Vagrant scp permission denied
Vagrant scp permission denied. Get ssh config for vagrant machine in vagrant folder: vagrant ssh-config. <dev. However whenever I run git clone to a private repository that my account has access to, it gave the error Permission denied (publickey), SSH, Error, StrictModes. fails. set on it. Hot Network Questions Dec 13, 2022 · To fix this, you can either move the ubuntu22 directory to a location that's under your user profile, or use Vagrant's embedded ssh instead of Windows ssh. ssh/config and append there result from the previous command. Jul 15, 2016 · Afterwards I can ssh into the VM via vagrant ssh or via: ssh [email protected] Ansible can't connect to Vagrant VM (Permission denied) 0. This is a message ==> default: from the creator of the Vagrantfile, and not from Vagrant itself: ==> default: ==> default: Vanilla Debian box. ssh/authorized_keys. ls -l f returns: -rw-rw-r-- I'm confused, shouldn't i be able to copy it as root? Mar 14, 2018 · The permission issue with "vagrant ssh" on the windows environment is normally because the private_key file created during "vagrant up" has more than one permitted user. Note: the first line Host default mean the alias which you will use later for ssh command. 04 Mar 5, 2016 · I have set up a synced folder in Vagrant, from my Windows host to the guest. 0 running Ubuntu 20 on a Windows 10 machine - . You could use. 214) also: VirtualBox 5. It is sometimes useful to re-run the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue. Vagrant tried to do this automatically for you but failed. 102:22. I can ping it but I can't seem to figure Jun 29, 2019 · sudo rsync -avz -e "ssh -p <port>" <source> <destination> But I had to do it simply (without sudo): rsync -avz -e "ssh -p <port>" <source> <destination> I'm not sure about the cause, but I think that the root user of my desktop computer was not allowed to access my server in SSH since the key was only for my classic Desktop user (so without sudo). Solution 1: Enable Password Authentication; Solution 2: Change File System Permissions Jan 10, 2021 · If your SSH URL is git@bitbucket. 11. This tells Vagrant to use its own ssh client, instead of the Windows ssh client. I have no idea how to solve this. successfully tested under the windows 10 with vagrant 2. I can ssh this way Jan 27, 2015 · I got this at the end of vagrant up ==> default: Running triggers after up ==> Fowarding Ports: 80 -> 8080, 443 -> 4443 & Enabling pf The issue now is if I ssh into my vagrant box and run a php server at port 443 by doing. php -S localhost:443 It says . I checked my id_rsa. ssh/id_rsa . html#vagrant_prefer_system_bin. I can connect via ssh from master to the slave. When you configure the guest to have a synced folder at /home/vagrant, it overwrites the entire folder with the contents of your synced folder. 1 -p 2222 but I want to use vagrant ssh again. Also ensure: You are using the correct . ssh/authorized_keys file, which allows it to ssh into the guest. pub file and copy and pasted it into my github settings for ssh key. Additional steps tried to solve the issue. But when I run ssh-copy-id root@IP and after entering root password (which I provided while installation), it gives me Permission denied (publickey,password). config. permissions on the following file to 0600 and then try running this command again: 1. My personal set-up is as follows: This way you create a new directory in your root directory without Nov 30, 2017 · I did it now, but after running vagrant reload, vagrant cannot connect anymore to the box and the command vagrant ssh doe not work anymore. 96. Try with a config including Host * in case 127. Ansible can't connect from master to the slave. On Kali's /var/log/auth. log I can see Failed Password log from my attempts, but I'm sure You can check with ssh-add -L, if it's not listed add it with ssh-add ~/. com with either the domain or the IP address of your Vagrant box. ssh settings on the host. Question: What am I doing wrong, so that ansible cant connect, but ss Jan 29, 2015 · cd ~/. Apr 4, 2018 · Using the script on a Windows 10 machine, the setup, boot, and provisioning steps succeed, but running vagrant ssh fails: D:\Projects\swift-linux-vagrant>vagrant ssh vagrant@127. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. PS: It seems redundant to use sudo_user: vagrant when you're already doing ssh using the same user. If path to your home is something like /home/erez try the following: scp My_file. 4. ssh/config file was not being read by vagrant and constantly gave permission issues. hostmanager. I already posted question regarding denied permission. 2 Host operating system Windows 10 x64 version 1709 (OS Build 16299. Under the Host you want to, that's the information you need. X\plugins\synced_folders\rsync\helper. 上記は原因が多く考えられるエラーであり、直すのが大変。. It should only have you as a user in the list of permitted users/groups. You don't need to use your local root to connect to a remote root user. PasswordAuthentication no. Oct 3, 2015 · 12. You can auto-copy your local SSH key to the Vagrant VM via a simple provisioning script in your VagrantFile. Dec 31, 2018 · in simple way you don't have execute permission so that you can perform delete/override operation inside directory using scp command. ssh/authorized_keys on the Vagrant VM. ==> default: Machine 'default' has a post `vagrant up` message. 143:22 default: SSH username: vagrant default: SSH auth method: private key default: default: Vagrant insecure key detected. I have root privileges on my machine, but after executing: scp f [email protected]:/ I get: scp: /f: Permission denied Also . Steps to reproduce. Host pfbox. Apr 20, 2023 · Port 2206. Then vagrant reload and rebuild it using the new vagrant config. synced_folder '. Can't figure out what needs to be changed so that vagrantbox1 can operate vagrantbox2 shell via ssh. share_folder command. Mar 14, 2020 · Here is what you need to do: 1 - if you have already access to the droplet from another machine use it, otherwise you can use the browser console from your dahsboard. - WSL 1. touch scratch. 一応接続できるか試してみる. On a simple vagrant project, the instance created will be named default. Solution 1: Rename your local file Are you sure the puppet code was applied (using vagrant provision for example)? Is /etc/nginx/nginx. pub. You need to replace your. Some might consider also adding the generated ssh config to their default ~/. While using Linux, you may encounter the error, “#permission denied”. But. Mar 25, 2021 · Im using an ubuntu vagrant box for my dev environment. However, another subsequent vagrant provision fails unless I vagrant ssh and then sudo rm /tmp/encrypted_data_bag_secret again. If you make your own custom box with a custom SSH key, this should point to that private key. Dec 28, 2014 · The private key to connect to this box via SSH has invalid permissions. ssh/id_ed25519 is only accesible by root and that is why you get a Permission denied. username = "vagrant". However, you should not do that. txt [vm1]:destFile. On serverB I added the public key to the . Concrete example: I have a script on the dev server that pulls in data from the "data server" using rsync over ssh. yml should solve your problem: remote_user: vagrant Otherwise, you can run ansible-playbook with options -u and -k I am learning linux CLI, I created a file app. What you want to do is to transfer them to your home directory (since you have no permissions to write to / ). You are now. § vagrant ssh-config. Sorted by: 33. 13 Answers. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 0. Oct 9, 2018 · Hello. Because the configure makes home directory on the host overwritten and destroy . I've ran the ssh-keygen command and generated a ~/. $ ssh -T git@github. sudo ssh-copy-id -i /root/. UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null. But here are some things to check: sshd (the server), is usually configured to block root login. This is set as the user's home directory on the Windows system by default but can be overridden to a custom location. org; You'll know the correct reason after you've looked through the logs/output of all steps above. You need to scp to other location and then vagrant ssh + sudo -s and do the move the files. 1: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex…在使用 vagrant 安装虚拟机的时候 安装完centos7 成功启动后输入vagrant ssh 出现如下问题: 解决如下: 找到自己当前系统的用户名 我这里是admin 找到 virtualbox 安装目录private_key 文件单机 属性–> 安全->编辑 添加当前用户 权限为完全控制 设置 Oct 24, 2017 · Try adding yourself to the "vboxsf" group within the guest VM: sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf $(whoami) Note that you have to log out and log back in for this to take effect. If you're using a Command Prompt, you can do that by running SET In this tutorial, How to fix vagrant ssh Permission denied. debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 20: Applying options for *. ”, “/vagrant” When I vagrant up, I get prompted for a username. This Sep 21, 2019 · Olâ pessoal. 1: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). Vagrant places its key in the ~/. is printed and nothing happens afterwards. Permission denied with Vagrant. Reload to refresh your session. You can add ssh config for your vagrant host to ssh config. pem [ローカルファイルパス] ec2-user@[アップロード先IPアドレス]:[アップロード先ディレクトリパス] Mar 14, 2023 · This may take a few minutes default: SSH address: 192. 6 r120293 C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh. 8: Permission denied (publickey). vagrant@127. debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config. One might ask why I am using these settings (because normally vagrant is the default username and password). Both the folder and file is owned by root. ', '/home/vagrant'. sshコマンドも試してみる. :D Feb 21, 2020 · Enter the full ssh command, including the key (in case of Windows, you may want to enclose the path with double quote mark) ssh -i "C:\path\to\key" user@host. If vagrant ssh then works, the problem is likely due to a Windows patch, and you can use the environment variable as a workaround. Please set the. you can also see: https://www. 2. you can simply run following command in your cmd: set VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN=0. This is perhaps not what you wish but this is how it works now. Replace the following: VM_NAME: the VM you want to add the SSH key for. Dec 22, 2015 · I also tried changing line 43 in C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\gems\vagrant-1. Another way if you want ssh you can create additional ssh key (using ssh-keygen -t ed25519 Dec 10, 2022 · sshコマンド実行時に接続エラーが出る時があるので、vagrant仮想マシンの接続ポート番号を変更してみた. 1: Permission denied (publickey) I can connect with: ssh vagrant@127. Using defaults, you'd need to add the ~/. Use the info in step 1 and compose the command like this [User]@[HostName] -p [Port] -i Sep 14, 2012 · Command: vagrant ssh [name|id] [-- extra_ssh_args] This will SSH into a running Vagrant machine and give you access to a shell. > vagrant ssh-config. Jan 30, 2024 · 1. web> ESTABLISH CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant. The problem is due to the below line in your vagrantfile. ssh # Generate a public/private rsa key pair; # Use the default options ssh-keygen # Append the key to the authorized_keys file cat id_rsa. If you . pub to ~/. If that doesn't help, please post the output of the command vagrant ssh --debug. default: default: Inserting generated public key within Aug 20, 2015 · vagrant ssh to get into the box and run the following command: vagrant + Permission denied Mint. Choose which node you want to ssh to. gitconfig to the vagrant user's home directory on the guest machine so you will not have to run git config --global every time you provision a new VM. KEY_FILE with one of the following: Dec 21, 2017 · 在CentOS中新建了用户,在外部用SSH连接出现Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)错误,那是因为ssh默认禁用了密码连接,只使用key连接。 Apr 19, 2018 · Big thanks ! This worked for me. Provisioners marked to run always will still run. Sep 28, 2015 · vagrant@vagrant user's key isn't registered with *****@altssh. Please check the security permissions of the "private_key" file. configure("2") do |config| config. The Vagrant file is vanilla except for the provisioner, the sync’d folder is the default: config. private_key_path (string, array of strings) - The path to the private key to use to SSH into the guest machine. Instead, to run on locally add connection: local to the Jun 9, 2018 · Please note, if you are using Homestead or a different Vagrantfile format, we may be unable to assist with your issue. sshコマンドでvagrantの仮想マシンにログインできるようになって、これでやりたい事ができたからいいかなって思ってたんですが、たまにsshコマンドで接続する時にエラーが発生して Sep 15, 2019 · Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision` ==> default: flag to force provisioning. Jun 12, 2018 · as well. Jul 23, 2015 · So, the first thing to do is to ssh to the machine and make sure you can actually write to that location (which you may have already tried): ssh root@remote_host. exe -V OpenSSH_7. やっぱり無理. Do I need to have the private key file on ther server, too? – Aug 3, 2017 · config. Feb 2, 2019 · This may take a few minutes default: SSH address: 127. Vagrant version is current at 2. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. (you need to make sure the key has a limited permission. You signed out in another tab or window. However, there is a workaround or simple hack. LogLevel FATAL. After I SCP'ed the private key to Ubuntu and tried to SSH using it and I always get: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). 1 User vagrant Port 2222 UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null Mar 22, 2021 · But your primary issue is: The file /root/. ssh/authorized_keys and add your ssh key. Dec 20, 2023 · I have configured for multiple machines in my vagrant file for my practice project with vagrant file: Vagrant. 134. Because you are sure that the vagrant user exists in the VM, setting remote_user as vagrant in /path/to/playbook. Sep 25, 2020 · 3. I tried to search for a way to change the permissions for the provision command but I only found ways to change the owner for the config. cd /var/www/html/test/. pem key if using linux (putty is different) You have set the correct key permissions: sudo chmod 400 mykey. pub >> authorized_keys # Set the required permissions sudo chmod 640 authorized_keys # Restart service with the latest changes (keys) sudo service ssh restart # Verify that ssh is running and working Vagrant Private key – Ansible SSH Permission Denied – How to resolve. vagrant ssh-config - I will get the info I need from this command. Sorted by: 113. Finish, login ssh to You can change this with the port forwarding option you found, but you need to set up your ssh server on the guest accordingly (so forwarding port 80 doesn't do much if the ssh daemon is not listening on it). cygwin_path(hostpath) instead of putting it in the vagrant file. Or a less good solution is to change the configuration of ssh, to allow root login. insert_key = true. Jan 29, 2019 · vagrant@127. Execute vagrant up or vagrant ssh. vagrant ssh. ssh/id_ed25519 root@192. Nov 14, 2016 · I am trying to copy a file f I created on my local machine to a remote one (to the home directory of my user there) by SCP. conf using www-data or nginx to run nginx non-master processes? – Terry Wang I have created the key-pair and appended the public key to authorized_keys file and changed the permissions to 600. As you are mounting your current directory to /home/vagrant, all the contents of /home May 6, 2015 · I will do this going forward. Updated on: July 21, 2018 Rumen Lishkov 0 Jul 22, 2019 · ssh vagrant@001-web01-test > logging into the VM, getting access to the CLI on 001-web01-test. Then check, that you: Sep 29, 2017 · I have a master and a slave. bitbucket. Please take a look on debug output ending lines. By default this is the insecure private key that ships with Vagrant, since that is what public boxes use. Vagrant will automatically replace default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. You are running a playbook against a localhost with SSH connection (default in Ansible) and this fails. 14. OpenSSH_7. keys_only = true. Nov 20, 2022 · Then delete all the known hosts with name 127. Mar 18, 2014 · You signed in with another tab or window. Initially the permissions on the files were too open so I added the following mount options: config. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I have an idea of cause of this problem. ssh/config ; now you can ssh yourvm without further ado. Your commands are trying to put the new Document to the root ( /) of your machine. On serverA I created a public/private key pair with no passphrase. ignore the key. ssh/authorized_keys file. I can think of some reasons why one might do that, but at least here it is Dec 29, 2016 · 6. This will transfer file form Host OS to particular VM . Sep 10, 2012 · so I vagrant ssh and then sudo rm /tmp/encrypted_data_bag_secret. で sshd を再起動すれば、上述のエラーは出なくなると思います。. 1:2222 and I can connect to that with Webstorm and the "OpenSSH and authentication agent" config. ssh [email protected] [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). org :<user>/<repo>, it should work. 04 box. To use Vagrant's embedded ssh, set the VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN environment variable to 0 before running vagrant ssh. After I successfully execute "vagrant up", the output of "vagrant ssh-config" is: Host default HostName 127. 5p1, without OpenSSL Guest operating system Ubuntu 14. Jan 9, 2020 · I changed PasswordAuthentication parameter to yes on Kali to use ssh-copy-id to copy my publickey. I think that config. I ran sudo ssh -i ansible_id_rsa [email protected] and I was able to ssh into VM B because I added the public key to authorized_keys while being user vagrant. pem. while connecting to 192. 1- First up the vagrant ( vagrant up ) 2- open cygwin 3- cygwin : go to your folder where is vagrantfile or from where you launch the vagrant 4- ssh vagrant 5- now it will work like a normal system. Feb 14, 2020 · The second part root@<host>: Permission denied (publickey). 5. You are using the correct username: ssh -i mykey user@instanceip. Failed to listen on localhost:443 (reason: Permission denied) Further on my box (host), a Apr 11, 2023 · I had created a custom box based on Ubuntu 14. I am using the bento/ubuntu-16. 変更を反映させるために. I created a new test project to try using a new box: $ mkdir ~/vagrant_test. 1 is not the right approach. Feb 4, 2021 · What is Causing SSH Permission Denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)? How to fix SSH Permission denied . domain. 2p2, LibreSSL 2. IdentitiesOnly yes. vm. In this case let /tmp folder already contains the file with same name which you want to copy then for this override operation will be done and you do not have that permission. I can still connect with the other user (but only if i provide the full path to the private key). ssh. enabled = true config. ssh/vagrant-ssh ; echo Include vagrant-ssh > ~/. If the box appears to be booting properly, you may want to increase. now vagrant provision succeeds. ssh inside the vagrant machine, which enables to ssh into the vagrant box. vagrantup. Sep 28, 2020 · Fix Permission denied (publickey,password) or Permission denied, please try again. d/insecure_private_key. Mar 7, 2022 · Save and close the file. ※セキュリティの観点から、鍵を送った後は PasswordAuthentication を no に戻したほうがいい Mar 23, 2021 · The environment variable tells Vagrant to use its own ssh client, instead of the Windows ssh client. ssh/id_rsa. Neste vídeo demonstro como corrigir o acesso a um servidor via shh, quando esta recebendo a msg "Permission denied (publickey)" In the Command Prompt window, try running the command SET VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN=0 before running vagrant ssh. /etc/ssh/sshd_config の PasswordAuthentication の項目を一旦 yes に変更します。. Don't forget to add your public key to ~/. Posted by: Yuki Thành Phát (thanhphatit) Hiện tại mình là IT làm việc tại TP. ssh -i vagrant_private_key_file vagrant@001-web01-test > logging into the VM, getting access to the CLI on 001-web01-test; Ansible running the provisioning after incurring vagrant up. So below was my environment and hope someone finds this useful. 1 (vim command to delete a line is dd ). vagrant. manage_host = true ##… Jan 7, 2019 · Alternately, the user running Vagrant on the host machine may not have permission to read the file. ssh -vvv osboxes@192. You can wildcard this with Host *, but this is a really bad idea because it lets every server you Feb 5, 2019 · リモートにファイルをディレクトリごとアップロードするためにscpコマンドを使うことがあります。 $ scp -r -i [鍵]. then it should work test both the host and vagrant using. txt in home directory. Feb 2, 2019 · Actual behavior. 140`. password = "vagrant". It logs in! Permission denied (publickey) as answer Feb 9, 2023 · ssh-copy-id [email protected]-p 2200 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 3 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). rb to hostpath = "/cygdrive" + Vagrant::Util::Platform. $ vagrant init ubuntu/jammy64. 14. May 17, 2017 · 7. ssh/config using an Include statement, as to avoid the -i and -F switches every time you run ssh. db] => SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password). Open {UserDir}/. I am setup on a domain. Try to reproduce the issue using a Dec 10, 2020 · Hi there, I’m trying to get a super simple vagrant box going on windows 10 (latest public release) via Hyper-V. authorized_keys の所有者はログインするユーザでなければならない Jun 30, 2017 · Vagrant will ignore file permission checks when the path is within the path set in the VAGRANT_WSL_WINDOWS_ACCESS_USER_HOME_PATH. > vagrant ssh. To be explicit, vagrant ssh-config > ~/. 6. Oct 31, 2017 · I ran it with the -vvv flag and it says the packet response to the password authorisations is receive packet: type 51. is a little ambiguous. Remove all inherited permissions, and only give a full control to the owner. 1:2222 default: SSH username: vagrant default: SSH auth method: private key default: default: Vagrant insecure key detected. com/docs/other/environmental-variables. 何故かvagrant upに失敗. Jul 14, 2014 · On Windows, SSH Forwarding in Vagrant does not work properly by default (because of a bug in net-ssh). ssh vagrant@192. Vagrant will ssh into this instance without the instance name: $ vagrant ssh Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine. I try bare username and pass Nov 17, 2015 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. ssh/authorized_keys just do sudo nano ~/. During boot up: SSH address: 127. txt. Instead of trying to use ssh or scp, you can just use synced_folder, if all VMs are created from the same directory, there should be already mount /vagrant directory that is the same for all VM, if you can just add another synced_folder, for example. ssh-rsa . 1: Permission denied (publickey). Message vagrant@127. 121. 中でも見落とされやすいのが、 ~/. Actual behavior. I have to deploy VM using Vagrant. - applied the above settings and vagrant ssh worked just fine post application – Apr 23, 2024 · Vagrant ssh vagrantbox1 and Vagrant ssh vagrantbox2 works from hostos. vagrant sshすると、Permission deniedとなりsshログインできなくなりました。 $ vagrant ssh vagrant@127. sshログインに失敗した仮想サーバーは、下記のVagrantfileで構築したものです。 May 12, 2015 · Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). May 7, 2019 · vagrant ssh [email protected] The machine with the name '[email protected]' was not found configured for this Vagrant environment. Trying to copy files over from serverB to serverA and get the following error: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). 8 vagrant@192. ssh/authorized_keys の 所有者がroot だったりした場合。. ', '/home/vagrant/' caused this problem. synced_folder “. edited Jan 17, 2020 at 10:21. synced_folder ". Feb 2, 2019 · Provisioning to complete and vagrant ssh to log me into guest machine. The reason is because for some reason the box generate some random password and uses ubuntu has the username. You need to add a new user, with sudo permissions. If you see this behaviour when debugging a script on a remote host, it's because even with the -e "ssh -i /path/to/key" flag, ssh will use your local (forwarded) key rather than the one on the server. ) The Vagrant file provisioner allows you to upload a file or directory from the host machine to the guest machine. HCM, mình rất thích giao lưu chia sẻ kiến thức cùng tất cả mọi người, thích khám phá tiềm tòi những điều khó khăn trong công việc biến những cái người ta không thể làm được thành những điều May 26, 2020 · vagrant ssh 报错@vagrant@127. 2 - you need to add your ssh key on this file: ~/. txt user_id@server:/home/erez/ Best way to copy file from local to vagrant, No need to write any code or any thing or any configuration changes. com. I use Host OS is window 11 and vagrant. 168. Most likely because you never configured the account on your machine to accept the key from itself. The authorized_keys file for the vagrant user is located in /home/vagrant/. Setting insert_key to false and messing with private keys; Feb 17, 2016 · fatal: [dev. 04 and am able to log in using vagrant ssh. $ cd ~/vagrant_test. Feb 1, 2018 · Vagrant version Vagrant 2. Most likely, it's because the sudo command only works locally, for starters, so it won't give you root on the remote box, so that's probably the problem. Now I am copying it through CLI to Documents and it is showing me an error: cp: cannot create regular file '/home/Documents': Nov 14, 2017 · At the moment you are acting as vagrant user, not root therefore you do not have write access to /var/www/ by default. I have tried this 3x already and no luck. vagrant@172. Otherwise is also Aug 18, 2022 · It seems you were right about the mixup between root and vagrant users. web> REMOTE_MODULE setup. 17. Nov 28, 2019 · 対処. The permissions of the private key should be set to 0600, otherwise SSH will. Either: Aug 18, 2015 · You can change the ownership: sudo chown ubuntu:root myKey //If you are using ubuntu. Aug 14, 2017 · $ vagrant scp local_file_path_in_HostOS [vm_name]:remote_file_path_in_GuestOS $ vagrant scp abc. IdentityFile /home/miki/. A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. Oct 19, 2023 · SSH vagrant Git Permission denied (publickey) Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Oct 14, 2011 · If you're getting permission denied, then you're not using the correct username or something's amiss with the authentication. If you can see the empty file scratch, then you know you can write. 1. Run the gcloud compute instances add-metadata command to set the ssh-keys value: gcloud compute instances add-metadata VM_NAME --metadata-from-file ssh-keys=KEY_FILE. File provisioning is a simple way to, for example, replicate your local ~/. StrictHostKeyChecking no. 16 Answers. rw me cu ap ur vm zw ja sg di