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Bdo somethinglovely horse calculator. How exactly does horse breeding work.

Bdo somethinglovely horse calculator Hasrah Cliff 1. Is the calculator still accurate or did i get shafted by RNGsus Use a horse calculator, neither is more important. Register Restore password Login. I would recommend joining a BDO horse Discord and asking about breeding rates Use the breeding chance calculator and always go for the highest tier. (e. In addition with next week’s update (3/28 maintenance), a horse’s death count will no longer affect the horse breeding process and Max Stamina of a mount will no longer decrease with death. Both times i got a T3 :(. All the notes on the event release aren't clear - seems to say Tier 1-5 are now treated as Tier 6, however I did an exchange and got a tier 5 horse. I bred a lvl 14 M and F T3, and a lvl 16 M T3, 14 F T3. Crate Hi all, Famme from somethinglovely here. Black Desert Online (BDO) cativou os jogadores com seu intrincado e envolvente sistema de criação de cavalos. With some knowledge and persistance in horse breeding, you will produce a new horse of a higher tier than its parents. You’ll definitely need the skill change coupons to make your horse a courser (if you get a T8, look up on the “Fore Chop Reset Method”), and the premium skin coupon gives your horse the chance to learn another skill (or decent exp boost, so do it before reaching 30). There is an optimizer that tells you how much levels you'd need to get BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. • Imperial Cooking Good evening everyone,It's been a while since the last time I rode a horse, and honestly, it wasn't enjoyable at all. Horse breeding will be afk time to train and active time to breed. Kasula Farm 2. I am not sure how tier 1-5 horses are advancing through Horse Exchange right now. de ist ein Guide-Portal für Black Desert, in dem jeder Spieler Guides erstellen und kommentieren kann. for more context already have a T8 corsair horse, just trying to make some afk money with horses. Tier 9 horses gain 0. The subreddit for the Xbox and PS4 MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. jangan lupa breeding rate di kanan atas diganti 9. Fena (fena. To get the best chance, ensure that one horse is lvl 30 and the other horse is at a minimum of lvl 27. better go for horse race get seal and trade horse box for T7-T8. (just to be sure I was getting the best possible results. Qual o cavalo (T9): Nível alvo: Nível atual: Número máximo de habilidades: Número de habilidades aprendidas: Desenvolvido por: Idair Fernandes Guido, em 2022. The node calculator will show you the cheapest CP route when you hover over a node by highlighting green. in regards to your somethinglovely bdo map. Horse Calculator Trading Tools. It takes too much of your time while being afk. without results i decided make my own crate calculator, with the most simple and clean interfase posible. be/Uq-iMazF2R8Horse Breeding Calculator: https://www. The code for the website is a bit of a mess (I threw up the most basic page to host some of the jsfiddles I've made for BDO) but hopefully people will find it An interactive map for Black Desert Online. If i got higher, it was bonus. Highland Junction 1. 50 = 690. net I started playing BDO about a month ago (July 10th) and instantly got into Trading/Training. net/bdo/horses/) I got several T8 horses by my own without any problem (use horse calculator to make breeding easier), but to get T8 with Sprint Instant Accel and Drift took me 5 horses. i want to share it with you guys. Este artigo investiga o funcionamento e a aplicação desta calculadora. Node Information. Nodes This is a quick tool I made to calculate how much you will make for selling your Timber Crates/Ore Crates/Fish/Pirate Coins etc. How to Use the Breeding Calculator. All Stats are base Level 1 stats. It’s now kept current on GrumpyG, with Eminent’s permission. You then need a new item called Mythical Censer. I'd also like to highlight a feature that people missed from the last update: The ability to calculate the minimum required CP to connect two nodes together . net/bdo/horses/ I noticed that when you select two level 30 T8s, the grid shows a mdi:home-variant หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord Calculez le temps qu'il vous faudra pour entrainer votre cheval dans BDO en étant AFK. So, if I level a T1 horse to 10 and a T1 horse to 10, I get a breeding grade of 270 (based on the calculator). 280 Base price x trade level bonus* x Nampo distance bonus = 197. You can do much more better things. This is my favorite thing to do after working in a very toxic work place so it’s the only thing I look forward to daily. The Dream Horse: Fantastic Pack is a good investment. Abandoned Iron Mine Entrance 1. It also has a trade calculator and horse breeding calculator. This is how others see you. 70 average) Your horse compared to other T9Bs: Speed (149. Abdn. 40 x 2. An Imperial Steed sells for 120 million silver and also rewards other Training materials I've just pushed an update live to the Horse Calculator on somethinglovely to update them using the new models from KR client. Display Name. )Obtaining Trade Items: Is the BDO Horse Calculator still Accurate? I'm wondering if it is still accurate and viable. Base de données . GrumpyG guide on horses. Horse Breeding Benefits: Imperial Steed: there is a rare chance to obtain an Imperial Steed that rewards training materials. mdi:chevron-double-right; • Cooking Calculator. Good luck! This is a subreddit dedicated to the video game series named Story of Seasons! Story of Seasons for the Nintendo 3DS was the beginning of a new chapter in the Bokujo Monogatari series, a long-standing and top-selling farming/life simulation franchise. So please forgive me if my post is stupid. net Thanks Famme! I am new to BDO (started the game 12 days ago) and just bred my first 3 horses yesterday. I made this specifically to take that calculator to the next level. u/fffam-SomethingLovely's interactive map for BDO (Developer/Host) devraa - BDOFish's specifically-for-fishing interactive map (Developer/Host) Vorph - Translating and slogging through the latest BDO Bloo "Deja Vu" datasheets for fishing BDO Fishing Discord - For all it's members do, continue to do, and have done for inquisitive players (1) The horse market does not benefit from the value pack tax reduction so you pay a full 35% of tax on the listed price. Used the somethinglovely. Edit 2: Now it is April 2nd, I can reveal that yes, this was an April Fool's joke. You could skip a whole tier if both male/female are higher levels but you could still end up with a horse at the same level as its parents. Select the type of crate/fish/turn-in you want to calculate from the drop down, Horse Calculator — Famme's BDO Tools. 3 each level (0. The percentage i linked for the above three are accurate. Plan, craft This guide will teach you how to breed and exchange horses in BDO. I saw this horse had 3 skill to be a corsair and i was wondering if it was a smart move to make it 30 or just sell it while its 16? Make money in BDO by finding the most profitable nodes to invest CP in. Link: Custom JavaScript tool designed to help Black Desert players estimate how much time it will take to level a horse from birth to 100, depending on tier. xml and mapdata_realexplore2. Black Desert Horse Community. There are only 2 ways to get a t8 horse: breed it from 2 other horses, or buy one off the market for a lot of silver. json. Ahto Farm 2. a thing i never understood is, is the tax calculated when registering the horse, or when collecting the money? can i register using a training beginner 1 toon, then collect on my master trainer? Reply reply Get paz_browser from BDO Data/PazExtractor and put it in BDO paz folder \n Run it and Search > mapdata_realexplore then extract mapdata_realexplore. dds , then press A to select all) Horse Breed Calculator Dont want to waste time over or under leveling horses before you get them fuckin? This is a must have for any horse breeder. unless we got adjusted increase rate like NA/EU. net/bdo/horses/ Greetings, Adventurers! For the past few days, I frequently saw that most of the new adventurers asked, "how to breed horses?". However it is showing that once they reach 30/30 the Node Calculator where you can export/import your worker empire to share/save Share link for nodes/custom markers Search function to search node names, material names or villa buffs Filters for all different types or nodes Extra layers such as Sea Regions, grinding spots, horse locations, world bosses, and more I've also dropped my quick horse calculator and trading reference into this site, you can access these using the links at the top of the page. Nodes Images for the horse coats were taken from Horse Calculator at: somethinglovely. Seconds Per Tick: Amount Next up is a Breeding Calculator (courtesy of famme) featuring mastery inputs and the chance to get an imperial steed from breeding: For everyone who's into keeping track of their horses there's now also a dedicated Horse Stable. Crate Calculator Trade Pack Reference. 0 watching Forks. 1-1. I don't know how people in the Middle Ages could ride a horse for hours on end. The Horse Training Lifeskill is for players who want to level up horses for profit or breed horses to create a Dream T9 horse or Mythical T10 horse. xml Run it and extract rader*. Central Market. Every fail in the reinforce, the probability increases 0. A tier 6 gives the same amount of Training EXP as a tier 7, but tier 7 horses are worth more silver and are easier to breed into Tier 8 horses. After getting my "perfect" horse I stopped breeding. The price of a horse (on the market) is determined by 6 horse stats and your Training level: Tier; Horse Level up to Level 31; Your Training Level; Skills; Breed count/reset status; Courser/Dream Horse status – 20% of the overall price (patch increased this 3x to 60%) Gender – Females gain 20% more of the tier + level value. Input the level of the stallion you are pairing with the mare. How exactly does horse breeding work. The Southern That does not give you odds of getting a particular coat from a particular pairing, it only tells you which coats are possible. karena Server SEA belum di update breeding ratenya. gov. Famme's SomethingLovely BDO Site is a very good tool in general for BDO but also has, imo, by far the best horse calculator. For alternatives, please consider: bdolytics; BDFoundry; Unfortunately I am no An interactive map for Black Desert Online. Tungrad Forest 1. (Source. net's horse calculator to see the ideal leave for breeding you want to hit) Horses attached to a wagon cannot experience death, even if the wagon is destroyed by PvE mobs. de/horse which have data for t8 horses? Check out the Black Desert Horse Community community on Discord - hang out with 22020 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat. ) Famme's BDO Tools - somethinglovely. Famme's BDO Map. Alchemy; Cooking; Boss Timer; World Map; Skill calculator v. This is usually a value in between 200-800 EXP. This is due to the fact that Tier 7 horses have a higher chance to spawn there. 16-01-2025; 09-01-2025; 02-01-2025; 24-12-2024; 19-12-2024; 12-12-2024; 05-12-2024 Horse; Animals; Vehicles; Ships; Seafaring 交配法則~8世代白馬を狙える組み合わせ 【黒い砂漠#116】で使い方を紹介した【馬交配シミュレータ】 Horse Calculator (Famme's BDO Tools) の動作から割り出した、ツール作者の想定する子馬の種類を定める「色の法則」について説明します。上記ツールの正確さについては保証しません Hey tamers, a few days ago I posted The Math Behind Horse Breeding + Easy Online Tool. Edit: I've also updated some parts of the horse calculator to use the game data from last year which should make the images more accurate. Before you can ride a ho FREE TIER 10 MYTHICAL HORSE & RECOMMENDATION GUIDE (T10 Arduanatt, Dine, Doom) (Black Desert Online) BDO Poliwhirl-SEA Dec 24, 2024, 14:58 (UTC+8) 762 0 11 0 129 votes, 29 comments. 99% accurate. Packages 0. somethinglovely Калькулятор скрещивания лошадей: http://www. net klik Kiri atas Horse calculator. I've compiled my findings into a detailed video that breaks down everything you need to know. Going for the higher breeding chances will get you up to tier 6 in no time and from there its just an rng battle trying to get to tier 8. Put both horses as 6N, and look at the possibilities. Hmm the somethinglovely horse calculator seems to imply something different. node manager positions). Both horses must be level 30, but their skills and stats do not matter. The code was modernized and updated for T9s by Blisschen in 2019, and further updated and optimized for the new level 100 cap by -Pony#0050 from the BDOHC in 2021. Mediah Shore 1. It may not be the most important thing to do right now on the server but horses are still a major part of BDO and the stats scaling is a mess. Stonetail Horse Ranch 1. Meat, Blood & Hides are now included in the gathering filters. Captured wild horses minimum T3. Below is my recent calculation for the EU market, please excuse the copypasta formatting: Calpheon crate base price = 197. so still racing > breeding lol Is there anything I can do to increase the odds of my horse succeeding in it's courser training? Besides failing, because it's at +8 already and driving me nuts. 5 (0. Black Desert Online horse breeding calculator. pity tier 9 & 10 horse, new manos tools & life acc, new t9 horse, merge t10 horse, sailor auto fishing, summary calpheon ball 2024 (part 2) (black desert online) bdo Poliwhirl-SEA 9 วันที่แล้ว Search project for somethinglovely. dds (search rader*. Based on the datamined calculator, this shouldn't have been possible, but it is. im sure that it will be usefull Horse training, like all life skills in BDO is a test of patience. xml Somethinglovely is the definitive BDO map. Reply reply cloud9crafting • Node calculator, as in i want to calculate how much a route will cost me in contribution points? I didn't 안녕하세요 오늘 소개해드릴 사이트는 교배 확률을 볼 수 있는 사이트입니다. Drieghan Disadvantages: BDO planner for somethinglovely Why is there no somethinglovely bdoplanner type of thing where u can plan out your cp and stuff and it could give u back the information for everything instead of just the spread sheets everyone uses. The naming has slightly changed too but otherwise the formula for breeding remains the same for NA/EU. ← Return to Map Famme's BDO Tools Horse Calculator How To Use This Calculator EXP Per Tick: Amount of EXP the horse receives every “update” or tick of the server. 1. Link: somethinglovely. If the horse is a T9, or a T8 and you’re trying to obtain Courser status, don’t use a wagon. Enter the breeding chance percentage, which can be found in-game or calculated based on your horses’ attributes. There's a lot of rng involved, and it usually take at least a few skill exchange or appearance change coupons to get all the skills you need. BDO Trading is one of 11 Life Skills that allows players to profit by obtaining trade items and selling them to special NPC traders. I use this as a rough cheat sheet before going further with the calculator to see what color coats I get out of certain combinations. https://www. Kindly correct them and try again. I had bad luck, apparently. http://www. How do you get a Tier 9 horse in BDO? Tier 9 horses can be obtained through special promotions or events in Black Desert Online. Over the past 24 hours we've had additional confirmation that the breeding rate is at least 13, so I've updated the main calculator to use the updated breeding rate. Summary image with all the Tier combination percentages of horses Tier 3 and up. Profit-Value Pack Bonus-Ring / Pass Bonus-Family Fame Bonus-Total Profit-Horse Market. 77 per lvl), Top: 46. In order to create a Tier 10 (T10) Mythical Horse, you need both a male and female Tier 9 Horse of the same type. Here is a horse breeding calculator to see what levels you need to aim for: https://www. Sell Price. What is the best feed for horses in BDO? BDO Horse Locations (Most Popular) The 3 most popular horse locations are located in Drieghan. New features. The Math Behind Horse Breeding (and this calculator). today i wanted to know how much ill earn selling my 30k calpheon crates, unfortunaly i had 30 k of new crates then i started to look for a calculator with that base price. The EXP gained is also calculated based on the amount of distance BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. net. [Famme's Horse Calculator](http://www. 2%p. I highly recommend using the breeding calculator by Famme because it is easy to use and see exactly what horses you can obtain with all the percentages. Breeding is just a few clicks. How to use. Search, sort, filter, and select nodes that have low contribution cost and high silver earnings. g. 2; Database. The calculator was based on this Google Doc which I found here on reddit. . mdi:home-variant หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord There's a number in top right of the screen for the current breeding rate, which on NA season server is 14 right now. Heure Actuelle: 12:00AM Jour dans: <1 min Reset journalier: <1 min Réinitialisation des échanges: <1 min Réinitialisation de l'Aventure occulte: <1 min. Sausan Garrison Wharf 1. This is probably come in handy since in the adventure log for IGOR BARTALI'S ADVENTURE LOG will require you to breed a horse to complete it. You can use special characters and emoji. Awakening Bell 1. If I put both parents as horses with 0 black, there are still horses with black as possible outcomes. ← Return to Map Famme's BDO Tools Trading Tools. 16-01-2025; 09-01-2025; 02-01-2025; 24-12-2024; 19-12-2024; 12-12-2024; 05-12-2024 Horse; Animals; Vehicles; Ships; Seafaring ลิ้งค์ - http://www. Hoping to add a full node calculator in a coming update. It makes no sense to sell horse unless a AFK ride your horse overnight in a loop (keep carrots in inventory) so it levels up. net BDO map. net and replace with your own path to where your map tiles are being served from \n If serving to the public, put it behind a cache (CloudFlare free tier works fine). The main reasons why are the fact the horses are protected from death, and the fact Hi I’m in need of some locations of decent horse catching areas. A horse outcome calculator for the MMO Black Desert Online Resources. net/bdo/ EP2: With the popularity of the T10 and Dream horses as well as them being used for T10 mats (Flower of Oblivion) most of the horses are getting bought out. It is up to date and shows you everything you will need. It used to be like other trade items in which if you sell a lot of the same item to a trade manager, they start buying it for cheaper (130% -> 80% crate value). 0) Gain: 11. Yea, support wasn't particularly helpful with this regard. A node calculator would be nice. Website closing The somethinglovely map and tools will soon be going offline permanently. I played a lot of Gazillionaire back in the day and really enjoyed it so this stuff just seemed like a cooler version of that. I keep the breeding rate updated for somethinglovely, but also read this comment I posted about the somethinglovely calculator and T8 breeding chances. That being said, the faster your horse goes, the faster you accumulate horse exp. So, I'm here today to guide you HOW TO BREED YOUR HORSE with simple steps. Once you have both horses, take them to either Stonetail Ranch or Grana Stable. You're misunderstanding what the 100% refers to. They said that a lower tiered horse is a possible result, and it is just chance. When you imperial trade a horse you get about 65% of the market price (same money) AND you get seals. blackd You're welcome to use the tool above, and to validate if you like. You can level up the Imperial Steed to level 15 and sell it at a Stable using Imperial Horse Delivery. There is no Pine node at Karanda Ridge (SE of Florin). 300 is the next threshold. com. How do you get a Tier 10 horse in BDO? As of my last update in January 2022, Tier 10 horses were not available in the game. 40 BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. I’ve seen so many and I mainly use Duvencrune. Altinova Gateway 3. More advanced info for horse breeding - how to level quickly, best level per tier to get to before breeding, get more stable slots, use extra features, and m #BlackDesertOnline #BDO #ผสมพันธุ์ม้า #มันทำยังไง #สำหรับผู้เล่นใหม่Interactive Map Posted by u/fffam - 132 votes and 28 comments Welcome to our BDO interactive map! Use the navigation bar on the left side to view node information, use our node calculator, or place custom markers. I I need another area to catch horses. 480 profit per crate *trade level bonus for Master20 = 40% so x1. Remember. No packages published . These levels can be split between the two horses, or can be trained all on one horse. To me the clear winner in the majority of cases is wagon training. net/bdo/horses/https://www. If you actually looked at it before posting you would Returning to BDO, I've seen a lot of great cooking, horse training, and trade crate silver calculators or Google Docs, but I haven't seen an updated trade crate XP calculator. A calculadora de criação de cavalos BDO surgiu como uma ferramenta valiosa para quem busca compreender e maximizar seus esforços de criação de cavalos. ph. Imperial Horse Delivery Benefits: Instant silver with no waiting for a horse market sale; Golden Seal – [Imperial lol breeding horse is complete waste of time. You should join the bdo horse community discord (link is in the discord list in the reddit sidebar) they have a bot that can compare you horse to others and give you a percentile ranking. 16-01-2025; 09-01-2025; 02-01-2025; 24-12-2024; 19-12-2024; 12-12-2024; 05-12-2024 Horse; Animals; Vehicles; Ships; Seafaring I was checking out the calculator on somethinglovely: http://www. The calculator basically gave me a 94% to get anything higher than T3 (T4 and T5). Crate Famme's BDO Tools Trading Tools. 25%, Projected Hey bdo redditors, From seeing so many people with t6's and t7's in stable etc. Blisschen’s BDO Horse Level Calculator » This calculator was adapted from the original code by Jute of HardlyCasual. Added in Patch. Imperial Horse Delivery allows players to sell level 15+ horses to a Stable Keeper for silver and training aids. net/bdo/horses/ 우측상단 브리딩레이트16 놓고 내 조련에 대면 ***FOREST PATH WAGON HAS AUTO SPRINT ABILITY FOR AFK TRAINING, NEED ARTISAN 1 TRAINING***Hey guys! With the current One Step Closer to Mythical Arduanatt eve. Take you bets and hope for the best :) #1 mdi:home-variant หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord Home Loan Calculator. This is a calculator to know average trial number of 'dream horse' in online game, BDO(black desert online) experimentally. I bred 2 T6 males (lvl 28) with 4 T6 females (lvl30) and used breeding resets and exchange for a total of 10 horses. bdolytics is a comprehensive database for Black Desert Online, offering information on items, recipes, quests, NPCs, gathering spots, life skills, and more. Famme's BDO Tools Horse Calculator. Wagons potentially produce horses with lower skills. Huge thanks to Mortis for doing the hard work collating all of the data for this feature! Wild Horses A separate horse Famme's BDO Tools Trading Tools. Hierfür wollen wir mit BlackD. Yet another tool from Famme, this tool will let you know how much money you will get before you start lugging your crates around. Black Desert Online BDO Boss Timer and Schedule Schedule for all world bosses in your local time. Even though the total black for the parents is 0, there are still possible foals with black color. Note: I didn't add in the calculations for combinations with >1 difference in tiers since just thinking about figuring out the most (trigger warning) probabilistically efficient path gave me a headache, and there are so many possible outcomes and factors it wouldn't be reliable or helpful anyways. If I breed tow lvl 30 t7s, what's my chance to get a t8? Does the color theory still affect what I get? I used a breeding caulcator I found online, and it I've just pushed an update live to the Horse Calculator on somethinglovely to update them using the new models from KR client. Ways to Bank Is there a horse breeding calculator like blackd. Use SomethingLovely. You want to level make and female horses to a high level before breeding them to have a good chance at a high tier horse (use the online horse calculator to find the best levels - usually 25-29). net horse calculator. Kzarka 01:25:44. For instance you breed a lvl15 t5 to a level 15 t6 and get a female t7. For concerns, please reach us through any of the channels listed in the BDO Consumer Assistance page. If you are a horse breeder and you use Famme's horse calculator you may have noticed that you get results that are off the table. Trade Crate Calculator. Wagons will take longer to level all 4 horses vs just one horse solo. Reply reply More replies. Splashing Point 1. 10,129 Online. Last edited: Jul 9, 2017 Kozchu , Jul 9, 2017 Black Desert - Horse T9 Calculator. bsp. If anyone needs the classic version using current NA horses until we get the KR update (it'll probably land Get paz_browser from BDO Data/PazExtractor and put it in BDO paz folder Run it and Search > mapdata_realexplore then extract mapdata_realexplore. Find the best nodes and calculate how your worker's workspeed and movement speed effects your income. It takes forever to level up horses because the amount of horse exp you get for any given distance traveled is pretty low. BlackD. Contribute to fffam/blackdesert-somethinglovely-map development by creating an account on GitHub. Now: According to my 3 breeding results yesterday I either completely misunderstand the ‘color theory’ as An Imperial Steed is a special horse that has a low chance of being obtained alongside a normal foal when you breed horses. Your training mastery is 500 and you look at the training tooltip and it says "Chance of getting a higher tier horse from breeding or exchange About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright bdo_horse_calculator. Black Desert Online BDO Marketplace Tax Calculator Quickly calculate the tax and see how it's done. The percentages on it may not be flawless but it accurately tells you what foals you can recieve from parents based on tier, level, and number of deaths. In other words, use a wagon, if you have 4 horses of low tier. Thanks for the awesome feedback! I made two enhancements based on your feedback: Now the tool can tell you how much horse XP you'll need per horse, to get to your desired horse levels (implemented today). Best mix before raising is 3 female and one male. It can give you percentages for the breeding based off of the levels. T6 will obviously give you the best chance at T7. Picking up the silver embroidered trainer's clothes would be a good idea too. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. Calculate silver per day and CP spent. A horse outcome calculator for the MMO Black Desert Online. ← Return to Map Famme's BDO Tools Horse Calculator. Shuri Farm 2. 22,020 Members. Thanks Eminent! ! I will update this Fishing Guide with any new BDO Love the idea, and if I had infinite time in the day I'd absolutely add it in. Iron Mine Rhutum Dt. via YouTube or through game chat, I want to try get into horse leveling/breeding/training aswell. It simplifies a complex process, assisting Not sure if it's true as the calculator doesn't show this, but either way I still wouldn't want to risk testing it out so I'd just reset my death count if I was going for a high tier horse breed. time consuming and unrewarding thing to do. I was considering how I'd add it in, I'd probably just have it list the nearby towns for each worker node and list which ones were better. I would recommend getting a Merchant Wagon though if you plan on levelling multiple horses. 0 stars Watchers. Based on this, I think you should ask yourself what your preferred afk activity is: fishing, horse training, processing, or something else. The highest tier at that time was Tier 9. I don't even want to breed the damn thing, just use it as my primary horse mdi:home-variant หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord หน้าหลัก mdi:discord เข้าร่วม Discord Seconds per Tick Current XP Calculate Clear Sure. Includes horse data like HP, Stamina, LT, Speed, Acceleration, Turn, Brake, Experience per Level, Color Theory values of Red/White/Black. Enhanced wagon wheels will improve experience. About. ×. TLDR: somethinglovely updated for Kamasylvia 2 Just a quick post to say that the SomethingLovely map has now been updated for 6세대30+8세대30 = 조련숙련 850기준 무조건 8티 https://www. Readme Activity. IMPORTANT UPDATE in Trading: Trade Manager items can no longer be purchased from Trade Managers and trading is somewhat disabled as they rework it. Guide on everything else horses: https://youtu. Confirmed in game and with your Crate Calculator on something lovely. 280 x 1. I'd be very interested in any evidence that shows that people are getting different breed results than the calculator suggests just in case there is some info I can use to identify why that might be happening. Another great tool from Famme. Black Desert Online crate calculator. The color values (red, white, black) are based on Bouwplan's awesome imgur graphic. de die geeignete Plattform bereitstellen, in der wunderschöne und übersichtliche Guides erstellt werden können und zentral für die gesamte deutschsprachige Community auffindbar sind. net/bdo/horses 🐎 Horse You would want to check out the somethinglovely horse calculator. In case anyone is looking for examples instead of just the breeding calculator. Even better, when I breed two T6 horses with levels in 28-30 range I also always get a T8. Horse Taxes: Thanks to the somethinglovely calculator we can agree that best case scenario is around 40% default for a T8 (Training should increase that technically, right?) And I believe that's like almost max level T6s/7s, I cannot double check right now. Dependent on those percentages and your training mastery bonus percentage you could even get t7s out of breeding t5s together. You can also manually add your connections to overwrite this, by kalo pengen tau probabilitas kualitas keturunannya seperti apa liat di somethinglovely. The BDO horse breeding calculator is an online tool designed to help players calculate the probability of obtaining a horse of a specific tier or higher through breeding in BDO. Even with a saddle, every time they ran, it would always make my butt hurt. The math behind highlighting possible offsprings is based on Jenicans' Color Theory Calculator. Horses, crates & tradepack tools are just embeds for the following jsfiddle pages: The data is all in data. So the formula should be 99. net horse breeding calculator to see what I needed to level them to for best breeding chances. Items. ) invited you to join. Bdolytics Rejoignez Discord ! Soutenez le site <3. e. Languages. Use the BDO Horse Tiers, Skills, & Stats List below to help find the best Horse with the skills and stats you want in Black Desert Online. The naming has slightly changed too but otherwise the Horse Breeding Calculator. Ancient Fissure 2. BDO Unibank is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Stars. To use the BDO Breeding Horses Calculator, follow these steps: Input the level of the mare you wish to breed. The much requested guide on how horse breeding works. Once I'd captured a set of 4, hook em to merchant wagon w/ +10 wheel and AFK ride. SomethingLovely and use the horse calculator there Reply More posts In order to get a dream horse you need a tier 8 horse with specific skills. The website has been sunset as a result of not being in a position to stay current with game updates. some When I put in 2 horses at 27m/28f I get the same results as if i were to put in a 30m/30f. I just do whatever 37K subscribers in the playblackdesert community. This well-received, 260 page guide has been added to and edited by me. Initial probability is 1%. Iron Mine Saunil Dt. Please drops links or locations or whatever. Also it takes a It sucks to train horses :)here are some of the websites I used to get the info horse training- https://www. somethinglovely. www. 😊 If you are interested in horse breeding then use somethinglovely. horse spawns) or where something is annoying me and I would like a map of it (e. This calculator was adapted from the If you're looking to breed guaranteed T8 horses and maximize your chances of getting an imperial steed, you're in the right place. Even better if you get a wagon to level multiple horses at once. I have no idea how this can be implemented on your calculator though, so good luck with that! In practice, when I breed a T8 level 27 and a T6 level 25 I always get a T8 (with 9% breeding bonus), while the calculator suggests that the chance for that is about 40%. Valencia City 0. So, in order to reach the next threshold, I need 30 more points (which the calculator determines is 7 more levels). BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Horse Breeding Calculator & Catalog Emily Manthei · Monday, December 31, 2018 · Public group Use these to determine breeding probabilities and help determine what horse you might have if you are unsure.