Army 35a reddit. Would not go to BCTs.
Army 35a reddit Guess depends if you are a O or not. Sup guys, i’m a current 35F reclassing to 35L soon and sending a packet for 160th if I get selected as an agent and finish CISAC. When I shipped, I had my branch and unit, and 12 weeks later I was a 2LT S2 of an MI BN. Fort Meade is probably the best in terms of actually getting experience (902nd HQ is there) Apparently Meade suck Really, you want to get INSCOM, regardless, because of the probation period, and the ability to do actual work. If your state has 17e go for it, but those are high demand. A place to discuss selection to and preparation for U. 2M subscribers in the aviation community. Service Ceiling: 9,571m. I’m between a 35A Intelligence position at a unit 1 hour away from home or 01A branch immaterial position 15 minutes away from home. Looking for recruiters out there to get some sort of Contracting jobs in the D. The school house isn't going to teach you much. I wanted to reach and talk to some current people within that and… Biggest reason there are so few compo 2/3 FA officers is is because of how long some of the schools are. A sub for anyone to ask questions about the military. But, you’re in the Army so it could be worse. The Army MOS 35A is a Military Intelligence Officer. United States Army on Reddit United States Army on Reddit Members Online. You could go be the best goddamn 35(whatever) the schoolhouse has ever seen and you could be sitting on a gate at Cavezos after you graduate because the Army is shit at talent management. This is broadly similar to the rear canopy configuration found on the A and C variants of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and all but certainly appears to have at least been influenced by the design of these American jets. Being an officer in the modern garrison army is awful. 25B probably has one of the most versatile assignments out of every MOS available. Jan 14, 2025 · After you have selected an occupation, the types of information available include: Military Occupation Details/Overview; Related Credentials . Thank you for your service upvotes · Jul 28, 2024 · Welcome, National Guard soldiers and airmen! RULES. Afternoon Army Community! Looking like I’ll be headed to MI-CCC and know next to nothing about the community or what it entails. Then he allegedly Alrighty, to keep it short and simple, I’m an “all source intelligence officer” in the Army. Unfortunately, most Army service members with science or engineering degrees don’t get to use them. Then you have 37F or 38B (PSYOP or Civil Affairs). United States Army on Reddit Members Online FY25 NDAA: "Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service" a lot of shitting on 25B here and while 35T and 17C are amazing jobs. If you’re young, do the crazy and time consuming stuff now. Both give you access to TA, use your TA somewhere good. I’m pretty familiar with all the above. Marine officers, for example, do call their job designation an “MOS. Military Intelligence Officer Delivers timely all-source analysis for intelligence products used to plan, coordinate, and control ground operations; researches, analyzes, develops, and briefs current all-source intelligence to mission crews and unit leadership; monitors and presents global intelligence developments and potential threats Peace time army is very different from war time army. A: The branch detail program accounts for over half of the MI captains in the Army. United States Army on Reddit United States Army on Reddit Members Online After successfully establishing a 20th CBRNE wide bone marrow program, I got invited to come out with the EOD company on Bliss and blow stuff up. 291K subscribers in the army community. United States Army on Reddit Members Online. The school would have to be a max of 2-3 weeks and ideally cover something I’m interested in pursuing in the future like intelligence, targeting or even federal law enforcement. Reply reply A forum for all current, former, and future Army Reserve soldiers to get answers to questions, collaborate, reminisce and stay connected to the Army Reserve Community Members Online Accidentally signed contract extension, meant to just sign ETS/IRR packet form. I went the OCS route. If any of you have experience in that job, please tell me. Branch just assigned me a kickass duty station in Europe and I'll go there in roughly a year, but branch is concerned that I'll have to go to MICCC only about 18 months after going. *im ok with the kids part, but when CPT fucknutz quid-pro-quos the army with “I’m going to quit/cry/wife will leave me/husband will leave me/sob/etc. Anything related to aircraft, airplanes, aviation and flying. 50 Cal M2 machine guns. Our branch is fucked in about 3 years Reply reply What I did informed our own doctrine (Army) and policy (US Government - Defense and State Departments). u/Ascend-To-Requiem and u/inourneighborhood covered things pretty well so I'll try not to cover anything they already have. United States Army on Reddit Members Online The kiosk meal system does not meet AR 40-25 requirements per G4 and other sources from Hots n Cots presentation Yea, made an attempt at the cool guy stuff, but wasn’t even invited to assess—painfully accepted that and have chosen to move forward. Hochul to dispatch 750 National Guard troops to NYC subways following spate of violence nydailynews. Go to OCS. My girlfriend and I have been talking about the future of getting married and having kids and I’m really starting to realize that the active duty army life is not the best environment for having a family and being present with them. don't fail BCT/AIT). I qualified for a lot of jobs, but the one that stood out to me was the 35M job. Nothing but garrison life and the drudgery that brings. com/r/army/comments/ojltib/mos_megathread_series_cmf_35_military/ Hello everyone, I will be joining the Military Intelligence branch as a 35A, and I am looking at possible duty stations (CONUS) within the MI (35 series) branch. Used to be 35D. But I have greatly enjoyed my assignments . Armament: two Browning . The others I had to have a degree or be 21 for, so I picked this one, but I would like the advice from people who have actually had this job rather than an article from the army official web page. 292K subscribers in the army community. AIM 2. Reserve. I'm on mobile right now so formatting may look a bit rough. So I’m currently an Army 35A and I’m looking to get out after my contract is over. By the way, anybody know about 01A officer positions? Any help is appreciated, thanks guys. Although it hasnt started populating in IPPS-A or other database. For one, we can now see that the F-35-like front-opening, internally bowed canopy has an integral bulkhead at the rear. I understand my potential options are 75th, 160th, Group support? Thoughts on INSCOM v. I have passed my ASVAB and got more than high enough for 35 series MOS codes. 35P (if you get a strategically useful language) is extremely cool. /r/BOLC is a place to discuss: -Finance or travel-related BOLC questions: BAH, BAS, PCS, partial/full DITY move, TDY, HOR and taxes -Meet people in your upcoming BOLC classes -Swap BOLC class dates -Find Roommates within your BOLC duty station -Make sense of your orders and the reporting process -Give or get advice about your particular BOLC, BOLC duty station or first duty station You’ll got to Goodfellow, which besides the DEFAC (which is awesome) is pretty awful. In the interest of helping all you young officers out there, (who will eventually spend the best years of your life in uniform, only to get passed over just before you have enough time to retire (seen it)) here's my last one. As part of your branch detail you will learn how other organizations fight, their doctrine, and what they require from their S2. I’ve got a lot of DMs from randos wanting to ask questions about the MOS. Hi, as someone who is looking into the intelligence field, I've found that its pretty hard to find a lot of info on 35 series… 67 votes, 40 comments. All Military Intelligence officers receive initial and advanced training as 35A. You are or recently were a commissioned officer in the Army You are participating or attempting to participate in a functional area Unit dependant what your optempo is like as a jag. United States Army on Reddit As the other CA dudes have stated, it’s great. upvotes There are dozens of other specialties that might peak an interest as a 35-Series Army MOS. . It’s better than anything you can imagine and super chill as long as you’re at 25th division or 500th mi. ***Your post must be a question; chat posts are not allowed. Can someone help me out and pull the listings on ToD for 35A O3/O4 into an excel file? Love that a site meant for reservists and guardsmen is only accessible from government systems now. 30 Cal M1919, and two Browning . I wanted to include (copy and pasted) the information from the goarmy post here, as a resource people can find by searching the subreddit -- and as a backup incase The Army is not, and what small effort it made showed so much lack of faith/care for their pilot population that it actually drove more people out. The reddit search feature being what it is, it is difficult to find information that's buried in a thread, especially our WQTs which will be anywhere from 600-1200 comments per week. 35S, 35T, 35P are probably going to start at 6 figures after they leave the Army but their contracts are usually 6 years. It is common to make E7 <10 years. Army as well as Intelligence Community capabilities. A soldier complained his 8-month-old baby wouldn’t stop screaming. Army Federal Officer Candidate School. National Certifications and Federal Licenses United States Army on Reddit Members Online. ) Exactly what it says on the tin. Option 40 Contract (RASP) Obviously, you know about this. 295K subscribers in the army community. To become an Army FAO, you must do an Army Key Developmental position. $61 Billion Ukraine Bill passes house 311 to 112 upvotes · 35t but a big chuck of that is due to our TS-SCI. upvotes United States Army on Reddit Members Online Final update; my 4 yo was anally penetrated 3-4x in a 48hr period at the CDC on the Army War College barracks while at the Senior Officer School. If you want a much more relaxed route, consider the Air National Guard and pick up Cyber Surety as your AFSC to gain some of that Skillsets as well and also requires the clearance. Second unit of mine I deployed with, the MI guys (junior and senior) were incredibly wonderful and made us non-mi feel appreciated as we worked together. They are responsible for planning, collecting, processing, producing, and disseminating all-source intelligence. Also I got the questionnaire for Cyber and it looked like Chinese to me. Most FA schools are long as hell and units don't have the budget for it. 22 votes, 53 comments. I worked on cutting edge computer systems, looking at strategic national assets, on continually developing situations across a wide spectrum of disciplines (e. Personally, I'd go for it. I really want to continue intel with focuses on CI/HUMINT. ideal advice should include the following. Feb 14, 2023 · (1) Intelligence Officer (AOC 35A). My friend that went through 2 years ago said it has changed drastically since and really interested in see what to expect, helpful info, etc. 17A and 35A are officers and will have a completely different process to join. FA40 with a throwaway. All the "official" information at least. My family lives in the El Paso area and I’m looking to stay local here for the foreseeable future. Anecdotally during my marketplace that’s what I did and ended up matching with the unit of my choice. United States Army on Reddit Members Online Learning the "Anti-tank weapons are cheap, plentiful, and effective in the Ukraine" lesson (Five of the 31 American Abrams sent to Ukraine since January 2023 have been lost) 35M vs 11B vs 35A vs 11A Career Advice Hello everyone, I’m a 26 year old college grad who has been looking into the national guard to give me the opportunity to serve my country, explore the world, and truthfully scratch an itch of wanting excitement and adventure while I’m still a young man. I'm a 8yr O-3 35A with a renewed TS and Joint Collection management experience. Gaijin pls, the Seversky P-35A. Posted by u/abn1304 - 1 vote and 5 comments I don’t want to be needs of the army any more than you want “an HQ with MQ verbiage”. ” After working with 35F, 35G and 35A, it's very much unit/climate dependant. The Army I entered was not the Army that was sold to me. They also supervise and coordinate support maintenance on missile systems. It matters. Hawaii. You actually get to do what your job description says, both on deployment AND in garrison (which is surprisingly rare) and the potential benefits after the military are awesome. I’ve been in for 18 months and am slowly realizing that the Army isn’t for me. A security clearance makes employment easier when you get out. However, if your goal is to join a three letter agency, just apply to one, you don’t need to join the army as a stepping stone. They even kind of put you on restrictions the first month or two there to make sure you didn't go sideways before you even started class. a lot of opportunity for career progression; Warrant Officer (350F) is a realistic option and the Army is always in need a lot of post Army career choices (lots of non government or defense organizations need analysts) Cons: almost every unit needs one, so can get some pretty mediocre assignments desk work and lots of PowerPoint EDIT: Also, the MI branch designation is changing to 35A. Get this in writing and you're guaranteed a shot at RASP provided you don't fail any other obligations (i. S. However, the army is small and you know most of your peers at the BN/BDE command level, so I don’t want to burn any professional bridges by saying “yes I’m locked to OC/T at Fort Irwin” and risk you finding out I’m applying to a position in Japan. 160th isn't just for aviation MOS. If you have any MOS resources, schools, etc, this would be a great place to share them. So I guess it depends on what exactly you hate about the Army. Because later on when you have a family and what not, the last thing you’ll want to deal with is Army obligations especially through the Guard. Disclaimer not Intel but forced to work with a lot of them. The 4 man team is pretty stand alone, and can either make a huge impact on an area or non at all. For real, update your DD93. Download DA Pam 600-3 and you can read all about the PSYOP Active and Reserve side. Obviously going to be a bit worse when you are at an ibct. 10 votes, 12 comments. C United States Army on Reddit Members Online FY25 NDAA: "Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service" Hi everyone, I recall a few years ago when you commission as an All Source Intel Officer (35A), you could “specialize” into another concentration (CI, SIGINT, HUMINT, etc). Depends how competent and ambitious of a person you are. I was wondering what it’s like for 35 series in this type of unit. United States Army on Reddit Members Consider the Army Reserve or Army National Guard as they will help you keep it renewed every Five years if you choose to take a break and get your degree. officers must know and understand U. 17 years is a big stretch. The tl;dr here is that we didn't "lose" in Afghanistan like we lost in Vietnam, where we faced an army that controlled territory that we were unable to set foot into safely. They are well versed in the Army 18 votes, 85 comments. My recruiters saying to g The Army rolled out a new support form. Dude was an 11B that went Civil Affairs officer, claims he’s entitled to a CIB. They do very little hands on as with most Officers in any field. A new Tier 1 Army Air Corp fighter for the U. They are referenced around reddit on a regular basis and many of them are first page google results when searching for information. upvotes After having waited 8-9 months for a clearance, and now having a 1 year assignment as a BCT PL, I'm behind my year group by a good bit. Good to know. Can anyone offer any insight on life as a Military Intelligence Officer? Information on duties, responsibilities, training, opportunities, promotions, demand, and/or primary locations would be much appreciated. I love the reserves, it’s a really good small dosage of Army and the rest is your civilian lifestyle and career. Meme Posts, Images, Etc; As of now these posts are allowed (considering they are within proper OPSec, etc) MOS 35A, Military Intelligence Officer Duty Descriptions. Company Commander lost M17 upvotes · A forum for all current, former, and future Army Reserve soldiers to get answers to questions, collaborate, reminisce and stay connected to the Army Reserve Community Members Online AcademicWeapon5 How far out can recruiters see seat availability for MOS's? And is it only available to see after the recruits information is put in? Just curious since I know if someone has ATRRS review access, they could see 1 FY out (depending if the schoolhouse input the seats) and see if the seats are reserved for NPS active, reserve component, NG all separated by gender. Its a lot of information but its all base level shit. So You get an OCS contract (09S) go to basic, pass. Training and Doctrine, Agriculture, Industry, Power Generation, Lines of You won’t get language pay unless you’re in a language-dependent MOS (35M, 35P etc) but you can take the defense language proficiency test (DLPT) in French and if you score decent enough, you’ll get 25 promotion points for civilian education. ***"The military" is vague. And you are correct about having no guarantee. What are some of the "better" duty stations as an MI officer? Based on feedback I've received over the last year, we're going to run the MOS/Duty Threads back in 2021, providing a ~3 year update since the last round. Reservists typically go to OCS already knowing their branch. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. If you get into a MICO, you'll do your job with the bde. I feel like I’m leaning more towards the USMC but I just want to know if there are any major differences between the USMC 0203/04 (Ground Intel and CI) and the Army’s 35A (Military Intelligence Analysis)? A forum for all current, former, and future Army Reserve soldiers to get answers to questions, collaborate, reminisce and stay connected to the Army Reserve Community Members Online Brand new 2LT looking for a new unit 18 votes, 72 comments. The Army has a waiver process that you can take advantage of to prove you overcame a disqualifying issue that would otherwise prevent you from joining the Army. Selecting this program offers you a greater likelihood of serving as a platoon leader and company executive officer. If your waiver is denied, you can also look into pursuing a civilian career within the Army. 5% Military Pay Raise on Top of 15% Increase for Junior Enlisted Troops United States Army on Reddit Members Online. Go through DA PAM 600-3, figure out now what you want to VTIP to and diligently work to not only check off the boxes on the accessions portion of what you want to do, but also put in every ounce of effort you can to get quality MQ OERs with the "top X% officer" remarks. There are other Army publications to read as well 35N is a fantastic MOS in theory. g. The MOS Discussion Threads are meant to be enduring threads where individuals with experience or insight in to particular CMFs or MOSes can give advice and tips. 35A Intelligence Officer. Some do. I've always been interested in PSYOPs route, but naturally is been back of the mind with how busy I normally am in my job, however information is incredibly limited and I would like a little overview of the mission set of AD PSYOPs and if it's the right fit for me. Now, having been in the Army five years, I really just want to get out, but my wife needs healthcare and 11B doesn’t give you a ton of marketable skills. Threads on reddit are not archived - and can continue to be commented in - until 6 Am a 1LT and I don't know anything about the Army or my job (35A). Expect to be sweating after marching to and from class for 5 minutes when it’s 105 degrees and the wind is hot as fuck so it doesn’t really help cool you down. Not today Putin. As a 35F you’re going to be working closer to command teams. Either way, though, just try to finish some college classes when you can, and get college credits for the Army training you do. Or just give me any advice in general regarding the Army. What are my options as far as being a 35A goes? What is the timeline/progression? Aside from being a professional and good leader, my personal goals within the Army are to ACTUALLY do intel work, deploy and hopefully do some cool training. I currently have an active TS/SCI and I’m looking to stay in the Intel field. ” to get something and pushes a highly qualified person out… grrr. upvotes Schooling - Can't comment on 35A schools, but all Army schools are generally mediocre so probably a wash. I am passionate about learning about the strength, equipment/capabilities, and organization of foreign militaries and would eventually like to pursue a career as a military analyst in the civilian world. I am a 35G is my primary and secondary is 35A, like you can look me up or I can send you my ORB lol. 25A but irrelevant. I have a degree in Intelligence Analysis with a minor in International Studies. I see that enlisted have the same MOS but it’s geospatial. Posted by u/Electronic_Ad6218 - 3 votes and 10 comments 35T - tech support for intel, not real intel dudes but secretly one of the best gigs in the Army in terms of lifestyle and prospects after service. 35F and maybe 35M usually have 3 1/2 year contracts and they start making pretty good money outside of the Army too. United States Army on Reddit A forum for all current, former, and future Army Reserve soldiers to get answers to questions, collaborate, reminisce and stay connected to the Army Reserve Community Members Online Dejin75 ARSTRUC affects on MI 35A . Which at its best, can be really rewarding and provide immediate impact on the ground, but at worst will be a 12 hour grind of bean counting, and scanning nowhere places. reddit. 35L isn't even the best job in intelligence. Tech Tree. e. Must-Pass Defense Bill Includes 4. Rate Of Climb: 9. 297K subscribers in the army community. There was some Army stuff - PT most days, Army training one afternoon a week and an entire weekend about one a quarter (with two of those being a firing range. Developmental/ Experiential Learning Positions: At O6: CORPS/Army Service Component Command G2/J2, Brigade Commander, Army Capability Manager Additional Duties:As appropriate for Senior FGgrade officers. From where you are now to a KD assignment is at minimum 5-6 years, putting you at 17 years. IMO, here's your best path to RASP (in order): #1. 296K subscribers in the army community. this. It's pretty interesting to see the differences in Active vs. Hoping to establish a thoughtful thread on how to go about pursuing a specific functional area as a commissioned officer on active duty in the army. It's the proximity principle at play. It’s not going to reflect current openings and probably isn’t 100% up to date but the Regiment has plenty of 35 series slots including 35L. Duties include directing, supervising, and coordinating the planning, collection, processing, production, and dissemination of all-source intelligence at all echelons. My personal experience at a BCT level is that Commissioned officers work with your Warrant Officers to facilitate training for the enlisted soldiers. Way too many intel soldiers end up hating life because for some reason they thought they'd be running around doing cool shit but signed up for 35-series. Gents, I'm a 1LT Infantry Officer (YG16) at around 2 yrs active duty service right now. notus. I've gotten to work with the 116th for a good chunk of time and I can tell you that the only thing the green suites there will do is FMV. Preparing/giving briefs of compiled intelligence from other collectors like myself, geospatial intelligence, signals intelligence, etc leading (hopefully) to you being a subject matter expert on what is happening in your area of operations. Watching the Emotional 'Bluey' Episode 'The Sign' as a Military Parent military. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. Here’s a link to the MOS list for 75RR. Threads on reddit are not archived - and can continue to be commented in - until 6 United States Army on Reddit Members Online. The previous series were fairly popular. The entire purpose of the US Army is to fight and win the nation’s war, to which, we are not at. A lot of this info is Army-specific (granted, OP seems to be leaning Army). So I'm pretty new to the whole recrute process, and the 2 recruitment centers I've been to today have been wholeheartedly unhelpful, one even going so far as to kick me out for "wasting their time" simply because I was looking for more info on enlisting in the future, with no intentions to enlist today. Negative 35A is basic branch for MI for officers. Alright ladies and gents, gather ‘round. Cyber units near me are all packed. There are other options United States Army on Reddit Members Online. Enjoy https://www. After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. But there's no magic wand. 5% Military Pay Raise on Top of 15% Increase for Junior Enlisted Troops military Anyone in the Army can apply, but your application must show a minimum of 4 years of using your science or engineering degree in progressively advanced applications. 14 years of active service is the max for entry without exception to the policy. The juice is worth the squeeze if you squeeze it hard. 35A would be my top choice if only to just to boost my civilian resume lol. From sometimes being the only army element within a region to engaging with folks that are so far above my rank structure that I would imagine in the regular army my part in the engagement would be filled with a 06 and higher. So I commissioned as a 35A back in March 22 through OCS (not prior service) and I’m currently serving at Fort Bliss. If you're in a rifle battalion S2 shop, it takes zero effort to jump in on range density MG or flat, and even special weapon ranges. It’ll get sorted out and things will smooth out or we’ll get into another war and things will go back to war footing. Archived post. Let’s just say, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a 35L that is open to unsolicited requests for information. This is what I posted a couple weeks ago regarding AIM. United States Army on Reddit Members Online Must-Pass Defense Bill Includes 4. 8m/s. Ive just taken up the unofficial job of going to bat for soldiers nobody wants to listen to. I am likely going to separate from the army in a little over two years and would ideally enroll into a school or course that can assist with jobs after the army. 5% Military Pay Raise on Top of 15% Increase for Junior Enlisted Troops military It’s a little more complicated than that; EFMP has been known to arbitrarily deny moves even if care exists in the local area. USASOC? If you're good at PT and do well you can go try and go to 160th or SMU. Like, if you're going to enlist or are trying to get into intelligence from another Army branch, cool, 35L is fine, but flight warrant is obviously the best job in the Army. I'm considering joining the Army and already took the ASVAB and TAPAS. 15 votes, 49 comments. Specify Army, Navy, etc. 35N in practice can be very shitty because leadership doesn’t know how to utilize you, you don’t have equipment necessary to perform your job, or you don’t have access to facilities that you need to keep accounts and training current. Lots of cool things to do, see, and know. Ordnance: 350kg of bombs. We’re fully in peace time army but all of our senior leadership has been in war time for practically their whole careers, so there’s some weird growing pains. Human intelligence and intelligence I believe. Don't go into it thinking that you are not going to be in the Army anymore, you will only disappoint yourself with that mindset. The couple of times they've asked me to do more, I did a whole bunch of work, just to be told to disregard. PRT, CQ/Staff Duty, additional duties, and mandatory training will always be around in some way, especially while attending the schoolhouse. 231 votes, 50 comments. Speed: 467km/h. true. So what the 35A (who was a 35F -> ROTC -> 35A which I’m sure shapes his perspective) suggested was that I should forget about OCS entirely and enlist as a 35N with an option 4 to go to airborne. For the love of god make sure you can stand working in an office environment, sitting behind a desk all day and going to meetings. upvotes · 1. Being a commander seems like a rewarding thing, but you’re also right—you don’t get to “do the thing”, you’ve got to arm and prepare your guys to do the thing. Highly recommend. Thanks! I’m looking at joining the Army and I’ve been very interested in the Military Intelligence Officer path. So I’ve been trying to go 25N, but my commander mentioned 35T and says that it’s essentially 17C/25B/25N all meshed into one… 35L is an Army MOS where you will still have a Chain of Command. Pass and commission in an MOS that 75th will take (11A, 90A, 35A, etc) Go to BOLC. And lots of layouts. They all get saddled with a ton of admin work eventually, though. Would not go to BCTs. Prior reserve 35F now 35A. 0 is the Army's version of a teenage couple promising to stay faithful when the girl goes off to college while the dude stays back home and works at his uncle's bodyshop. 25B has the best promotion rates and assignment selection out of the 3. Probably too much of a long shot. Post-Army - Non-gov, cyber is still hot, though not as supernova-hot as it was in the 2010s. That would likely land me at Liberty, Campbell, Carson, or JBLM. MI is okay; everyone knows it's important, nobody knows what it is. Some of the 35 series (Sigint, Geoint) have a solid pipeline into their related agency with some experience but the odds of you getting stuck in a big army unit not doing cool shit is quite high. BLUF: Any of these MOS can get a job fairly easily on the outside. Education Originally the plan was reclass intel, do 20, then retire and get a three letter agency job. Officer wise a 35G is SIGINT. I got a taste of what doing my job feels like in Syria but and again in Kuwaitiraqistan but both times were fleeting. This is especially true if your kid needs help in the behavioral field (autism, OC, speech, etc…. Some of the army did in fact resist the onslaught of the Taliban, and were killed as punishment for doing so. Listening to anecdotes from units going through the hiring process, a lot of the people who they’ve decided to hire reached out early. However, (and I don’t have any way to actually confirm this, just what I’ve heard) right now CA is really hurting for medics, so it’s unlikely you’ll get selected if you don’t agree to attend SOCM, and may get thrown back to your old MOS if you fail that rather than just go in as a CANCO like they used to. It depends on what you mean by “cool jobs” no 35 series job is something you would see in an espionage thriller. I wanted to go into HUMINT because it related to my academic interests in psychology, there are great opportunities after the Army and within the Army, I wanted that TS clearance, I wanted something that would challenge me on an intellectual level (interrogation and analyzing the bullshit people say definitely serves that purpose, and doing Hawaii dude. Top performing military officers (and many times enlisted people too) end up at top bulge bracket (finance), MBB (the top three consulting firms), or tech companies. The most they've ever tasked me with is figuring out the weather. If the HQ is in the field, you will be in the field too. One of the warrants where I'm at is very active on getting his ncos and soldiers to do tango work and it's been great from what I heard from the NCOIC tango. ***Please use a clear title for your question: clear titles get clear answers. Helicopters & rotorcraft, airships… After doing some research I found that 35 m is one of the most interesting jobs I can get in the army. United States Army on Reddit Try out and you’ll find out the dark side of the army ;) other than that, all I can tell you is don’t quit, embrace the shitty sucky days of your life. I've done a few different jobs in MI and I wouldn't ever choose to switch to another Army branch, I love MI. ) Formation every morning. Members Online Prior Service: Discharge orders preventing going to MEPS I’m a 35M, so I’m intel but not a fox. jqp yycczp jzswavil nhtjak xwbzdepk baie hyssq yfadal ohevxrksc hmrc