Eye hurts after doing coke reddit Here’s the catch; a line of coke lasts 20-40mins (usually 15-20 most coke is so badly cut). I ordered a couple of sets of cheapo glasses at -1, -1. He wants me to be ok with this and I'm not. Cocaine makes me depressed. Try doing smaller lines and snort light and brush your teeth after, also just a tip that this acidic solution that it makes can rot out your teeth. You can literally feel it wear off. So you do another line. Comedians bomb. Or check it out in the app stores . The same argument could be made to a double cheeseburger versus a salad. 5 J that will completely eliminate the comedown. See an ophthalmologist to check your eye pressure and ocular nerve swelling CT Scan or MRI to check for for fluid or swelling. Firstly I am a relatively healthy 32 year old woman who uses the computer a lot for work. It’s hard to do because I’m the only one who knows I do it and I stay with my girl. drunk + coke, yes, but be careful. After i stormed out he followed me and went on to say that he's "not a junkie" and because we're doing well financially it should be ok for him "to do a line of coke every now and again". It's gonna happen. And then after 30 seconds of this throbbing pain, the teeth go numb, but the throbbing persists for another 10 minutes. Mpo though is that it could either be nerve endings as your sinuses probably never had a chance to heal between sessions. Today I’ve been using it for about 6+ hours and my eyes feel tired and are hurting, and I have the same headache I’ve been getting as well. After doing 0. Sometimes after a night of coke the roof of my mouth will hurt for a bit in the morning. It's not just my finances that are hurting from my use. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest By no burn I meant there was relatively no pain/discomfort when taking a line up my nostril. Cocaine is a vasoconstrictor, it reduces blood flow to your skin wherever it touches. The difference is that cocaine is more of a mental addiction and heroin is more physical. The most common practices are nose sprays. Best advice though is to drop it all together and save the coke for special occasions. 300K subscribers in the cocaine community. Sharply hurting. Hi, Many struggle with nose congestion after snorting cocaine. In this case, the patient described a two-year history of nasal obstruction, halitosis, progressive destruction of the septum and hard palate, purulent rhinorrhea, intense facial pain, strabismus, blindness in her left eye, and a Would definitely see a doctor, friend. Do you wear spectacles? If dark mode, blue filter, etc. Now it’s Sunday morning and I have a terrible sore throat that has been getting worse over the last couple days. I've done coke a bunch of times and never had any problems, I ate almost nothing that day and I stayed awake for around 26 hours and did 0. When there’s no blood flow, moisture isn’t replenished properly. I mean I wish I had a cure other than saying get better drugs but from experience it’s the shitty coke that hurts my throat the most I got a pair of 20$ blue light glasses from microcenter and they helped me immensely. Fell asleep. 2g overall). sorry for a late reply. Every time I do cocaine, my stomach ends up hurting and I inevitably go to the bathroom and end up shitting for ten minutes. This acid will dissociate from the cocaine and make any liquid acidic which could cause corrosion. I'm no pro when it comes to coke by any means, but I can definitely attest that good coke doesn't have to hurt. I'm an old head. I have -1. cocaine in it self can cause facial pain. nothing too crazy unless u go line after line Hey guys, I did coke about 10 times, usually had at least 2 months between the use. I used my Quest 2 for the first time yesterday and it made my eyes hurt. Sometimes it happened every few weeks and sometimes every few months. Just whatever has best reviews on Amazon. make sure to use the appropiate math for cocaine to saline ratio so each spray is spot on dose. When you do coke, it just makes you want to do more coke. I don’t know exactly how much, but nothing too crazy. I've even noticed if I've done a few lines without the saline and my nose starts to get clogged, doing to saline will help unclog it and will also get you higher again. Next day I was fine. I last did it about 2 hours ago when I started feeling weird. And it's true, it works that way. I experienced a recurring phenomenon of waking up with eye pain. Has anyone else had this problem? I think the screen is Fast forward to now, I'm a female in my late 30's. This is like stretching your legs after sitting for a long period, but for the eyes. However breathing through my nose often just ends up feeling horribly painful for a while. My eyes get irritated when I’m on a bender, gets a little watery and blurry. i did klonopin the first time i relapsed(i used to be addicted to oxycodone, and i’m realising that klonopin is a way more potent substance, compared to xanax with in those 3 I'm having trouble with eye pain playing VR. Hey guys so last night i was on cocaine and today ive felt an uncomfortable but not sharp pain in my middle chest area when i breathe in and gets worse when i lie down. Snorting can hit your palette (roof of your mouth). 5g in like 12-13 hours, I noticed around the end that my arms felt sore, no pain, no discomfort, just sore, like if I did a big workout the day before. And times my eyes feel clogged and my tastebuds feel a little offI get tmj at timesmost of the time actually lol. I rarely engage when folks post these kind of photos because most of the time the reason you get a bloody nose is cause skiing and liquid meals result in too much eagerness and folks jam the note/straw/pipe a little to hard inside and scrape the inside of dry noses which results in bleeding and/or a combination of not taking the time to cut properly so When snorting it should not hurt especially much, if it hurts it's most likely very cut and low quality cocaine, it's of course numbing but it shouldn't like physically hurt to snort. this is something i havent done yet but id imagine would stop or greatly help this, ive noticed Cocaine is why so many rockstars drop dead at 50-60. Yes you can smoke weed after doing coke its the only drug you can mix with about anything. In this case, the patient described a two-year history of nasal obstruction, halitosis, progressive destruction of the septum and hard palate, purulent rhinorrhea, intense facial pain, strabismus, blindness in her left eye, Had a day off so decided to grab a half g of coke, after around 6 hours my right eye started aching heavily. I’ve done coke 3 times over the past 5 days. i spent most of my sleepless nights suffering alcohol withdrawls, broken bones, homeless, mental trauma mixes. Doing Cocaine with Quentin Tarantino already sounds like a nightmare without needing any information about it. I'm hoping anxiety is causing it rather than an actual problem. Cocaine makes me impulsive. Good coke you will feel a slight burn in your Adding a small amount of salt is even better. I been doing coke for a bit tonight randomly I started happy forget about the bad or at least not worry about it just good positive vibes and other times it's just a big eye opening journey to a destination you definitely did Your sinuses are connected to your eyes, ears, mouth, tastebudsetc. I look at screens for a good part of my day with out any eye trouble but after 1Hr with the head set I had to take it off my eyes hurt so bad. Did coke 3 days ago, and my heart and that general area feels achey and weak in general. Which is a waste of cocaine and will go into your mouth and cause tooth pain. Sometimes clears stuff up without having to blow your nose. On 8/9/19 I had a bad experienced, did about 2-4 bumps that night, I was feeling anxiety/ congestion in nostrils/ mouth breathing/ tightness on chest/ numbness down my throat & mouth. The signs of good cocaine are for huge differences in quality; it's harder to tell the minute differences in say, 20% and 30% pure cocaine. 6g, my left arm and left leg started to get numb and cold, and i had some pain in my left arm and shoulder. and up daily doesn't matter if the cocaine is Pablo Escobar ether extracted disco shit goodnees this is the ugly side of being addicted to cocaine and not giving your nose a rest And this was when cocaine was real deal in the 90s no lemavisol Put 2 fingers on each side of the area beside your nose, pull apart and tilt your head back and sniff hard. Take a break, then return to it with less harsh settings. its not even just cocaine, i spent many a night laying in bed with my eyes closed. Or check Why am I crying after doing coke . Don't do anything that's tinted blue; cut with car fentanyl. Small text on digital screens held at an awkward angle or distance may cause pain after a while of reading. Just focus your eyes into the middle or long distance for about a minute, for example by looking out the window. so a saline rinse you can do it whenever you want. I started doing coke a couple weeks ago. coke + psychs, depends how far into your psych trip. yesterday i woke up with pain / tension in my eyes / head that would occur whenever i’d move my eyes. For me personally it's always the raw good shit that eats away at my nose fastest which is a shame. Between school/games/stock market/crypto I can be on my computer for 12-16 hours a day and the eye fatigue/headaches I experienced was horrid. 6g of around 50-60% cocaine in about 6 hours. If not an option then use one of the two below. So the blood vessels there also contract and expand with each dose. I can only go about an hour before my eyes start to get sore and it just gets worse and worse until I literally can't stand to have the headset on any longer because it's too much pain. I was just explaining ways to get to sleep if you do not do things in moderations. I fully experienced Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Just be careful doing it too often. My left eye is fine but my right eye has been hurting for four hours. Eventually I somehow noticed that it happens when I use a specific pillowcase. What’s happening? The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. It only happens when I'm high. The energy winds down, you suddenly run out of things to say, and you generally just don’t feel good. Best I could say is stand firm on how you feel about him doing coke. Less good than you felt before you did any coke. Cycloplegia. If you do a bump or line, and take some saline it will hit faster you as the saline will carry the coke (specially the coke in the nostrils). So I've been coming down all day from a long night of doing coke and drinking. I used to apply mascara as part of my work make-up routine, but by dinner time my eyes were red and hurt. I'm not 100% sure it was responsible but since I stopped using it I'm fine. 5 for bifocals. I had some lidocaine ointment that I put into my nostrils to help with the pain and burning. 7. 3 Lid and co When you smoke cocaine, the vapors and fumes can numb your eyes, suppressing your ability to blink, thus leaving your eyes exposed and dried out. Yeah but once ur zooted the sleepiness Of NyQuil will fade and you gonna drink more trying to sleep but end up waisting like 4 hours laying down trying to sleep after u finished the coke. This creates alkaline water which will neutralize the acidic pH of the cocaine solution which is burning and basically corroding your nasal cavity. The best way to avoid complications is not doing a large amount of snow. 3,4 It is not until an individual ingests in excess of 5g of caffeine that toxicity is observed. It's good to spray saline in between each line. For the last month or two I've not worn mascara, and instead apply a minimal amount of pencil eyeliner. Cocaine was more of an occasional thing because people would give it to me or it was around so why not. In the long run, cocaine users may Coke-related bloodshot eyes can last anywhere from a few hours to several days after use, depending on a range of factors, including how much you used, whether it contained contaminants, and your In some cases, cocaine use can lead to corneal abrasions, a condition in which the clear outer layer of the eye becomes scratched or damaged, causing pain, redness, and light When I’ve been hitting lines hard and fast, eyes won’t stop watering and focus gone. Snort a bit from your fingers, rinse mouth and gargle with it too. And honestly, forcing down a decent meal with Games require more intense, maintained focus than shows. All coke should have a slight gas smell due to the process in which it is pressed into powder form (from South America or wherever the source I agree, when doing coke at a bar becomes a hobby you combine the both to “I like that” when not doing coke you’re not getting the full experience (if you get me) you just need a whole new hobby without cocaine, preferably with people who don’t do coke Use eye drops: Over-the-counter eye drops can help relieve the dryness, redness and itchiness. Its also good to do it after finishing I tell myself, "well it's really only hurting my bank account, not me. I was also stupid and did some intense cardio for an hour the day after, if that matters. At 4:00 AM this morning, though, my left eye was hurting so I took both contacts out. On Thursday and Friday night, I did a bit of cocaine. My eyes had the expected sensitivity to light and trouble focusing after, bit it never Second the r/Drugs and even r/cocaine those guys have a lot of experience between them. It feels almost like the tooth nerve itself is getting damaged. instance I really like opiates These can happen if you rub your eyes after touching cocaine, or if it passes through your tear duct while snorting. My fav is oxy but I detoxed from opiates some months ago so now I use Xanax (but I don't like benzos, they make me non anxious but usually a selfish asshole, I usually prefer to be anxious so I control my behaviour) I just need 0. If 3 doesn’t help you relax and fall asleep, take a fourth after an hour or so. Your eyes might feel scratchy or painful and appear red and irritated. If you get the all clear from the doc about your heart I would really consider amphetamines if you want a stimulant. The congestion didn't fade after two weeks, I made a few reddit posts, some users were saying normally it goes away after a few days to a few weeks. The frequency in which I use has only climbed up as time went by. Reply reply So I’ve been doing Coke maybe everyday close to 2 weeks maybe a gram or less a day I’m a 19 year old male and I’m having slight left chest pain should I be worried of a heart attack or is this my sign to take a break for a long time. I have pain that begins almost immediately in the back of my right shoulder. So last night i drank 6 beers, and did 0. Burning. 25 years. Several days after, approximately February 27th, I did a couple lines, and my throat began hurting. The opportunity arose and i had never done coke, so i bought a gram. Reply I’d also recommend Vitamin D 1000 iu before and after or 5000 once. I'll be doing 3 lines by the end of the night for the same effect as 1 line at the start of the party. About a week agoI did the most I've ever done, was awake till like 8:30 am then headed home but couldn't sleep. After a few days, it's worn out and telling you to take a break. too risky. Lately my Because it's a terrible subreddit that honestly should have just been 4 - 5 joke posts in the slightly less shitty r/MovieDetails subreddit. Idk, for me it's a tipping point. But I also have seasonal allergies and get Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Bought 5. After each line of coke, you get a crash. Yes sure, personally I only take downers after coke if I have to get up early and need some sleep. Yeah Was on 1mg now I’m on . Use eye drops that are specifically formulated for dry eyes and do not have any preservatives. I've used saline alot in the past but it dried the nose out which makes it more susceptible to bleeding. Cocaine makes me careless. Did about half a g on friday (5 days ago) and the roof of my mouth is still hurting loads and feels kinda swollen/bumpy. It's one of my first bartending shifts and calling in sick is a real bad option. It was hard to open the eye and tears came from there. I feel as if I have regained control of my life after 6 months of disarray. On the weekends I just accept that I’m not able to sleep and watch tv until I finally fall asleep. 3,4 Over-the-counter commercially available caffeine supplements contain between 100mg and 200mg per unit. coke + weed, 100% yes. Ive been doin this shit daily, cant get off it, even if i wanted to. 5 grams in total. A community for those with Temporal Light Modulation (rapid pulsing light flicker) sensitivity. I think it can definitely get into your eyes because last year when I was doing it every week for a couple months i eventually started getting what looked like, and was even misdiagnosed initially, as pink eye in one eye. For me I always get to a point where I feel uncomfortable on coke so this really brings me back down. I’m a severe addict I do if 24/7 and people I know who also are severely addicted be like “wanna smoke” and think it’s weird when I say no cuz it causes me heart What are you ladies and gentlemen doing before and during to keep the nasal passages free and feeling okay, and also afterwards to minimize aching nose/sinuses as well as long term damagealso, coke breathwhat can be done? You continue down the slippery slope to a coke problem. Today, the gums above my front teeth/frenulum feel very irritated. I do it around every weekend, sometimes every 2 weekends and I wear hard, reusable, night contacts, and they usually never hurt after a few minutes of taking them out in the morning. " And that's a lie. I have turn down my brightness, use the night light mode on my pc, and i also use my blue light glasses. All 3 are top tier comedown meds. Coke is cardiotoxic and can cause a lot of issues long term even with occasional use. About 1 year from now I started puking after every use and this puzzled me. Stay up, coke is a Chest pain after doing coke . I had a rough patch of cocaine, initially partying with Cocaine should be painless when snorted (due to its analgesic effects) and if there is even there is the slightest bit of pain its cut with something. The cocaine gets absorbed in the nasal cavity but if you snort hard it can shoot to your throat. And a coke problem is what you'll end up with EVENTUALLY, because now you need a line of coke to do comedy and at some point 1 line won't work anymore and you'll have to do 2, then 3. Patients must be committed to staying 100% clean, which can be made more difficult by the nasal deformity, frequent serious sinus infections, regurg, shame, possible fistulas, ulcerating lesions, self-isolation, and facial pain. They stopped doing it years ago, but it fucked their heart so badly it just gave up. If she found out, she’d lose her fuckin mind. So yeah, skip the coke. But I find doing it somewhat periodically when you're snorting repeatedly (like when doing coke) helps to prevent the pain and runniness once the numbness from the coke finally wears off. 7 hours later the G is done and I have an important-ish day at work ahead of me. Look up the acetone wash if you ever wanna text the % of coke vs cut. i thought it would pass but it’s been hurting ever since yesterday and the pain I took 5mg of Valium after getting really coked up to bring me down and stop the hand shakes. Is there anything else i can do to help with this problem like target color or background just anything? So don't sit in front of a computer screen in a pitch dark room, that's terrible for your eyes! Take short "gaze through the window" breaks hourly. Any way to start by mentioning: i’m not interested in xanax or any benzos. Be safe. Or check it out in the app stores I'm doing coke day 1 and MDMA day 3 will the coke somemhow diminish my roll and for the future how long should I wait after coke to get a 100% effect rolls. It worked like a treat then later on I did a few more lines and to be honest it felt nice. the type of pain / tension you feel when you have a fever. I’ve searched here and I see many other people have the same issue or vomiting blood which already has happened to me and resulted in a whole day addmited at the hospital doing some exams. PWM, a common screen dimming techniques today, aggravates its provocative flicker by up to 6300%. Don’t get me wrong I mixed xans and coke and would eat more xans then just pass out but NyQuil is weak you get me? Gotta drink more to KO Is this bad? The current batch of coke that I have acquired goes up smoothly, but for some reason my 2 front teeth get a throbbing pain sensation upon snorting. No, I never went to the doctor for any treatment, & no, I never did any nasal flush’s. It was so sudden, and he was such a funny and lively guy too. Cocaine feels exactly like mania to me. 5 SPH one one eye and -2. Do you know how many displays I returned just because it caused eye strain, even with yellow tinted glasses / f lux? Bruh The last one was an Alienware 2720hfa 240hz nano ips monitor. Also, cocaine though If the surgeon left that large of a scar after doing a lymph node biopsy, they I play games a good amount without eye strain. but sometimes I get all fucked up and make stupid comments on Reddit. Chest / heart pain after cocaine use. After a few hours into a session my ears feel blocked and the need to pop them just wondered if anyone else does too? Checking for quality: All of your coke is cut, period, probably 15~40% pure. I’m in my 30s and hadn’t done any hard drugs since i was 24 or so. 3 ways to remove or reduce Coke nose Don't do Coke. Hope that give some insight, text might be a bit sporadic but then again we are in r/cocaine ;) The frequency in which I use has only climbed up as time went by. 5g for me) I almost never get nosebleeds. Nothing shocking other then a small red spot in the back of my eye that the doctor said wasn't very worrisome. Left eye cleared up within a few days, but with trouble opening eyes continuing to persist. Read reddit. Little to no pain after sleeping. Don’t be afraid to call him out when he’s acting weird Yeah very true, I've been doing coke and ket since Tuesday and most of it now isnt sticking unfortunately but saline spray seems to help a bit. Or check it out in the app stores bulging eyes, skin irritation. The best option is to not do an 8-ball of coke in one sitting. The last line I took was 3 hours ago, and I've been drinking water, ate something. I have never considered myself to have a problem with it. Coming down from coke That does not work. Tis allllll connected On 8/9/19 I had a bad experienced, did about 2-4 bumps that night, I was feeling anxiety/ congestion in nostrils/ mouth breathing/ tightness on chest/ numbness down my throat & mouth. So last night from 9pm - 3am I was drinking heavily and doing small amounts of coke (probably no more than 0. Pop a xanax and smoke a . I take breaks, sleep, use eye drops, but as soon as I look at the screen it hurts my eyes. Mdma is best on its own in my opinion, unless you mix it with ketamine, psychedelics, weed or nitrous 😂 Normally, metabolism of cocaine produces two primarily biologically inactive metabolites—benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester. edit: never ever any benzo or opiates and driving, even if with coke. Do three bumps and call it a night if you’re going to do it at all. I did coke a few times recently, beginning during covid times when my neighbor and I started doing it here and there. very rarely happened but it was I feel your pain. holding onto the other set and have a note in there on what script they were in case things Your eyes will need a break after it, so I suggest trying to spend some time away from screens for a bit. The chest pains lasted for a week! I did not have to go to the doctor and tell them that I was doing coke and my chest hurts now like if I’m going to have a heart attack. Also, powder cocaine is Cocaine HCl, it’s a drug molecule surrounded acid molecules. Like at all. it really is better than nothing. ). 5 and -. Reply reply LaudanumDreamer010 inflammed sinuses, pressure on top of the root cavitys of your teeth. I feel better than ever not feeling the urge to do blow. Been to the ER twice and im always just touching my chest because of the tingling sensations and tightness. I assumed there’s no cure to the stomach pain once your doing coke semi-consistently, but I’d say I do coke atleast semi frequently depending on people’s opinions. My eyes felt weird after and my left eye is still a little off with some small floaters and a little discomfort. If you bomb you bomb. The every day thing is cocaine speeds breathing and blood flow using hemoglobin more than usual!. It doesn't happen regularly, if I do 10 lines in a night I might sneeze immediately after once. My last and vital recommendation for daily coke user is to eat a lot & take iron every OTHER day, if you’re a casual user just like 1x a week as extra and ask your doctor to check. Each time, my mouth and the back of my throat go numb. Hey everyone, so I did like 3 grams a few days ago and afterwards the left side of the palate got swollen and painful after the comedown, and sometimes can feel the pain somehow close to my ear and around my chewing muscles, even in my head around my temples. Cocaine use can also lead to bloodshot eyes because cocaine increases blood A lot of people are experiencing eye strain from looking up and focusing, even with the glasses. Any night I snort blow I end up having to pee way more often then usually. If it's shiny it's cut with super buff. This can help reduce any inflammation or swelling and soothe the eyes. Never experienced this before and have had a lot heavier sessions. Cocaine makes me angry. Not that it will help but I find the better coke has less drip the next day. Hey guys. Septum damage and facial pain is not mutually exclusive when it comes to long period cocaine use. Do any you have any tips/advice as to why this is happening? I'm proably not losing much, but its still annoying. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I've done different people's coke probably 4-5 times, and it happens every time and lessens my experience when I'm stuck in the bathroom every time I do a line. 25mg to calm down then I take some zolpidem to achieve sleep, zolpidem really is a magic drug for sleep, especially We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources I second this. You just keep doing more and more because you don't want to come down. What's up with my gums? Question. Or check it out in the app stores I’ve been wanting to know why this happens cause mine hurts man pressure does help that’s for sure. You still feel that coke but it isn’t as intense. Or check it out in the app stores   like weed & opiates I can’t operate. When I rub my right eye it hurts and my vision blurs a little. It could be anxiety, but if it's on the left and also causing neck, jaw and/or arm pain (left arm) then you might want to pick another drug before it kills you. They're underground. 5s I really dislike it because I have been diagnosed with social anxiety, or gad ( general anxiety disorder ) I need to get my bass up to a psychiatrist and tell him what I’ve been taking and what I’ve been diagnosed with and just ask to get back on my 3mg a day routine that I’ve been doing for a year, maybe see if I can switch to Ativan at two times a Don’t overdo the Benadryl, as you can definitely overdose if you take too much. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources Would definitely see a doctor, friend. I just have a water bottle cap filled with water and snort it immediately after. Check out nano ips eye Trust me from a former coke head you’re not doing coke sweating in the middle of the dance floor tugging on someone else’s hand. I also live in a cold climate. It looks like he grabs her hand while trying to say something in her ear, she starts to pull away, he tries to kiss her hand, and he wipes his nose in an embarrassed fashion after being denied. Symptoms experienced among sensitive users include: eyestrain; headache; migraine. No it ruined weed for me, I was a big smoker absolutely loved getting stoned way before I’d even think about doing coke, once I started getting into coke I had a few lines one night and lit up a joint had the worst anxiety of my life, started out as thinking I was having a heart attack and dying to actually hallucinating was a nightmare for a good 2 hours then for a good month after that I've done my fair share of coke and know the basics, just have a quick/random question for you guys. It could potentially increase absorption if you do it beforehand, but I'm not sure the validity of that claim. EDIT: Even after a night of binging coke (1-1. I was fine earlier, but as the days progressed I've been getting minor chest pains, and this weird tight feeling, and it's getting me pretty anxious. Is that what is? Hitting lines too hard and fast? I take 30-hour in between but it’s definitely a different When someone uses cocaine, their pupils can get bigger, making their eyes more sensitive to light. 0 SPH on the other. I actually had a heart attack from dabbing after doing too much coke. But after like 3-5 mins of aim training my eyes start to water and hurt. The hepatic enzyme carboxylesterase is an important part of cocaine's metabolism because it acts as a catalyst for the hydrolysis of cocaine in the liver, which produces these inactive metabolites. This isn't a very common complaint with panel types, so you either have an eye condition, or were just using bad settings. It was the second time doing it, first time a few months ago, but the pain only lasted about a day. The complications was a question. reddit is filled with brilliant minds, maybe even plenty in the medical fieldbut the intimacy of being examined by your physician is going to lead to better answers than anyone can come up with without seeing you and just explaining your condition via text. In both cases the momentary pleasure of consumption outweighs the possible negative effects (in the case of diet soda it is the chance of a headache, in the case of the cheeseburger it is increased weight gain, increased likelihood of developing heart disease, etc. Also, another commenter on this thread sites "facial pain" as being an indicator. at least high on cocaine you feel good-ish. It irritates your sinuses and can cause tooth ache like pain. If there is swelling, a short course of dexamethasone can provide relief, with caution as dex is extremely strong steroid Ask neurologist about occipital nerve pain - they can treat with an occipital nerve blocker. even when doing what I consider a small one. Eight days ago I had a routine eye exam with dilation. Reply reply LaudanumDreamer010 If it really hurts your nose it's definitely cut with glass. Not a very long-term user, but I've been doing coke nonstop (besides during the night when I sleep) for the past 2 days. Thanks I used to be cool with a guy who died after snorting a bad batch of coke. People say it's better for the coke to be in rock form than already crushed, but I've had better coke that was pre-crushed before. Oh, and HYDRATE Try just lying down and closing your eyes, and if possible, have something light or relaxing playing in the background. If it hits the back of your throat it's cut with caffeine pills. Sober days my bathroom schedule goes back to normal and I have no idea what about the coke is making me piss so much, especially at the end of the night when I'm trying to sleep. It was my birthday and I had a bit too much to drink. I’ve done it a few times occasionally but it for way worse after this. I figured I wanted to share some uncommon tricks (I think) that can solve these Bit of an old thread, however here is my tuppence. When watching a show, if ur eyes get tired or if your attention wanders it's easy to zone out a bit and still follow along, or get distracted by something off-screen, but when gaming, you've got to like interact with and manage the entire screen at once, the whole time, and it's easy to forget to look away every so often. It was the same coke I’ve been using for a couple weeks. The bad consequences came after the come down bc I didn’t feel the pain while I was consuming. After PCP visit, I was given abx drops for both eyes, 4x/day. I didn’t get any of the mdma love or euphoria when I did it after coke, just an extra-tight jaw 😬 so I don’t recommend it. But basically you know it’s hard to sleep after doing coke so if you can’t stand that or have to get up early you simply shouldn’t do coke but we all know how it is sometimes Yeah very true, I've been doing coke and ket since Tuesday and most of it now isnt sticking unfortunately but saline spray seems to help a bit. So much so that I picked up some coke once I got home (with the full intention of doing 'Just a few lines'). 5, -1 and tried them for a day in front of the computer and found the second of -1 from the orig script was what worked best. . Also getting drops is the worst and you nostrils will be hurting like crazy. Around a month ago I began getting pain up the back of my snorting nostril (I alternate each day) and in my front tooth on the same side as the nostril. I stopped doing it for the night, took some lozenges. If it really hurts your nose it's definitely cut with glass. after 5years of fucking with coke today i picked a half z and oh my god look at this shit literally crumbles Feeling strange after a few days of doing coke Over the weekend I did about 4 grams of coke and slept for 2 hours, then slept for like 12 hours and have done maybe a gram today. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Any idea why and how to relieve it? Paracetamol etc hasn’t really helped. My computer monitor is hurting my eyes every time I look at it. It causes pain all the time since ive been doing it pretty much everyday for the past 3 months. or you could have built a tolerance to the numbing agent because coke itself, I'm told, doesn't have such extreme numbing effects that you remember from the beginning. (the one with the pain reliever in it helps calm my body buzz), and breathing techniques. clean your nose out with a q tip and saline every dose, or just mix your personal batch of cocaine into a bottle of sinus spray. The pain would only Whenever snorting cocaine through out the days for 6-8 hours, doing about half a gram over that time, I've heard of people experiencing pain or "headaches" behind theIr eyes, The average cup of coffee or tea (in the United States) contains between 40mg and 150mg of caffeine. It should be a fluffy white that somewhat sticks to plastic or metal without much weight to Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The prescription had ADD 1. The comment ID is a unique 7 character string which identifies your comment in the sea Well on a night after drinking it's always a good idea to take a B-Vitamin complex, and also 5-htp (hydroxy tryptophan, it's a serotonin precursor) as levels of serotonin get depleted quite quickly when you're drinking, as well as after you've done cocaine. Sometimes I sneeze after doing a line. It's me. Some routine maintenance will pop you back into the real world off the coke high. 2 years later — yes and no haha. Without fail. Then it's not likely TMJ, you should still see a dentist, oral surgeon or doctor though. coke + ket, almost always a yes. Apparently it’s really pure stuff (my roommate who used to be a major coke head confirmed). Im kind of worried but not sure if i should be. The right eye looked clear, but there was still the struggle of opening the eye as described above. Since then i’ve done it every single day. But my eyelashes don't "pop" like most other ladies. Or check it out in the app stores   Don't use trazedone after coke unless you want to feel like you're about to have a here attack. And never let him try to use you in ways that will help him support his addiction. After reading the comments, if u wanna do a saline rinse then go to walmart its like $8 and buy the sinus wash system it comes with 50 packs of saline and is normally used to clear mucus when ur sick. This is a circlejerk subreddit but the topic being circlejerked about is too narrow and specific to Bro if you need a benzo to come down off coke you're doing too much coke. This all depends on how much power we have in your eyes. Take a hot shower, drink some water, brush your teeth, and try to put a little food in your stomach. I've been playing VR on and off since 2017, mostly off and a lot of it is due to eye pain. „Meph, coke, speed, ketamine by nose“ - meine Herren! Never took meph and k, but a wknd‘s tour de force with coke and speed always was a torture for my mucosa and tissue. 297K subscribers in the cocaine community. Then it's just a cycle from there. You are probably right. I'm beginning to understand why you don't see many old injection coke heads. Now I'm having pain on the left side of my chest, pressure. Yeah cocaine is water soluble and using one of those saline sprays helps immensely, especially if you're using pure fishscale. Cold compress: Try using a cold compress on your eyes. So far, after a good amount of use the new monitor has been giving me headaches and eye strain. Especially if there's heart trouble in the family. Oysters are blood nose tissue cocaine and everything else is stuck to your lining of your nose when you use big amounts of cocaine 1. Then you feel crap and deep down you know having more cocaine will immediately put that shitty feeling aside. Is this normal? Why does this happen? My sinuses hurt and I'm pretty congested, but I know that's normal. coke gives me a boost of euphoria & energy. A place for friends to discuss cocaine and cocaine related activities, news, stories, products, etc. Coke is great but for me it's too expensive for as quick as one builds a tolerance. aren't working, then the distance you're holding the phone from your face might be the culprit of your eyes hurting. but 6-8 hours laying in bed is only like 2 hours of shit sleep/nap at best. My eyes don't hurt or get red anymore, which is great. Ideally you want a salt grinder from the store with salt in that's almost finished, empty it, put the himalayan salt in, then grind it into a mug of hot water like you would tea, when its dissolved just re-fill your saline (salt water) spray or wack it in a netti pot and Bob's your uncle. Imagine being manic alone in a house with Quentin Tarantino. But when I go out for a cigarette or something like that throughout the day, I’ll bring all the bags I got with me and hit the stairwell and try to chop them up in the bag while it’s still closed to tru and fine out the rocks. Reply reply I’ve actually quit doing coke for the most part. Cocaine can be really high quality and still burn later on in the night if you do a lot your putting powder in your nose yes it absorbs more higher quality it is but your still irritating your sinuses. The longer I did it, the worse it became. Cocaine makes me ultimately unavailable to anything but itself. It hurts to swallow and is more noticeable on one side, it almost feels similar to when I’ve gotten strep throat in the Yo guys ive been doing cocaine for two years now and in the past months ive been doing it 3-4 days a weeks, plus a pack of ciggarets or two and my throat became sore, i didnt touch for a week and after two days the sore pass but after this week i did some and today my throat is sore again, wanted to know if its happend to someone and how much time did the throat require to heal After successfully quitting coke cold turkey since I made this post, my nose has almost completely healed. Or check it out in the app stores I stopped drinking and doing coke after that day. 20 min after last hit (when most absorption is completed mix 1/8 tsp of baking soda in a medium size glass of water.