Discord bot that can change nicknames You're probably looking for a bot to just do this with a one off command. Add ProNick to your You can change the nickname settings as you like, you can change their names, or add nicknames in front of or behind their names. After the name change, a new channel should be visible for users with the 'unranked' role. 5k people's names on the Colossal Is Crazys discord, for april fools? I really want to do it for a joke in my private friend server. We can see this clearly in the fact they are restricting access to read message content in the coming months, among the many other limitations placed around what bots can and cannot do. Tried in on two different servers with the same result. ADMIN MOD Bot for Auto Changing New Member Nicknames . You can specify / target a specific user to change the nickname of. Member, *, nick): member. user doesn't have a setNickname() method as users don't have nicknames only guild members have. user. Client() counter = 0 @client. Send embed message. So, I took the initiative and wrote this quick script to get the job done. (I don’t even know if that’s possible), then change it to another nickname. /lock: Lock this channel. py docs but nothing there has been of use and none of them throw up any errors. I want it to have a custom image that fits our server. I've started a server for some players of a new game. me. Discord does not record these changes. Go to discordapp r/discordapp. Owner is considered the top and nothing else equals or is above it and only one person can have owner permissions. /lockdown: Lock the entire server utilizing your custom settings. To rename the application on the developers page, you just need to click on the application itself. This is a service plugin for Neucore. Important There was recently a change to Discord's bot permissions. ext import tasks . So you need to setNickame of your Member when he triggers the guildMemberAdd As of Discord. Best. Custom verify page, block alt accounts, VPNs & more. Nickname Customization: - AutoNickname allows you to change nicknames. Modified 6 years, 5 months ago. Step 2: Now add the YAGPDB bot to your server by visiting this link: The vast majority of people who decide to change their Discord nicknames do so for harmless reasons. Discord is working on a nickname feature which brings two new server permissions (according to Canary build): is a Discord Bot designed for FFXIV Discord Servers to notify new users that join your server to change their Discord Server nickname to their FFXIV Character Name, along with several other useful tools for FFXIV Free Companies. MEE6 also assigns them a role when they join that is equally locked down so I can find them easily once they’ve changed their nickname. The only workaround I can think of is to allow everyone to do it via a bot’s command (make sure the bot’s role is above all of your friend’s ones). Invite Bot Get Support Here they are supposed to enter their ingame-name, and a bot should then change their nickname on the server to correspond with that. Hot Network Questions How to Mitigate Risks Before Delivering a Project with Limited Testing? 2010s-era Analog story referring to something like the "bouba/kiki" effect Determine dropout spacing for vintage bike frame online The message sent when the bot changes the user's nickname or roles. r around. Login # Gaming # Fun # Social # Anime # Meme # Music # Community # Roleplay # Minecraft # Roblox. Related Discord Voice chat Instant Messaging Client Social media Mobile app Software Information @bot. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. View Invite. has_permissions(manage_nicknames=True) Share. for a bot to create a guild it must use POST /guilds to change owners you must use PATCH /guilds/{guild. I am pretty sure that these types of bots exist since I have seen it in a server but I don't remember which bot it was. Dashboard ChannelBot Build the Community of Your Dreams. command() async def Nick(ctx, member: discord. getnick - Get Current Nickname used for AutoNickname. How can i change nicks with Discord Bot with JDA. Change discord bot nickname (discord. edit(nick=name) but prior commands and following commands are executed properly. help - Shows any commands in dms. /nick: Set a user's nickname. It can also be used as a library in other projects: composer require tkhamez/neucore currently, discord only allows you to change the nicknames of people who are lower than you on the role hierarchy. Is there a bot out there that will assign a nickname to people when they join a server? E. I was working on my bot and added a funny name generator. Since I’m only a member in If you're a server member, you'll need to have a role that has the Change Nickname permission in order to change your own nickname in the server! Note: If you don't have this permission, double check with the server owner or administrators to see if they can change your role's permission settings! How To Change A Nickname This is a simple Discord bot that tracks the previous usernames of users in your server. I've check the discord. edit(nick=nick) await ctx. members. setUsername on the new client to change the name instead of sending a request to the API. Is it not working at all? Try to build in a try / except statement in your for loop and continue if you have an exception Change discord bot nickname (discord. Members Online • elenatyuru. how can i change a nickname of a user on discord. Add App. Share Sort by: Best. You can then use a command to retrieve the list of previous nicknames for a particular user. You can get the guild by its ID and then use setNickname() on guild. Here is a bot that increments it's name whenever it responds to the message Hello. This Bot Will Work To Change Nicknames of Members New Join usage {uname} for showing username {gname} for showing globalname Everything is on /help ### /info-bot Discover Usernames Discord bots on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. For this example I will use String#replace() to remove [prefix]changenick and be left with just the text which will be the new nickname. For that I wrote following code: from discord. If that doesn't work, ensure that your bot's role is I was wondering if theres a bot that like. Is it possible that switching to a community server would give me Discord is a voice, video, and text communication service used by over a hundred million people to hang out and talk with their friends and communities. bot: return if "hello" in message. Surveys. Filters. py are different branches of the API. Offical Discord Documentation Links: From message: 'Missing Permissions' we can conclude that your bot is missing the required permissions. So I downloaded the MEE6 bot. You can't change an admin's name as long as you are equal to or lower than them. i trust whoever is joining this server and i want them to have their in game names on our discord "automatically" without giving them the change nickname perms, so they would send their names and the bot would change it to that. edit(nick=f'{msg. But I just want to change the nickname every minute without using any events. How it works. Send Messages. Discord bot that changes everyones nicknames? I was sitting on discord a while ago and this guy changed 1. So if you don’t have permission to edit nickname (and can change your own) then a bot shouldn’t be letting you change the nickname of others. discord. Edit Dots tags. Moderation +7. Follow answered Jan 29, 2021 at 16:50. command() # command decorator @commands. When other bot joins the It will be great if the bot can also provide analytics of the results. Add. I don't think any bots have the ability to mass reset nicknames. Nickname changes are stored in the audit log, which is something that a discord bot can have access to. Hey guys, Can someone please help me code something that if I run a command It will change everyone's nickname to something I want, And I'm totally new to programming but I've done the on_member_join it will change the nickname but, I wanna do it for the existing members too, Thanks for your helps <3 !addvc Enables the bot for your connected voice channel. If you want a bot that does just this function i can definitely make one for you that will simply read off everyone's nicknames and set them to their usernames (which will wipe them). I have read similar threads for this but I have not as of yet the bot basically allows you to create a 'tupper' with custom names, and type as that character by using the brackets. Fixed it by rewriting the if statements to check for a mention specifically before continuing on. event async def on_message(msg): await msg. 7. log(members); How to change Discord bot Nickname? 0. And we all depend on UTC time (to coordinate through the world). You can't do this in regular Discord because everyone either has the same role and can't manage each other, or everyone has different roles and'll only be able to manage the people below their role I am trying to make a Discord. And yes, precision is necessary, even Bots can't change the server owners nickname from discord. Viewed 4k times 1 I am trying to write a simple call that lists all users of a guild, checks if they have clan tags next to their name and if not adds them, but I cannot for the life of me get it to Issues with on_member_update nickname changes, Discord Bot to prevent banned words in nicknames on a small server. Delete channel. Commands. This guy who’s a staff in a server I’m in keeps changing my nickname to something I don’t like. 3. Support . Is it possible that switching to a community server would give me There weren't (m)any Discord bots out there that could mass reset usernames for my server. /rank: Check your or another user's There weren't (m)any Discord bots out there that could mass reset usernames for my server. 2, When you create a new bot client using Discord. Below you can check 4 results. Try now for FREE! @bot. py bot to have this mini-game where there is a race, and who ever wins, gets to change anyone's nicknames in the server. Description Bots cannot change their own nicknames in guilds despite having the right permissions. I'm not able to create a bot out of scratch. To edit the bot's nickname in a guild you have to do: await message. I am trying to make a !Nick command for my bot, but I don't know how to change the nickname. I don't want to send a message to be able to change the nickname, it has to happen automatically every minute. ; Configuration i was trying to change nicknames on discord. I realized the member that I'm trying to change the nickname of, had another role assigned to them, which was higher than the role of the bot. At the moment, they have to change their nickname themselves. Here they are supposed to enter their ingame rank Is there a bot that automatically changes nicknames based on roles? I want my highest role displayed on top of voice chat, rather than alphabetical order. py nickname changin. How to change Discord bot Nickname? 0. Permission for changing nicknames is on (I double checked this) and we tried multiple tests to try and get it working but never had any luck. Modified 4 years, 1 month ago. Towards the top portion of the page there should be an entry field titled “NAME. There really needs to be a user setting "Prevent Server Admins from Changing my Nickname. I am pretty sure I saw a command to have Charlemagne change all nicknames to match Bungie IDs but I can't find it anywhere. Make the bot's role above everyone whose nicknames need to be changeable, and the people lower in the hierarchy can use the bot to nickname the higher ups. py-rewrite and Discord. Discord. Can someone please tell me how to change a certain person's nickname? Coins. fetch() in order to get all members and then use the nickname property to receive their nicknames. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. -nick-numerreset - Makes the next moderated nickname start at 1. Code: 403string(49) "{"message This bot allows you to chat with ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Claude 3, and more. When a message is sent, the bot will match it against everything in the blacklist. Hot Network Questions How to Mitigate Risks Before Delivering a Project with Limited Testing? 2010s-era Analog story referring to something like the "bouba/kiki" effect Determine dropout spacing for vintage bike frame online Is there any bot where allows player to change their nickname using command and gives them role afterwards? eg. I have searched a ton of pages that I don't even remember. Not a user. Problem 1 (patching nickname of the bot) You can't edit the bot's nickname like this, as you can see in the documentation. Now the question is; can you change a bot's name and profile picture through discord? I saw some posts from 3 years ago asking the same thing, but I imagine that a lot has changed since then. Databasing, in some cases, may be faster, however, like you said, there are numerous things that can make that option Bots won’t (or shouldn’t) let you do something you yourself don’t have permissions for. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. " I just updated the command prefix successfully, so I don't think it's a connection issue. Discord's role hierarchy requires that users with permission to manage nicknames (which includes via Administrator) can only manage the nicknames of users who are below them in the role hierarchy. fetch()) . But im pretty sure you didn't give the bot certain permissions. 1. edit, passing the nick= keyword argument. To fix the issue go to your Discord Developer Portal and get the PERMISSIONS INTEGER that contains the permissions you need. Réhausser le bot Lpu8er/mf-discord#52. We are all @everyone on roles, and all of the permissions are enabled. Also note that the guild owner bypasses all hierarchies. To do this we can create a new role for the bot and give it that permission. Share. Everything is working except for the actual nickname changing. guildmembers for that. guilds: for member in guild. Discord Bot Python - Changing Bot's nickname. Edit roles. guild is None: Bot that mass changes nicknames of everyone in a Voice Chat . Below you can check 10 results. loop(seconds = 2) async def change_nicks(): # wait for bot to be ready before executing for loop await client. Default: !template X - Y. This Bot Will Work To Change Nicknames of Members AutoNickname lets you to change nicknames for joined members. On attempting to do so, it fails with a 403 Forbidden: Missing Permissions Steps to Reproduce Ensure that a bot has the permissions to cha The @everyone role is locked down completely. /help: Get bot / command help. I have an international server using several bots. id} and send over the json parameter owner_id with the id you want to transfer ownership too. Just put the bot at the top of the role hierarchy. @bot. Open Copy link ghost commented Sep 24, 2020. event async def on_member_join(member): await You can use Member. display_name) me is the instance of discord. Remove Ads. Warning: The bot must have Change Nickname permissions to be able to change a member(s) nickname. nick and you can change the member's nickname with Member. change someone's nickname if they request it. As it has grown, it is becoming increasingly difficult to chase after people who have changed their names in order to get them to update their nicknames. You can name it as “Quiz Bot” or “Test Bot”. I can directly change the bot username instead of the nickname but there is a limit to changing the username so what can be a possible solution for changing only nicknames without any events? ChannelBot is a Discord bot that helps creators manage their communities with ease! With simple commands for instant server setup, powerful server management, and more channel modes, you can bring your community to another level. Usernames Discord Bots. Moderation, Server Managements, Fun with The bot's nickname is never changed when using client. setnick [nickname] - Setup Autonickname in the AutoNickname is a powerful Discord bot designed to automate and manage nicknames for your server members. py member. -unmodnick <user> - Changes the nickname of a user previously moderated using this command to its original value. 5. but the bot must be the owner of the server before hand. 0 or higher. How to change someone's nickname when a user joins the server || Discord. I have completed most of the code, but I am stuck on how to change another user's nickname. Ok so basically, you have an object User which is your info on the whole discord (all your guilds/servers you're in, your friends, etc ) and another object Member which is a User specific to a guild/server (and that's in this object you can change the local nickname, on a specific server). 1 You must be logged in to vote. const members = (await message. but i think it'd be fun, for servers with friends for example, to have the option to have everyone change everyone else's nicknames regardless of role. py. You will not notice the change immediately, but it will happen. I read that you can only set nicknames on guild members but you need message. filter((m) => !m. 0 coins. As for the crux of this discussion: When you invited your bot to your server, you didn't add the permissions function in the discord developer portal. guild. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming you can change other people's nicknames otherwise you can only change yours if the server you are in gives its members permission to change nickname, which is in server Can a bot rename people after they reacted to a message? If yes, which bot? So for example, a new user joins the server, and he just sees the question for platform and game mode. 6k 4 4 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. Discord Bots (5) 1. Hi there. Hot Network Questions I need a discord bot that changes nicknames (to normal nicknames) I have some users in my server who have usernames that are all fancy text and it's hard for me to ping them/ someone to ping them for something they did and so on. Ad. Whether this is for better or worse, this is what discord is doing and how they view bots. he then selects "PC" and "Normal", and these tags are automatically added to his nickname. Saving you the hassle of managing nicknames on your own: Custom Roles, Role Nicknames, Profile Moderation, Nickname Requests, and more! Whether it's changing nicknames for new members or automatically updating them when members receive new roles, AutoNickname handles it all effortlessly. wait_until_ready() for guild in client. Hot Network Questions How to right-align a line in align environment? you can actually change server ownership with a bot. From 1-100. Change Your Bot’s Name! After selecting the application you wish to rename, you should be on the “General Information” submenu. On top of this, the users should also be given a new role, 'unranked'. Nickname Discord Bots. That was it, thanks. Type: Regex Trigger: \A Additional options: Errors as custom command output disabled Usage -modnick <user> - Changes the nickname of the user provided. The code I have tried to use to Then, when I input the command -name1 (1 because. That should narrow down who you look at, and combined with the audit log will tell you who. The only thing is that if your bot isn't very large, It will not be very efficient because your bot can't access every user that change username. It also supports strikes, limits, and bypassing. I do not know all of Member's properties so that is making this harder. members: # loop through every member in the guild await member. errors. Member, nick): await member. To fix this, I want to make a discord bot that checks the members of the server Changing your Discord nickname is very easy to do and Nitro members can even have different nicknames for every server they are a member of. Hello, I have been setting up a roleplay server and I was wondering if there were any bots out there that would be able to change someone's nickname depending on what role they had. However it does not change my nickname prepending the wanted pronoun. 8) News Bot: If you want to stay updated with the latest news, then you can go for a discord bot that helps you I'm trying to get the bot's name to change every time it runs. Everything that should be blocked is organized in a "blacklist" that can be accessed with the /blacklist slash command. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Overview. You could probably do this by using a bot that allows to change nicknames using a command. I'm also trying to create a nickname command. tried this : await bot. Dots actions. Docs . !majority Sets what percentage of people have to be playing the same game for it to change the name. /mute: Mute a user. Change Nickname. Then you can set it up to run as often as you'd like @tasks. Problem 2 (patching the avatar of your bot) From message: 'Missing Permissions' we can conclude that your bot is missing the required permissions. View a list of bot commands. Send Discord sees bots as Applications, as software. If you did not setup the bot with appropriate privileges you will need to add the ability for it to manage members. If changes are made to the bot, causing the bot to apply different roles, the bot will send out another message. On attempting to do so, it fails with a 403 Forbidden: Missing Permissions Steps to Reproduce Ensure that a bot has the permissions to cha Moderate and connect your Minecraft server with Discord! This bot allows you to view minecraft stats, advancements, and even inventories of any member in Discord. It turns out it wasn't taking in the arguments like it should, and kept diverting to the Else, where it changes your own nick, and in my server, i am owner, where my nick can't be changed by bots. 4. tuppers can have different names and profile pictures my suggestion is that you make a tupper for each of these usernames, and then use those different tuppers in whichever channels you want to get the effect you're looking for. Forbidden: 403 Discord sees bots as Applications, as software. I end up keep having to revert my nickname to an original name. The nickname randomisation part is very easy and i can probably set it to activate every 24 hours by detecting the time but im new to contacting any external server. member gives you the author as a GuildMember instance, instead of needing to access the cache yourself. Change the color of your custom role. Bad Word Blocker is a Discord bot that can block bad words, links, and phrases. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I'm making a Discord bot using discord. Error: Failed to change bot name. Works now! setprefix [prefix] - Change prefix for this bot in the server. /kick: Kick a user. members: if member. hi all, is there any way to make a discord bot that gets a list of everyone in a voice chat and changes their nicknames using a command? if anyone has extra time to explain this to me or help me with it, it’d mean a lot to me Share Add a Comment. Viewed 2k times 2 . In order for the bot to function, the option, "Server Members Intent", must be enabled Either your bot doesn't have permissions to change nicknames, or it's trying to change the nickname of someone above it in the role hierarchy. How do I change a users nick name using Discord. js bot for my server, and it has an integrated "Level System" that works with nicknames. 2. EDIT: I forgot to account for the mention being part of the message content, use String#split() and Array#join() to I have a question can't seem to find a way to do it, *I am new. Premium. My bot has enabled all Privileged Gateway Intents. How to iterate through all members of a guild and changing their nicknames with a Discord bot built on JDA. 0. Like changing the username of a bot bot. Any help would be amazing. Discord Bots (3) 1. Do you know if there's any way I could get the bot to be able to change my nickname as the server owner? I put the bot role at the very top & made it an administrator, but it still doesn't work Play a game to see if you can guess my random number. I've been looking for solutions but can't It's not hard! For example you can use: @client. Also note that the bot will not be able to change members nicknames that have a The Autodelete bot is a versatile Discord bot that can help keep your server clean and free of unwanted messages. You can also generate images, videos, and music in your server or your DMs! Collaborate with your community in any channel. An advanced yet fun economy bot that you and your server members can enjoy with friends and race to make the most money in your own criminal empire. How to make a discord bot react to a edited command? 0. How can this be encouraged? Is there a url that always leads a person to their server profile settings? Is there some setting or bot that makes people decide on their nickname as part of joining? We want changing nicknames to be as easy as You can make use of guild. Members can now Request a Nickname Changing Request which will Straight Go to the Moderators of the Server for AutoNickname is a highly customizable server moderation bot for your Discord server that features nickname automation, role-based nickname customization, and much more. However when I run my code I am given this error: nextcord. You can configure the bot to delete messages I am currently developing a discord. !template Sets the template. Send captcha. the current nicknames option would also be kept, but i think it'd be fun to be allowed to activate I wanted to create a discord bot with python that would nickname all of the server members with a sequential value. js, you can use . There's quite a few servers you have mixed feelings about, where there's moderately abusive troll admins who will kick users around basically baiting them to lash out I have been searching and can't seem to find a way to change the color of the discord bots itself name within the code. When user (friend) joins the server, autonickname will change their nickname. Explore. I change the display name with the member. • ⑅₎ა . And if your bot is offline or any username before your bot starting to record these changes cannot be tracked. You can then get the member's nickname with Member. Seconded. This is why you don’t see things like members being able to ban others using bots. Guild owner has the highest hierarchy and the bot (or no one for that matter) will be able to change the owner's nickname – If the user is in the specified channel, the Display name is changed to the saved nick, when leaving the channel it's changed to the original display name. edit(nick=nickname) not working. Let's be honest, I'm stupid. How to update nickname on_member_update discord. bot) . Step 1: Log into Discord. If you can't find it, you can easily search for it using the search bar at I'm a noob when it comes to coding discord bots. js v14. However, you can get the guild's me property (it's the client user as a GuildMember of the guild) and set the nickname on them. With Autodelete, you can set up a specific channel, such as a bot commands or music commands channel, to be constantly clean by automatically deleting any messages that are posted in it. Open comment sort options. Ask a question To add this step to your bot, simply click on the "Change nickname" block. On the point of nicknames on your guild, a bot can change the nickname of all roles below it (it will be never able to change the owner's nickname) Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback. My site has two scopes for logging in: identity; guild; I am not sure if I need to add more. Top. py) 1. /moderate: Moderate a user's nickname. py) 0. command(pass_context=True) async def chnick(ctx, member: discord. setNickname function. View Channels. 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐳𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜 ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑ ૮₍˶• . edit to change the nickname of your bot. /ping: Ping the bot. Plays nicely with KupoBot. . I want to set my discord bot's nickname every minute to change to some content from my API. 2. So that means the bot sets the nickname of all users to their display name and simply adds the level they are at the end of it: Trigger . G. 'X' represents the original channel name, and 'Y' represents the majority game. py) Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. A new member joins and is assigned [Username][#0000], where [Username] is a set global text, and [#0000] is a random unassigned 4 digit number. ” Simply update the name there and save your changes. Features Whether you want to change nicknames for new members or automatically adjust them based on roles, AutoNickname has you covered. displayName); console. I am able to obtain the requested username, but am unable to change that specific username since it is The bot can detect when a new member joins the guild with the on_member_join() event reference. If it isnt this problem, it might be that the admin roles have some issues and you should make a new admin role for the bot. setNickname(nick) I have searched all over and I apologize if this is posted or has been asked a lot but I'm having issues with people not charging their discord server nicknames to their Bungie Id. py 1. Edit message in Python. 15. Hope it helps! This is a simple Discord bot written in Python that listens for a !reset command. The most common is 8, which is the integer for Administrator permissions. The first thing we need to make sure of when attempting to change members nicknames is our bots permissions. You can change the nickname settings as you like, you can change their names, or add nicknames in front of or behind their names. Thus, if people who are above Member are having their nicknames changed, then someone above them must be changing it. Problem 2 (patching the avatar of your bot) The @everyone role is locked down completely. The only way to do this is using a bot. edit(username=price) I have been trying to create a command via a discord bot in C# that allows people to change another user's nickname and then sends a PM to the admins reporting that the user's nickname has changed and who was responsible for changing the name. import discord client = discord. Member Join Discord to play games, explore apps, and hangout! Create Account Login. automate and manage Change someone's nickname. The bot can't change the nickname of administrators of the server. Courage. Ofc you will have to I want to write a bot or script that automatically changes my nickname every day. When this Here’s how to install the YAGPDB Discord bot and fetch the previous nicknames of users. i dont want to have to approve it tho. PS: msg. Most server bots will not be able to tell whether the same user enters with Also, in order to change someone's nickname, your own highest role must be above that person's highest role. event async def on_message(message): global counter if message. command() @commands. name}1') Do you know if there's any way I could get the bot to be able to change my nickname as the server owner? I put the bot role at the very top & made it an administrator, but it still doesn't work I put the bot role at the very top & made it an administrator, but it still doesn't work Can a bot rename people after they reacted to a message? If yes, which bot? So for example, a new user joins the server, and he just sees the question for platform and game mode. Mention any member via Java DIscord Bot. I want to change the users nickname on the command nick. A Discord bot for EVE Online that can add and remove members from a server, manage member roles, channel membership and set nicknames. Create channel. Whenever a user changes their nickname, the bot will automatically save their previous nickname along with the timestamp of the change. Can anyone advise? Discord-Bot can change username, bot not admin-name. Sort by: Best. Status. This isn’t possible using the built in discord method. When I log in and try to enter a different name in the bot nickname field, when I hit "update" it says "something went wrong please try again later. Introducing GTAO Bot. Manage Webhooks. I'm wanting to find a bot that will, upon entering the server, ask new members to provide their in-game Change discord bot nickname (discord. author. display A Discord Bot that automatically changes nicknames for joined membersone of the bots that has a feature to change nicknames when members join the server, and Change bot nickname (Discord js) in a guild where a command was executed. lower(): if message. Hot Network Questions Being able to set a cooldown on changing nicknames for certain roles in your discord server would be a very useful feature for server moderating, helping to avoid spamming of nickname changes from certain users by restricting how often they can change it. !removevc Disables the bot for your connected voice channel. Like if I have a bot name Color Bot and someone calls !function1 I can have the bot have a red name but if they call Issues with on_member_update nickname changes, Discord Bot to prevent banned words in nicknames on a small server. me: There's no such permissions as change_nickname it's manage_nicknames. AutoNickname Is a bot to manage Discover Nickname Discord bots on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. ### Key Features 1. 8. If that doesn't work, ensure that your bot's role is The #1 Backup Bot! Backup server, members, channels, messages & more. My question is how can the bot change all of the members nick names? I searched ton of stack overflow sites but they didn't gave me the answer. Reply reply I solved it. Similarly, you can only kick or ban people who are below you in the role hierarchy, and can only manage roles beneath your own highest role. mention} ') Don't forget a important thing, bot MUST have a permission for changing nicknames and can't change server owner nickname. I've looked around and haven't found any bots that Your bot has to be higher on the role hierarchy than the member that it's editing; this also means that it cannot edit the owner's nickname. I was just making a similar command and ran into the same issue as you. Example if they had the Constable role, their username would change from "yourmum101" to "[CST] yourmum101" automatically. I want to create a bot that detects when my nickname has been changed (I don’t even know if that’s possible), then change it to another nickname. edit(nick=message. send(f'Nickname was changed for {member. answered Jun 6 How to change Discord bot Nickname? Hot Network Questions Dots Discord Bots. I added it and set the config to not use roles but instead use the nickname change for displaying the pronoun. setUsername("BotUsername"). Since I’m only a member in the server, and they’re a manager, I can’t invite a bot for this, am I able I'm running a fan server and one of my admin told me that they were unable to change a user's nickname. Is there a different command I should use or maybe the Is there a different command I should use or maybe the If you are the owner of the Guild the bot will not be able to change your Nickname. Inside rewrite you'd change it like this. Finally I removed all bots with a simple filter. has_permissions(change_nickname=True) # check for change nickname permission async def reset(ctx): for member in ctx. edit(nick=None) # reset their nickname I am trying to make a Discord. These are some things I have tried: @client. This is assuming you use the setup [prefix][command name]. This works fine, as long you are ranked below the bot. js v11. automod. edit(nick=None) # reset their nickname If not Make sure the bot has the Manage Nicknames permission and that the person the bot is trying to change the nickname of is under the highest role the bot has. I guess that doesn't work, so is there a bot that I could give permissions to so that we could do something like I believe you . 3 but i'd tried some times in different ways but don't have success import discord from discord. You *hopefully* get the picture. Bot: Please use !nick<username> to nickname yourself as your ign Player:!nick abcd (you have been nicknamed abcd) Bot: Verified! (You have been given a role) So, I wanted to add a feature where you could change the bot's nickname for the server, but it keeps saying i'm missing permissions. I'm trying get a bot that will automatically change every new member's nickname when they join. CLAN_TAG = "TAG" @bot. And no, "just leave servers where there are malicious admins rofl" is not a helpful piece of advice. So there was borned a solution to make a time-bot which will show current UTC-time in the dedicated channel nobody can visit. This Bot Will Work To Change Nicknames of Members New Join. I have a simple issue that I'm yet to figure out, how can I change my bot's own nickname, because I want to display information instead of its nickname continuously. Based on that no one can change the owner's title even if client. If not Make sure the bot has the Manage Nicknames permission and that the person the bot is trying to change the nickname of is under the highest role the bot has. i remember seeing I just came across the official Discord Bot that adds the Pronoun feature to my server. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩ Our server wants it so that all admins can change each others names, and as people can for some reason only change names of people with lower rank roles, we want a bot to be able to do this. Request a new nickname. request import j I run a discord server and as a rule, members must change their nickname in the server to their in game name. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If blacklisted item(s) are found in the This is not a post about HOW to change channel's name (I know it). You cannot do this only with discord. Follow edited Sep 8, 2022 at 8:38. ". Saving you the hassle of managing nicknames on Nick Bot is a Bot which can help you Handling Nickname Requests and Automated Actions which it can do. Next we need to know what the new nickname will be. ext import commands import discord # set prefix as & Needs Neucore version 2. Łukasz Kwieciński Łukasz Kwieciński. Advertise. content. Nickname Manager. So, I wanted to add a feature where you could change the bot's nickname for the server, but it keeps saying i'm missing permissions. Home. ext. The rewrite branch is the one that's the most up to date with the Discord app and its official API. Conditional. js. How to detect nick update on discord. Say Jeff#0001 comes into my From here, click on the application you wish to change the name of. py nickall command. I'm not sure whether I'd have to set up an array in each command for this? So to associate Assuming that you are testing this command yourself, in a guild that you crated, the bot will not be able to change your nickname. I just came across the official Discord Bot that adds the Pronoun feature to my server. Kick member. GTAO BOT. People with the same highest role cannot change the nicknames of those who are the same role or above them. Send message. Improve this answer. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hope it helps! This is a simple Discord bot written in Python that listens for a This guy who’s a staff in a server I’m in keeps changing my nickname to something I don’t like. Whether it's changing nicknames for new members or automatically updating Enhance your server's experience today with ProNick - the all-in-one bot that combines nickname transformation, moderation, and help systems into one powerful package. Right now I do this manually by adding a unitext number in front of everybody's nickname ( ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳) but it gets time consuming fast when my server has 100+ people in it. Viewed 4k times 1 . Member of your bot in a guild. The thing that makes this bot addictive is: Unique and AutoNickname allows you to change nicknames. Also supports a powerful two-way chat with Minecraft, command execution and many other helpful features. The name-change works, but not for admins. Give this a look and let me know. I want to change my bots name is it possible? If you're talking about a public bot hosted by somebody else, that is not possible, yet. Archived post. map((m) => m. would like to have multiple nickname lists that I can use with different commands), it sets every member's nicknames to their DnD character's name, or whatever names are set to that command. Vote A subreddit to discuss & get involved with Discord bots, including recommendations, development and conversations. New. ext import commands import urllib. hmi vlrog zibqb romy nevt wlxnjn ooqiuq vrojtqnq rpixvf xrjhyq