Css remove dotted outline Remove the ugly outline and add your own visual cues to indicate focus. The following values are allowed: dotted - Defines a dotted border; dashed - Defines a dashed border; solid - Defines a solid border; double - Defines a double border; groove - Defines a 3D grooved border. 11 2 2 bronze badges. Use the outline-white and outline-black utilities to add a 2px dotted border around an element with a 2px offset. This button has as default outline property, so that everytime we click on it, it has an outline (in chrome blue): to get rid of it, we can of course overwrite this property like: outline: none but then when we tab through and reach this button, it will also not have any outline, which is a bad practice for accesibility. doesn't seem to work, I've tried all of options below: I don't believe it's the class focus that you need to target, it's the CSS psuedo-class :focus. Hello to everyone, I recently came across this article: Removing The Dotted Outline. Pen Settings. chr2014. bef-toggle:active { outline: none; } Please take heed of David's comments on the question though, this has accessibility side effects that you need to be aware of. These are useful as an accessible general purpose custom focus style if you don’t want as u can see my fiddle outline remove technic for buttons and anchors, doesn't work for listboxes : CSS select::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; outline : 0; } Thus, it's inadvisable to remove this dotted-line selection. There is a tricky styling to the table table. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. I am trying to remove the dotted outline around selected radio button in IE8. A sample is given below for your reference. To remove it, add the following rules (or similar) to your stylesheet: button. The :focus selector by itself will apply that style to all elements in its jurisdiction. You are sort of jacking up your accessibility by worrying about it though, FYI. ; dotted A series of round or square dots. How do I remove them? For example, when the “SEE MORE” link is clicked a blue outline (similar to a “border”) quickly appears & disappears Here’s the url. Button Border Color Issues. div { border-top: 1px dotted #cccccc; color: #ffffff; background-color: #ffffff; height: 1px; width: 95%; } Utilities for controlling the style of an element's outline in Tailwind CSS. I have been trying this without luck: I wo However I needed a CSS solution, not the HTML one. outline-style: Specifies the style of the At least in IE7 you can style the border althogh you can't remove it (set it to none). display: inline-block; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; } a:focus { outline: 4px dotted #e73; outline a. Removing the outline makes that very difficult. You can easily remove the focus outline on links using the following CSS: [CSS] - How to remove the border around an element in CSS my heading (h1) is gold. I found that the best way to avoid that is to use two additional rules: option { text-shadow: none } to undo the shadow effect, and option:not(:checked) { color: #000; } - or whatever the normal text color is - to reset the color. Dotted outlines. CSS Code A simple example of how to remove the dotted line from an element that has focus. Removing the Dotted Outline – CSS-Tricks; You might also like. The code we need to use can be seen below. outline-width: Determines the thickness of the outline. 2. RyanT RyanT. Is there a way to not have this line shown at all? Edit after Solution What I called a border trail is actually an outline used for easier Specifies no outline. I have successfully removed the unwanted Firefox dotted lines for buttons and input elements with these CSS statements:. The CSS property outline: none; and border: none; within the :focus selector to remove I want to change the outline on radio button. The outline-style property specifies the style of the outline, and can have one of the following values:. pretty straightforward and works like a charm, thanks! The outline property is a shorthand for: outline-width; outline-style; outline-color; The outline-color property does not work if it is used alone. 3 This is the outline css property. In theory, the following should work: a:active { outline: 0; } But it does absolutely nothing in Firefox 3. However, the outline property can be beneficial for people tabbing through controls to see which control currently has focus. Here's the css that i have tried::focus { outline:none; } :: The above behavior is valid for PyQt. When you click on the anchor link, dotted lines may start to appear that you will find in the example given below. Removing the outline from a button is definitely bad for accessibility. Every time I click an item in my page a black line appears showing the items boundaries. If you still notice problems in Firefox, you can use the ::-moz-focus-inner selector to fix any dotted blue lines. When click on to Add File in IE, a black dotted border appears. css file ::focus {outline:none;} You can then control the focus border color either individually by element, or in the default . 5, feel free to leave out the -moz-outline-style:none; the standard CSS 2. 04 and sometimes when I click around in GTK apps I can see a dotted outline around elements such as buttons. Not checked, because the selected option should get its color and background from the user agent stylesheet. here is the codepen Owl Carousel Dots It should remove this dotted outline. It must be specified In this article, I will share a simple tweak to override the browser’s default css, and it will remove dotted outline around all links. Can I use Browser support tables for modern web technologies. u-no-focus-outline *:focus I'm trying to get rid of the dotted outline that appears in FF when you click an input of type button. I tried to set border: none; to get rid of it with no success. button:focus { border:none; outline:none; } None of these work. Methods to remove it such as onfocus="blur()" result in keyboard users being unable to Removed focus outline using "outline:none;" as specified in the CSS snippet. I don't want to get rid of the outline on a:focus, because as we all know that's a kick in the nuts for keyboard only users. outline: A shorthand property combining the above three into a single declaration. So make sure you also declare a border for inputs and textareas. Topic: HTML / CSS Prev|Next. Following is the CSS code to remove outline around input: auto. Similarly you can remove default border displayed around input boxes when user clicks in to type something. 43. Permits the user agent to render a custom outline style. I remove the outline and add a bottom border on :focus and :active. 222. Here is what the code looks like:. image-link:focus { outline: 0; } and. That mostly happen with Firefox. Don't confuse outline with border; in many browsers, outline defines the glow that, for example, a text input field gets on focus (as I write this answer in Safari, the text box has a blue outline with a slight blur). Can anyone advise a setting or another option to remove the dotted outline around the active links? CSS outline is a property used to draw a line around an element’s border. It’s often used to highlight elements, providing a visual emphasis without altering the dimensions of the At least in IE7 you can style the border althogh you can't remove it (set it to none). The outline-style CSS property specifies the style of an element’s outline. It's probably better to prevent the button from receiving focus on click. Use of outline Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Use few CSS codes to remove outline on link clicks and buttons. The width and height of the element do not include the width of the outline. Here's a very simple example of what I mean. The dotted outline/border issue demonstrated in each of these examples is an artifact of the browser’s (Firefox, in this case) default style for linked elements upon gaining focus. then put this in your css file: // hide the focus indicator if element receives focus via mouse, but show on keyboard focus (on tab). 9. Changing body. I found that using a div works quite well:. These are useful as an accessible general purpose custom focus style if you don't want If you remove the outline of a focused element, you should replace it with an alternative style that people can see that signifies the same thing. In Firefox, unsightly dotted focus outlines can hinder the user experience on both links and button elements. I am using this CSS to remove dotted borders which appear when hyperlinks are clicked. In this tutorial, learn how to remove dotted outline around links in CSS. No Outline Option: You can If you're going to remove the default focus outline, you must define your own distinct style for :focus, otherwise keyboard users will have a hard time using your site. Hope it helps you. Here’s the code I tried to remove the outline: a { outline Click the button in the code editor above to see the output of our HTML/CSS code. QTableView { outline: 0; } Works for QAbstractItemView inherited classes. sapMLIBFocusable:focus { outline: 1px dotted #000000; outline-offset: -1px; } i do not recommend overwriting this class directly, but rather add a styleclass #sideToggle:focus, #sideToggle:active{ outline: 0; outline-style:none; outline-width:0; } This solved my problem if anyone else visits the post. 0+. 5. So setting the color of the border to the same color that your background should do. Topic: HTML / CSS Prev|Next Answer: Use the CSS outline property. Follow answered Nov 7, 2014 at 20:37. ui-state-focus:focus { outline:1px dotted red !important } if that works, go with {outline:none} to remove it. CSS3 Blending Mode. ), similar to borders. outline is now described in Basic UI (opens new window), a CSS Module Level 3 (it was already described in REC CSS2. 0. The image below shows what I I have link, I just want to remove the dotted line around it. css file of the website or blog. This is commonly done for aesthetic purposes, especially in custom-designed forms. The property that styles this outline How to remove dotted line around the links or linked images using CSS. js-focus-visible :focus:not(. ). As per the diagnosis I found that firefox uses "-moz-focus-inner" to render outline. The outline-none utility is implemented using a transparent outline under the hood to ensure elements are still visibly focused to Windows high contrast mode users. sapMLIBFocusable:focus { outline: 1px dotted #000000; outline-offset: -1px; } i do not recommend overwriting this class directly, but rather add a styleclass After reading articles about "remove white border (especially Dotted border around link? and links inside), I have try several solutions of disabling outline like "outline: 0; or outline: none;, using or not !important. a { text-decoration: none;} Try it The dotted line is “focus rectangle”, a usability feature that has unfortunately been implemented inconsistently in browsers. I have tried using css: #accordion a:focus { outline: none; } #accordion a:active {outline: none; font-weight:bold;} and also. Solutiona, a:active, a:focus { outline: none; }ExampleLet’s see how to remove dotted line around act To solve the issue for Firefox and all other browsers, I would use the following CSS: /* Remove dotted outline from image inputs */ input::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; } /* Remove dotted outline from all links */ a { outline: 0; } Share. How to remove Firefox's I am trying to remove the blue outline that shows up when clicking on the dots in the slider, I looked in Owl carousel documentation and scoured the web but couldn't find anything substantial, can someone please help me resolve this. Web Design: How to Convert CSS to Sass & SCSS. Is there anyway to remove the outline when you select an area on an image map? See: I'm using Chrome on Snow Leopard. Become a caniuse Patron to support the site and disable ads for only $1/month! or Log in. CSS focused button keeps border. To do this, I apply this css: input[type="radio"] { outline: 1px solid #83D2FF; } It works fine in IE (for once :) ) but in Firefox, I have my blue outline and a dotted line. When a hyperlink becomes active or gets In this tutorial, learn how to remove dotted outline around links in CSS. Please don't remove the outlines on focus-styles, this makes your site less accessible to your keyboard-only and low-vision users. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. – aminimalanimal. Addressing Dotted Outlines on Links. 0 and earlier, if you care */ } hide the dotted border in css for a button. In Firefox it’s a thin dotted outline that inherits the element’s colour. drop-select, has a black border. CSS Drop Down Menu Remove border side. . When I click a link on my website it is creating an outline around the link like so. January 24, 2015 at 5:34 pm #194167. Please let me know. Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 23:04. I tried the following two ways in CSS but no luck. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . If you choose to add something like :focus { outline: none; } to your stylesheets, also add you owns styles for focused The problem here is that the dropdown's parent, div. Remove dotted border/outline in focused option in HTML select in Firefox. Below code works You can easily give this style to it: MyButton { border: none; outline: none; background: none; } The border: none; will also do the job for you separately without giving outline (Because: An outline is a line drawn outside the element's border. The outline is a series of dots. The outline is a series of short line segments. com sign in page. Variety of Styles: CSS offers a smorgasbord of styles for outlines. It's weird becuase the element you're seeing is :-moz-focusring but even if you use outline or border properties overwriting, the dotted line won't dissapear. My attempt at reaching a compromise is to, on the click event (or perhaps mouseup would be even better?), remove the outline for just that link (while also resetting any and all links back to have an outline right before said removal else things get cumulatively stuck being unoutlined). The short answer is: use the CSS outline:none property to the link element in both focus and active state. bricks-is-frontend :focus { outline: thin dotted currentcolor; } I tried so many selectors (Buttons Links) and a FB Comm User has posted this thing and the annoying Focus If you want to remove the dotted line you can overwrite this css class:. So here it is: table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, th, td { padding: 0; border-spacing: 0; } padding is the CSS synonym for HTML cellpadding and border-spacing is respectively for cellspacing. The border-style property specifies what kind of border to display. These are useful as an accessible general purpose custom focus style if you don't Any other, more attractive style will do. ; double The outline is two single lines. Removing CSS Button Outline. 191. Remove that, and the black border will disappear. I understand this is here for people who want to use a keyboard to navigate Hi. ex1 { text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-style: dashed; } The text-decoration: none; is used to remove the underline from links, like this: Example. This topic is empty. button:active { border:none; outline:none; } . No outline is used. CSS Padding CSS Height/Width CSS Box Model CSS Outline. I've tried:. – CSS Outline Style. Syntax /* Applying a red dotted outline to focused elements */:focus {outline: 2px dotted red;} Features The active link has an outline. Just set the outline attribute of the anchor style to none. And as mentioned in a comment, if you are only dealing with FF > v1. I am working on a site where in the master css file anchor outline has been set to none like this: *:focus { outline: none!important; } I have added a more specific class to override this the above like this: header a:focus { outline: initial!important; } Problem is that this is not working. How to remove dotted outline? Simply use following CSS: a:hover, a:active,a:focus { outline:0; } Don’t forget to add your own styling for hover, focus, etc. Improve this answer. If you do, make sure to define clear focus styles. To hide the style while clicking anyway (but keeping it for keyboard users and the likes), you can override the styles on the :active pseudoclass. Do be aware though that the outline serves a purpose in telling the user which element is in focus. not Removing Dotted Line around Active Links using CSS - We can remove the default behavior of hyperlinks which is to show a dotted outline around themselves when active or focused by declaring CSS outline property on active/focused links to be none. Moreover, it skirts the issue: Firefox focus behavior is the issue, not how the focus is styled. Be aware that if an alternative focusing style isn't made available, the page will be significantly less usable for people who primarily navigate pages using a keyboard, or those Removing outlines in CSS creates issues for people navigating the web with a keyboard. heading h1 text outline CSS gold black. In Chrome and other browsers my dropdown looks fine:. In all other browsers this is not a problem. 119. 1) Outline property is defined by default in browsers for focusable elements in :focus state. button { border:none; outline:none; } . The outline-width is the sum of the two lines and the space between them. { outline: none } CSS rules where appropriate (this worked for me). In this blog post, we'll discuss various CSS solutions that can help you mitigate focus outlines while maintaining usability. none Outline is not drawn, color and width are ignored. I tried so many thing to get rid of the dotted line but wasn't successful. It is often used to highlight elements without affecting their layout, providing a visible focus or emphasis. I tried the 'hide it behind a border' trick from the 2nd answer in the above SO question but then the white border is on top of the range-thumb like the dotted outline is in the picture. You can remove such dotted outline from around a link. a{ outline:0; } styling for any way a link is about to be used. However, in Firefox it has unwanted dotted lines:. Blockquote Try *:focus { outline: 0 !important; } but if it works, it'd only work in IE8+. CSS outline is different for input [in order to hide the focus ring] use the :focus-visible pseudo-class to override the 'outline' property, and provide a different way to show what element is focused. The outline property accepts values in the following order: outline-width: Specifies the width or thickness of the outline. Using the CSS rule :focus { outline: none; } to remove an outline on an object causes the link or control to be focusable, but removes any visible indication of focus for keyboard users. /* It's very easy to remove the outline that occurs when an element has focus. Remove Focus Border/Outline Around TextArea. bef-toggle:link, a. 20 Basic CSS Tips for Designers. submitbutton { background-color: #fff; border: #fff dotted 1px; } if your background is white. There are users who can't control a mouse, and need to be able to tab through a page with the keyboard. Outline Shorthand Property. The effect depends on the border-color value; ridge - Defines a 3D ridged border. How to remove default styling of IE/Edge opened select box-1. how do i add a think black text outline. Expected behaviour: it should show dotted line side of < sign or inverted triangle. css::focus {outline:none;border:1px So I've seen the related posts on how to remove the dotted line around element in Firefox. QStyledItemDelegate() styledComboBox. Follow Some times I see a black-dotted border like line around text or content when clicked. Dotted Border Box. It is possible to remove dotted border using outline and to set styled item delegate to customize CSS ::item: styledComboBox = QtGui. There are many questions/answers about how to remove the dotted outline on javascript / ajax links in Firefox, but they all recommend setting the outline property to 0, which harms accessibility. I've tried adding: a. For one, if you have a page element that is See more in order to Removing The Dotted Outline href link you can write in your css file: a { outline: 0; } You can remove them with this: a:active { outline: none; } NOTE: The advantage here is that the :focus style still will use the outlines, meaning that keyboard navigators will still To remove the dotted lines, we are going to use the css outline property. I'm trying to stop Firefox from adding an outline when links are clicked or followed (a:active). CSS dotted border render issue. If you want it gone, and you want it gone on every single anchor link, just include this as a part of your CSS reset: In general, I recommend just leaving the default outline styling active, but there are a few circumstances where it is quite annoying and should be turned off. css file Syntax: a:focus {outline: 0;} /* more specifically */ a:hover, To start with, I can see one of your tags is IE7-bug, while this is actually more like a feature. It’s often used to highlight elements, providing a visual emphasis without altering the dimensions of the It combines the outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width properties into one. outline-style: Sets the appearance of the outline (solid, dashed, dotted, etc. bricks-is-frontend :focus-visible { outline: thin dotted currentColor; } in the default CSS means the keyboard users can still see the outline when tabbing through I have a table structure which is dynamically generated. I'm trying to remove the dotted border on the text in this QListView::item using stylesheets: I've tried variations of border: 0 and show-decoration-selected: 0 on QListView, QListView::item and QListView::item::text to no effect. so when there is no border, outline property doesn't have any meaning on its own). 1). The focus ring (as it’s commonly known) should be regarded as a feature, not a bug. However, I can't figure out how to get rid of the text. ? 0. I want to get rid of them, but style "outlines" etc. This means, among other things, that a person who uses the to remove the border , juste using css like this : td { border-style : hidden!important; } Share. About CSS Preprocessors. What are Dotted Outlines Around Anchor If you are going to remove the blue outline, you should replace it with another type of visual indication that the button is focused. I agree w/ mike23. Use the outline: none; CSS How to remove dotted line around the links or linked images using CSS. I have tried all suggested solutions but none seem to work. Border refers to The dotted focus outline is in the document inside the iframe, not on the iframe itself. For an override, you can use. Posts. Is there a way to remove it? You can get rid of this easily by adding this CSS to the elements (class name depends on the element):. QComboBox() delegate = QtGui. The background shorthand CSS element { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; /* remove tap highlight */ } element:focus { outline: none; /* remove outline */ box-shadow: none; /* remove box shadow */ } Other information: If you would like to customise the -webkit-tap-highlight-color then you should set it to a semi-transparent color so the element underneath doesn't That is controlled by the outline CSS property. I added my own styles separately, as they really aren't central to the issue. hide the dotted border in css for a button. Hot Network Questions CSS outline is a property used to draw a line around an element’s border. Answer: Use the CSS outline property. These borders also show up when the link is clicked (in it’s “active” state), and can be an eyesore depending on the design (especially when using something like CSS image replacement, the borders span the length of the screen). dotted. Thankfully, CSS specifications have a very easy way to do away with active link outline. You can set it just like border. Site links. 👩‍💻 Technical question Asked 1 year ago in CSS by Pilar Using css I want to replace the text with my actual logo. css property: border-style: dotted. a {outline : none;} But nothing seems to get rid of it. It does not affect the layout, unlike borders. home. Removing the focus outline on link elements. They will still show after releasing the mouse, but depending on the action you might get the result you want while keeping accessibility in mind. The outline-width is 0. CSS: Dropdown borders. If an element can be interacted with it must have a visible focus indicator. HTML Button, 2 Border Colors. a, a:active, a:focus { outline: none; } /* Sometimes you may need to use !important */ The above code will remove all elements of the dotted line on anchor links, including when the link is active and when it has focus. The outline property in CSS is used to set the style, color, and width of an outline around an element. You can see the same thing with the main browser viewport as well. If I set the background color of the LI to any color then Firefox's dotted line appears around the radio button. Now click one of the buttons that is made from a "button" element and you see the ugly outline coming out of the sides which makes the button look bad. But, It should display dotted lines on focus. In Chrome, clicking an ajax link does not produce focus. 1. input { outline-style: none } But depending on the style sheet that causes the problem, you may need to make the selector more specific and/or add In Chrome, the focus style manifests as a blue glowing outline. 8. What’s an outline? An outline is a line that is drawn around elements — outside the border edge — that is used for accessibility or decoration The dotted outline indicates the same thing. Solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, and outset – each with its own personality. Share Improve this answer Last Updated on February 12, 2021 by Roshan Parihar. I'm using Use the outline: none; CSS property. A Look Into CSS Units: Pixels, EM, and Percentage. Created & maintained by @Fyrd, design by @Lensco. For the examples below, Chrome's blue outline was How to remove dotted outline? Simply use following CSS: a:hover, a:active,a:focus { outline:0; } Don’t forget to add your own styling for hover, focus, etc. a { outline: 0; } Copy-Paste the above code snippet in the Style. Add a comment | 1 If you want to remove the dotted line you can overwrite this css class:. select:-moz-focusring { color: transparent; } This works. 3. How can I remove these ugly outline on every element in FireFox? I also want to know how to remove the ugly outline in Google Chrom on inputs and textareas. I've a unordered list with each LI containing a label and a radio button. Surprisingly this CSS While there are ways to remove these outlines using CSS, it's crucial to keep accessibility in mind. The code: div { height: 100px; width: 100px; margin: 100px auto; position: The outline-none utility is implemented using a transparent outline under the hood to ensure elements are still visibly focused to Windows high contrast mode users. The short answer is: use the CSS outline:none property to the link element in both focus and active A dotted outline appears around a link (HTML anchor) when it is clicked (onMouseClick event). button { outline: none; } outline on the Mozilla Developer Network: The outline CSS property is a shorthand for setting various outline properties in a single declaration: outline-style, outline-width, and outline-color. 0. Google Chrome > Textboxes > Yellow border when active. dotted; } p. But it is still useful to know how you would do it, if you deem it necessary. In any case, to define the style of an element when it's "focused" use the CSS :focus selector. The outline-offset property cannot be passed in shorthand property. You can see the range-thumb has a red border and range-track has a blue border but there is still the dotted outline. I am facing one issue when I focus to that button it show me square . search { outline: none; -moz-outline: none; /* Firefox 1. Possible Solution: Darken Buttons when focused. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If I remove the background I get no dotted line. Participant. In our code, we declared both an outline, which appears in red, and a border, which appears in black. Now to remove the outline you need to apply some css. Home; Feature index; Browser usage table; To preserve accessibility, while also removing that outline that appears when users click any links/buttons in Bricks. outline-color: Defines the color of the outline line. Hot Network Questions Even after removing the outline from the button by setting its value to 0, There is still a funny behaviour on the button when clicked, its size shrinks a bit. bricks-is-frontend :focus { outline: thin dotted currentColor; } to body. If we don’t want to remove outline completely, for instance active state of links should have outline Adding that CSS code should fix most of your issues in both Firefox and Chrome. How can I draw a dotted line with CSS? Using hr created two lines for me, one solid and one dotted. Outline Outline Width Outline Color Outline Shorthand Outline Offset. I have added this as an answer to this question. To see this effect, disable the stylesheet IE does not draw an outline for input elements by default. But nothing does remove the dotted white border around the text of a focused button. . I've got the logo there no problem via resizing the tag and putting a background image in via css. css property: outline-style: dotted. 1,681 18 18 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. setItemDelegate(delegate) In such case the combo box separator is I follow this link How to get &#39;div&#39; shaped as a flag with CSS but now I can't remove dotted line. Firefox readily hides dotted outlines on links using the following CSS rule: How can I remove the dotted border around the focused item in the select box that appears in Firefox (78. It needs to be passed separately. This is the outline css property. Its still there (the dotted outline in FF and the outline on inputs etc in Chrome). The purpose of having this dotted outline is for users to be able to navigate between various controls using their mousewheel or the tab key. Web Design. Dropdown Styling - CSS (border around entire area) 0. ; solid The outline is a single line. dashed. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company To remove the dotted lines, we are going to use the css outline property. for accessibility. CSS Could Be The Hardest Language of All (5 Reasons Why) Web Design. If you still want to remove it, add this to your stylesheet::focus { outline: none !important; } The outline CSS shorthand property sets most of the outline properties in a Assigning outline a value of 0 or none will remove the browser's default focus style. how to remove the dotted line around the clicked a element in html. dotted - Defines a dotted outline; dashed - Defines a dashed outline; solid - Defines a solid outline; double - Defines a double outline; groove - Defines a 3D grooved outline; ridge - Defines a 3D ridged outline; inset - Defines a 3D inset outline If you can settle for a wrapping element (it's likely you already have a wrapping LI or P), you can use FireFox-only CSS to position the input out of view and reposition the track/thumb in view. As you can see I used any possible attribute I know. The border is 1px-thick and appears in the solid style, and the outline is red, 3px-thick, and appears in the dotted style. So, many webmasters want to get rid of it. If your problem is that the dotted outlines travel all To remove the focus border (outline) around text or input boxes, you can use simple CSS properties. You can remove them with this: a:active { outline: none; } When I click them in Firefox, there's dotted outline (who the heck invented that and why? so ugly!). #accordion a:-moz-any-link:focus { outline: none; } None of these seem to work. This answer works great, but huge heads up here: If you use this method, your controls will not display any indicator of which is focused in Windows 8! With the FocusVisualStyle disabled in Windows 7, controls like Buttons still retains a blue overall highlight, but in Windows 8 it's completely impossible to tell which control in a group is focused. Refer following example which sets it for a QTableView. First way: button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; } Second way: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company question: when I focus this btn, there is a small dotted line around it, even if I do. As you remark in your comment, it disappears if you set outline: none on the element; the focus rectangle is technically an outline resulting from a browser’s default style sheet. Make your website more professional and crisp. CSS outlines examples: CSS: /* Basic outline */ p To remove the default focus, use the following in your default . bef-toggle:visited, a. a:hover, a:active, a:focus { // style it } The css that seems to remove the dotted outline from inputs and buttons in Internet Explorer 8 and 9::root input:focus, :root button:focus { outline: none; } I found this by viewing the source of the outlook. Syntax outline-style: auto | <border-style> | inherit Values. Syntax h2 { outline: 4px dotted green; outline-offset: 5px; } I know the benefits that outline provides to visually impaired users and UX, but my client is not interested in them. a:active, a:focus, input { outline: 0; outline-style:none; outline-width:0; } This is working fine, but doesn't work on input buttons which have background images. ; dashed The outline is a series of short line segments. Among other things it is important for accessibility (it shows what element is currently selected/has been clicked), so actually you shouldn't remove it. This is default: Demo hidden: Specifies a hidden outline: Demo dotted: Specifies a dotted outline: Demo dashed: Specifies a dashed outline: Demo solid: Specifies a solid outline: Demo double: Specifies a double outliner: Demo groove: Specifies a 3D grooved outline. Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Author. 4. Dotted outlines v1. I also remove the default borders on the top, left and right sides by setting them to transparent on :focus and :active (personal preference) I have a button which greater than sign or < or inverted triangle . When a hyperlink becomes active or gets focus, a dotted line appears around the link to differentiate it from other links, this is that's the focus. Note 1 - don't try to use translateX - I think FireFox uses that to actually slide the thumb - so stick with translateY; Note 2 - Be sure to test with keyboard navigation. Styling with CSS-Outline Style. 1 outline-style property is supported as well. I have added border top and right to the direct table, what I need is to remove/manipulate with border color for first and last td Inside the nav bar, the content is wrapped around the anchor tag which makes it a link and it has a dotted line underneath. Not quite an obvious thing though. But you can easily remove it with CSS outline property. CSS Dotted Border. btn:focus { outline: none; } it still shows up, how can I get rid of it ? You can see the button and the dotted line around it when The outline-none utility is implemented using a transparent outline under the hood to ensure elements are still visibly focused to Windows high contrast mode users. I've seen it done before basically by pushing the text off the screen. In CSS, we can use the outline property to specify style, width, and color of the outline. /* width | style | color */ outline: 1px solid white; /* Global values */ outline: inherit; outline: initial; outline: unset; Outlines differ from borders in the following ways: Solution: Below are the ways to solve this issue: For links: If you want every link to outline should be gone then include this part of the CSS in your style. – Todd. The problem is I can't remember where I saw it. Set outline: 0 of the desired object. Share. This will delete borders around inputs if you apply to all (*). But still no joy. Home › Forums › CSS › Removing The Dotted Outline from Image Map Links. Optionally, add custom focus styles using: focus. css drop-down with border. a { outline:none } This is it! The outline CSS property is a shorthand property for setting one or more of the individual outline properties outline-style, outline-width, and outline-color in a single declaration. auto. css::focus {outline:none;border:1px Learn how to create an outline radius in HTML using CSS properties and techniques on Stack Overflow. focus CSS Border Style. The above code will remove all elements of the dotted line Be careful removing outline styles from links, as they are a usability feature. Then we can use CSS to hide the outline is the document has the “no focus” class. Since the dotted line color depends on the color of the select, you can use this pseudo selector to put a transparent color (and make it invisible) but Eliminating Firefox's Dotted Outline on Buttons and Links. Aouidane Med Amine Aouidane Med Amine. To remove the default focus, use the following in your default . none. If you do not care about making your application accessible to people using the keyboard, then you can restyle the button entirely such that there is no unique appearance while the I'm using Xubuntu 19. Follow answered Apr 2, 2017 at 11:59. I try many thing to remove it like this: input[type="radio"]:-moz-focusring {outline:none;} Not only do I see a dotted line, but once it has appeared I can't get rid of it (by clicking another area for example). Is there any alternative way can we make It with out using outline:0 or none property. This outline doesn't appear in Chrome. I've searched around here and Google for a considerable amount of time, and still haven't managed to get rid @Simon: you're right, it does. The effect depends on the outline-color value: Demo ridge If you look at his source code he has also tried to remove the dotted outline from the "button" elements but as his comment states "doesn’t seem to be respected for <button>". So you need to find out what in your style sheets causes it and remove or override the relevant setting. This article delves into how to remove these outlines effectively. Related. navbar. Remove border from buttons. Now, focus outline is removed in all browsers except firefox. (QTreeWidget, QTableWidget etc). firefox dotted outline select dotted outline css outline: none not working css link no dotted line remove outline css css remove button border on click fancytree remove border css image link outline remove css outline inside remove dotted outline css css remove dotted line around selected outline top css css outline offset css outline style css Another video from The Website Genie. button:focus { outline: 1px dotted; outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; } So if you want to keep the _reboot file I guess feel free to override with plain css instead of trying to look for a variable to change. 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