Turkey point cooling canals
Turkey point cooling canals. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Dec 7, 2011 · But in 1977, Turkey Point employees happened upon a crocodile nest in one of the then-new plant’s cooling canals. Apr 25, 2016 · A recent study commissioned by Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) found that the old cooling canal system at the FPL Turkey Point facility was leaking polluted water into Biscayne Bay. The heat dissipation system for the existing Units 1 through 4 is the cooling canal system which is described in detail in SCA Section 2. I'd love to hear from people who have spent time there. Share More sharing options Followers 0 The Turkey Point nuclear and fossil units utilize a 5,900-acre closed-cycle cooling canal system, of which 4,370 acres is water surface, for condenser and auxiliary equipment cooling. The judge also found the state failed to Feb 23, 2019 · A 2019 Google Earth image of the cooling canals at Turkey Point that are used to cool two nuclear reactors and a gas-powered plan and also hold wastewater from the plant site. A Tallahassee judge has ordered state environmental regulators and Florida Power & Light to clean up the utility’s May 17, 2016 · FPL this week unveiled a sweeping plan to deal with an underground plume of salt water caused by the cooling canal system at Turkey Point. The plant uses 168 miles of waterways, called cooling canals, to keep its nuclear core at a safe temperature. Water quality monitoring during 2014 and early 2015 indicated that the salinity levels and the temperature of the waters within the CCS were increasing THE EFFECT OF THE TURKEY POINT COOLING CANAL LEAKAGE 3 unlined, it is directly connected to groundwater, contributing to water pollution. com. jstaletovich@miamiherald. Recommended Reading FPL ordered to fix Turkey Point plant’s salty plume Palm Jan 1, 2010 · Figure 3-2 Aerial view of Turkey Point cooling canals 22. In 2018, Florida Power & Light made the first-ever request to run a nuclear plant, Turkey Point, for a total of 80 years, into the 2050s (NRC, 2018). 3. It has also had the unintended effect of Jan 16, 2016 · Tropical Audubon Executive Director Laura Reynolds said that starting in 2010, elevated levels of tritium, a by-product of nuclear energy production, have been found outside the cooling canals. Oct 8, 2015 · Miami-Dade settles Turkey Point dispute over cooling canals By Jenny Staletovich. Florida environmental regulators are poised to issue a new pollution permit to cooling canals at Florida Power Feb 7, 2018 · The plan, which must be approved by the county commission, would reduce the need to draw from the Floridan Aquifer for Turkey Point’s 5,900 acres of cooling canals as well as help FPL meet a 10 The 22,000-acre Turkey Point tract is dominated by mangrove swamps. October 08, 2015 7:23 PM. The discharge canal receives heated water from the plant and distributes flow into 32 feed canals. Feb 28, 2019 · Emails show Miami-Dade worried Turkey Point canal permit could violate federal rule. The rest of the large area is the plant’s system of cooling canals. Jun 1, 2016 · Turkey Point Turkey Point. If you are a Feb 22, 2016 · Turkey Point cooling canals dump 600,000 pounds of salt into aquifer daily. The new permit does not address Parks. Using data from 2010-2014, it was shown that the average temperature in the water in the Cooling Canal System (CCS), had increased by 4°F on average. FPL built 168 linear miles of canals it uses for the operation of Apr 25, 2016 · As criticism mounts over troubles at Turkey Point’s troubled cooling canals, state environmental regulators ordered FPL to hammer out a clean-up plan in 60 days. May 5, 2022 · Turkey Point is the only plant in the world that still uses them, while all other plants now use more modern cooling systems like towers. Turkey Point's Cooling Canal System Introduction Turkey Point consists of five electrical generating units. ” This means that the liquid wastes generated and used at the power plant, whether solvents or bi-products of nuclear generation, are discharged into the cooling canals. A recent study found that its old cooling canal system was leaking polluted water into Biscayne Bay. Figure 3-3 Spray cooling (photo courtesy Siemens Pow er Generation) 24 . Turkey Point is located 25 miles south of Miami, Florida. During nesting season, more than 40 adult crocodiles have been observed in the canals. The FPL nuclear energy plant at Turkey Point. Water in this closed loop of canals is used to keep equipment in the plant cool. With about one foot of sea rise, which is expected by 2030, they Mar 17, 2021 · Turkey Point, the only nuclear plant in the country with a cooling system that uses canals instead of towers, received approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to operate until 2053. In addition, 2,500 acres of the original site were deeded to the State of Florida in 1972. A small part of the site has been filled in to provide for the generating plant. FPL asked the NRC for a 20-year license extension to run the plant past its current expiration date (2032 Jul 19, 2019 · American Crocodile hatchlings from the Turkey Point cooling canals. FPL initiated a comprehensive crocodile monitoring program in the early 1980s, consisting of: Jul 20, 2019 · Cooling canals next to the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station are shown, Friday, July 19, 2019, in Homestead, Fla. Figure 4-1 Diagram of typical direct CW system 38. Jul 23, 2019 · Employees at the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, located around 25 miles south of Miami, spotted a crocodile nest among the plant’s man-made network of cooling canals. Mar 8, 2019 · Nuclear regulators this week ordered a hearing over contentious plans to keep Turkey Point’s 1970s-era reactors and troubled cooling canals operating until the early 2050s. Updated March 08, 2018 8:43 PM. Mar 9, 2016 · A worker walks past the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant August 20, 2002 near Florida City, Florida. Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen produced by nuclear reactors during routine operations, is Dec 12, 2017 · The cooling-canal system at Turkey Point is unique. Anitere Flores (R Mar 8, 2022 · MIAMI, Florida — Turkey Point nuclear power plant is making history thanks to the prolific crocodiles who make their home in the cooling canals surrounding the plant, about 25 miles south of Miami. May 14, 2020 · Updated May 15, 2020 2:02 PM. that uses the "cooling canal" system, which pumps nuclear waste through five-mile-long, radiator-like tubes back and forth along the bay Mar 30, 2016 · Florida Power & Light's request to utilize an additional 14 million gallons per day of non-potable water for use in its Turkey Point Nuclear Plant's cooling canal system has been granted. The 168-miles of man-made canals serve as the home to several hundred crocodiles, where a team of specialists working for Florida Power and Light (FPL) monitors and protects the American crocodiles. The new permit does not address Mar 11, 2016 · The study comes two weeks after a Tallahassee judge ordered the utility and the state to clean up the nuclear plant’s cooling canals after concluding that they had caused a massive underground saltwater plume to migrate west, threatening a wellfield that supplies drinking water to the Florida Keys. Emily These reports show Turkey Point’s failing cooling canal system is effectively an “open industrial sewer” with discharges that contains a slew of pollutants including ammonia, phosphorus, total nitrogen, high salinity levels and tritium. Turkey Point helps FPL customers keep their bills well below the Jan 31, 2017 · The state of Florida has designated FPL’s cooling canals at Turkey Point as an “Industrial Waste Water Facility. The cooling canal system offers optimum nesting, foraging, breeding and basking habitat for the crocodile. The 11,000-acre tract of land is dominated by protected mangrove swamps. Units 1 and 2 are oil/natural gas-fired generation units. In 2014, after the utility uprated the reactors to produce more power Feb 21, 2022 · Updated February 22, 2022 12:49 AM. Turkey Point’s geographic location makes it particularly susceptible to sea level rise and storm surge impacts. May 6, 2019 · The Turkey Point plant was designed in the 1960s with a system of unlined cooling canals stretching for miles. S. As of November, Everglades Apr 26, 2016 · Updated April 26, 2016 6:46 PM. In operation since 1972, the plant generates enough power for 900,000 homes annually. A Tallahasse backed a decision by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to renew the permit for FPL’s Turkey Point cooling canal system. Apr 18, 2016 · FPL's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant continues to operate safely as it has for more than 40 years, generating zero-carbon energy to power hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses throughout South Florida. In the previously mentioned study titled “The Cooling-Canal System at the FPL Turkey Point Power Station,” Chin (2016) examines issues that need to be addressed regarding salinity and temperature levels, Aug 28, 2014 · Florida Power & Light needs millions more gallons of freshwater to manage cooling canals that keep two nuclear reactors at Turkey Point from overheating, company officials said in an emergency The cooling canals provide a safe haven for the endangered American crocodile. May 2, 2015 · Turkey Point Cooling Canals For reasons not entirely understood (and wholly unanticipated) crocodiles began seeking these canals to lay their eggs. Jun 21, 2016 · Cooling water is provided through 168 miles of canals, and the plant generates enough power for about 900,000 homes. Emily Jan 16, 2015 · Forty years ago when Florida Power & Light carved a 5,100-acre network of canals from wetlands to cool its sprawling Turkey Point power plant perched on the edge of Biscayne Bay, the radiator Turkey Point consists of five electrical generating units. 1 The facility is one of Florida’s largest water consumers and discharges at least 600,000 pounds of salt and other Mar 13, 2016 · But by showing where water from the plant has been ending up, tritium tipped scientists off to some things from Turkey Point that really do pose a threat: very hot, hypersaline (very salty) water, and high levels of ammonia and phosphorous. and the overall population at the Turkey Point site since the 1970s. The company set up a monitoring program to ensure they didn’t hurt the animals Apr 5, 2018 · SACE contends that if the Joint Partnership Agreement is approved without a commitment to closing the cooling canals and installing cooling towers, the pollution plume will be exacerbated by the addition of tens of millions of gallons every day of treated municipal wastewater to Turkey Point’s canal system. Two thermal units that formerly relied on the CCS, Turkey Point Units 1 and 2, have been FPL Turkey Point Uprate Project - Cooling Canal System Modeling Study I. Jun 20, 2016 · The long-term plan complements the actions FPL has taken over the past year to successfully reduce the salinity in the Turkey Point cooling canal system and improve the overall efficiency of the These reports show Turkey Point’s failing cooling canal system is effectively an “open industrial sewer” with discharges that contains a slew of pollutants including ammonia, phosphorus, total nitrogen, high salinity levels and tritium. Miami-Dade County is reviewing the plan. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee) Mar 17, 2021 · The Turkey Point cooling canals cover nearly 6,000 acres and have become too salty over the years, creating a massive underground saltwater plume the utility is trying to clean up. Days after issuing a controversial plan for managing the troubled cooling canal system at Turkey Point, state environmental officials have cited Florida Power We first investigate the extent and impact of the temperature increase at the Turkey Point Plant. In 1973 the Cooling Canal System (CCS) was constructed to eliminate direct warm water discharges to the Biscayne Bay and Card Apr 18, 2016 · "FPL's Turkey Point facility over the years has been extremely important to the increase in the American crocodile population, providing protected nesting sites along cooling canal berms. Turkey Point requires massive amounts of water to cool down its reactors and utilizes a “once-through” cooling system that draws water from iscayne ay and runs it through a series of canals. We first investigate the extent and impact of the temperature increase at the Turkey Point Plant. Dec 4, 2018 · The Turkey Point cooling canals cover nearly 6,000 areas and have become too salty over the years, creating a massive underground saltwater plume the utility is now trying to clean up. An airboat provided by FPL and operated by plant personnel was used to access the Apr 4, 2019 · Turkey Point’s antiquated cooling canal system has been releasing contaminants into the underlying aquifer for decades and pollutants from the cooling canals have been detected in surface waters connected to Biscayne National Park. Circulating cooling water used at Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is cooled in a closed cycle canal cooling system (CCS) that covers approximately 5,900 acres. Issues at the cooling canals have escalated since 2013, when the plant expanded to increase Jul 22, 2019 · Power & Light’s Turkey Point nuclear plant near Homestead, Florida, features dozens of man-made canals to run water through the plant to aid in cooling. The Cooling Canal System (CCS) is an integral part of the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) Turkey Point Power Plant (Plant) site that has provided economical, reliable, and extreme low emission power generation for FPL customers for over 40 years. Water from these canals is used to cool the reactors. MIAMI (CBSMiami) - State officials approved an emergency request for more water to control the temperatures in the cooling canals at Turkey Point on Mar 13, 2016 · But by showing where water from the plant has been ending up, tritium tipped scientists off to some things from Turkey Point that really do pose a threat: very hot, hypersaline (very salty) water, and high levels of ammonia and phosphorous. Jan 12, 2022 · Turkey Point is the only nuclear power plant in the world that uses cooling canals. Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen produced by nuclear reactors during routine operations, is May 5, 2022 · Turkey Point is the only plant in the world that still uses them, while all other plants now use more modern cooling systems like towers. May 3, 2016 · “The Turkey Point nuclear power plant has been having an ongoing issue with the cooling canals that flow from the power plant, which are impacting Biscayne Bay,” said Sen. The site is adjacent to the surficial Biscayne Aquifer, our drinking water aquifer, and situated between the Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park and Card Sound. Feb 24, 2017 · Mechanical draft cooling towers in use at Turkey Point Unit 5 (natural gas) One such success is the recent passage of a resolution by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners unanimously urging Florida Power & Light (FPL) to discontinue the use of the porous limestone cooling canal system at their Turkey Point facility—the only one of Feb 12, 2024 · The canals used to cool the steam at Turkey Point instead of cooling towers also serve as a perfect habitat for the crocodiles. 4. (CBS4) American crocodiles range in color from gray-yellow to brown, can grow up to 15 feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds. The cooling canals encompass an additional 6,800 acres. In 2017, the city of Sunrise paid FPL more than $85,000 for seven-tenths of a credit. Hello! I'm working on a project about the Turkey Point Nuclear power plant--specifically its field of cooling canals. 1 Units 3 and 4 are nuclear generating units and Unit 5 is a natural gas combined cycle generating unit. Environmentalists have won a small victory in the ongoing battle over pollution concerns surrounding Florida Power & Light’s cooling canals at its Turkey Point Mar 7, 2016 · A radioactive isotope linked to water from power plant cooling canals has been found in high levels in Biscayne Bay, confirming suspicions that Turkey Point’s aging canals are leaking into the Feb 16, 2017 · Turkey Point is the only nuclear power plant in the U. FPL also promoted its Jun 18, 2020 · A 2019 Google Earth image of the cooling canals at Turkey Point that are used to cool two nuclear reactors and hold wastewater from the plant. Sep 1, 2020 · The Nuclear Regulatory Commission sent a team of inspectors to Turkey Point this week after one of Florida Power and Light’s aging nuclear reactors shut down three times over four days. Turkey Point nuclear units use this system like a radiator, discharging heated condenser water at one end and withdrawing cooled water at the other end for reuse. Introduction FPL plans to add about 200 MW (net) of electrical generation resources to its system at Turkey Point Units 3 and 4. The week Mar 23, 2016 · The Turkey Point nuclear power plant, south of Miami. Florida Power Jun 9, 2020 · The cooling canals are about 2 miles wide by 5 miles long, or roughly 5,900 acres. FPL built 168 linear miles of canals it uses for the operation of Feb 21, 2022 · Updated February 22, 2022 12:49 AM. A maximum temperature was imposed two hot and dry summers ago. Instead, FPL intends to use the wastewater to cool a natural gas-fired unit that currently draws from the Floridan Sep 12, 2014 · September 12, 2014 / 1:26 PM / CBS Miami. The Argentine black and white tegu poses a serious threat to that population," said Manley Fuller , president of the Florida Wildlife Federation. In 1973 the Cooling Canal System (CCS) was constructed to eliminate direct Jul 20, 2019 · Turkey Point's 168-mile (270 kilometers) of man-made canals serve as the home to several hundred crocodiles, where a team of specialists working for FPL monitors and protects them from hunting and Mar 29, 2016 · An airboat, captained by Bob Bertelson, land utilization supervisor at the FPL’s Turkey Point power plant, maneuvers down one of the many, shallow, outgoing cooling canals at the plant on Monday . Makeup water for the canal system comes from process water (permitted discharge from the existing Units), rainfall, stormwater runoff and groundwater infiltration. We are working to determine appropriate short term as well as long term actions to address the water quality problems created by the cooling canal system (CCS). 18--Florida Power & Light has abandoned a plan to use treated wastewater to freshen the troubled cooling canal system at its Turkey Point nuclear plant, striking at least one concern off a list of environmental issues surrounding the facility along south Biscayne Bay. What goes on? Jan 24, 2024 · “To accept NRC’s position that groundwater impacts caused by the [cooling canal] operations …will be small or moderate, the [NRC] board must likewise accept — contrary to all evidence Mar 21, 2023 · If the cooling canal system is flooded, plant operations could contaminate Biscayne Bay. Station 10 was located in a dead-end canal in the northern section of the Grand Canal. Today, that land is part of the Biscayne National Feb 12, 2024 · The canals used to cool the steam at Turkey Point instead of cooling towers also serve as a perfect habitat for the crocodiles. The bayfront cooling canals are about a foot above sea level, and that much rise is expected in South Florida in the next few decades. Mar 8, 2018 · Plan to use county wastewater in FPL’s Turkey Point cooling canals is back on track By Douglas Hanks. While there were only one or two nests and 30 hatchlings around the Turkey Point cooling canal system in the late 1970s, today there are approximately 22 nests and about 400 crocodiles living within the plant’s cooling canal system at any given time. Powers’ report notes that cooling tower technology is already being used by FPL at its Unit 5, a natural gas plant at the Turkey Point site, and FPL proposed building two cooling towers as a way Jun 19, 2020 · Jun. Another looming threat is sea level rise. Jan 24, 2023 · FPL's Turkey Point Crocodile Management Program Featured on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Venerable wildlife program highlights company's more than 40-year-old efforts to use the cooling canals Jan 11, 2016 · If the cooling canal waters reach 104 degrees, Turkey Point has to shut down the nuclear reactors. The facility is a thriving workplace and generous neighbor to its local community. Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Canals. Too Much at Risk: Biscayne & Everglades National Parks, South Florida’s Drinking Water & Your Wallet Existing Problems The following issues related to the operation of the cooling-canal system (CCS) at the Turkey Point Power Station were investigated: (1) temperature variations in the CCS and associated impacts on the surrounding groundwater, (2) salinity variations in the CCS and associated impacts on the surrounding groundwater, Jan 28, 2020 · FPL's wetland mitigation bank is located south of Turkey Point cooling canals. cooling canals; By strandoo June 1, 2016 in OHANA NUI - OFF TOPIC SUB-FORUM. Aug 2, 2018 · FPL announced in a January 30 release that the company had filed to continue operating Turkey Point's existing reactors, known as 3 and 4, until 2052 and 2053, respectively. No other nuclear power plant uses it, perhaps for good reason: The canals for years have been labeled an environmental hazard. Plant specialists count crocodile nests annually to record population changes. Certainly, by laying their eggs inside the security perimeter of a power station the crocodiles don’t have to worry about poachers, or worse yet, real estate developers. Mar 8, 2022 · MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Turkey Point nuclear power plant is making history thanks to the prolific crocodiles who make their home in the cooling canals surrounding the plant, about 25 miles south The top right corner of this shape is the location of the Turkey Point Nuclear Plant. The for-profit Jan 22, 2018 · One month ago the Florida Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates the state’s biggest power companies, approved FPL’s request to charge customer for the costs to clean-up an underground contamination plume caused by the cooling canal system (CSS) at its Turkey Point plant – the price tag is over $200 million. Feb 25, 2022 · The Turkey Point reactors were the first in the nation’s aging nuclear fleet to seek another round of license extensions beyond the initial 20-year extensions and were considered a test case for The Cooling Canal System (CCS) serving the FPL Turkey Point facility consists of a network of approximately 5,900 acres of canals that serve as a heat exchange system for the power plant units. That’s a question that you can expect Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) said this week that it had taken aggressive actions to improve the water quality in a 168-mile cooling canal system used by the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Subject: Turkey Point Cooling Canals Alicia Williamson advised that your office would be the proper office to address a specific question that I have discussed with her. 5 The CCS is shown in Figure 2. And those canals are basically at sea level. While regulators were located within the cooling canals west of the Grand Canal, while Stations 8 and 9 were located in the return canals east of the Grand Canal. The recent water quality challenges involving the cooling canal system do not impact the safety of the plant or public health. Jan 30, 2018 · A Great Blue Heron flies over cooling canals at Turkey Point that cover about 5,900 acres and help run two aging reactors. Dec 6, 2018 · The mess at Turkey Point begs a question: why hasn’t FPL transitioned away from the antiquated cooling canals and moved to current technology – such as cooling towers? After all, cooling tower technology is permanent, cost-effective and currently being used by Unit 5 at FPL’s Turkey Point plant. In 1979, the majority of the Turkey Point Power Plant site was designated as critical habitat for the American crocodile by the U. kk ud wm xw ph kd uy mf ra ry