House tharashk 5e. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, .
House tharashk 5e This subreddit serves as a helpful place for Be it D&D 3. The primary ones are Torrn, Aashta, and Velderan (together they form a council named Triumviriate, a governing body of the House Tharashk). you are officially an operative of the house, you are truly an agent of the Gatekeepers, and investigate the activities of mad cultists and the Daelkyr. 3: Someone I love was killed by a rival faction within my house, and I will have revenge. tongue rogue Search Results All Results. [2][3][4] House Thuranni is the youngest of the dragonmarked House Jorasco is a halfling dragonmarked house operating throughout Khorvaire. Despite its small population, Stormreach is an important city because of its location, allowing easy docking access to travelers wishing to enter Xen'drik. Some sages believe that the abundance of Eberron dragonshards on these Zarash'ak, also called the City of Stilts, is a small city in the Shadow Marches. Bremmer was none other than a high ranking official in House Tharashk, unbeknownst to the party. The Guilder might have the guild artisan background or. House Orien is threatened by House Lyrandar’s introduction of air travel. 89–90 A House Tharashk inquisitive examines the floor of the vessel very carefully, offering no explanation. [1] It is headed by Maagrim Torrn d'Tharashk, one of the three triumvirs who make up the ruling council of House Tharashk, the Triumvirate. Their connection with the rest of Khorvaire is limited to a single House Orien roadway that passes Leader: The Triumvirate (Maagrim Torrn, Khandar’aashta, and Daric Velderan) Headquarters: Zarash’ak, Shadow Marches House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and bounty hunters. 4: I don't care about the house as a whole, but I would do anything for my old mentor. Prerequisites: Human or Half-Orc Benefit: The bloodline of House Tharashk bestows on you a +2 bonus to your Search skill. Half-Orcs. This dragonmark grants various House Tharashk: Rangers, Fighters, Vengeance Paladins, Inquisitive Rogues Be it D&D 3. Most of the minotaurs of Eberron call the monster nation of Droaam home, acting as guards, pit fighters, and mercenaries for the Daughters of Sora Kell. Patron Benefits. House Tharashk. So, let's talk about the houses and business. The clans and tribes of the House Deneith is also caught in an escalating rivalry with House Tharashk, as it edges into the mercenary trade. It is the second-largest settlement in the region after the Would a House Tharashk agent take the gold of party A and agreed Be it D&D 3. House Tharashk carries the Mark of Finding, and its powers allow Tharashk heirs to track lost relics and living creatures alike. No real plans for them to fight the Daask directly (they're part of an investigations agency from Be it D&D 3. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What about Deneith, House of Shadow, etc what tools give the other houses a financial edge in the world. The lightning rail went into operation in 811 YK, but Tharashk only stepped up mining in the Shadow Marches & Q’barra in the past decade? What delayed them so long? Hi there! Besides the information found in Rising From the Last War, is there anything major in terms of lore for House Tharashk? Thanks! For the first time in history, the house has direct competition for its mercenary and protection services, as House Tharashk has begun to provide such services. House Deneith mercenaries and House Orien couriers now find themselves competing with fierce gnolls and flying gargoyles. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the place for anything relating to the Eberron campaign setting. The Shadow Marches lie in Be it D&D 3. The city also acts as a center for trade and commerce for all who visit the lost continent of Xen'drik. Ghallanda is one of the few dragonmarked houses that are not involved with some form of arms dealing or soldiering; instead, Ghallanda are Eberron's Be it D&D 3. The House Tharashk carries the Mark of Finding, and its powers allow Tharashk heirs to track lost relics and living creatures alike. I have one guy hire mercenaries from House Tharashk to procure specimens on the down low Be it D&D 3. It was at some point decided that humans of House Tharashk can't develop the mark, but it wasn't properly edited out everywhere. These lands are the ancestral home of the orcs of House Tharashk carries the Mark of Finding, and its powers allow Tharashk heirs to track lost relics and living creatures alike. [1][2] She is also the leader of Clan Torrn and is a supporter of the clan's secret organization, the Valshar'ak Seal, though she is unable to take a direct role within the Seal as her duties as house triumvir prevent it. Recently the Finder’s Guild has expanded into dragonshard prospecting. I'm courting a half-orc of the house Tharashk. Is there anyway The message travels at a rate of 1 mile per minute. More posts you may like Related Eberron Tabletop role-playing game Tabletop games Games forward back . 5e, 4e, 5e, The fields are owned by either House Tharashk or in more central Khorvaire or Q'barra, by a noble, a town, another House, etc. Heirs often use family names instead of the house surname and many hold on to beliefs and traditions carried from the Shadow Marches — like the druidic faith of the Gatekeepers or secretive cults of the Dragon Below. Tharashk is divided into three clans: Thorrn, Velderan and Aashta, which approximately 3000 marked Dungeons & Dragons 5e Background: House Agent . 1 Your dragonmark is unusually small or remarkably large. Is that still a thing in 5e canon? Keith Baker on March 7, 2020 at 2:14 pm said: “Fuel” Clan Velderan is one of the human-, half-orc-, and orc-led clans of the Shadow Marches and core members of House Tharashk. House Agent You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house. Criminal Rogue. Quoting Stormknight on the D&D Beyond forums: My house is my family, and I would do anything for my family. House Cannith is a human dragonmarked house whose members are well known for their innovation and advancements in technology. He is a no nonsense business man. While House Deneith has suffered from a reduction in the pool I imagine various members of House Tharashk are better at finding anything based on the level of their mark, but also on their training and individual specialty. The dragonmarked houses have existed for thousands of years. Some are converted from earlier editions, The Dragonne, the lion-like monster on House Tharashk's crest A living Ray of Frost spell The Scorrow, an elf/scorpion hybrid from Xen'drik Be it D&D 3. As dragonshards are the lifeblood of the magical economy, the house’s talent has given them new House Tharashk: "I bet your war effort would be best served by these dragonshards. Or should I sell them to your enemies?" House Thuranni: "Yes. Oh for sure. 4: Your village was destroyed Maagrim Torrn d'Tharashk is a half-orc druid and heir of Siberys and one of the three triumvirs who make up the ruling council of House Tharashk, the Triumvirate. The orcs of House Tharashk have the Mark of Finding, a gift they use as prospectors, inquisitives, and bounty hunters. Yes, Be it D&D 3. An alliance with Droaam has increased their influence, allowing them to broker the services of monstrous mercenaries and laborers. It was these clans that worked House Tharashk is the second youngest house amongst the Twelve, with the Mark of Finding manifesting among the humans and half-orcs of the Shadow Marches. Each of the three major clans —the Aashta, the Torrn, and the Velderan—has a representative on the Triumvirate that. House Lyrandar possesses the Mark of Storm. House Orien possesses the Mark of Passage. House Kundarak is a dwarven dragonmarked house providing services focused on security and banking. Tharashk is the youngest of the dragonmarked houses and hasn’t embraced all House Phiarlan is an elven dragonmarked house known throughout Khorvaire, although they are primarily based in Aundair, Breland, and Thrane. –88 A rogue tries to swindle other passengers by using marked cards. Mark of Handling Traits. Khundar'aashta has begun to feel pressure from other clans for clan Aashtas supposed connections to the Cult of the House Deneith is a human dragonmarked house whose members are highly acclaimed mercenaries and bodyguards known for their efficiency and martial skill. House Deneith is also caught in an escalating rivalry with House Tharashk, as it edges into the mercenary trade. The Tornn clan is one of the many human-, half-orc-, and orc-led clans of the Shadow Marches. He reports to Lord Khalar Velderan d'Tharashk. Compendium. Be it D&D 3. It is managed by House Tharashk and is the seat of their power. A heist campaign with the PCs as anti-dragonmarked House "shadowrunners" would be fun. The ancestors of the house were savage hunters who drew on House Tharashk is a human and half-orc dragonmarked house that has just recently begun spreading throughout Khorvaire, though it is still heavily based in The Shadow Marches. The Sivis dragonmark first appeared around 2800 years ago. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. House Deneith Leader: Breven d’Deneith Headquarters: Sentinel Tower (Karrlakton, Karrnath) House Deneith was. Skill Proficiency in Investigation Mark of Finding. Print sheet JSON. House Lyrandar is a half-elven dragonmarked house operating throughout Khorvaire with its enclave located on Stormhome, an island city-state just north of Aundair. [1] Clan Velderan is led by Daric d'Velderan, the triumvir of House Tharashk. The financial empire of House Kundarak stretches across Khorvaire, and its influence ensures that The Finders Guild is a guild of House Tharashk that oversees the prospecting of dragonshards, bounty-hunting, monster slaying, urban inquisitive services, and locating of precious resources. The best inquisitves are Daric d'Velderan is one of the three triumvirs who make up the Triumvirate that control House Tharashk and the leader of Clan Velderan. House Tharashk possesses the Mark of Finding. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or have a connection to House Tharashk. A dragonne is the emblematic creature for House Tharashk. Spokespeople for the Brelish Crown have also expressed concerns over the influx of creatures from the insurrectionary western wastes. Half-orcs can generally find a warmer welcome from members of House Tharashk and the settlements and tribes of the Shadow Marches than they can from the communities of other races. The House Tharashk is an union of several clans. You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house. They are responsible for technological wonders such as the warforged and the lightning rail. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the Mark of Finding, House Tharashk Which clients to take, what jobs to consider. If you have a dragonmark, you're likely a member of one of the house's influential families; otherwise you're an outsider who hopes to make your fortune through the house. Reply reply Top 4% Rank by size . Tharashk also incidentally is known for stepping on the other Houses toes. They often have a near-monopoly on certain kinds of businesses and are considered neutral in any affairs between the nations of Khorvaire. House. 5e, 4e, 5e, Unless House Tharashk contracts them, House Deneith won't do anything for them. If you believe rumors, there might also House Tharashk is home to an ancient order of druids who protect the world from aberrant threats. [3] Although there has been friction between Dragon My idea for the group that wants him dead is House Tharashk specifically Khalar Velderan d’Tharashk who’s a viceroy representing the house there. 3 If your character has the Mark of Finding, these House Orien is a human dragonmarked house found throughout Khorvaire, with its major enclave located in Passage, Aundair. Tharashk doesn't ask what they need the blood for, they probably don't want to know. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the place for anything relating to the Eberron A train car full of dragonshards would likely be full of House Tharashk (the ones who found the shards) and House Deneith (mercenaries paid to make sure they arrive safely) guards. In your case it sound like you're interested in the Finders Guild Across Khorvaire, the inquisitives of House Tharashk have Across Khorvaire, anyone who wants to find something or someone turns to House Tharashk. A couple houses I’m specifically looking at are Tharashk, Kundarak, and Sivis, but again would love to see what could be cool for each of the houses. The house is the second youngest of the Dragonmarked Houses. If you have a dragonmark, you're likely a member of one of the house's influential families; Tharashk: One gaming set and thieves' tools: Thuranni: One musical instrument and If successful, House Tharashk agents manage to find the general location of the desired object or person, regardless of their countermeasures. House Tharashk is the youngest Dragonmarked house. House Sivis - Cockatrice House Tharashk - Dragonne (Doesn't have a statblock in 5th ed yet) House Thuranni - Displacer Beast Triumvir Khundar'aashta is a half-orc rogue and dragonmark heir and one of the three who make up the ruling Triumvirate of House Tharashk. However, there are also a lot of stereotypical names, many of which are included in this generator. Chyrassk may want to devour the memories of a foe out of reach—someone in House Tarkanan, another cultist in House Tharashk, Trained in the artificer's skill, I was sold to House Tharashk to act as a "medic" to their few warforged. For centuries its primary focus was on inquisitive work and bounty hunting. 5: My house must evolve, and I ' ll lead the House Ghallanda is a halfling dragonmarked house found throughout Khorvaire. (Good) 2: Tradition: I uphold traditions of my house and bring honor to my family. Interested in flipbooks about DnD 5E - Eberron Rising from the Last War? 8 You've got a price on your head. There is a number of smaller clans, which tend to be allied with one of them. There are several other major organizations to get involved with, though. Stormreach is a small frontier city nestled on the eastern coast of the Skyfall Peninsula in Xen'drik. With the end of the war, I was freed from my service, but I chose to stay with House Tharashk. It is comprised equally of humans and half-orcs, lead not by a single patriarch, but by a triumvirate of their most skilled, and, based out of Zarash'ak, one of the least illustrious House Tharashk. It is run by Lord Targeth Velderan d'Tharashk, a half-orc male. Half-Orcs “We’re hunters in a world of sheep. Some HT finders are better at tracking people in cities because it's the House Tharashk recruited you from the Marches to serve as a mercenary in the Last War. D&D BEYOND is currently offline because we spent our entire budget on this giant silver dragon statue. 5 Karr'Aashta, House Tharashk inquisitive of Deathsgate in Sharn is a member of the Aashta clan, and a follower of the Dragon Below. some other set of skills suited to the specialties of your patron house’s guilds. Beyond this, a hidden sect within the house maintains that Droaam is a nation ruled by monsters, established by the Daughters of Sora Kell in 986 YK. First of all, in 4E look to rituals. Although. House Tharashk hasn't heard of it yet, but when they do they'll be mighty annoyed at Cannith muscling in on one of their revenue sources. If you have a dragonmark, you’re likely a member of one of the house’s influential families; otherwise you’re an outsider who hopes to make your fortune through the house. Until you settle things with House Tharashk, you'd better keep an eye out for bounty h u nters. 91–92 A group Be it D&D 3. 6 Your clan works with House Tharashk, and you’ve been recruited as a bounty hunter or investigator even though you’re not a member of the house. Patron Benefits With an inquisitive agency as your group’s patron, you gain the following benefits: Compensation. A talent for finding this resource has given the house new wealth and influence. Rogue Subclass Guild Arcane Trickster Dimir Assassin –88 A rogue tries to swindle other passengers by using marked cards. It House Tharashk is a human and half-orc dragonmarked house that has just recently begun spreading throughout Khorvaire, though it is still heavily based in The Shadow Marches. House Tharashk bears the Mark of Finding, making its heirs great hunters of beasts and objects alike. Recently the house’s Finder’s Guild has expanded into dragonshard prospecting. 1st Level Guidance 3rd Level: Identify House Tharashk helped to pioneer this change, and its actions have palced the house squarely in Deneith's sights. Dragonshards are the lifesblood of the. [3][4][1][2] Of the triumvirs, Daric is perhaps the kindest. Reminiscent of a cross between a bull and a human, these horned fighters tend to serve as bodyguards and fighters. More often than not, dwellers of Shadow Marches adopt the name of their clan as House Tharashk and its half-orcs are reponsible for the Finders Guild, which works with investigators, law enforcement agents, and hunters of treasure, dragonshards, and bounties. It is the unofficial capital of the region and its largest settlement. . [1] Within House Tharashk is a group calling themselves House Tharashk. Collections My Characters My Campaigns My Encounters My Dice The Shadow Marches are little more than fetid backwater swamps where Orcs have lived for thousands of years. Only a third uses the House name, and only two thirds use the Dragonmark d'. It was these clans that worked with House Sivis, joining together in the model of the eastern houses. Members Online. 3 You’re a simple hunter, House Tharashk is an unprecedented alliance between clans, and one that would never survive if not for the humans and half-orcs that balance the chaotic tendencies of A few years ago a friend of my ran a 5E Eberron campaign and I played a Ghaash’kala paladin, so I put more thought into the Ghost Guardians, and what follows is Dragonmarked Houses in Eberron . With the power to calm and control beasts, the house's most You usually don't see the last name unless it's house Tharashk as they tend not to use the Tharashk / d'Tharashk title. Dragonmarked Houses Twelve extended families with "dragonmarks" that grant them magical abilities based on a certain theme. The House takes its name from Lord Halas Tarkanan who, along with the Lady of the Plague, raised up those with Graywall is a small city in the monster nation of Droaam. House Tharashk is the effective 'government' of Rogue Rogues are most at home in House Dimir, the Golgari Swarm, and the Orzhov Syndicate. Scout, Orien. House Tharashk Leader: The Triumvirate (Maagrim Torrn, Khandar’aashta, and Daric Velderan) Headquarters: Zarash’ak, Shadow Marches House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and bounty. Excellent stats! Spells are meh, except Faerie Fire. 2: I love someone from another house, but such relationships are forbidden. This, at least, seems to be the explanation D&D Beyond is going for on why humans in their editor can't take the mark. Perhaps this is part of the deal Tharashk made to be able to mine in Droaam, and have agreed to keep it top secret. House Cannith arose in pre-Galifar Cyre almost twenty-five hundred years ago. This name generator will give you 10 random names for noble houses. House Deneith once showed no interest in the political side of the Dragonmarked Houses, Since the end of the war, it has become confrontational with House Cannith and House Tharashk. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the place for House Thuranni is an elven dragonmarked house that has split off of House Phiarlan and become their direct rivals competing in entertainment and espionage. Deneith may go after the PCs though for making them look bad and to try to keep this whole uprising thing under wraps because they failed in their hired job. The house agent background is the perfect background option for a character tied to a dragonmarked house. Rumors & Legends [] A commonly held view is that dragonnes originated in magical experiments conducted by ancient wizards, who intended to create powerful mounts and So, we know Tharashk has operations with Siberys Shard collection Zantashk (Thorp, Population 60): This is a far outpost of House Tharashk, placed to provide shelter and supplies for house prospectors traveling out in search of dragonshards and other riches. Although House Cannith invented the lightning rail, House Orien are the ones who operate and manage it. Tharashk is the least traditional of all the houses so maybe conflicts could be a bit different here. House Tharashk produces bounty In regards to Eberron, Keith Baker has actually called out residuum as being powdered dragon shards, usually Eberron dragon shards, which are a natural resource in addition to being a universal component in magic item creation. House Jorasco possesses House Tharashk Leader: The Triumvirate (Maagrim Torrn, Khandar’aashta, and Daric Velderan) Headquarters: Zarash’ak, Shadow Marches House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and bounty usually retain their family names rather than adopting “d’Tharashk” as tradition dictates. Search. Half-Orcs and Dragonmarks The Mark of Finding appears among half-orcs and humans of House Tharashk. Currently this is a House Tharashk began as a house of hunters, not prospectors. Stormreach is known by Both Humans and Half-Orcs are able to select the Dragonmark of Finding feats, as the name implies it gives bonuses to finding things. House House Tharashk has three major clans that usually use their clan names. Though young, Tharask is a large and wide-spread House, extending from the Shadow Marches, to Droaam, to Q'Barra and beyond. Velderan, Torrn, and Aashta. This mark grants various magical benefits related to locating people and objects which in turn has led to their fame for bounty hunting. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the place for Dragonmark Quirks the Marches and brought House Tharashk to the . Items. Paladin: Oath of Crown (Any house, but Medani stands out due to Breland crown connections) Ranger: Tharashk, Vadalis, Orien, Kundarak (Horizon Walker or Monster Slayer especially) Rogue: Mastermind/Inquisitive good for Medani, Tharashk, even Thuranni (if take proficiency and expertise in performance). As dragonshards are the lifeblood of the magical economy, the house’s talent has given them new wealth and influence. Monsters. [4] To the public, Phiarlan is a house of entertainment composed of bards, actors, artists, House Tharashk is openly resentful of House Deneith’s self-styled military superiority and House Cannith’s dominance over the dragonmarked houses. Sul'aashta Steelbane is a hunter of the Aashta clan, who hunts warforged and ventures into the House Tharashk carries the Mark of Finding, and its powers allow Tharashk heirs to track lost relics and living creatures alike. [2] Be it D&D 3. Silas did know, along with their Orien This seems to be a revision problem in editing. The ancestors of the house were savage hunters who drew on the power of their marks to track prey through House Tarkanan is a criminal organization based in Sharn consisting mostly of bearers of aberrant dragonmarks. 5/5 Mark of Handling [Human, House Vadalis]. Others are drafted into the service of House Noble house name generator . 91–92 A group of. Though a farming community, Zantashk isn’t far from a rich dragonshard field. Originally, the Cannith clan consisted of traveling tinkers, repairers, and crafters whose burgeoning dragonmarks gave them an edge House Tharashk. (Lawful) 3: Innovation: Abandon old traditions and find better ways to do things. I don't actually know when the Basilisk Gaze was established, but I would assume it was after the War of the Mark, 1,000 years ago, and Tharashk only appears 200 years before the Last War. House Tharashk played a big part in bringing Droaam into the political foreground and lending them some legitimacy. The characters are all vets, and work essentially as a private detective agency, with one party member being a part of House Tharashk and taking the general lead on the current plot. Here are some 5e stat blocks I've made for a variety of Eberron creatures. 2 Your dragonmakr slowly moves around your body. Activate this ability to harness the bloodline of House Tharashk to House Tharashk has built a large enclave and dock for exporting dragonshards. She has the mark of finding. The gnomes have carefully cultivated the Dungeons & Dragons 5e Background: House Agent . 5/5 Mark of Finding [Human or Half-Orc, House Tharashk]. They're chasing House Vol was an elven family line originating in Aerenal and one of the first in which dragonmarks appeared. After that, the family existed for 600 years (approximately −3,200 to −2,600) before it was laid to ruin and completely wiped from the face of Eberron. One of the many human, half-orc and orc led clans of the Shadow Marches clan Aashtas leader is run by Khundar'aashta (NE male half-orc rogue 6/dragonmark heir 2) one of the three triumvirs who make up the ruling council of House Tharashk, the Triumvirate. 2: I love someone from another house, but the relationship is forbidden. Though young, Tharask is a large and wide-spread House, extending House Tharashk is the youngest Dragonmarked house. While the Houses are run by families, their business is actually through their affiliated guilds. Bearers of the Mark of Warding, the dwarves of the house have unparalleled expertise in constructing vaults, fortresses, and strongholds. Their primary customers are those who have enough coin to have something worth protecting, namely the wealthy and powerful, House Tharashk is the largest faction in the region, and their city of Zarash’ak is the center for commerce. Few of the civilized races dare to test its borders. While the family was a noble house of Aerenal, it was not a formal dragonmarked house as found in modern House Tharashk licenses bounty hunters, inquisitives, and prospectors; if you want something found, turn to Tharashk. This mark grants Despite this, there are many who distrust House Tharashk, calling them "graybloods". Noble house name generator . Deneith is determined to conquer this new mercenary market, either by wresting controlf rom Tharashk or building its own pool of monstrous talent to draw from. Humans and Dragonmarks. To verify, by Mark of Finding you mean the traits under House Tharashk, correct? I am using DnD Beyond and the formatting looks kind of odd on it. Oh, I didn't know about the Marks. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, or some other game system entirely this is the It turns out Mr. Half-Orcs and Dragonmarks. Fellow players, I'm in an upcoming campaign in Eberron. 9 You have an opportu nity Be it D&D 3. Dragonmarked houses are extended families of a single race whose members sometimes manifest dragonmarks. I'm currently playing a Dragonmarked member of House Tharashk. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, House Tharashk volunteers. Map My adventurers have been dealing with a Daelkyr infested mine. This will come in handy, only thing I can think of that is missing is that a large part of house Tharashk's business is in prospecting. The Mark of Finding first appeared a thousand years ago, and over the course of centuries the dragonmarked formed three powerful clans. He has hopes of House Tharashk Be it D&D 3. Members Online • ventured beyond the Marches in search of worthy enemies. 20 BP must be paid upfront, the but remaining cost or refund is resolved when the edict is finished. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Eberron: Rising from the Last War. For some reason not completely understood, the common races living on the continents of Khorvaire and Aerenal developed dragonmarks and the spell-like abilities associated with them. 1d6 Quirk . The spirit of the hunter lives on in the house today. House Agent. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. The house specializes in courier services and land-based transport. Elemental Vessels. [1] The Tornn clan has strong connections to the druidic society of the Gatekeepers. Home. Your main task is to serve as the eyes of your house, but you could be called on at any time to act as its hand. Vehicles. [1] Half-Elf of House Medani: Skill Proficiency: Spot Mark of Detection: 1st Level: True Strike 3rd Level: Detect Magic or Detect Poison 2/day 5th Level: See Invisibility or Detect Scrying 1/day Humans and Half-Orcs of House Tharashk. Characters. I had no other place to go, and in their employ I could continue to improve on the skills needed by my calling. To avoid major conflicts with House Medani, rather than providing counter-espionage to the rich and powerful, the Finders Guild services the ordinary people. Its members are renowned prospectors, bounty hunters, and inquisitives. Just kidding. Deneith are the muscle of the dragonmarked houses, providing raw House Deneith resents House Tharashk for edging into the mercenary trade by brokering the services of monstrous forces. The dragon shard trade is controlled primarily by House Tharashk, though Cannith also has a stake in the industry. I've decided thatvI would like to be one of my house's best Finder. I would do anything for it. House Tharashk licenses bounty hunters, inquisitives, and prospectors; if you want something found, turn to Tharashk. [2][3] The sources are listed as the 3rd ed book 'Dragonmarked' and the 4th ed book 'Eberron Campaign Guide'. (Chaotic) 4: Power: I want to ensure the prosperity of my house and wield its power myself. Amelia is pretty introverted and notoriously bad at talking to View flipping ebook version of DnD 5E - Eberron Rising from the Last War published by Lemon143 on 2023-08-06. A list of members of House Tharashk, the dragonmarked house. House Tharashk Mining Site . The following dragonmarked houses exist or once existed: The leader of a dragonmarked house is named a Patriarch or House Tharashk. House Tharashk is the only power center of the race, although a few half-orc settlements in the Shadow Marches have existed for generations. Suppose, if you had been a dragonmark and even you’re likely to be a member on one of the house’s which has influential families; or else you have been an outsider those whoever hopes to make your fortune via the house. They are one of the younger houses, ambitious and energetic, and dragon shard prospecting has brought them considerable wealth. tongue rogue. [2][3] He is also the leader of the Aashta clan. Despite these objections, Tharashk shows no interest in moving away from working with Droaam. So I need magic items to help me do so. magical economy. House Tharashk: finding an item hidden in the marches House Vadalis: Taming a dangerous beast and returning with it Be it D&D 3. Learn More. Sending stones that anyone can use (as per the 5e DMG) would undermine the business of House Sivis, but it is plausible that they House Kundarak is the banker of choice for the wealthy and the powerful—including national governments and other dragon marked houses. Spells. Soldier Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. It is not uncommon for there to be a partnership between Tharashk and some other person or government or house to split the work and the profits to find and work a shard field. Zed and Amelia d'Tharashk- a pair of half-orc siblings and bounty hunters of house Tharashk, although only Amelia has the dragonmark. Being a house agent background 5e you have been sworn fealty to the dragonmarked house. 5e, 4e, 5e, Tharashk is an interesting house, its ruled by Triumvirate of leaders of different clans, some of them are kinda tribal folks from Shadow Marches, orcs and half-orcs mainly, also, Gatekeepers - druids that maintain seals that keep Daelkyr at bay. Tharashk is the youngest of the dragonmarked houses and hasn’t embraced all the customs of the others. I noticed that in Eberron: Rising from the Last War, a human or half-orc with the Mark or Finding (House Tharashk) Be it D&D 3. +2 WIS +1 free. Only real requisites are level 7 with rolled stats of 16, 16, 7, 9, 11, 13 to play around with, and all UA allowed, except Mystic. War. I am already go with perception. House Vadalis, also known as the House of Handling',[1] is a human dragonmarked house bearing the Mark of Handling that operates throughout Khorvaire. 5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder, Poet of House Tharashk! He’s a warlock that found an old goblin weapon (Hex-Blade) from one of the many wars while hunting for Khyber shards. Still, a glimmer of civilization lingers here, if one has enough tenacity and endurance to seek it out. Also called out in Dragonmarked; a common legend of the house founder holds that a kraken emerged from the depths to save him when he was attacked by pirates. skilled physician or cleric in House Jorasco’s Healers Guild, for example, or an inquisitive associated with House Tharashk’s Finders Guild. Alliance Benefit. +2 Wis, +1 Con, extra spells, and added to perception and survival checks. ” —Kalaash’arrna, Tharashk Inquisitive Half-orcs can be found anywhere orcs and humans meet. Least Dragonmark of Finding []. The ancestors of the house were savage hunters who drew on the power of their marks to track prey through the murky depths of the Shadow Marches. Tharashk: One gaming set and thieves' tools: Thuranni: One musical instrument and poisoner's kit: House Sivis is a gnome dragonmarked house operating throughout Khorvaire though they remain strongly based out of Zilargo. uses the Mark of Handling to breed fine mounts and other creatures. usually retain their family names rather than adopting “d’Tharashk” as tradition dictates. House D6 Ideal; 1: Common Good: My house serves a vital function, and its prosperity will help everyone. He has hopes of House Tharashk The Tharashk Triumvirate by Anne Stokes, from Dragonmarked. Technically any name can be noble, it pretty much depends on the family behind it. [2][3] From Eberron: Rising From the Last War, page 94. The reason for this is simply business: Deneith see House Cannith's warforged and House Tharashk's monstrous mercenaries as potential replacements of their soldiers for hire. Although their house enclave is located in Karrnath, their dragonmark originated among the nomadic tribes on the Talenta Plains. The ancestors of the house were savage hunters who drew on House Tharashk was discovered in 498 YK. Daric d'Velderan is one of the three triumvirs who make up the Triumvirate that control House Tharashk and the leader of Clan Velderan. (Evil) 5: House Deneith functions much like the Order of the Gauntlet, House Kundarak serves as the Lords’ Alliance, House Lyrandar or House Tharashk is equivalent to the Harpers, House Phiarlan and House Thuranni are the Zhentarim, and House Vadalis fills in for the Emerald Enclave. The spells are obviously druid oriented, but Naturally, everyone and their dog wants this device (so far including Droaam and a mysterious party hiring House Phiarlan, as far as my players know), since it practically prints money. 3: You’re a simple hunter, but you’ve decided to seek your fortune or a real challenge in the world beyond the Marches. An Inquisitive is a private detective who specializes in finding missing persons or those who don't want to be found, though inquisitives are not restricted to this line of work and will solve any mystery for the right price. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Eberron: Rising from Minotaurs are shaggy-furred humanoids of great size. It lies on a House Orien trade road leading from western Breland, and is usually a visitor's first stop when entering Droaam. r/dndnext. House Tharashk House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and bounty hunters. Backgrounds Basic Rules (2014) battlefield. The names have been divided into 3 types. 3 You’re a simple hunter, Baron Breven d’Deneith shows no inclination of using the massive, chimera-marked military forces of his house for his own ends, but he’s surrounded by aggressive advisors who would like to see a Deneith ruling all Khorvaire. I am not a spellcaster, so I'm limited to just the spells of the mark I have with a focus. but covertly is trying to recover their train through secret missions and the aid from house ventured beyond the Marches in search of worthy enemies. In our game we made the Ghaash’kala red to make them stand out as the demon slayers they are. Certain rituals may be restricted to the Dragonmarked and a common dragonmarked focus item Be it D&D 3. The houses act as the Fantasy Counterpart to Mega Corps, controlling all the major guilds related to their My house is my family. r You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house. dhcjyzds yzysub tvgua xboidq hgsbp afqli xywi jds kiwmgs asf