder rarely recommends this anymore for me. Bearer of Burden. FFBE Equip is a powerful buildertool for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, a popular mobile RPG. Take beach party for example. Anyone can be an evade tank, helps with innate evasion though, like Helena or Noctis. I will try to divide the items into categories. The bravery boost also helps units proc certain reaction commands. He is specialized in water element, which is great if you have the new ne My channel mostly focuses on Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius videos, with the occasional video from other games. Rikku (FF X-2) Debuffer, Support. For me that is lazy on changing truststones and has diff sets of truststones per pvp unit, my bartz has been the owner of xiza bells. Never one to turn a blind eye to those in trouble Jul 31, 2022 · 1 Celes, The Former General Of The Gestahlian Empire Of Water. If the magic is mostly elemental though you can just focus on physical defence while maintaining high elemental resist to the relavent elements. He’s a tanker that can deal light magical damage. 138 votes, 48 comments. Unit. Raigheb. Keep in mind you can use any esper on tanks you want, and sometimes the "tank" espers won't be the best. Who’s ever gonna use a weapon that has like 95 atk on it. Reaper_ExE 6 years ago #2. While in this world, he’s one of the best Physical Tanks Wow, you really picked the worst event to start on. She is the only tank we'll need for a while and her barriers/earth support is going to remain great for a long time. Its better for magic bulk. Other units uses other tmr (with agi stat) lmaoooo. Pairs nicely with Frederika and Cloud. His spirit now wanders the world as a vision, seeking to make amends. Undoubtedly, making a unit into an Jul 23, 2019 · Tank/Support: Beach Girls – Summer Fina and Lid. HALiAM 4 years ago #3. Master Machinist Abigail. He was one of the first units to be released with innate evasion and his Trust Master Reward (TMR) Ring of the Lucii adds another 25 percent. Aug 30, 2022 · The Amazon Appstore is a growing selection of apps and games and the only app store to give you access to Amazon Coins. No idea how the TMR system works but the sub VCs slot is a simple* "% of 2nd VC stats added" system. I kind of think of his TMR like Ramza buff. Hollow Slave (Raviesse’s TMR) – A sword that increases Acquired JP Rain is a fire and magic based unit that can either be your designated magic tank, a magic damage dealer, or a breaker through his 3 different sub jobs and passives. Dario is a great magic tank. •. Vaan's Clothes. This would give both the TMR and STMR in the same process. Guide. Katy's. BUT if you want to level some generic tanking esper Nov 18, 2022 · Hate thinking about TMR Stones? Check out this guide to simplify the whole thing. Trust Stone Set Bonuses. Match three, get both rows added together. Vortex Axe Mark-II. His cover mitigation is also slightly lower than other 7 star tanks at 50-60%. He uses swords and many magical swords exist. We sit and want omega or anima and use defensive black garb vs evade. Evasion. This is an awesome piece of materia that goes well on tanks, support units, or even healers. If you want resists, you tend to want more specialized materia, like emperors TMR. Take the time to input your units, and adjust the available TMRs. Its pretty dang easy to get a ton of the value the pink trust master ston The TMR was meant for every other resistances besides Magic. And I equipped her with Lynx TMR, so she occasionally paralyzes to. Gameplay Mont: In-depth Review. 5. Too many to name. I have no empirical data on actual unit usage for this list, so feel free to discuss. weapons with elemental resist are uncommon. Orbonne was pretty bad too, but ifrit with the 50% offensive break resist that would wipe you without the break applied, and no way to know if you successfully applied a new break, or the one on was about to expire - yeah that was the worst. Overall. You start the game with JP wants dark odin/demon chiemra/Odin on her for very high atk/quickness and evade and or man eater + massive slash up. AP gain from using the skill. Neither are particularly great, though, as formal tanks are good-but-not-great team investments. It may very well be a bug with the buff if she can reach over that with esper, or there is a cap to how high one can get with buffs(?). com/other/materiaAffiliat Both kilphe and r stern have tmr’s that buff this ability, and if it’s maxed it’ll put her single resistance up to around 70-80 with an Odin card. Nichol of the Epsilon Star. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. -. FIRE - Seymore or Adelard, both great units and Adelard's TMR is great for red mages (specially now with runes) (Lilyth is great, but doable with medals) ICE - Nasha. Yes and no. For most of the Tower? I'd say an evade 2B, she can solo the top most floors by herself. What's not to like? The CoW boss, that's wha Start Season 4 of the story to obtain the free unit Runda and some of his personal equipment. Taking a look at the best TMRs in WOTV in my opinion. Jul 28, 2023 · FFBE Magical Damage Tank List 2024: “Shield your allies with sorcery” Protect your party from harm using magical damage tanks capable of absorbing magical attacks and mitigating damage with their spells. Black Mage's Potential. Or will units with access to aoe automatically use those Super Trust Master Reward (STMR) is a higher tier of Trust Master Rewards (TMR) obtainable when a 5-star unit has reached its 7-star rarity. Position 1 is the top unit in the row closest to the enemy and is marginally more likely to become the target, position 6 is the bottom unit in the row away from the enemy. Nasha, chel, kurry, lynx, fina, and Dario are great limited cost pvp chars for their elements. Runda is an android prototype developed by the mage Furze, though no models other than Runda have been found. Unlike Ramza’s Shout, the bravery buff on Cecil’s TMR is permanent. A King Behemoth who once ruled over a faraway kingdom. She does, however, have access to bows and guns – they have the highest damage variance among all the weapons in FFBE. Easy to proc for tanks since most of them can use mace, or even healers like CG Fina. Amazon Coins let you save time and up May 7, 2020 · [00:00] Stats[02:10] Job Set up and Breakdown[06:31] LB[07:54] Vision Card[10:00] TMR[11:04] ConclusionWhisper is the first magic tank on the WOTV global, sh Feb 15, 2022 · Deciding which TMR to level in WoTV can be a bit of a personal choice but there are absolutely some terrible decisions and some great ones. Whether a TMR can be equipped on multiple jobs or only a few jobs. Substitutability. Aspiration for Freedom. Though Duane, as a vision, can now control his prodigious powers, the envy and malice of his comrades that he endured in life have left scars on his psyche. 26K subscribers in the wotv_ffbe community. See fusion of Rasler's and Crow's TMR with good fire/dark resistance. WIND - Dario is a decent tank, specially when he gets his MA2 in global. His SPR Up Lv. Coupled with her high agility she can run ahead of the rest of her team and hopefully since she’s alone she’ll get single targeted. Only TMRs that have a higher impact will be included in this list. Clearly the best tank is Tyytas not these two inferior units /s. This post will be a comprehensive list of TMRs you might want to consider farming for or at least keep a copy or two of the unit to farm eventually in the future. Now that her drones do all of her chores for her, she is often perceived as lazy, but she likes to think that because she can devote even more time to Raid Boss Revival Equipment Ranking Guide. A genius machinist who specializes in the creation and development of drones. Atk and Mag 20%, followed by Crit Evasion and Crit Damage Up. Gameplay Duane has a Mar 27, 2022 · Ready to take the plunge into maximum TMR stone power? Check this out All the info on Wotv-calc is located here: https://wotv-calc. Mont is a fantastic unit that I highly recommend everyone (whale or f2p) to build. Glad to see someone main her as TMG too! In auto she won't use Haste much aside to herself and the tank, but with max Faith, she's a constant debuffer! Her Limit Burst has almost guaranteed chance to stop (85% at least) and shadowbind on top of that. Celes is the top-tier water unit and arguably the top-tier unit of War of the Visions. Whisper can be a very good tank but requires a very high investment in gear, VC & espers to be so. 5% for scenario 1. Mainly good for tanks because it comes with an active ability that reduces damage taken. Very detailed rankings: Meta, DMG and TMR. Units. Since most tanks survive at 1 hp a fatal blow. One day, two guides! I've had some guildmates get a bit overwhelmed by the selection of things to build this event, so I created a second chart. Its 50 percent boost to both spirit and defense will make even the squishiest of units more survivable. Celes is a magic tank with a sword that increases her max HP by 15 percent and a stack of abilities, resistances, and innate hate that make her feel like a 100-cost unit. With Warrior of Light just around the corner, as a heavy user of Rain, I thought I would highlight Rain's tanking capabilities beyond just "he is a great magic tank". Memel0rd's Unit Rankings: Rating: Rankings done by a Unit Reviewer that includes separated P2P and F2P rankings, part of the defunct Brave Exvius forums. EDITS: Bumped Brigandine to High, Plat Helm to Medium, mentioned the usefulness of a +1/+2 Defense Bracer, Added Drain Force use case for Chocolate Flan Note Salire and ellshara are higher cost mr in terms of shards unless they changed it. Emperor's Ring. For this reason, if you plan to STMR fuse and lacking the TMR (and don't need additional copies), consider farming the base unit and the STMR dupes to 30% for scenario 2 or the other base unit to ~47. When crafting Trust Stones, to truly min-max your TMRs, you want to spend your daily dismantles on UR trust stones fishing for desired Tier 4 passives, of which you can ONLY acquire with UR trust stones. Its faisys TMR. Or something with stats other than pure bulk. ATK+190, DEF+224 Effect: Beast King's Aura ( Beast King Crocodine only), Protection of the Magic Jewel ( Tanks only), Damage range 115% - 195%, Accuracy+50% Ability: Wind Barrier ( Tanks only) Two-handed weapon. 10. If you want to unlock slots for Illusory Bell, you'll Dec 30, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The obvious ones: 5* base TMR, Dual Wield, Blade Mastery, etc. Sep 1, 2022 · White Knight Noel. Gameplay Sieghard has a variation: Sieghard & Ignacio. Glinting Sword (Dario’s TMR) – A sword that increases Acquired AP – good for tanks that need AP to continue spamming Taunting Blade. They've both got access to curada and full life for tank and DPS babysitting, respectively. *denote limited time units. . His best weapon is an event weapon from FFX event, however, so in the past. Noctis. Baashs STMR is pretty much staple on a magic tank. Nasha, ez choice. , A Goal Found on a Journey A Goal Found on a Journey. Versatility, how many units can benefit from the buff. Overall gameplay impact in Duel, Guild War, Tower and Raid based on Meow experience. amazon. When max lvled, the active ability reduces damage taken of affected units by 20% for 3 turns, as well as an mini "esuna" type cleansing ability. Since then, he loves himself more than anything else. A precocious pilot who was entrusted with command of an airship at the tender age of eighteen, he maintains a carefree—some might say lackadaisical—demeanor. Her drones have a wide variety of uses, ranging from household tasks to aerial combat. com/dp/B018HB6E80/ref=twister_B009CDKIA8?_encoding=UTF8&tag=re Jul 6, 2023 · FFBE is the game developed by Alim and published by Square Enix games, the famous creators of the Final Fantasy series. Strongest tank hands down, incredibly bulky, and has a good CoW kit. Reply. Jun 4, 2022 · 2 Alphonse Elric. Take the time to input your inventory, and update it as necessary. The former Veritas of the Earth. UR unit tier list (Jan22) Decided to use the tiers from Pokemon since i find it easier to categorize compared to regular letter grades. A Precursor from another world who always makes quick work of her enemies using her blade and lightning abilities. I second transpose on PVP. His VC, STMR, and TMR can boost his stats greatly. In this example, Lightning Katana is the TMR of Owe, so it needs Sword books. This variation is more closely matched to his WOTV version, since it is a magic tank. Mostly support, healer, tanks. As a bonus, her TMR is the best non UR TMR in the game (gives +AGI and light RES). Aureole Ray Flood. *Oh and when I says simple I mean you need a 2 page long spreadsheet to understand which stats gives what % for sub VCs. Early on focus on one size fits all stones for a one size fits all tmr then specialize from there to boost what they are already good at. TM on the rise: Champion's Belt. Pick a time mage bot: Phoebe has very nice mobility and AGI, with full access to time mage's kit (haste + quicken + slow + stop). 5* TMR HP +30%, DEF +20%, SPR +20%, LB fill rate +50%, Earth resist +30% All Patriotic Recall Materia 4* TMR HP +30%, DEF +20%, Light resist +30% All Gust Mane Materia 4* TMR Tanks: Kain - haste and move; Rhaldor - acc and move; Mages: +BRH - agi and barrier; Ibara - mag and move; Ranan - mag and haste; Garvall- mag and mag res pen; Attackers and niche: +Tidus - crit and crit dmg; +Lucia - range and agi; +Vinera - light killer and hate down; +Kitone - move and hate down; +Cetia - missile atk and AP; Robb - slash atk Feb 20, 2021 · Thunder Gods Cape. Increase MAG (50%) when equipped with a rod Increase fire, ice and lightning resistance (20%) when equipped with a hat. HP+1500, ATK+60 Effect: Aspiration for Freedom Aspiration for Freedom. Sacred Step. I can see the application for tanks, sure but this would be a huge loss to anyone who just wants to do their quick arena games. Apr 18, 2021 · #wotv #ffbe-wotv #finalfantasyMy last TMR guide was approaching 4 months old so I though it was time for a new one! War of the Visions has released several Oct 6, 2022 · These tanks can just do more than defend your teams. His shards cost gil to purchase enabling you to LB5 him much easier than other MRs (except event MRs during their respective events). A few units that can give you an edge for that I have quite a few tanks so my options seem good. Overview. Let’s get started. She's at 62% magic res in the formation screen, meaning there was no buff so she should have gotten to 100% with Resist Magic buff in game. Runda is a fantastic tank on par or better than most other tanks obtained in the gacha! Level up and awaken your esper. Coming back to a very new STMR is Beach Girls from Summer Fina and Lid. Max of 8 Ubers is based on 1 slot per element while 16 units in OU is to round out a 3 unit team per element. Of course, this is easier said than done, since FFBE is a HP+30%, Fire/Dark Resist+50%, DEF/SPR+30% if with Mace. Armor Equipment like Rain's TMR, Magic Coat, Macherie's TMR, Ayaka's TMR excel at guarding magic attacks. The Chamber of Supercite (if you can spare the energy) and raid events will help with magicites. Increase ATK (100%) Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon. Each slot needs Book of Refinements as the materials, and it's based on the main weapon type of the character of the TMR. Although, I'm still using A. A level 89 unit is clearly viable for Tower and Raid, and can work in Arena/GB if it compliments other units (see Queen Ayaka, or Tanks). 100% paralyze resistance. Attack, HP, Luck, Crit Evade. It seems that in his pursuit for beauty, he concluded that he himself was the most beautiful being. Max NV. Increase HP (40%) Increase SPR (30%) when equipped with a light shield Increase DEF (30%) when equipped with a heavy shield. count it 2, second winds. Players who were able to pull two of him easily were able to get him to 70 percent evasion. Support, Debuffer. fun times! Reply reply. I echo the avoid Englebert. His TMR can auto-brave your team while farming. Match two, get the first row. Magical Attacker, Physical Tank. Most units can equip a dagger (poor alma) so the hp and elemental resistances are great for fights where you may need some more. The main difference why he is highly rated alone is because he is slash damage, broken with Jiza TMR due to 50% AP gain, and range/aoe damage. com/ch I still use it but not much anymore. A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. gl 732 652 039 - SabrTano PM or tag for unit requests. The AGI and DEF boost are good additions on top of that. To make builds tailored just for your available equipments : Log in and go to the Inventory page. Tanks already have enough TP/ buffing abilities I feel like it is unnecessary to give them another ability so a flat slash resistance passive seems more useful since slash attack is basically TMR: Shylt. Unlike TMRs, you cannot use Trust Moogles nor battles to increase your STMR gauge. The site is in French. Unfortunately Merc Ramza has trouble balancing between DEF and SPR to pull off the roles of both provoker and magic tank. A knight who wields a blade of dark power. Equipment: Slot 1: Crimson Saber Slot 2: +2 Platinum Robe Slot 3: Ayaka's TMR Esper: Siren (with 25% Slash Resist) Classement FFBE (FR) Community Rating français: Builds & Units are ranked with pros and cons, given a role, and tiered. So you can mindlessly increase your team BRV to 97 and never have to again assign a Meditation unit. A Spellblade unit that can use Resist Magic, or White Mages who can cast Shell will further improve your defenses. Regina on compared to flammie or firion is a less killer of 50% vs 75%. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Crypto AP is huge, ability reduction time is too. He automatically learns through experience, with a personality nearly identical to that of a human. Before donning his armor, he was a man who loved poetry, art, and war. Jul 16, 2021 · In 2021, we're knee deep in Neo vision units with bland or borderline useless TMR's, but what TMR's out there are still useful? Find out!This was requested t Mont: Honestly not a terrible physical tank with the best natural movement of any tank. Robb's TMR gives +50 CT to the 8 squares surrounding the unit (including the unit using it) - I'm going to use Glaciela as an example going forward. Once the STMR gauge is visible, it can be increased by fusing duplicate units into it. Having fought his way to the top, he sees all others as inferior and requiring of his protection, a trait which proved instrumental as a leader. Though I doubt you'd rather fuse the other Lilith instead of having (2) of her in you-know-where. For my Brave Exvius Damage Spreadsheet, it can b Xon's or Locke's or Kaito's to turn a support into an innate provoke evade tank. Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist comes to Brave Exvius in a bid to find a means to reacquire his original body. Nov 15, 2021 · You will first need to unlock the slots on each TMR before being able to equip Truststones. Tornado Freeze Absolute Zero Chaos Wave Awakened. Let me walk you Magic Tank Magic Tank unit. Categories. You can create and optimize your own custom builds, explore the encyclopedia of units and items, and share your results with other players. The second blow actually can bring him back to 20%. As mentioned in the video, from a game development standpoint, this feature will be a great addition to the Global Version of the game. Recipe: ( Event) DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai. Magical String (Salire’s TMR) – Accessory that adds Human Killer to Magic Attacks and Kotetsu (Hybrid), good for farming or PVP. TMR being upgradable and VCs getting a sub slot are the 2 biggest changes to the game. Key agents in this category include: Meow criteria: Duration of buff from skill. These magical guardians ensure your team’s survival in the face of powerful enemy spells. Although King Behemy can easily rip apart enemies with his menacing weapon Jan 7, 2022 · WoTV has a ton of units that can function as a "tank" but for this list I wanted to focus on UR units that I considered true tanks. Once pure of heart and mind, his grief deepened to such an extent that he eventually took his own life. It's without question the TM that's going to experience the greatest value surge in the coming months. However, with 0 SPR and -25 magic resistance, and mage is going to slap him silly. Crypto A quick breakdown of how it works: - Have one unit which can equip Heavy Armor to wear Robb's TMR and pump its AGI up as high as possible. Gameplay Main character. . youtube. 1 passive can be paired up with the other Knight of Grandshelt passive, Intensifying Power, to have a mix of defense while still being able to do damage, or it can Increase fire, ice, lightning, water, wind, earth, light and dark resistance (20%) when equipped with a light shield, or heavy shield, Holy Night's Blessing Holy Night's Blessing Crimson rapier, sylmas tmr, it is such a good tmr on tanks because it takes up a weapon slot which is kinda useless on tanks plus it has slash res. Regina has 3 killers: Demon, Fairy, and Machine. Fantasy. The goal of the game is to grind through its levels, to get the best characters and items, multiple times, getting stronger every time, to complete the game. Generates hate on her main job. WoL, Cagnazzo, VoE, Zargabaath and Wilhelm seem the most likely choices. As great as Maeve is (and she is insane), We can, in 5 minutes, make a much greater tank. 2. The cutoff for me was Du Fabled Guardian Jecht is the newest physical cover tank in the FFBE global version. When Aigaion drops Knuckle Mastery in our laps along with a 145 DMG fist, you're going to want to have these. Salire (Sweetheart) B This variation of Rain is based in his Complete Awakening form that is first seen in the climax of Season One's story. I see no reason why G Storm Seeker Esther. Yes. Defensive ones for tanks. Yeti of Narshe Umaro. ffbe id 415-157-672 IGN HALyeah. This will obviously be excluding the christmas 2023 unit because i don't know it yet lmao Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Nasha at 120 is a great physical tank, fina will get you heals. - Have Ilydra use her Limit Brust; it provides +60 CT to Main points - wol tanks all alone by rush forward with taunting spell on 1 st turn and 1 tile right and up with brave presence on 2nd, 3rd turn is for brave presence as well and to move him on that 3-4 tile "cliff" at the righr bottom when he stay till the end, mages nuke left flank first and switch on 2nd carbuncle after that - he should use 1 Business, Economics, and Finance. Below under Trust Stone Rerolling will give With the upcoming tank unit and the soon tm super hard trial (which is part of the fixed party trial series introduced recently but not with a fixed party setting) I have seen a lot of discussion about role compression and certain units being highly suited for a provoker/evade role, especially about Kryla. Jan 13, 2021 · #FFBE #FinalFantasy #FFBE_ENFirst video in the 2021 series of best tmr you can get from Select Summon (uoc) tickets for each slot, Future videos will include To be fair, he has Element advantage against those, WoL doesn't. He is capable of dealign good damage even though he has a lot of tank skills. Known as a legendary warrior who long ago sealed away a powerful being called a Great Destroyer, she finds herself time and time again facing her fated foe. The TMR is too strong as well, and I truly hope it would never get released, can you imagine how bad arena is when suddenly stop and death resist are the new status immunity. Velric: A Yes Ice Slash DPS Ice Slasher with notable three-hit Drain Rush ability that also heals. Type: Special Ability (Passive) Effect: Increase resistance to confuse (100%)Normal attack hits 2 times None Trust Master Reward Yeti of Narshe Umaro. Tanks and does it in style. Any advice or builds you use would be greatly appreciated. Getting Limited units to lvl 99 depends on a number of factors, but letting all non-PvP units (I'll add a farmer (medienna) and Xiza (tmr)) naturally grow to lvl 99 over 100 days is not as important once you Trust Master Reward. Divine Beast Chow. Reward: ( Event) Battle with the Benevodons. Chaining: Slashing teams are key here, given Diablos' 0% weakness towards it. Only show owned units Only show 7★ units Only time limited units Only units with TMR Moogles Send me a message on reddit Chat on FFBE Equip discord server See code on GitHub Please consider donating to our Patreon! In this video, MD goes over all of the different Trust Master Rewards for Ultra Rare units in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions and ranks them i Mar 17, 2019 · Top Five FFBE Evade Units. Amazon Affiliate Link: https://www. Base Form Sample Build We can build Lightning either TDH or TDW but since she doesn’t have True Dual Wield mastery, her damage will fall short compared to other damage dealers with the 200% chain cap modifier. Rarity. Nov 21, 2021 · Maeve's stats are out and boy is she great. After growing tired of the peace of his kingdom, he decided to leave on a journey in search of something new to protect. I. Depends entirely on that units role. Whisper is probably better for developed accounts, but Engelbert is better for early accounts. Flammie being almost the same is also in the amazing tier. It’s no surprise that Chow is still on every good list. A worthy get, in my humble onion. With the majority of the character in the game will be slash damage. So good Lunara, great Regina/irvine, amazing firion and flammie. This mod only alters a completely random target. To allow this tool to suggest you TMR to farm : Log in and go to the Units page. Now his TMR is gimmicky and might not be the best fit for HIMSELF but picture a WOL or Engel with 2. He is available as a Guest Unit in the Story Event, Sieghard, The Magnificent Business, Economics, and Finance. Although small in size, his stalwart body contains a number of various functions, and should his body be damaged, there would be no problem as long as his core was left intact. For damage it depends entirely on your units and the meta. Final Fantasy. They also can deal damage too. Passive provoke- which come on things like moogle doll, yellow balloon, and pink striped float. Very similar to Engelbert with worse stats. Absolute Mirror of Equity. It does not evaluate him as a overall character for PVE and PvP. Now a lot, maybe even all of the tmr weapons will become obsolete. Noctis was the original evade unit. Rain is a unit available in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. He has the unwavering trust of both the king and the populace, in large part due to his father's reputation as a stalwart knight of the kingdom. What that means is damage , a lot of damage. Element resistance ones are now niche or for DV scores so I can't recommend highly. When Summer Faisy was released we said the same thing about her. She is a very nice tank and probably the most useful unit in her selection quest.
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