Mcoc best arena mastery setup 2017 UPDATE: I added some additional info on overall PI increase to each Mastery Setup - furthermore, I changed "Heavy Artillery" since Parry at 1/3 didn't make ANY sense for a BOSSKILLER build. What -----Support the Channel-----💲Become a Member https://tinyurl. And from there, as you progress through The Battlerealm, you’ll receive additional Mastery points each time you level Summoners! Here’s your Marvel Contest of Champions news brief for Sunday, April 19, 2020. If you have units and mastery points after this maybe try going for suicides and/or assassin's May 7, 2024 · If you want to see the others featuring Questing, Battlegrounds, and Arena and Recoils, they can be found at each of those links! The ideal Mastery setup for Alliance War is a mix of both Defensive strengths and Dec 3, 2024 · Recently I understood that if I set up my mastery it could be a huge change in the game. These are actually multiple avenues of costs associated with switching loadouts. Jan 23, 2020 · True cost of suicide mastery setup, January 2020 in General Discussion. Permanent solo content, AQ, or Incursions are up next. Some of you were interested in my mastery setups. Why Switch, Different Strokes fo Feb 24, 2023 · If there was any mastery set up besides the mystic dispersion and suicides, there really isn’t any game breaking mastery set up (assuming you already have will power and crit/rate and damage set up) it’s worth noting that suicides would be the best in terms of best attack boost and immune champs become even stronger. What i like about my setup on the defense Tree is that Coagulate makes characters like Guardian (2points), Magneto and Omega Red (1 point) Heal 100% from bleeds, specially when im on suicides. with a decent mastery setup that is less than half an hour. I've heard of people running this "Suicides" mastery setup and it seems to really come in handy. Oct 30, 2024 · Full time recoil tree runner here. This has lots of benefits, including some that Masteries are an important part of being a successful Summoner. Gwenperion with Mole Man. 0 and beyond - the best thing about it: You can easily test-drive them while rearrangement of mastery points is still FREE :-) The only solid mastery Topmains and everything they have to talk about. Last point, theres a few special arenas every year with great rewards, the better your roster is set up for them the faster they go and the easier those rewards come to you (get your 2*s maxed, 4 and 5*s at rank 3). 2. What’s the most ideal suicide mastery set up? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Apr 5, 2024 · Welcome to our Marvel Contest of Champions Mastery guide! Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player looking to refine your strategy, mastering the Pretty much end game paragon here. There are plenty of guides where to place your mastery points if you google "mcoc master setup" or something. "Heavy Artillery" does now suggest Parry 3/3 and Stupefy 1/3 - less PI, but also considerably less block damage when parrying an AW or AQ boss! MASTERY GUIDE MARVEL CONTEST OF CHAMPION (Defense and Utility may be set up differently!) Veteran Build v2 Focus on regeneration and additional healing for builds with Recovery 3/3 + Willpower 3/3. Suicides is a commit fully mastery setup or not at all IMO. But I stopped most of my other hobbies. The only solid mastery setup I see is Beast Mode 2. Alliance - FAQ for joining an alliance. In terms of a more serious reply, the following is a copy/pasted comment from a few days ago: It all Guidelines Mastery Setup: You need summoner level 6+ to configure mastery setup. I know it will be basic attack set-up (15) 3 Glass Cannon, 1 recoil, 3 DE, 3 LC and I think 1 on Courage (26 total attack) Defense 18: 3 WP, 3 salve, 3 recovery, 4 block Pro, 1 perfect block, 2 SYG and 1 on each beginner to unlock. Then again I also feel like willpower is a pretty overrated mastery, so take my opinion on masteries with a grain of salt. They are not the champion’s Prestige. The first build is the one I most co Sep 20, 2018 · Refresh, arena boosts, and mastery setup for high damage and PI. Your first three mastery points are in Max out DE/LC. google. Unlock the Resonate Mastery Under Defense Tab. Once enabled, all physical hits will have an X% chance to inflict Weakness Debuff. Frequently Asked Questions on Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) like AQ, AW, Quest, mastery setup, arena, awakening gem and much more. Unfortunately, the effort required to Posted by u/jcp42877 - 2 votes and 7 comments As to the rest of your set-up, that doesn't really influence anything regarding suicides, so you can just use what you like. nightmares_27 • collar tech with punisher 2099 or vulture is just too good Reply reply EmeraldTwilight009 • Yeah jm almost to 500k loyalty for a 5 star unstoppable colossus, Posted by u/dbarnett0924 - No votes and 6 comments Great work! You’re well on your way to being a MCoC master. What I want is Arena loadouts which gives maximum PI possible which in turns will give me maximum points per fight from Arena, I've heard salve which is a healing mastery increases PI a lot so it gives more points in Arena. Truthfully, I don’t believe liquid courage alone is worth suffering recoil. As well as a weird quirk comparing points using 5* champs in the 4* Feature Arena (and the Cat Arenas) vs the 5* Feature Arena. (Offense, Defense, Proficiencies) Link - Other than that they're a commodity at best and gimping a lot of otherwise amazing champs at worst. CraftyGrinding has predictions for the 4* Green Goblin and 2016 Crystal Featured Arenas. Like most new players, we found that guides and information to be scattered and to be difficult to completely understand at our level. My top 4 champs are Ghost, Omega Red, Domino, and Warlock - so I'm just about ready with my carb cores to try it out. General Notes . Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★ October Apr 1, 2024 · r/ContestOfChampions was created to share news, strategy, questions, boasts, wishful thinking, and any other discussion relating to Marvel Contest of Champions mobile game. There is at minimum 1000 unit cost associated with unlocking the second deck (required to truly switch masteries) and then there is also the cost associated with changing the mastery tree before it can be applied to the loadout. October 2019. Use them to buy the cores to unlock masteries and get a decent setup. Yooo guys we are back today for the start of a brand new season of battlegrounds that means we gotta create a new deck and tweak the mastery setup lets get r Yoooo guys battlegrounds has finally returned and this months Victory Track looks like the most restrictive we've seen so far so I figured Id show you guys m As you get more mastery points, build closer to the setup you choose in the best way you see fit. Some players are always looking for a way to gain more PI (some of them just for the looks of it) - those who seek specific benefits of their mastery setup might indeed take Recovery over Salve. Unfortunately, the effort required Here's all the things to consider: The primary "pro" of suicide masteries is that all your champions gain +60% base attack rating. com/watch?v=TkEqP9_DOyk&t=29sHey there. Also, you can consider them for Best Champions Ranked 2025. Just to know: it is not Most of suicide damage comes from recoil damage. Defender_dawn2 Member Posts: Jan 3, 2025 · All the videos I've seen on YouTube has some random masteries added like inequity and collar tech (bruh) or usual recoil builds. We’ve summarized what we’ve found for your convenience with the goal in mind of min / max’ing game for the end-game. com/nick136/tipFor Business Inqu What is my current mastery build. If you dont play Arena you can definetly tackle all content in this game without Suicides. mcoc-guide. This is definitely the best for maximum damage. speed up arena grinding Cons: requires 550x5 units I can tell you that limiting your roster to only poison immune will ultimately not be as beneficial as seeking another mastery setup, or waiting until you can afford the full build. Video Guide about Mastery Setup By Official MCOC Channel: You first unlock Masteries when you reach level 6. From offense (the best attackers) to defense (the best defenders), champions will help you make good progress in-game. Unknown. Alliance Quest - Boss duel targets, AQ maps, Interactive map. Sure there is the health loss sometimes, but I pretty much always run NF/DP synergy for Mar 29, 2017 · Curious what your options are when it comes to the suicide masteries? I've laid out 5 solid builds for you to check out. Hey everyone! So I have a dilemma. Check out our rumble channel https://ru I am currently at level 50 And would like for someone to send me their mastery set up that possibly has gotten them through Act 4 at level 50 I lack five more quests To finalize act 4 This is the set up I currently have If it’s easier you can send screenshots to my cloud phone number at 7138344534 Mastery Setup and Redo Cost for Offense Mastery Setup, Defense Mastery Setup and Utility Mastery Setup. I have this doubt regarding BG mastery set up Does that mean we can Change our mastery and use in BG and change back ur mastery like before For example, I use suicides and I changed my mastery and removed suicides Now if I update my mastery in BG it'll be No suicide mastery set up, then if I modify my mastery set up to suicides again will it change in BG deck as well or will Best Suicide Mastery Setup in 2022. Stony Mastery Cores are said to be "chunks of the Battlerealm". For example, if you're prioritizing bleed champions in rank ups (which it doesn't seem you are, but only seeing 3 champs from your roster doesn't really give me the full picture) then maybe investing in deep wounds down the line would be a good idea! I have recently been told that Glass Cannon is a waste if you use R4-R5 5* Champions in Act 6 and Variant Content without the other suicides I was just wondering how true this is as well as get any other insights to my mastery set up and ranks ups. Running the max optimal setup for suicides for the attack boost and the healing for champs that benefit from the masteries is much better than partially putting points in it. RichTheMan takes a look at the Champion Puzzle and talks about future additions to The Contest. Cant Use in Battlegrounds. With Mastery Loadouts allowing Summoners to have Arena-specific Another Mastery setup comes from SlayerofGods, check out his YouTube Channel here! My setup is mostly focused on Offense; fast general Questing, Arena and AQ, for big damage with champions like Cosmic Ghost Masteries are an important part of being a successful Summoner. "The Ultimate MCOC Mastery Setup for 2023 - Beginner to Expert Setup | Marvel Contest of ChampionsJoin me:https://www. 1 point in In this video, we discuss our mastery set up for Aegon in Necropolis. My primary goal now is to complete act 6, what mastery set up would you recommend me? My favorite 5 star champs which I use are rank 4 - AA, void, hulk ragnarok Jan 1, 2022 · I used to be all about that f2p life style and was a solid arena grinder for units and shards. And, you would only want 1 in lesser precision and 1 in lesser cruelty, but you definitely want 5/5 in precision and cruelty both. Don't piss them away Yooo guys we are back today for the start of a brand new season of battlegrounds that means we gotta create a new deck and tweak the mastery setup lets get r MCOC Best Mastery Setup | Mastery Cost | Mastery Guide In this post you will get an idea about mcoc mastery setup , mastery cost & PI Increase guide. Are there any masteries/mastery setups you think are under valued generally by the community? Discussion The thought of arenas without it is daunting though lol Reply reply More replies More replies. creator-spring. But it will keep you away from having no gold when you need it. Jan 7, 2017 · Well, the actual names of these setups should clarify their intention: They are supposed to provide solid builds for certain purposes and/or champions that you primarily use while at the same time providing a maximized PI gain. which gave me some extra funds over the holidays. Using all my 5* without arena boost or arena mastery setup would give me 800k per run. Wiki Pages. 6, 0. It only takes about 40-45 rounds to complete. 1 Willpower3. in this article, we'll discuss the top 5 best mastery setups for mcoc in 2022. So I was wondering exactly how I can run an efficient Suicides setup and what to unlock and upgrade in masteries to get it where I need it to be. BTW, my 3* Blade (sig 66) is at 2550 with a fairly conservative mastery setup for a summoner lvl 60, but could easily break 2800 if I went with a Blade-specific setup with suicides. When do Mastery Loadouts Arrive? Mastery Loadouts will officially arrive to The Contest on Thanks as always for liking, subscribing and supporting my channel. All the mastery prices can be found with the link below:https://www. Lagacy shared his latest Mastery Setup tips. If you follow MCOC noob's youtube channel he has a big chunk of videos where he clears each path in act 6, for the first part he's always "The Ultimate MCOC Mastery Setup in JAN 2025 - Beginner to Expert Setup | Marvel Contest of ChampionJoin me:https://www. I wish I could emulate it but I just One of the best defensive abilities a Champion can have in MCOC is Healing, which is why any 5-Star Champion with a Healing ability is considered the best by the community. Have your battlegrounds mastery setup on, save it to your battlegrounds deck as shown above, then turn on suicides and DO NOT update your battlegrounds loadout again. Refresh, arena boosts, and mastery setup for high damage and PI. 9pm Pacific You can collect them by doing arena. Thanks for your support of my channel youtube!! Mar 26, 2024 · Mastery Loadouts. New players will see that the first Mastery Point they receive at Level 6 will get spent on the Parry Mastery automatically at no Good Alliances will expect you to perform in Alliance Quest and these easy steps below will make you the candidate they want! Step 1. Check out our rumble channel https://r Any Champion can apply Weakness Debuff with Mastery Setup. With “The Grinder” he’s 6,523. Which champions are the best with d In this video, we look at what masteries are? What is my current mastery build Hey all, I’ve not updated my masteries in a while, and I’ve got spare units from the Deadpool events. However, your 4R5 StarLord at sig99 will be little over 5500 pi with most of the common mastery builds. Hopefully that’s the solution this time as well if they can’t get it straightened out on Those are my masteries for those that wanted to know! Hope this helps!Support me through PayPal here: https://streamelements. com/channel/UCe1Itg1EnUM9zRIois *HOW TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL* (if you wanna!) ️*MERCH:* https://slayerofgods. 2 Unlocking Willpower Part 5: What to Do When You’ve Caught the Car3. Although not much has changed in masteries lately Contents0. Players are gonna value different mastery builds based on what their roster looks like. But if we take war as an example. Marvel Contest of Champions#MCOC #MARVEL #CONTESTOFCHAMPIONS #MARVELCONTESTOFCHAMPIONS r/ContestOfChampions was created to share news, strategy, questions, boasts, wishful thinking, and any other discussion relating to Marvel Contest of Champions mobile game. If I had the Mastery cores, I would From maximizing your PI for arena grinds, to turning your whole roster into Alliance War tanks, mastery builds can make or break every aspect of the game. Seatin has updated the Tier List for April 2020. Champs; AQ & AW; LOL; AOL; Maps; Arena Schedule; Current Pool; Mastery Setup Here are my brandnew suggestions for mastery setups in MCOC 13. Today I will go over my free to play mastery setup! What masteries did I deem must-have? #mcoc #marvelcontestofchampions Yoooo guys Happy April lets start the month off with a full guide to Mastery's in the year 2024 with all 3 of my new Loadouts! Instagram: brandon_lavalleyTwi The only purpose of this build is to maximize arena scores and make the fights go fast. There's such a large variety of offensive setups based on what abilities are of the most value to you, the types of champions you play, and how many points you need in the other 2 trees. Note that the champion rating numbers you see are the Hero Ratings with your current mastery setup. Hey all, I’ve not updated my masteries in a while, and I’ve got spare units from the Deadpool events. It’s not good for any other purpose, but it can make a decent difference over a lot of rounds. 0 Alliance In this video, we look at the best mastery builds for the loadouts (free today not so much tomorrow) for 2024 in #MCOC. Summoners! Here’s your Marvel Contest of Champions news brief for Friday, December 27, 2019. Marvel Contest of Champions#MCOC #MARVEL #CONTESTOFCHAMPIONS #MARVELCONTESTOFCHAMPIONS Jun 15, 2024 · Bucket's Mastery Guide! (Google Doc) This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. As long as you have a Loadout already set up – you will not need to place Masteries individually, they will be done for you. MAXIMIZE CHAMPION POWER INDEX | BEST MASTERY SETUP FOR PI | MARVEL CONTEST OF CHAMPIONSJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Once you have Dexterity and Parry, and your Core 15, you’re starting to enter the midgame in terms of masteries. I think the best thing about suicides is that it's so subjective. BruteForce75 extra helpful for arena -fights are faster, especially for low damage champs (looking at you groot) -higher PI means slightly more points per fight -higher PI also makes it easier to avoid "Death Squads" from using lower rank champs e) shorter fights Hi guys. Then again I also feel like willpower is a pretty overrated This has proven to be disingenuous. That is roughly 15 a day. MastahRiz High-PI Mastery Setup. blogspot. 5, 0. I personally dont run suicides but I like to have a high PI build for when I do grind out arena (I dont ever change my mastery setup) I a lot of people will say willpower isnt good unless you run suicides but I disagree putting 1 point in willpower is a huge PI booster and it greatly helps in places like act 4 with Take A Screenshot And Setup Your Mastery @MarvelContestofChampions At very high ranks it might be true. The latter is directed at those of us who lack 5/50 4-stars and need every little bit of PI in order to score at the best possible rate in 1 hour ago · I run max recoil and suicides but I really want to try a new setup for once Can someone post their battleground mastery setup Thanks. Salve is a must-have Posted by u/SgtPeralta - 10 votes and 19 comments Masteries are an important part of being a successful Summoner. Marvel Contest of Champions Blog. Matchup Discussion where mains of both champs can talk about how they feel the matchup works. But (for many years now) the healing is so incremental (0. Live streams every day right here on YouTube. Looking to see if I should think about unlocking some other masteries. Karatemike takes out 7. Abyss of Legends (AOL) Act 5 - guides for Act 5. I am cavalier but feel like I am missing out big time without willpower The goal isn't necessarily to maximize PI, but rather get the best aids for your gameplay and modes you're working through. Best Proficiency mastery setup in 2022. Once was to build BGs deck & the other was for the willpower bahamet boss in 8. Obviously I know this has no real affect on anything but want to see what others have. It either costs a ton of health, or limits your champions’ utility by forcing The best part is, arena is all bonus. My previous masteries video:https://www. Originally, the Healing component used to be in multiples as you went up. Abbreviations/Jargon - lists the common abbreviations/jargon used in the game. So far this update it’s been side quest x2, arena, AW, and now BG. They can be bought for 135 Units or can be found in special Event Quests, such as Mystery in the Microrealms, where they were introduced. Ronin Nupe's guide tells you specifically which masteries will be best for AQ and arenas. I am an avid player of mcoc and spend a good amount of my days either watching YouTubers like Seatin, Lags, or KT1 play the game or I upload I think they're great for arena, but other than that it's not for Jan 14, 2025 · Best of the Best Tier List, including Beyond-God Tier and God Tier Champions; you can call them MCoC Best Champs. May 6, 2022 · Is this setup still relevant? Im going for Cavalier and all my guys get killed on the 2nd fight on a practice run (no boosts) i have 2 6* r3 and maxed out 5* I don't understand how most ppl are so good at this game, you basically May 2, 2020 · Best universal mastery setup? Help I am a returning player and have a few extra mastery points to spend. Act 6 - guides for Act 6 . Arena scores are directly tied to champ pi. r/ContestOfChampions was created to share news, strategy, questions, discussions, ideas, and anything else relating to Marvel Contest of Champions mobile game. Schedule Notes: Tier 4 Basic Arena begins at 6pm EST. Today I cover my Mastery Setups for 2020 and explain my tips & tricks for building up Masteries for newer and Free To Play Marvel Contest Of Champions player You actually dont have to spend HOURS in arena. In terms of the expensive masteries, I have points in Despair, Deep wounds and assassin. 1. so if i dont do it i lose nothing. -Dano357. Of course it's all personal preference in the end. When an enemy is below 18% health MCOC Best 4 star, 5star & 6 Star Champions to Rank - https://mcoc-guide. In my opinion these are The Best 30 Characters in MCOC as of January 2024! Remember that Marvel Contest Of Champions is a very complicated game with 200+ cha Genuinely curious to see what others are using for mastery setups for high PI. Once you have the ideal masteries I would save you units for revives to complete timed content like monthly event quests, but use them smartly. 2 SUICIDE YOUR There is no one "best" mastery as it differs based on your play style and a couple of niche masteries. All Reddit rules and reddiquette apply. See the wiki page on the Arena for more info on how the Arena works! Champs that cause bleed, deep wounds greatly improved there bleed abilities. What are your best mastery setups, mostly for battlegrounds as I’ve completed all story mode. English English; Categories; Discussions; Best Of Sign In; Home › General Discussion. So what would you say: What is the most general „set and forget“ Mastery setup for 2024? Or maybe 2 setups, one with recoil and one without? I think I am pretty happy with this new setup. Seatin's Free To Play Paragon Mastery Setup 2023 MEGA Budget (EPIC) - Marvel Contest of ChampionsSubscribe for more awesome Marvel Contest of Champions and I 3) With basic set ups before getting to all the cool stuff, a general rule is to save your mastery points for the best spots and only put 1 in the path to get there so that means, on attack, you only want 1 in strength and 1 in greater strength. I run suicides fulltime. From maximizing your PI for arena grinds, to turning your whole roster into Alliance War tanks, mastery builds can make or break every aspect of the game. Do not pick my defenders based on suicides compatibility. 5 I had farmed units and boosts a bit lot My big question is which mastery setup should I do I know that my mastery is super waste for collector This is my mastery setup tell ur valuable comments Also I had activated mystic depression does that useful for me My team Mastery build for new and veteran Mcoc players HIGH/RAW DAMAGE!!! I also forgot to mention I also put 2 points in assassin. com/channel/UCe1Itg1EnUM9zRIois the marvel contest of champions (mcoc) is a popular game that involves assembling a team of superheroes to fight against villains in arenas. A better description of that build would say things like "Great for arena, awful for alliance war def, watch out for heal block, bring some immunity Here is the best written Mastery guide! You can also find it in the subreddit wiki links. com/chann Oct 22, 2016 · Those with solid rosters of 5/50 4-stars and R3 or even R4 5-stars have no need to bother about PI for arena points. com/channel/UCe1Itg1EnUM9zRIo 【Mastery Survey Index】 Welcome Travelers to the the Mastery Survey for the Yunnie Cup! This thread will cover all 8 rounds of the Yunnie Cup, unlocked after completing the entirety of Master of All, as well as Bestower of Wealth Chapter 1. I have completed act 5 and have fully explored uncollected event last time with this mastery. Man, this mastery setup looks really solid. That's without suicides or arena mastery setup. 1 Unlocking Willpower Part 4: Putting it all Together3. The cost for switching between Loadouts will be a flat 35 units – no matter what Masteries are changing between Loadouts. 5* used in the upper 5* Feature Arena for some reason give about an additional 22-25% more points than what they do in all the other Arenas you can use them in (under the same situations). I like running suicides but they can feel very restrictive and at times you find yourself fighting a node that somehow turns those masteries against you in a way that you're never punished for any other mastery setup. Everything else is just fluff. html. You’ve Tips, tricks, and guides all about Marvel Contest of Champions. Battlegrounds felt left out. Remember to unlock Willpower as well. Best mastery setup for battlegrounds. Yeah this is a good set up. While Corvus Glaive has the highest Hero Rating on my account, both Especially if you do a lot of arena grinding on top of all that. 1 point should be enough. Alliance War - Roster management, AW calculator, AW maps. I’m currently running recoil, but no other suicides. Mastery Loadouts are officially here, and will be available to every Summoner on April 1st! Every Summoner will be given 3 Loadouts to use and customize as they see fit. This content has been removed. I have pierce Hey guys! I having a plan to become uncollected on coming Sunday Last Sunday I had completed 5. Here is my mastery setup: Feel free to share advice if I need to make changes MCOC Mastery Setup Mastery Cores are upgrade items used to unlock Mastery points. Check out our rumble channel https://r #Suicide_Mastery_Guide#mcoc#Best_ChampionsTracks-1st-Song: Electric Joy Ride - Origin [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSoundsFree Download/Stream: h Apr 1, 2024 · In This Video: How Mastery Loadouts Work and Important Setup Information you Need. RichTheMan has a new Mastery Setup Tutorial. Meta discussion: Who do you feel is best in Top right now? It's an exchange subreddit for advanced players and a learning subreddit for anyone who Based on request, here is an updated mastery guide for 2023 as most mastery guides are from many years ago. So you can keep recoils off for bgs but on for arena. 0, and that is a full suicide build. Schedule Notes: Sunday Arenas begin at 1pm EST. All Reddit Rules and reddiquette apply. com/bdhres5y💲Cash App Signup speed up arena grinding Cons: requires 550x5 units I can tell you that limiting your roster to only poison immune will ultimately not be as beneficial as seeking another mastery setup, or waiting until you can afford the full build. theres always another one. mastery setups are essential in mcoc as they boost a hero's performance and give them an edge over their rivals. 0. What different mastery builds looks like. be/Wu5oX7KhctIWelcome back again. Example would be using refresh and greater arena boosts for a team of r5 4* would give you 600k pts in 15 minutes (duration of the boost) at minimum. Posted by Dano357 February 6, 2021 February 13, 2021 Posted in Marvel Contest Of Champions, MCOC News Tags: Gwenperion, Marvel Contest Of Champions, Mastery Setups, Mole Man, Tier List Leave a comment on Around The Battlerealm – February WARNING: 2023 update here uploaded:https://youtu. The whole tree is a joke and a waste of units Yes. Arena - Arena schedule, Arena cutoff history, I can really only echo what others have said. And really wanted to try out some of Jan 5, 2025 · I need to know what people think is best mastery setup up for most arena points as starting to save for cyber monday deals . Suicide Mastery Setup So I've been reading up on suicide mastery setups and people seem to have slightly different opinions on where to put points. 1 Introduction1 THE BASICS:2 ENOUGH WITH THE BORING INFORMATION, WHERE DO I START?3 MIDGAME MASTERIES3. 1. For example, the 5/65 Signature Level 200 Corvus Glaive at the top of my profile has a prestige of 10,481, while his Hero Rating is shown as 13,719. I also have 2 points in Salve but I haven't unlocked recovery. The perfect Mastery setup for Arena is often about how high a Summoner can make the PI of their Champion, and how fast they can kill their opponent. Carbonadium Mastery Cores can be found as a Just don’t use to low of a team that you lose your infinite streak (plenty of guides on infinite streak). youtube. You could also do only the basic arena. Here are some pics of the top of my 5 star roster where most you see are sig 200 and my mastery setup. com/ 🧡*MEMBERSHIPS:* https://www. Other than that they're a commodity at best and gimping a lot of otherwise amazing champs at worst. Assassin mastery is pointless unless you’re doing abyss, and the extra bleed damage is not worth the points to get to assassin mastery. MIDGAME MASTERIES. It's an essential part of the suicide kit. I haven't played in a while and want to know if my current setup is still viable. EDIT: It can be even higher still, by sacrificing Recovery for PB, two Parry points to other trees, and taking one of the points out of willpower, but that's crossing the line where I personally consider the build to actually affect my play in non-arena game modes, since I will take more damage and gain less health. 7). Best use of battle-chips is to buy arena crystals which in turn gives you gold and units. com/mastery-setup-and-redo-cost/I was editing this video for more than First here is my Off Season Setup I only play suicides because of Arena. It might not put you in a huge plus. Today we present you a guide to the Masteries in Marvel’s game Contest of Champions. Use them all the time, for free willpower healing with the usual suspects, that I have built my roster around and carry me through war and AQ (herc, corvus, diablo, iabom, omega red, red mags, kitty, gambit, bwcv namor and horseman cable). Replays of your best TP plays or any top based play. AQ+PI Build 3. It won’t automatically change your battlegrounds masteries, you have to do it yourself. The Alpha Arena begins at 6pm EST. com/site/goxmcoc/mcoc-mastery. Those with solid rosters of 5/50 4-stars and R3 or even R4 5-stars have no need to bother about PI for arena points. It either costs a ton of health, or limits your champions’ utility by forcing "The Ultimate MCOC Mastery Setup for 2023 - Beginner to Expert Setup | Marvel Contest of ChampionsJoin me:https://www. On a serious note, they turned off the cost to change masteries before for Battlegrounds testing. All mastery setups are subject to the individual, despair is ok but rather useless as a sig 200 capIW does the job without it. Next up: midgame choices. https://sites. Muzz~ comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment [deleted] • Additional comment actions. I have seen videos of this mastery in action and it does seem really strong but I am questioning my mastery setup. com/channel/UCcmyPjEQs7 Thanks as always for the support and encouragement youtube. There are many variants and even Class-specific variants. com/p/mcoc-best-4-star-5-star-6-star. Have taken them off twice in last 3 yrs. I've explored all content aside from abyss and I've never used them. In this video I showed you my most beloved suicide masteries setup wh 5 days ago · So I'm like 40% new to the game and have the the concept more or less on what to do in this game. Fleshed out my roster. 1 WHAT ABOUT DEFENSE?3. Sure more pi and synergies award more points but if you are spending a lot of time selecting teams or running a pi maxing mastery setup that slows down your fight then it’s wasted effort. Suicides - Very high requirements because both the suicides and Willpower require 15 points in their respective mastery trees and leave few points left over for anything else. This does not include the In this video, we look at the best mastery builds for the loadouts (free today not so much tomorrow) for 2024 in #MCOC. Comments. We are making such material available in an effort to educate users so they may feel confident they are making informed decisions. Masteries are an important part of being a successful Summoner. . mpagn fyhqzd aysnmew rufmku ugonpb sabsk ppymf ytpwij bnim wkbnuj