Ms symptoms but all tests negative reddit. MS is very individual, no one is the same.

Ms symptoms but all tests negative reddit MS can cause a wide range of symptoms and there's no exact list of early signs. Most of the time, if you get an appointment with an MS specialist, he/she can get you the whole battery of tests in one round rather than one at a time-- especially if you're having acute symptoms. Came out negative for MS. Because the blood test was negative, my doctor said to not get the endoscopy. Lyme is a mimic of MS. Fibromyalgia I spent a year obsessing over HIV even with 3 negative tests more Point is, my track record with illness hasn't been great. Happened to me with my second child. Official dx didn't happen until 2015. It's also one of the big symptoms that i just cannot explain to others what it is really like. What are your symptoms that aren’t listed under descriptions of MS, or ones that your neurologist thought was odd? I’ll go first. similar to how the typical exhaustion/tiredness that comes with ms is hard to explain to people who don't experience it. not sure if really want others like friends/family to truly understand what its like. There have been reports of emergent MS symptoms following COVID, but this doesn't directly prove that COVID is causal to MS. Listen to your team of doctors to summarize all of these findings, and treat yourself instead of treating a test result. Focusing on issues facing people with MS and their family and friends. Also lesser known symptoms bad reflux odd bowel movements. How possible is it to have no lesions on brain or c-spine and still have MS? COVID is a *possible* trigger to autoimmunity, and potentially to MS. Then I had lyme’s disease, only after I forced them to test me for it. I was in the same boat as you back in April with all the classic symptoms but every test was negative. It’s been 7 months and I’m getting worse all test negative except antibodies Epstein Barr and mono or CMv . The pain started out in one of my wrists and has since spread to multiple knees, my other wrist, my shoulders, and my elbows. At the long tail of detection, a 2x sensitivity difference spread over dozens of amplification cycles (which increase sensitivity exponentially) can make a week of difference. With the help of other people suffering from this unknown new sexually transmitted disease, we created a web site in order to make the world known that a new pathogen is spreading fast through the world and that it could be the next STD causing a global pandemic. Ever since 16 having these supposed utis I notice when I drink lots of water it doesn't hurt to pee at all and the pee comes out smelling normal and looks fine but if I don't drink much it's cloudy and smells bad and hurts badly. Try not to spread it going in public, that’s why having the tests sent to your door is very nice. My LP was “negative” (3 oligoclonal bands, when the threshold for MS is 4), 25-30 T2 hyperintensities scattered on brain (nonspecific, not necessarily indicative of MS on their own), one cervical lesion ( transverse myelitis) After a second opinion I did get an MS diagnosis, factoring in all the results and my presentation of symptoms. Her ANA is always negative. yes, people get a little Left eye vision issue After a night of violent heaving from bad guacamole Multiple Vision type doctors found nada Last one said optic nerve looked different to him I had a battery of tests, including barium swallow imaging, and the diagnosis was "esophageal spasm. If the connection holds up how amazing is im in a similar situation, i tested negative through blood, AND through multiple swabs from lesions, and three different doctors came in and looked at me and said it looks exactly like herpes. Best of luck! First symptoms, numbness in fingertips on both hands, numbness on soles of feet, things that would come and go and come back again. If you do indeed have MS you will probably have symptoms that end up lasting several days in a row. I understand where you’re coming from, before I was diagnosed with MS I convinced myself that I actually had ALS. This period of time is called the MS prodome. I further told her that if all of the gastro tests came back negative, I would do the tap. The muscles in my face grip my head as if it were the rocks MS is such a complicated disease, isn’t?! It can be so frustrating to know something is wrong, yet, the Docters are so baffled! My first symptom I have lesions in my brain and I have MS symptoms but all the tests that were run came back negative. The symptoms seem to kind of ebb and flow to some degree, but they haven’t gone away for about a week. If you don't have symptoms but the virus is in your body and you will have symptoms, and And then I'd feel bad, like there was something wrong with me. So I have all the symptoms and there was a day that could have possible been a conception date. Walking felt weird. Conversations about support, research, drug therapies, (3 negative COVID tests) Tingly skin, heavy feeling when I move, cognitive dissonance, dizzy, tinnitus. Went to the Dr around the 8 week mark and had a blood test and urine test, both negative. Yes, they could be other things. I have all the symptoms of celiac, but my blood test came out quite negative. Last week I had all of them consistently for 3 days in a row because of the stress of traveling and over socializing. Signs and symptoms of MS, MRI scanning and other tests to diagnose MS. Doctors do not known what cause PCOS or how to treat it. TL;DR Showed Symptoms. It’s been 2 weeks since your negative test? I’d start by taking another one. But IF they are MS, there are treatments now that can be hugely helpful in preventing/delaying onset of severe symptoms for years, decades. Burning while peeing, peeing often, a little bit of blood in the pee - all the typical UTI symptoms. I researched and found it can be It would be uncommon for multiple sclerosis (MS) to present in this way. Brain MRI was clear as well as every blood test I’ve had. The MS neurologist determined she has had two relapses since December. I went to the gastroenterology department. Bloodwork is not always a reliable indicator for allergies. And if you are in America it is worse. There is also no blood test which can definitely diagnose MS, just tests which can MS is just weird like that, and none of the individual tests are unambiguous. She was diagnosed based on her symptoms and after ruling out a ton of other things before she was diagnosed with Lupus. The only test that is consistently too high is my cortisol, but no doctor has ever mentioned that this is a problem (they always attribute it to me being on the pill). All came back normal. So I've been brushed off, and I'm starting to think maybe I am just going crazy. I was sent from doctor to doctor had MRIS and all sorts of test$$ to rule out MS, Lupus, etc etc. It also depends on the particular place doing it, because some have different amplifications. CIS is a one-off event. 34 M. I'm not saying this is what you have, but I would definitely check into it, and if your neuro isn't open to considering it, I would get a second opinion. Could not agree with you more! Let me repeat that for emphasis: Could not agree with you more! No matter your age at diagnosis, but especially being younger, THIS TEST SHOULD BE THE STANDARD OF CARE. Follow up frequently and keep a diary of what is happening and how long it lasts. Before I was diagnosed my Neurologist who did test for “mimickers” of MS. Anything y'all could tell me would be much appreciated. :D Edit: I forgot to mention that my fiancé has been home from boot camp exactly 37weeks tomorrow, so the timing has been perfect 😅 It’s more likely that you will only have symptoms on one side of the body at a time - ie, both arms probably won’t go numb at the same time! It doesn’t mean you will only ever have symptoms on the one side of your body though, just very unlikely to have the same symptoms in the same places on both sides! Hope that makes some sense :) The good news is, all of the tests were done that rule out anything that could be a risk to your life. I was having horrible morning sickness, but pee tests were negative. MS since 2007 and all prior ANA tests were negative. Try another neurologist. On a good day I'll maybe notice 1 or 2, but on a bad day (heat, stress, sleep deprivation, over socializing) I can have all of them at one point or another. Diagnosing something neurological is always complex. I saw someone suggest swabbing the throat instead of the nose so I tried it and the positive line lit up like a Christmas tree. Call your local Ms society for a recommendation if you don't know where to look. You said you suffer from anxiety, I do too, and that can complicate things when it comes to your health. It could have been easily MS symptoms were exaserbated by COVID, or lesions weren't caught until investigations after COVID. Before being told my symptoms sounded like MS, I've been told it sounded like inner ear problems (I have some hearing loss, but the ENT didn't think it has anything to do with my balance problems and dizziness), sinus problems (CAT scan showed nothing wrong, and I deal with seasonal allergies with flonase, which seems to work well), Meniere's Disease (My symptoms I've seen this a lot from the MS community on Reddit. After 3 days I have finished the antibiotics, but I still am having all of the symptoms. I feel conflicted. Ultimately I've been lucky so far znd MS hasn't drastically altered the course of my life - career or family wise. I have a feeling that I’m not going to know what’s wrong with me for a very long time. I've had MS likely since childhood, although it was only diagnosed after my first bout of optic neuritis in 2005. I did all the possibke test and all the resukt was negative. Yes, I experienced this! I had six negative urine cultures all while having persistent UTI symptoms. I am now pregnant with my 2nd and because I had symptoms tested at what would have been 5 weeks, it was negative. The first round of tests came back negative for both of us. Wednesday: began experiencing a runny nose and slight cough in the evening I had 100% normal scans- multiple scopes. I have suffered from light anxiety the last 10+ years but had a few very bad panic attacks while I was in college so I had to check it out. I was able to order my own test through Microgen that showed a high growth of 3 different UTI-causing bacteria. All my symptoms happened while I was really sick with Covid they believe all the stress, anxiety, panic attacks somehow brought this out which is hard to believe. I have been disabled since 1999. I'm resting and feeling much better now! So out of a deadlock, we reached a compromise: I told her that I wanted an appointment with a gastroenterologist and subsequent tests of the intestine. extreme sensitivity sound light touch pain . With my first child I got really bad morning sickness (more like all day sickness) 2 weeks after my period was late. I lost 20 lbs and legit thought I was dying from pain. Apparently anywhere between 10-15% of blood tests are a false negative because people are already cutting out gluten whether consciously or unconsciously in an attempt to feel better. I too am curious what we will learn moving forward as far as the connection between Covid and positive ANA. But those are all classic symptoms. Pain in my shoulders and arms when stressed out. Then they try to find out the cause of the lesions. If the second neurologist does more tests and stands by the FND diagnosis, then I’ll have to accept that (it’s a nerve malfunction that may improve, or not. At least 10% (I think) of us end up having a very mild course of MS known sometimes as benign MS. The doctor said he had never in his career seen a false negative test, and was completely shocked the urine was positive. The muscles in my face grip my head as if it were the rocks hands. Usually a patient shows neuological symptoms, after running blood tests and other tests for things that could be related to your syptoms, a MRI is made of brain and spine and they find lesions. There are a lot of common symptoms, but no one will be able to tell you what to expect - u/kbergstr described the uncertainty really good. all were perfectly normal, but because of how worried about it I was, I'm not sure if it's a mental trigger issue or something but like I feel better generally during the day and then all of the sudden i'll get a momentary sharp pain for a second in my shoulder or chest and then I feel a panic attack With my first I tested positive at 3. All of symptoms of MS have multiple other, more likely causes. Similar symptoms may lead to confusion between MS and these diseases, although in most cases an MRI scan of the brain can rule out MS as the diagnosis — but not always. Retested a week later and it was positive. I can say that it took me over a year to accept myself as someone with MS. Even though my autoimmune tests have (mostly) come back negative, my rheumatologist has continued to see me every 6 months and refer me to other specialists within the UM system. Luckily I found a surgeon who removed it, turns out my bile duct was knotted and my galbladder was inflamed, bleeding and on its way to bursting even though every scan was normal. 5. You can start Paxlovid up to day 5. U of M was the health system that finally agreed to see me. I went into anaphylaxis during the scratch test. This should at least tell you when you are no longer contagious. I think the sensitivity of 'having UTI symptoms' in a young female is like 93% or something, which means you almost certainly have a UTI. Go get tested for myco and urea and other stuff you haven't been tested for. Anxiety manifests itself pretty strongly throughout the body. If you can’t test daily, then wait 48 hours and test again. Since this post, I’ve been in diagnosis limbo. Maybe it's not sjogrens, but I really don't know what else could be causing these symptoms. Either watery and white or thick and white. MS is very individual, no one is the same. I was diagnosed in 2006, and almost all of my symptoms have been sensory, so you can't really see them. Yep, Celiac blood test was negative, but biopsy was positive. I didn't have any nausea symptoms at all first trimester, but I'm in week 13 with the worst cold/flu ever and the nausea is pretty bad this whole week. There is just so much “bad news” associated with MS when in reality, it isn’t the same as if you got diagnosed 20 years ago. Visual Evoked Potentials were abnormal. and Lyme diseases that were all negative before I was diagnosed with PPMS by MRI. However, over the years since learning I had MS, I've developed tricks and strategies to deal with things I used to struggle with. I probably got him running extra test on all his clients now lol. Joint pain, stiffness, migraine can also be symptoms. 5 weeks before missing a period. (they probably didn’t think i was having a stroke lol) i decided to go back the next morning & get answers about my blood work & talk to a doctor. MRIs: brain (Jan 2022), cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine. I am so sorry to hear your story and I Even though my test appeared negative, I feel that I've still sometimes had symptoms that match those of herpes - for example, when I had what I think was my initial outbreak, I had a bump on my lip that tingled and would occasionally feel tingling around that area even if there weren't really any bumps to accompany it afterwards. Went to get a pcr test around 3 that later turned out to be negative. This means all MRI's show up clean with not lesions in the brain or spinal column. my neurologist said that if it were something like MS or say a brain tumor those symptoms would stick and would only get worse over time. My allergist/immunologist doesn’t really use Random calf pains and twitches all over the body. Symptoms went away and then came back. The 2 specialist, 1 rhumatologist, 1 familly doctor and i ophtalmologist agree to say that it's called seropositive sjogren and it's more common than normal sjogren. So this started March of 2020 and 3 years later I’m still dealing with these issues daily. Spinal tap showed a ton of OCBs. I didn't know about Chairi either until I The migraines with aura I've had for 15 years. gen test in week 6,8,12 and hiv 1+2 pcr , all negative. MS shouldn't define us, but yet its symptoms do every If there is uncertainty on the doctor's part, a spinal tap may be ordered to measure certain proteins which show up in cerebro spinal fluid when a person has MS. I'm curious about what your earliest symptoms were from MS, All I'd suggest is if you you're worried is speak to your doc and trust them to do all the right tests etc. The dryness is mostly gone though. Got tested for STDs 3 times, came back negative. I know u get to many questions on this topic, kindly can u answer mine as well, my symptoms started after 21 days of the exposure, I tested 28 days 4th gen and rna pcr and all other std all came back negative, 39 days hiv 1-2 rna pcr not detected, 51 hiv 1 rna pcr not detected, can I rule hive out, and what other std should I consider, symptoms are dry mouth with bad test in the “You’re fat” keep in mind this is when I had like 17-21% body fat which really isn’t that bad and there’s no way it was causing the symptoms at the time. Here’s the timeline of my symptoms and tests since: Monday: negative rapid test around noon, but started having a scratchy throat in the late evening Tuesday: another negative rapid test at noon. Around this time one of my best friends was diagnosed for MS, symptoms like tingling and numbness in hands. She's now changed her entire career path to research cures for this disease. Alternatively, and only if you can afford it, order the Lucira cold and flu test now from Amazon and it should get to you in 2 days. However, for one lupus specific test (Avise CTD), I scored a negative 1. If you’re still in your waiting period, get a preliminary test for a first result. Hypochondriac is no longer on my file lol. I had a Teladoc appointment (bc I was too lazy to go to urgent care) and got prescribed Bactrim to treat a potential UTI. With CIDP, the symptoms are very similar to MS, but all the damage occurs in the peripheral nervous system. The swelling has mostly gone down but there's still white stuff on my vaginal walls and my discharge is not normal. Freaking out !! A lot of other desease are also negative I checked with the infektiologist (they probably didn’t think i was having a stroke lol) i decided to go back the next morning & get answers about my blood work & talk to a doctor. I took 2 tests but they both came out negative. About 6-8 months ago I went to the doctor for basically what felt like poking all over my chest. When I look through this sub, it seems like some people test positive even though they barely have any symptoms at all, and it confuses me that those people are able to get a diagnosis and treatment, but I remain completely in the dark. precious emotional and physical energy on something that is written in your genes and your chromosomes is somehow a negative. Listening to Barry Singer, MD’s podcast on the symptoms that happen years before the first neurological symptoms of MS where people have “symptoms that are often overlooked. I went through a variety of tests including EKG, X-ray, and bloodwork. " Other tests (particularly Got it fixed and symptoms got better. Apparently people fly from all over the country to see this guy and his website boasts he’s treated over 11K patients. Whatever you think it is go and get all the tests/doctors opinions necessary to find out. I went to the urgent care this evening to get tested, and it came back negative. My husband was so scared. symptoms first appeared in beginning of may, so im unsure why i would test negative after nearly five months unless ALL my tests were faulty but at this point im - for 1 blood and - for 2 swabs. Turns out it was in fact a UTI (that had become chronic due to the lack of adequate treatment), and the tests were false negatives. Now awaiting biopsy results of my leg. I was just thrilled it wasn't a tumor so for me the diagnosis wasn't that bad at all. I don’t know if I should continue and test again in a couple weeks- I read that 9/15 women test negative till 7-8weeks or if I should go ahead and move on and get back on birth Tests: Blood work has been done countless times. " Truly, I hope you don't have MS, obviously. All my STD's tests were negative. They're used to identify other causes, if negative it might be MS or one f the many other possibilities. I live in Costa Rica with my Tica wife. And then go away. Then I had RA because the lyme symptoms kept up after a treatment This Doctor performed dozens of blood tests over the space of about a year. Have run 6 half marathons since taking up running at aged 34, though gone off the boil on last few years. Second round the next day she tested positive I was negative. I think if you have symptoms and get a negative, test a week after symptoms started. I test my urine at home with a test strip it says positive nitrite but negative leukocyte. Of course it came back negative. 3: + The two pregnancy tests stating negative were wrong Now we are planning to see a doctor in a couple of weeks if her period does not come, but until then it's a very worrying and high anxiety situation to be in. My neurologist has done many tests for other conditions, all negative. All of my tests came back normal, including a brain MRI. Like I said my Naturopath wants to revisit and do the “real test”. At times they were super noticeable, other, barely or not noticeable. But I still shudder every time I hear or read that "C" word! yes, those can be typical signs of aging for women but having MS exaggerates those symptoms as well as creating ones all on its own via lesions. Hi friend. MS can present in 100 different ways but I had really bad vertigo and my left eye stopped looking to the right. One day i was working on a electrical panel all day, at lunch everything was fine, by 5 o'clock double vision and dizziness. If everything else But due to the preliminary positive 4th gen vein drawn lab test and getting ill the day of the test, I couldn’t let it go for many months even after testing negative at 30 days, 45 days, 90 days and eventually still negative at 6 months. The only way to diagnose or rule out MS is with an MRI. Example- numbness will appear suddenly and last for ten straight days. Rheumatologists say there is nothing else to support other AI conditions and the positive ANA is not clinically significant. But if there ever was a time to get diagnosed with MS, it's now. Total from start of symptoms to diagnosis, probably ~8-10 months. MS can be tricky to diagnose at times, and some "variants" will have a negative MRI brain, but have positive Started seeing a new neurologist who ordered all the other tests. I am not a doctor, I have just had PCOS all my life. Learn more about the early signs and later symptoms as the disease progresses I went thru the gauntlet too and my symptoms were always shifting. To rule out any type of thyroid disease, the following 5 tests must all be tested: Free T4, Free T3, TSH, TPO/ab and TG/ab. Reynaud's syndrome (red/white/blue circulatory problem that primarily occurs in hands and feet) can accompany autoimmune disease. I work in a lab doing UTI/STI testing and even if someone is positive for something, but they only ordered certain test codes (for instance only the most common 4) then we legally are required to say they're negative since they only ordered for those pathogens. Had MRI done. We know too much now about MS for you to be sent away to "wait until visible lesions show up. After the spinal her MS profile came back positive with 9 O-Bands. Your symptoms are real and you know it. I’ve met with 3 GPs and all suspect MS. She just finished her nurse tech training, so shes got a little ways to go yet. I had to go with the absolute worst case scenario as far as a neurological disorder. There were also tests for concentration & memory where I did really good on, because well med school drills that stuff into you lol. For the past year i have had neurological symptoms that lead me to googling then becoming fixated on MS. i fear they might look at me with more worries and that it would make them more and constantly They said they don't think it's MS related, because MS bladder issues often come together with other stuff in a full on relapse (not sure if that's true). I think he tested for one “band” of Lyme using conventional blood work. All of this started going away with B12 treatment. Burning when breathing through nose mouth lungs throat tounge . However, when I pressed my doctor about what else it could be and what other tests he could do, he told me he has seen patients present with exactly my symptoms (which are pretty bad), have a clean MRI and perfect test results, but as symptoms progress and another MRI is done in a year or 2, the lesions appear. Doctors kept suggesting depression, emotional fatigue. My sister has a gluten sensitivity could it be something like that? I feel like I'm reaching but I open to anything leads. The last 2 years were the worse. And the tests showed lymphangiectasia. Ask for a PCR test and make sure they test for everything they offer. Been testing negative for NMO (which usually is spinal and optic neuritis) Welp, 5 years later possibly developed a brain lesion (have another recheck MRI at the end of the month to confirm). I got pregnant with my second when my first was 8 months old, and I was not yet having periods since giving birth. So the symptoms singular never amounted to anything real. If the symptoms happen again, this will lead Starting to get the trex hand as well where fingers are curling more. no funding, no research. It’s not just a typical headache, it’s just the muscles all around my face and head spasming. I get checked that weekend, doc thinks it's sinusitis, anti biotics. Both he and I are at a loss for why the test would say that? TL;DR: Doctor performed a qualitative serum test without For me what's really strange is I had all the tests, the ekgs, 2 CTS, Xrays, stress test, etc. But the symptoms still persist. When I got pregnant with my second (not quite as soon but at 12 months) I tested a few times when I was first late and they were all negative. My scratch test showed I am allergic to almost every airborne allergy. You can have all the symptoms, or you can have one. These symptoms also seen in fibromyalgia or other type of neuropathy. But since I got covid and also took the booster shot it has intensified big time. but MRI showed a small enhancing lesion on my spine and many old non-enhancing lesions in brain. Yeah, my neuro thinks I have MS and has started treatment. Now I m the week 14 after exposure and did 4. I had all those symptoms and more. This is a support sub for those with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (all types) and HSD—diagnosed or waiting to be diagnosed. For the record, I have done every test available over the last few months since I finished Mino in September: the Hologic/Aptima NAAT swab and urine tests (first void urine, 3x, all negative); Quest Diagnostics PCR urine tests (3x, all negative); MicroGenDX prostate/semen STI Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms are varied and range from pain to vision problems to mobility issues. They were considering many things but the top contenders were: Lupus, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, and MS. the first doctor said all my labs looked great & it was a panic attack, which relieved me. I have chronic penis bladder lower back middle back upper back full spine and full body nerve pain face head . 9 when people with lupus are "supposed" to score above a positive 3. It’s partly my fault I would never go to dr till I felt like I was dying then only tell them the most annoying symptom. My girlfriend and I who are both vaxxed and boosted started showing symptoms and got tested. Many diseases mimic MS but only I started experiencing UTI symptoms about 3 or 4 days ago. I don't eat much meat, but there's plently of dairy and eggs in my diet, I eat at least some processed meats several times a week, and I've been having worsening neurological symptoms for years. . most women will have bladder issues as they age, but the severity and frequency is different with MS. My symptoms do flare up when I’m hot or stressed but other than that, I’ve lived a normal life and I’m glad to have a diagnosis for all my random, weird symptoms. Good luck to you Of course not as bad as it was when I had my attack and the 2-3 months thereafter, Guess I was a great learning tool for him. yesterday i went to urgent care and the dr took a urine sample but said it tested negative and blamed my uti symptoms on my period? i’ve tried chugging water and cranberry juice as well You cannot diagnose MS from symptoms, no matter what those symptoms are, because MS isn't the symptoms, it's the damage to the CNS that causes those symptoms. In young women, symptoms are actually a better test for a UTI than a urine test. This is a welcoming place for those affected (or those simply wanting to learn more) to ask questions, share successes and If you’re told you have CIS, it’s because, for the time being, you don’t meet all the tests for a diagnosis of MS. No, the same as you they had multiple tests made after 90 days of their supposed "exposure" and they were all negative, with the lapse of time they stopped posting so their faith remains unknown, but for sure it wasn't HIV, they just wanted something to explain their symptoms and they found HIV to be their scapegoat. That being said, MS symptoms aren't usually acute like your shoulder pain, or worsen progressively over years. " Had experienced other MS symptoms like fatigue, lhermittes, pain, I’ve been living with MS-like symptoms for at least two years now, with fatigue stretching back possibly eight years and an episode of diplopia and uterus failure five years ago. 1. MS symptoms started 2-3 years later and was just diagnosed 2 years ago. And yes she will be taking more pregnancy tests in the meantime as she got a Clearblue electronic test she will try in the coming Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The fact that you aren't experiencing symptoms now does not mean you don't have MS, it just means your oligodendrocytes (cells that repair myelin damaged by MS) have done a great job If you have questions surrounding the diagnostic process, or have questions about suspected MS symptoms, please make a post in the stickied, weekly thread created for this purpose. MS doesn't have to be all doom and gloom and a near normal life is possible for a lot of people Her grandmother apparently had a really bad variation of MS. Had same thing after chlamydia infection, all tests negative, but tingling [lasts legit 1 second, at the tip, multiple times a day] still present. Most people don't know I have MS. All the other symptoms have popped up within the past year with varying regularity -- tinnitus and body numbness/tingling are daily constant symptoms. In 2012 things got a little worse (optical neuritis, knee pain was bad), but it was not until mid 2013 that I went looking for a neurologist (I couldn't walk without looking like a gorilla, my left hand was kind of useless and I couldn't talk too much without sounding like a blubbering toddler). I took DNA Connexions and had 4 strains of Lyme & his coinfection buddies. Other symptoms she has had is trouble gripping with her hands, her cell phone is practically destroyed, and occasionally trouble with speaking and stumbling on words. You can have MS with negative Evoked Potentials. Because tests are so expensive, now that you have taken some on day 1, might as well wait until day 3 to test again, if negative test again on day 5. I also was worried because I have never missed a period and was worried something else was going on after my negative test. Waiting on MRI to confirm this. About two weeks after the stripper incident went to see a doctor. Doesn't go away. I have had MS for a very long time and they ran blood tests to determine whether or not I had mono. Went to 2 different eye doctors, both said my retina was 100% healthy. All the above symptoms came and went. Sure, it technically could be something else, but something is causing your symptoms. I did have a known tick bite in my early 20’s. my Doctor ordered blood tests which all came back clear for the usual suspects Aneamia/ B12 etc. Honestly, a low vitamin deficiency could explain some neurological symptoms on its own. It is a useful test, but only a small part of your overall presentation. I’ve had major nerve pain issues and other skin sensations as well as occasional balance issues and other MS-similar symptoms. I have all the MS symptoms but I have FMS and my spine is full of bad discs. I have all of this as well, even before LC. All the tests during the first two bouts revealed nothing. Marginal results are usually reported as positive in most of Now the culture has come back completely negative as well. I feel content with the diagnosis, as I know I match close to all the symptoms and a good amount of my blood work can support it. And, if I do mess up, due to MS, I am able to say "that was MS" and shrug it off, instead of blaming myself. I’ve got no pregnancy symptoms too. The next day I got a third test that is negative. :/ In the meantime my symptoms all stayed the same. Testosterone maybe on the lower end but the doctor said not enough to give me testosterone therapy. Of all the family I was the only one to come and help them. I agree with everyone else. Spinal tap was positive for MS. For years we have discussed I either have MS or MS related disease since I didn’t have brain lesions. Blood test was recently done for Neuromyelitis Optica. I work, I walk my dogs, I hiked across Isle Royale and although MS slowed me down, sore knees slowed me way more! Doctors have no clue. Symptoms started Tuesday evening (12/1) Tested Thursday morning (12/3) negative, Sunday (12/6) negative, then tested Wednesday (12/9) which was day 7 and was positive. The reason why I really wanna know if I’m pregnant is Bro i have the same problem after one year of my last exposure I still have symptoms although I test negative after 75 so what I do I repeat the test 2 times and it's negative but still have symptoms I was anxious all the time but I see a post that say if you donate blood u would have free hiv hepatitis C/B so I go and I donated blood after 2 days they give me results and it's all Hello, I (27M) have been suffering from MS symptoms for almost a year. Came back negative. It has given facial parasthesia and numbness with pins and needs on my head, right hands/arms, and starting to get more symptoms in a super short period of time. They can maybe order more labs and even just put all your symptoms into context and connect the dots despite the seemingly unhelpful lab work. Don't worry too much, you and your neuro are investigating, that's encouraging. The younger people need to be told all the truths about MS and the smoldering damages it That’s where he tested positive including 2 more tests from a testing site. Pretty much all symptoms pointing towards MS. When having an MS flare up, usually that numbness wouldn't come and go but would last for many days, or more likely, for weeks and months. Good tests, x All t3/4 tests are within normal range and I tested negative for TPO antibodies. Once you have had all of these tests and they are all negative, I believe that there is a tiny (read that I became very ill with all of the symptoms you describe as well as loss of balance and blurred vision and once they ruled out MS they left me on my own. I can say for sure that's not HIV though the symptoms are very similar. All the symptoms were there, but it’s presence It is so unbelievably frustrating to be having symptoms with tests continuing to come back negative. Then I decided to test one more time a little later when I still hadn’t got my period and it was positive that time. Don’t overthink it. Tinnitus for 10 years, although has gotten worse in the past year. First symptoms roughly 1997, First major attack (optic neuritis in both eyes, loss of ability to walk or use hands, ms hug, neuropathy in all extremities) early 2006. MS has no typical symptoms (see above), everything can happen, it is unpredictable. But I tested today at 5 weeks and it was negative. MS is still possible, as most of my symptoms fall under it and a lumbar puncture hasn’t been done. All of my blood work tests come back negative for allergies. In answer to question 0: There is no blood test for MS. I feel you - I’m having similar issues. Also did a hot water/cold water test. So, what's happening here and what should someone do? To figure out what’s causing possible MS symptoms, doctors look at a person’s medical history, the results of a neurological exam, and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan — and sometimes do a You can have MS with a negative LP. The doctor seemed a little dismissive so I This hospital is kinda famous in our country for fucking up patients and they get a lot of bad reviews so my relative is super worried lesions, but no one has looked at them and said, "Yep, MS. I have very severe health anxiety, and I think that I was so freaked out by all my weird symptoms that I decided that MS would not be severe enough. I definitely have an absorption problem. When I got the results, my MS symptoms quickly What are your symptoms that aren’t listed under descriptions of MS, or ones that your neurologist thought was odd? I’ll go first. I started getting muscle twitches all over and on my mouth particularly, then a tingling/buzzing heel of my left foot, muscle soreness on my arms, tingling tip of nose and scalp, various shooting pains and horrible neck pain. If the result is negative and your symptoms continue, you should still take precautions, wear a mask and avoid close contact with other people. Get some rapid Covid Tests Online and make sure you get two negative tests. My doctor said that lately most people need to be around day 7 for a high enough viral load. All this was done while I waited for my next MRI with contrast, which showed a second spinal lesion, and MS was diagnosed. The main test, if you have lesions and symptoms, is a lumbar puncture - if you get oligoclonal banding in the CSF the that can act as a positive diagnosis. I think you have a smaller chance of a false negative if you were eating gluten consistently for years before hand (I had taken it for several years and had only put it back in for the test). Like u/Silvergirl, I was not diagnosed until the disease was further along. My MS Specialist is not 100% sure I have MS and is ruling out other possible conditions (I'm particularly worried about Lyme Disease and the blood test can have false negatives). The MS Society in the UK are aiming to have a cure within the decade. An MRI of your spine, a spinal tap (yuck), and maybe some blood tests could help further rule out MS (or confirm it). PCOS is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms. Either can cause hair loss. I had tests done last week but just received a call saying the tests came back normal. People suck, but to varying levels, and some suck a lot worse than others. This takes time. From my understanding MS lesions can be seen on a MRI whereas ALS is neuronal which would be seen through various onsets such as bulbar and the rate of progression and potentially genetic mutations tests. hey guys so basically on friday about half way through my shift at work i started getting uti symptoms quick quickly progressed and had me in tears so my boss let me go home early. The disease itself is the lesions on the brain and spine. Had blood and urine tests for HIV, Hepatitis A, B, C, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea – all came back negative. She was in the hospital and her husband ended up bedbound. That's why people with a set of symptoms almost always see MS as a possibility if they google their symptoms. I have had the following symptoms over the past month that have come and go but not stopped 100%: •Numb right foot for 13 days straight that was also burning and have generalized pain •Burning in forearms and calves •shooting pain in right forearm •burning right hand •constant muscle twitching •very bad headaches •tight/burning face •eye floaters •incredible, debilitating Everyone’s MS symptoms are different it’s not a one size fits all. Can pick up virus weeks after recovery; on average it's ~20% at two weeks post-exposure and nearly 0% by 3 weeks. I’ve also been struggling with cold urticaria, feeling cold all the time, severe dry eyes, Petechiae, and severe fatigue. I also have muscle spasms all over my body. and if you’ve given birth on top of that, that also changes things. With an elevated ANA and these types of symptoms, it's definitely worth it to look into with a specialist. If you’re still negative but your Those God awful withdrawal symptoms were as bad as the drug itself. She agreed. My MS symptoms can be traced to around 2010 (funky eye, occasional arms and knee pain). All within range, no sign of diabetes. But I don't even know if it's related because a relative got the same illness, they're not pregnant, and they've been nauseous for a week. Met with a neurosurgeon (for a brain cyst) and she also believes it’s MS. I was so scared. Oligoclonal bands, in particular, also have the interesting issue that the test standards vary slightly from place to place. 3) I will definitely try and find an expert who specializes into ADHD for a second opinion, where I write all of my symptoms down BEFORE I get there. Like non-stop tingeling ony left side especially after the booster shot. He sent a quantitative HcG down to the lab, with the same blood, and that confirmed my HcG was at ~5000. Of course it's an inaccurate reading, but these tests have always had inaccurate readings, and the point is that they haven't actually gotten worse. I went to another gyn and his tests were all negative as well, and my ph is 3. MS is a really hard thing to diagnose, and typically wouldn't present with something so quickly onset as the 5-8 seconds episode, with replases having to last at least 24hr to be diagnosable as a relapse (in Relapsing Remitting MS) - and the thing wth MS is you can have, essentially any, neurological symptom dependent on the locaton of the possible leision in your neurology. But now, starting about 6 months ago, I've been feeling all these symptoms that have sent my etc. All those symptoms cleared up completely within 2 months (the tingles and pain, TL-DR: Pregnancy symptoms all the way to lactating with negative urine and blood tests, not looking for medical advice, just going crazy. If we have someone come in with UTI symptoms we just give antibiotics because there's nothing to be gained by doing a urine test. No inflammation, bleeding or anything going on inside my eye or optic nerve. the next doctor came in & evaluated me again & said it was most likely a panic attack & anxiety but doesn’t want to just say it’s anxiety incase it’s I have this , I had the dark spot in my vision for twenty years, about three years ago I started to have a pain in one eye like an eyelash, lasting about an hour, it would jump from one eye to another , also a tickling at the back of my right eyeball that lasted a couple of months, slightly blurred vision, in the last year the pain has become worse and feels like a tearing at the back Having symptoms similar to someone with MS doesn't really indicate MS like it would with other diseases. People with many MS symptoms can still have a clear MRI – making an official diagnosis difficult. But doctors now see CIS as an early part of MS for many people. my Lyme tests were neg. About a year ago I had really bad vertigo like symptoms for about 2 months then they magically resolved. I thought it was just stress and working up close to the panel all day. While MS sucks balls at times, it's not the scary disease people whispered about in fear when my friend's mum had it in the 80s. Sorry if this was long winded and thank you for reading. the next doctor came in & evaluated me again & said it was most likely a panic attack & anxiety but doesn Try swabbing your throat instead. Now I'm taking Venlafaxine 75 mg for my Neuropathy and haven't had any negative side effects at all. Or the study had over 10,000 people and only one case of MS with a negative EBV test. (My other MS like symptoms got better after ccsvi surgery . For blood tests, what helped me was a positive ANA test and low Vitamin D levels. I can tell you that positive ANA results are statistically associated with diseases, but they are also present in healthy populations. Anyway, it's been a week since then and I still haven't heard anything from the lab. Get On his website he says most of his patients have symptoms like mine & many who come to him have already received negative blood work for Lyme before they get retested with specialized tests and treated by him. I was having good For just about 30 seconds – but such a big mistake! A week later noticed mild burning when peeing (no discharge that I could see, though). A first symptom for one person may never be experienced by someone else.