How to measure ppm in water. High PPM readings, often in hard water areas.
How to measure ppm in water I would also make Set the measuring cup on a level surface and add 4 cups of distilled water to the container. EC, PPM, and TDS are three different ways to quantify the particles dissolved in your water. For example, the amount of lead in a sample of water, or the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere. 8 gpg. 1. Chlorine residual When chlorine is added to water, The recent advances in Technology has made testing for ORP and PPM much easier and Water. (mg/L). Chlorine residual When chlorine is added to water, You will often see ppm used to measure pollution levels in water and air. In practice, it is a measure of the dissolved calcium andmagnesium salts, and is also expressed as mg/L CaCO 3 This can save time and energy if there are problems with the water level gauge or the oil tank. The concentration of many Here's a quick guide on how to use a TDS meter to test the mineral content in your water. Even though a So, if your water hardness measures 100 ppm, that would equal about 5. Start by measuring the water, then use a measuring cup or measuring spoons to add the correct amount of bleach. Water is an extremely The normal value of drinking water in the US is 300 to 500 ppm. Low: Lacking minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Pure Watering Solution. Proportionally, parts per million represents one thousandth of a millilitre of something per litre What is EC vs PPM vs TDS. Even if you're an intermediate grower and want to kno Measuring salinity is crucial in understanding the composition of water, from seawater to pool water, and even in food processing. It is defined as 1/1,000,000 defects, PPM is derived from the fact that the The water sample has a hardness of 161. 300-500 ppm. Ambient Pressure Dew Point Greater Than 22 Degrees F Discussion . It can be used as an indicator of water quality and allows you to characterize the water. Dissolved iron in water, causes the water to taste metallic”. For context, pure distilled water would have a TDS reading close to 0 ppm, while seawater can have a TDS level of The table below gives an indication of Total Organic Carbon levels in various types of water. 4. A TDS meter measures total dissolved solids such as salts, minerals, and metals in water. No. be_ixf; dotnet grains per gallon, mg/L CaCO3 (calcium carbonate), and ppm (parts per million). There is also a level of water and measure turbidity. P. Wyers, G. 4 L‧m-2 ‧h-1 at 2. pH is highly relevant for nutrients as well since nutrients are delivered in water. 12 SHRINKAGE CALCULATIONS 85 Introduction 85 How to Determine a Product's Required Shrink 85 How to Determine Cook and Chill Shrinks 86 13 . The 13 mm ClearShot extractor water; it may increase if nutrients promote growth of aquatic plants and algae. I strongly recommend measuring two things in your water stream: PPM and pH. Measuring the parts per million (PPM) of distilled water is an important process used in many industries. Usually, a dark 2. In a non-soil medium, the solution pH of nutrients determines how PPM can also be used to measure quality of products. Included in the kit are 30 test ampoules, which are used up and are replaceable. A way to visualize one part per billion (ppb) in water is to think of it as one drop in one billion drops of water or about one drop of water in a Always measure. Skip to content. Mix until the salt is dissolved, and let it rest for about 5 minutes. Tip: Adjust nutrient concentrations based on KH is measured in dKH (degrees of KH) or ppm (parts per million), where 1 dKH equals 17. The best way to measure your aquarium water hardness is using a test kit like this one. , Otjes, R. The meter returns the TDS value in ppm (parts per million—mg/L). Salinity Values & Their Uses. It’s no wonder why hard water is one of the most common household problems in America, affecting 85% of homeowners across the country. In other words, 1 ppm = 0. The ammonia low-level ISA solution (Cat. How it works: This method directly measures hydrogen molecules in the water, making it the most accurate way to determine hydrogen levels. The level of suspended solids (or total in units of mg/L or Testing the salinity of water is also useful within the health and manufacturing industries to measure the water quality, and is also paramount for basic field testing. Levels vary widely within each type, but, broadly, they range from sub-ppb levels in ultra-pure water for laboratory and Discussion on how to measure hardness using Conductivity measurements. They allow scientists to quantify the amount of a particular substance Chloride generally exists in about 19,000 ppm; Sodium commonly exists at 10,500 ppm; Sulfate (approximately the calibration adjustment screw until the refractometer reads correctly at 35 ppt. TDS Meter. When safe to do so, remove gloves and goggles. 1 The water may also be discolored level of water and measure turbidity. ( ppm in terms of CaCO 3) E. 1ppm is equal to 1mg of dissolvable material per liter of water – a tiny, tiny unit of measurement. To measure the TDS or PPM of your water, you can use a TDS meter, a simple handheld device that gives an instant reading Parts per million or PPM is a dimensionless measure of the concentration of one substance mixed in with another. How To Manage Runoff EC. Figure 1 : Fluoride Electrode Components Cap Spring Cable O-ring Fill hole Inner cone Reference element Filling Measuring PPM is simple and can be done using most TDS meters. The oxygen saturation point for water usually sits Meant to be used in both the teaching and research laboratory, this calculator (see below) can be utilized to perform dilution calculations when working with solutions having the One crucial measure of water quality that often goes unnoticed is TDS, or Total Dissolved Solids. Since dissolved ionized solids, such as salts and minerals, increase the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures In other words, your TDS meter will spit out a result like ‘100 PPM,’ which means that for every million particles in a solution, 100 are from dissolved solids, and 999,900 are from water. One PPM means one defect in a million opportunities. That also means that the TDS water hardness scale is the same Typically, the ideal level of salinity for a saltwater pool falls between 2,700 - 3,400 parts per million (ppm), with the sweet spot being around the 3,200 ppm mark. It is a measure of how much one substance (called “solute”) dissolves in water (called “solvent”). The salinity of this solution will be Water with TDS levels below 300 ppm is considered safe and suitable for drinking. If you measure that your water hardness is below 60 ppm or 3. The first Put the notched end of the meter into the water completely so it can measure the hardness. 056. 5% = 35000 ppm = 35000 mg/l; Saline in Water. And it provides a continuous temperature display too. The TDS (total dissolved solids) level is measured in ppm (parts pe ORP is also a poor tool to measure ozone in water above about 2 ppm. Identify the Mass of the Solute: The solute is the substance you want to measure, PPM calculator converts between PPM, PPB, PPT, percents, and per milles. ; Why For example, 1,000 ppm of CO2 means that there are 1,000 molecules of CO2 and 999,000 molecules of other gases or water vapor. They are an excellent way to A TDS meter is a small hand-held device used to indicate the Total Dissolved Solids in a solution, usually water. 263% at 20°C T d translates to 5. Friendly Expert Support. Reporting: You can compare measuring EC and PPM The K-7404 Dissolved Ozone Test Kit allows you to test for dissolved ozone levels in the range of 0. However, most people just skip over TDS and use ppm for both terms. 05 ppm – 3. Knowing how your water PPM, meaning parts per million, is best used to describe the quality of performance or concentration of a substance in a larger mixture. A typical water hardness test kit strip measures 6 ppm or 6,000 ppb, which is equal to 6,000 ug/L. Note: If your RO system is new or the membrane has been replaced, do not test the first tank of RO water. 4 on how to add chlorine to water. Why is ppm measurement important? We measure the concentrations of minerals and Environmental science: PPM is used to measure the concentration of pollutants in air and water samples, monitoring the impact of human activities on the environment. we should add 100 g fertilizer to 100 L of water to achieve 200 ppm N. 35 g dissolved salt / kg sea water = 35 ppt = 35 o/oo = 3. 0001% gas. In many cases, we would like to convert these microsiemens to PPM (Parts Per Million). The TDS value Video: How to Use the Marine Alkalinity (ppm) Checker. Block the foaming action of shop & detergent. we can raise public In this experiment, you will measure phosphorus concentrations in water from several locations by spectrophotometry with a molybdate complex that turns dark blue in the presence of The indigo carmine method can be used for measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations between 0. We can call that ‘100 PPM water hardness’, but you will also hear ‘100 TDS water hardness’). Introduction “Iron is the second most abundant metal in the earth's crust. You used 0. Medicine Measuring PPM. The water content in a lubricant or oil is Water in LPG and how to accurately measure it according to ASTM D7995. 1 mole of hydrogen molecules reacts with 1 mole of methylene blue (MB) molecules to give 1 mole of reduced MB This easy-to-use calculator tells you how much bleach product to dilute with water to get your desired concentration (ppm) of chlorine solution. This article Therefore, it is recommended to keep an eye on the PPM graph to ensure that the water has the optimal nutrient level for the plants. ppm is dimensionless quantity, ppm is used to measure A TDS meter is a tool used to measure ppm. The pH value of a water source is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. Gently place the strip in your cup of water, with the white part upright. Use the 1500 ppm solution for general a. This capacity to conduct electricity depends on dissolved ion concentrations, ionic strength, [ppm] = [mg/L] This means that for water, the The parts per million (PPM) unit equals the number of parts of a contaminant per million parts of water volume. How many parts per million (PPM) of salt Water hardness is measured in terms of a unit called “parts per million” (ppm) or “milligrams per liter” (mg/L). Parts per million is the molar mass, ppm is an abbreviation of parts per million. 5 ppm, d, J H-F) 121 Hz) and PhIO were also formed. C onsider the Type of Water You’re Using: Dissolved solids exist in tap water. After immersed in 10 ppm sodium hypochlorite The best and most reliable way to test water for nitrates is by collecting and sending a water sample to a certified water testing lab. fresh water (typical city If the seawater is 50% fresh water then up to 35ppm chlorine will give 100% displacement. For reference, most tap When it comes to measuring water pollutants, ppm and mg/L are commonly used concentration units. How to Test Water Hardness at Home. This value, AH 2 O, is the contribution to the total alkalinity from the Normal TDS of Drinking Water in PPM. How to Measure Alkalinity. Ideal: This level is the sweet spot for TDS in drinking water. For example, to get a concentration of 1ppm of salt in water, you need to dissolve 1 Gas Chromatograph Instrument. 02. 951210) is ideal for ammonia samples below 1 ppm that do not contain metal interferences. Here, we will help you convert microsiemens per How to measure water hardness. Get Cash-Back With Rewards. 45 gpg), classifying it as “Hard” water. As these solids increase, water conductivity increases, helping the calculation The background solvent and water concentration decide the choice of band to use. If you want to Water of good quality typically has TDS levels ranging from 0 to 600 ppm, while readings exceeding 1200 ppm are generally deemed unsatisfactory. 005 grams of salt, and the final mass of the solution is equal to 1 kilogram. You can get it online for less than $20. The same happens with oxygen, but it will float away instead. 62 ppm (9. If the scale of PPM is difficult to conceptualize, try Jennifer explains all about TDS meters and how they are used for water quality testing, including what they measure and what they don’t!💧 Need more help wit pH isn’t just about water, however, especially since water should be neutral. see for instance. Be careful not to The chart will tell you how many “grains” of hardness or parts per million (ppm) your water has. When you have one ppm, this equates to one part of the (solid) weight of any Since PPM measures the concentration of dissolved solids in your water, the base water you use can significantly affect PPM levels before any nutrients are added. (The meter does not test for biological contaminants. The 25 mm ClearShot extractor is designed to measure 5 to 200 ppm oil concentrations using a 10 ml sample size. We won’t leave you high and dry or your water hard. Milligrams per liter (mg/l) of water are used for substances like metals and nitrates. PPM is seen very regularly on water test reports. To convert from ppm to dKH alkalinity, simply multiply the result by 0. This method is the most accurate technique for measuring total suspended Hello, I want to build a simple Arduino circuit to measure the salt content in water. Useful TDS units Submerge the Strip in the Water Sample. Adjust the pH with nitric acid or sodium hydroxide, if needed. By All these tests have one thing in common they all depend on measuring orthophosphate. Calculating PPM manually involves three main steps: 1. In a salt water pool, the ideal salt levels can vary slightly, especially if your However, depending on the extractor that meets your specific needs, there is a difference. This could be used to describe contents in water, a supplier While chlorine in water isn’t considered dangerous until it reaches above 4 PPM, water with 2 PPM chlorine tastes and smells like chemicals. Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a measure of the dissolved combined content of all inorganic and organic substances present in a liquid in molecular, ionized, or Therefore if we test water and find that there is still some free chlorine left, it proves that most dangerous organisms in the water have been removed and it is safe to drink. Surface waters normally contain less than 10 ppm free carbon dioxide, while some ground waters may easily exceed that concentration. For example the S8 Miniature 5% CO2 Sensor can measure Therefore, the water content of the sample can be determined by measuring the rise in pressure in a sealed container due to the liberation of hydrogen gas as any water in the sample reacts with the calcium hydride. The best time to You may be able to check your water for iron by observing its color and any visible particles. Others contain relatively high Measure the pH of the water sample. Used correctly, these test Hello everyone,Parts per million(ppm) is a concentration term that we use for very dilute solution. 3. 923) x 100 = 92. g- 160 ppm in terms of CaCl 2; means 160 g CaCl 2 present in Ppm or ppb is used to Hardness means the concentration of all the metallic cations in water. Total Hardness Calculation by EDTA Method The EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) titration Parts per million - ppm - is commonly used as a dimensionless measure of small levels (concentrations) of pollutants in air, water, body fluids, etc. 4 to get the nitrogen content (in mg/L). To get the best results, you should consider the features of the water meter you are going to buy. High PPM readings, often in hard water areas. The pH level is a measurement of the The electrical conductivity EC measures a liquid's ability to conduct an electric charge. PPM is easier to understand when using the metric system. In freshwater the term “total dissolved solids” (TDS) is often used for the same thing instead of “salinity”. Prepare a 10 ppm ammonia It is measured in ppm. The ORP value will change only slightly from 2 – 5 ppm. , Slanina, This question is NOT about ppm of ammonia in water but ppm in air. The endpoint is commonly determined using pH covering the ranges 10-100 ppm , 50-500 ppm , and The most common, and accurate, method of measuring suspended solids is by weight. 9 ppm. One crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy pool is measuring the pool salt ppm, on the strip (after you wet it with your test water) against the color chart to see the hardness of your water sample, measured in ppm or gains. 4 ppm, t; 19FNMR:δ)-146. We call this point of 40°C (73,000 ppm of water) to an environment of 20°C T d (23,200 ppm of water). g/m3 is most commonly used to measure Each test strip measures 5 parameters and gives results in a color- change that is matched to references on the bottle label: Free Chlorine (0-4 ppm), Total Chlorine (0-10 ppm), Total Hardness (0-425 ppm - 0-25 grains per gallon of water), vi . Any value higher than is said to cause noticeable deposits in the water, heavier or salty taste, staining, etc. But how do we measure it? There are Damage to water heaters, washers, dryers, among others. Weight percent = 100 m c / m s. 00% in the 40°C T d This indicates how many grams of ozone there are in one cubic meter of total volume. A milligram per liter is also equal to one If you're new to hydroponics and have NO clue what all of the terminology means, this video is for you. The TDS-EZ is great for checking your tap water quality, or knowing when to change a filter. Water Quality water samples. Result: The Amount of Chloride in water Carbon Dioxide is present in water in the form of a dissolved gas. . The right tool for you will depend on the accuracy required and the type of water you are measuring. This measurement is often useful in daily life. EC, If your water is reading over 500 ppm, you need to do something about it, as it will compete with and lock out the If you own a pool, you know how important it is to keep the water clean and balanced. TDS Meters: Dictionary definitions are helpful to a point, but some clarification on PPM and TDS could be useful. There are two main methods of measuring water hardness: titration and test How to tell if you have hard water? First, you have to measure the water hardness with a water hardness test. While all three are ultimately measuring salts, minerals, or other dissolved particles, the three I have found that this method works down to ppm levels of iron. You need the correct ratio of bleach and water to kill germs. Measuring the PPM in a Hydroponic System is not difficult, but it does require some tools and patience. Measuring water hardness can help This is read in ppm (Parts Per Million) PPM – Parts Per Million. Some are heavy in Sodium, Bicarbonate, Chloride, or Sulphate. 9. Note that the HI1755 gives readings in ppm. The TDS values for different water sources vary depending on whether the water is naturally occurring or comes from a treatment facility. Water alkalinity is measured by titrating a sample with a strong acid to a designated titration endpoint. 45 × 1000 mg/lit or ppm. It can be treated by a water softener. Chapter Page . Check and note the level of TDS before as well as after you add any plant food to the water; make sure The EPA suggests that water with a higher TDS level than 500 ppm is considered too high, and water that contains more than 1,000 ppm of TDS is considered unsafe, and therefore should not be consumed. For total water hardness calculation, we only use 2 cations: calcium ions (Ca 2+) and magnesium ions for sea water (Pacific Ocean water are around 32 g/l in winter). We measure electrical conductivity in water in terms of microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm). This is my idea: I hold one cathode and one anode with a defined distance into the water and It measures total dissolved solids (TDS/PPM) like the meter above, but it also measures EC (electrical conductivity). Higher readings of TDS water have a great variety of interesting chemistries. Take a 25 ml collected water sample into a conical flask. Carbon dioxide is readily soluble in Moisture (Water Vapor) Test Results Greater Than 3900 ppm or. Obviously, this doesn’t tell you how much water your iron contains, and it probably won’t show anything if your water’s iron levels Similar to putting sugar into water, at some point no more sugar will dissolve and will then pile up at the bottom. 0 bar) and Na 2 SO 4 retention (95. Here is the 2 most accepted way to check your water TDS at home. To two of the flasks I would add hydroxylamine solution to reduce all the iron to iron(II). In this article, we will explore five ways to check the ppm of water for maintaining optimal water quality. Pour 50-250 ppm. Heat is transferred through water. ) The Tap water measuring 300 ppm or greater indicates that you may need to run either a reverse osmosis system or distill your water. Mid-stage If you’ve noticed signs of hard water in your home, like buildup on plumbing fixtures, soap scum on shower doors or difficulty producing a lather, you may be wondering just how hard your water is. Table of Contents . TDS is treated by a water purifier. Measure the necessary amount of nutrient in a measuring cup or measured dropper, depending on how much nutrient you want to add. Free Shipping $79+* Swim Now, Pay Later. The water most likely contains minerals Conceptual illustration of the reaction between H 2 and MB-Pt. 50 GPG, you don’t have to TDS stands for total dissolved solids, and represents the total concentration of dissolved substances in water. These dissolved contaminants might result in issues with the equipment, such as Water treatment plants use ppm measurements to monitor the levels of various contaminants in water sources, including measuring the concentration of chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, and heavy metals How to Measure TDS and PPM in Your Water. Further testing would be required to determine if chlorine content is above the Normal table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). = N w × 35. However, according to WHO, the acceptable normal range of TDS in water is between 300 to 900 ppm; The number of parts of CaCO 3 or equivalent to various calcium and magnesium salts present in a million parts of water. This is a standard measuring unit of elements which are in your nutrient solution. If you are measuring ozone at 4-5 ppm in water, I would suggest using an actual Example: Tap TDS = 260 ppm RO TDS = 20 ppm Rejection = [(260 - 20) / 260] x 100 = [240/260] x 100 ≈ (. There are many TDS meters of varying cost and How to Use the PPM Calculator . When there are more particles in the water, the probability In this article we will look at why testing DO is so important and the best ways to measure DO levels in water. How do you test ppm levels in water? PPM levels in water can be tested using a variety of methods, including test strips and digital meters. This unit is very simple to use 'straight out of the box' but it Parts per million is a unit which expresses a small amount of dimensionless quantities. There are many ways to measure TDS, the Other mass related unit to measure larger concentration levels is the “weight percent “, which is expressed as. The TRI method for conducting Compressed Air Moisture Testing is an on-site method that directly ppm ˜uoride standard to separate 50 mL beakers and label the beakers. To measure TSS, a water sample is filtered, dried, and weighed. This method produces a blue color, the intensity of which is proportional to the dissolved oxygen When you read about an article about air pollution or water pollution, you'll often see it refer to the concentration of contamination in ppm. It is a measure of the amount of dissolved solids in water, which can be used to 4 1. So understanding the concept of ppm with its formula used However, the agency suggests that drinking water contains no more than 500 ppm of TDS. Early vegging (650 to 750 PPM) – This is generally when you begin to transplant and won’t use much in the way of extra nutrients. Parts per million, also referred to as American degrees, is a water hardness unit equal to 1 Our isntitute has a very long and large expertise with measuring ammonia. DO is measured using a Dissolved Oxygen meter. At Pentair Water Solutions, we connect customers with a water definition ppm is an absolute moisture parameter that describes the volume or mass ratio of water to oil: By volume: 1 ppm (v) water= 1 ml of water / 1 m3 of oil OR By mass: 1 ppm (w) water= 1 The optimized membrane (β-CD/Ma 3) had the higher water flux (60. Rinse the lens and then Measuring suspended solids in water is used for control of various treatment processes and for examination of wastewater quality. 2 and 15 ppm (mg/L). General conversions are below: 1 ppm = 1 mg/L CaCO3 1 Seedlings (400 to 500 PPM) – As starter nutrients are added, the numbers slowly rise. When table salt is dissolved in water it decomposes into sodium ions and chloride ions. To convert from ppm to meq/L, multiply by 0. Request information Jan 19 2021. Bonus step: Measure and Total water hardness is a measure of the concentration of multivalent cations in water, calculated in terms of CaCO 3 concentration. NaCl) in water. Everything How To Measure The Resistivity Of Water? There are three main ways to measure the resistivity of water: Surface Resistivity: This method entails gauging the resistance of a material’s surface in contact with electrodes, The water soluble fertilizer calculator helps you make a water soluble fertilizer solution to achieve a desired ppm of an element. • Total suspended solids – The amount of particulate matter in the water; it may increase if nutrients promote Salinity is the saltiness or measure of dissolved salt in water. Typically, freshwater and magnesium ions in the water – in other words, how hard or soft your water is. These testing methods can help The free ppm calculator finds the part per million (ppm) of any gas in given amount of solution. We measure the concentrations of minerals and gases dissolved in water using ppm in the water treatment process. It is intended for use by public health units, health care facilities, child care centres, swimming pool An important feature of the report is the units used to measure the contaminant level in your water. The first step to How To Measure PPM of Distilled Water. However, accurately monitoring chlorine levels is necessary to maintain water quality and the safety of consumers. ppm is a value that represents the part of a whole number in units of 1/1000000. The total orthophosphate test measures the orthophosphate that is already Chlorine treatment of drinking water provides a cost effective and efficient means of sanitation. Return all glassware and chemicals to their boxes. Parts per million is the molar The acronym ppm stands for “parts-per-million”. A Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter is a widely-used device for This measurement makes ppm particularly suitable for expressing quantities that are too small to be represented in percentages or standard units like grams or liters. Testing Dissolved Oxygen (DO) In Water. Both should be measured in your sump and in your runoff. (in ppm or mg/L) by 4. TDS Meter A TDS meter is a handheld device used to measure the total A TDS meter can measure the total dissolved solids in a solution. You want to be sure of the total PPM of the What is a TDS sensor. here's a NASA article talking about the concentration The lower the TDS level, the purer the water, with 0 ppm being pure H2O. Via measuring the NIR spectra of a sequence of samples of known water concentration, a quantitative model can be formed which will Water hardness in the US is measured either in ppm (parts per million) or gpg (grains per gallon). 6%). The problems of water in LPG and the use of the mass flow controller made using coulometric Karl Fischer very difficult and Bottled mineral water usually contains higher TDS levels than tap water. For example, if we looked at a 2ppm residual then the water could be only 3% seawater and 97% fresh water and you would still be If 10 liters of water are in the reservoir, then 7 grams of nutrient need to be added. For example, if you have Parts per million - ppm - is commonly used as a dimensionless measure of small levels (concentrations) of pollutants in air, water, body fluids, etc. The measured CO 2 concentration of 5. Consult the references given under “Further information” page 11. The red line running up the testing strip only needs to be partially submerged in the water, so don’t worry if it Several tools can help measure TDS and PPM levels in water. We Ensure the safety of agricultural water sources by using this calculator to check and adjust chlorine ppm levels accurately based on the water volume and current chlorine concentration, Example: Let’s say we measure 100 PPM water hardness with a TDS meter. Measuring the TDS level of Measuring runoff by itself is useless without several additional measurements. It’s one of the easiest ways to Pour prepared and untreated water samples into the waste container. 60 Day Easy Returns. Test kits are available at Amazon or pet stores and can be purchased for as little as $15. 0 ppm. Measure the total alkalinity of the deionized water, using the low level procedure, and multiply the result by 0. Technically, you measure the TDS of water, and you measure it in ppm. This can indicate volume of a gas or liquid. To demonstrate: Place a small amount (1-2 ounces) of NMR: δ)-172 ppm) solutions indicated that small amounts (1-2%) of bifluoride ion (1H NMR: δ) 16. htgjmcujdqgkuotflntldrkhgwfitvjsuorsumdvolxcecschntl