Nwn2 druid vs cleric Druid and Wizard are fairly similar, but Cleric is a different thing Druids are good for combat/summoning. When I play a druid/sorc I choose two panthers and name them Pantera and Puma. Pick a character concept. What are the Which class would have an easier time running through Hordes of the Underdark (no mods installed, just pure nwn ee) between a Cleric and a Druid? What domains would be best for a I would argue druid has stronger attack spells and tanking spells than cleric. I plan to cover Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, and Cleric in large detail covering stats, feats, skills, as well as spells I personally use on each level. Notify me about new: Guides. For a battle cleric , this Neverwinter Nights 2: DEX vs CHA warlock on high difficulty (with friendly fire) NWN2 It is tedious to use without amulet which requires cleric or druid to restore you. It's not huge, but it adds up. BelgarathMTH 10 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (French) 3 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced A lot of the first level Cleric spells are on the Druid list anyway. It's a good class, good healing, decent dps for solo content So, basically thinking to switch to Paladin but not 100% sure Not a good choice really. Druid and Cleric are both funny in that their 1-9 are insanely strong but they fall off hard after that. (Except when vs dragons, vampires, or greater demons, all who have inbuilt True So for instance with spore druid its doing 4d6 per attack and can stack with the racial smite spells from tieflings / extra attacks from haste / a level dip in war cleric. If you take monk first level, the ability to wear light armor overrides the monk's armor restrictions. Also open to playing shaman or cleric for this purpose. That's a very odd comment: everything you describe for the druid (Except Wild Shape) are also Cleric strong suits, and famously so. They also don't get as many summons as Druid until Cleric gets Planar Ally at the endgame. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) In NWN, stoneskin + extended divine power + improved invis is like the end game buff for melee cleric. If you played an OP back in mod 5 or 6, when the whole "bubble" thing was around being a healer this go around isn't that different. Currently playing some modules. Character Build For one of those, I know I already have a Cleric in the party and, apparently, for Druid as well, but still. I was thinking about starting as a fighter (1), then level cleric up to about level 7 or 8 to get the str and con buffs and stoneskin, A druid must choose and prepare her spells in advance. Why I recommend Clerics for Beginners: Clerics have no alignment retrictions, so you can play any way you wish without Using weapons +5 or less, the cleric gets to +20 AB cap while the paladin can get to +14, the cleric actually has a +1 AB advantage there, it's not just bringing it up to par. So if you think you're going to like spamming spells, maybe druid is for you. Resistance+. This domain grants a cleric the following additions: Granted power: The ability to summon an animal companion like the druid or ranger classes. All feats heading to weapon master class which happens at lvl 13. Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 4 points of damage. #13 Valtari Druids cast divine spells much the same way clerics do, though most get their spells from the power of nature rather than from deities. You will not have resurrection until later in the game through them, so you may need an extra temple visit now and again (or items to achieve the same objective), and you might want to stock up on restoration scrolls, but that’s nwn2 cleric domains question . • The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: cat's grace (2), true seeing (4). - Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead Spellfocus Evocation is must for caster cleric, Spell penetration is also good. Life or War seem like the best fit for a spore druid thematically. Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving Hey all. Generally with ranger 5/druid x or ranger5/cleric x you can afford to focus more on dex then Wis. Which do you prefer for healing and also a solo content, dailies etc. Cleric Domains. Before Xanathar's, clerics had some advantage in healing out of action scenes Bard 2, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2. and level 21 for her red mage school, she can Not a good choice really. It also removes any ability drain effects from the target In NWN2, a Cleric who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert spells to cure spells only. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Now a cleric does get spells that can beef him up and possibly make him better than a fighter at the same level but that's if you get a chance to cast them. I like druids, both thematically and in action, but you'll spend a lot of time watching everyone around you grow stronger and wondering when it will be your turn. If an animal companion is killed, it cannot be summoned again until the ranger or druid rests. Clerics have some combat Shamans still get a variety of bonuses that normal Druids don't, even on a low-spirit PW. Wizard" - Page 2. To help them out, I outline herein a primary Cleric build that any Beginner can pick up and use, in any way he chooses. Their spells are oriented toward nature and animals. Got a bit boring to play cleric for some reason. 5M experience to hit level 14 as a druid, and then you need to reach 3M experience to hit level 15. Druid gets to use more armors/shields, but Sorcerers to get cast more times per day. Type of Feat: Class Prerequisite: Druid level 1, ranger level 4 or cleric with the Animal domain. Home Forums > D&D Games Forums > Neverwinter Nights 2 > Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Cleric and Bard provide better healing and good attack buffs to your martials, but they can't create difficult terrain, walls, ice surfaces or elemental areas as easily as Druid. For Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark on the PC, Champion of Torm Guide Guide by pmiller. While a serious role player as a cleric can play in the bounds of his particular faith, a serious druid must play in bounds of nature, always. Reviews. So, warrior clerics want a high caster level to have longer lasting spells (ext battletide = 40 rounds instead of 32 for example), and be harder to dispel (dispel check = 1d20 +15 to exceed Caster Lvl), and get better effects (+5 magical vestment vs +4) Caster clerics want to penetrate spell resistance, AND do more damage, such as a 20d6 chain Spells: A druid casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. Which class is the better pure caster: Sorcerer or Wizard Cleric multiclasses these days are mostly 6 levels of cleric + silvanus for the stupid +2 threat range with mauls. To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 10 for 0-level spells, Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, and so forth). Any spells that you think are must have spells that just don't work well on wands for whatever reason? Top. Druid have call lighting, ice storms, sov etc. That being said, the cleric offers a few advantages over the druid. Druid + cleric is high on heals but does it short on support? I'm tempted by Linzi as a Bard but I'm weary that her poor Str means that she can't contribute to DPS. In addition Rogues may select their special abilities using these feats. For those unfamiliar, he's like a cleric/sorcerer hybrid, that learns spells slower and know fewer spells, but can cast spontaneously without preparation. 5 rules that permit a choice. Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 4 hit points of damage. Druid sucks, that's the point. red255 14 years ago #2. 3k Cleric and also have lvl 70 Paladin. Enemies have low hp and low saves. I'm a super old school 1st edition AD&D player and even back then Cleric was always considered the most OP class. Any recommendations about stat allocation or dual class appreciated too. Tested and confirmed in final NWN2 version. Why I recommend Clerics for Beginners: Clerics have no alignment retrictions, so you can play any way you wish without Animal Companion. First time with neverwinter 1, played through I want to make optimal druid for Swordflight. Also, the Druid and the Shaman can merge Seems logical, the +1APR weapon of the Druid and the better offensive buffs+ better weapons of the Cleric give similar dmg outputs. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider supporting us to keep the site up & running smoothly. You should take feats that supplement your melee ability to bridge the gap between clerics and fighter attacks. The cleric still has *2. When base classes reach epic levels (>20) they begin to recieve bonus feats in addition to the epic feats they would normally recieve on levels 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. Specifics: An animal companion may be summoned (and unsummoned) by the character. Cleric spells are tied to wisdom, which determines what level of spell the cleric can cast (up to unmodified wisdom - 10), bonus spell slots, and what the spell's difficulty class will be. For the most part a 16 wisdom is enough for most druid and cleric spells, since the best druid/cleric spells don't rely on your casting stat. Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp. You summon a shadow mastiff to be a faithful and loyal servant. If this is true, and I went 1 druid/6 cleric, would I have the same divine casting capabilities (spells per day, max spell level, etc) as a 7 cleric since they're both divine casters, or would I only have the capabilities of a 6 cleric? 3DS FC: 4811-7517-1919. Most classes will gain these feats every 3 The Perfect Cleric Guide For me, there are two kinds of effective Clerics: - The Priest - A more magic-oriented Cleric, able to turn undead more efficiently and to cast a greater number of spells, which are also harder to resist - The Crusader - A more combat-oriented Cleric My 20th level Cleric is a Crusader. Before that, you need 14 window to access druid spells lvl4. You can emulate the feat progression, but for the original campaign I'd mosty ignore multi-classing to unlock your spell slots faster, except for taking one After playing around and learning the controls I am now ready to start playing NWN2 the OC. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced I have played Neverwinter Nights a few times, and have always used single classed characters. Cheats. 3. also hearing animal domain will be weaker somehow, and requires an additional feat to make it as strong as animal companion. My main suggestion is ignore optimization. The main difference is druid gets a meatshield pet and cleric has better defensive spells and overall def. It seems to me the fighter cleric would become a poorer spell caster on the last game compared to the pure cleric. Either way, I'd want both. A single level of cleric in Animal and Healing domain was an immense help. The flavor is interesting and different though. Since Cleric benefits from Charisma (Divine Might, Divine Shield) i think that 10 lvls of rdd will make a nice stats boost to Cleric, but on the other hand CoT has better BAB, better saves and feat every 2 You also lack cleric domains which are important for spell selection. For Druid in OC, it would be great to take 1 level of Cleric with Animal+Healing domains so you can get a boost to your heals+potions to keep your summons healthy and your Animal Summoning spells will also get upgraded to higher level. Druids also get Barkskin so if you don't have UMD and you have Cleric without Animal you can get it. I like all three of these classes a lot, no matter what RPG I play, same goes for Monk and Bard. I don't know how valuable haste on a cleric is in the OC, even Extended, because it's not like Speed potions are rare or expensive, or that you won't have a Wizard companion that can't haste you. If you change the ini file, your C/R can get full druid spellcasting, making it Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition, whereas intelligence represents the ability to analyze information. This category is organized by spell level. Clerics have some combat Druids are versatile; early game with a strong melee henchman and animal companion, you can use wild shape to wreck havoc on most sword fights. Equester Gems: 18/31 Latest gem: Horn Coral Veteran. But if you like the power of a cleric's cd (which recharges every rest), then go for that. I went for Cleric/Ranger and Druid. Caster Level(s): Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 3 Innate Level: 2 School: Enchantment Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Elemental Swarm. Druids were already really good in IWD and now they have the addition of BG2s nice high level spells. I think it's the better choice than Fighter/Druid and Cleric. Cleric spells are divine, and are not affected by somatic spell failure caused by wearing heavier armors. Clerics who take the Animal domain are able to call a faithful animal companion and cast spells that give them bestial agility and perception. That balances their melee weakness compared to a Cleric. 4] Druid ----- Compared to Clerics, Druids are kind of a poor The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. A Druid in their base form at any stage of the game is For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Cleric vs. A level 20 moon druid can gain hundreds of health every single turn while being able to still be a full caster, but a level 20 cleric can invoke the will of their god, and arcana domain has access to So, for clerics, is there anything How about for druids? This doesn't only have to revolve around the new spells, either. A Goliath druid is a better reach cleric than the cleric ever could be with their Giant Form based wildshape. Single-class Cleric vs. Caster Level(s): Bard 5, Cleric 5, Druid 5, Wizard / Sorcerer 5 Innate Level: 5 School: Conjuration Descriptor(s): Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Range: Short Area of Effect / Target: Point Duration: 18 seconds + 6 seconds / level Save: None Spell Resistance: No. Mostly because straight cleric is very strong and doesn't need anything fancy - that's particularly true in the NWN2 OC which is very undead-heavy, and where you don't get a cleric compainion until late in the game. Call lightning actually has a generous AoE to it in this variation as well, making it very spell slot efficient, especially when combined with wet affects which will cause it Hey there! I was planning on going the angel mythic path for my first WOTR character, seems like cleric and oracle are the 2 classes that go best with angel, because those 2 could merge spellbooks with the angel path. As channelers of divine energy, clerics can affect undead creatures. However, I haven't tried getting to the appropriate level of Ranger by actually playing one through, since Buffing is not so tedious once the build gains some levels for +spell duration. Pet + full spellcasting + decent fighting and armor. Druids still have much better control options than Cleric and Bard IMO. A cleric's two chosen domains also provide two to five domain spells at the specified levels indicated by each domain for use with their domain spell slots. In fact; druids can go toe to toe with a Cleric if the correct feats are chosen. The main difference is you're healing from in front as an OP vs from behind on a DC. Imo the thing that make the F/C better until 6M xp is FoA that slows the enemies, is not related with the damage output but very strong. Clerics get turn undead but with the massively bloated CR on elite+, it quickly ceases to be relevant. I will asume that you play oc/motb. Taking a level in fighter is better suited to playing a druid Imo. Doing a Vale Guardian training with my guild our tank had 1300 toughness. For me the Druid spells were worth a lot more. Natural ac and amulet will be taken up for wis. Unlike arcane spells, arcane spell failure does not apply when casting divine spells while wearing armor. Of course you could always just use potions so it matters little. Level 1 Cleric also let you cast Remove Fear incase your summons get hit by spells or Fear aura. The wildshapes are fun I've only played Cleric prior to mod 16 so take this with a grain of salt. Clerics can repel/rebuke undead and trade any spell for a healing spell when needed (so there's no need to memorise them to start I'm stuck between deciding between a Druid, Cleric, or Sorcerer. Druids do stuff that feels like it's an extension of the natural world, where Clerics are distinctly supernatural. Clerics are versatile at everything, but Druids are more defensive in what they do as they can get a lot of AC with the right classes. I do main an OP currently though and have both load outs. Follow the Guide gives you a second shot at shaking off Enchantments, Recall Spirit gives you a Raise Dead spell which Druids don't get, Spirit Form with its 50% concealment is always useful in a pinchand those are just low-mid level abilities. Need Help Designing a Battle Cleric Neverwinter Nights 2 PC . This spell list is used by druids and spirit shamans. Again, pretty solid combination. In this guide I will be giving a run down of my most common caster builds in NWN. And you need 2 casting stats which gimps you further. If you just take 10 more levels of cleric instead of Stormlord, most of those powerbuilds will work. Druid build So im planning to build a Cleric and im wondering which combo would be better. Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage As a battle cleric, you can largely ignore the meta magic feats. 26 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Italian) 10 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (Italiano) 32 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 293 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 29 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 263 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 106 Modding; 247 Off Topic; 400 French; 60 Discussions Générales; 10 Neverwinter Nights Cleric gets 3%, druid 8% just for comparisons sake Also, just as a side note, that nerf hit bard infinitely more than the sonic blast nerf, which did basically nothing (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Spell level: Innate level: 3, Cleric: 3, Druid: 3, Ranger: 3, Shaman: 3, Other: Knight special ability School: Conjuration Components: Verbal and Somatic Range: Touch Target/Area: Single Duration: Instantaneous Save: Harmless Spell resistance: No All diseases and disease effects are removed from the target creature. Go High Elf and take Booming Blade so the enemy has to choose to take the Booming Blade damage and run away, or stay in the Spirit Guardian aura. Obviously if the paladin is maxed towards strength, it'll still edge out the cleric in overall AB. It also needs Charisma for spell casting, and Wisdom determines DC. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Considering the strengths and weaknesses what really is the pull towards a fighter/cleric multiclass compared to a ranger/cleric. A simpleton with low intelligence might nevertheless be very perceptive (have high wisdom). I'm playing through the original campaign atm myself on a pure cleric. Cleric's have access to many long duration buffing spells that can help them lay waste to the hordes of evil, and there are also several short duration ones as well. I thought of them as needlessly complicated, and feat-wasters. Druids get an Animal Companion at lvl 1; Rangers get an Animal Companion at lvl 4; Clerics with the Animal Domain get an Animal Companion at lvl 1; Note: Animal companion levels stack from different classes. Druid Druid can't take weapon profs (without multiclassing) so he's stuck with his default selection of weapons (but scimitars aren't too bad) for spells he gets the stoneskin set of spells, a bit of summon based, and his heal/harm are one level higher than the clerics so he gets them 2 levels later He gets an animal companion and an ability to shapeshift and take the shifter class. Druid Spells vs Cleric Spells . Druid just doesn't have anything nearly that consequential. I was wondering, what would overall be a better dragon shape build, (nwn1), 21 cleric, 18 druid, 1 monk? or 28 druid, 10 shifter, 2 monk. The only one you need is extend spell. For example, a silenced character cannot even For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Members Online • [deleted BGEE: Which class is better as a healer/(de)buffer Cleric or Druid? And which subclass? Cure Moderate Wounds. NWN2 Image Gallery; NWN2: MotB Image Gallery; NWN2: SoZ Image Gallery; NWN2: MoW Image Gallery . Druid/Cleric: More skill points, an animal companion, and nature sense. Why not be a druid? Probably the main reason would be role playing, or simply personal preference. ↳ NWN2 Scripting; ↳ NWN2 Area Design; ↳ Bug Reports and Mechanical Issues; ↳ Issues; i know there is a difference, but i'm not sure of the details. Especially in a low-magic world. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) I agree that druid and cleric are extremely OP. Torn between Druid, Paladin and Cleric . A Human Cleric of Tempus who takes War will get Martial proficiency, arguably the most important one for a melee cleric. Is the DC really that much of a problem? I You could always multiclass the two! There's definitely some synergy between Spores druid and Light Druid's Warding Flare. Magi ascended staff Mostly cleric ascended trinkets I was at 1400 toughness (which I had to lower to play) If the tank died because I was a shit healer I was next to go because I was the next highest. Animal companion feats are specific feats available to the animal companions of a Druid, Ranger, or Cleric who has chosen Animal as one of his or her Domains. Clerics are masters of divine magic, which is especially good at healing. Resistance: Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws. (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Members Online. (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Members Online. Like This is more of a testament to the power of the cleric than anything however. For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Need Help Designing a Battle Cleric". The cleric can summon an animal companion, like a druid or ranger. You offer to the druid your weapons and armor proficiencies. For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Druids". On most parses, our heal amounts / cast counts rankings will look something like: cleric, cleric, druid, cleric, druid, shaman, cleric, shaman, druid. Shaman heals are like 20% weaker than a druid but their mana regen is completely stupid and with no out of combat regen that matters a hell of a lot. To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 10 for 0-level spells, Wis 11 for 1st level spells, and so forth). Obiwon Elder. Inflict Minor Wounds: Touch attack, 1 point of damage. The favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to channel divine power with surprising ease. 1. Smiting gives a big boost to damage and actually lets you use your spell slots while wildshaped. The former two are seemingly good support classes, but the sorcerer appeals to me as well. But to answer your question Cleric is meant to be a fighter first and caster second. She is able to perform the same tasks as her fellow divine spellcasters but with virtually no study. For splash of druid looks extremely good for WIS based sneaks especially due to native cat that clerics don't get without War Domain or Animal Domain. Discussion So recently I mentioned that I think the Druid spell list is a lot better than the Cleric list, but a lot of people seemed to disagree with me, so I figured I'd go through and mention the stand-out spells per level and ask if I'm missing anything in my assessment of the Cleric list. Always has been. Then it kinda depends on what you want to get. I had a blast playing as a Cleric(that focused on spell casting of course, since I'm all about spell casting) and I wondered how it compared to a Paladin since they seem to be a lot alike. Because even if you stay pure cleric and have very good charisma (16+), most of the undead you can destroy are Sorcerer may need to spend a feat on Boon Companion, whereas Druid will likely need to spend a feat on Martial Weapons Proficiency so she can sit behind her pet and fire with bows. most things I did with my cleric 'worked' but weren't super gloriously broken. For example a Druid 15/ Cleric 15 (with animal domain) will have a full level companion. Much like Paladin self-buffs, Cleric ones result in self-sufficiency: 15th level Clerics can buff their weapon and armor to +5 enchantment, which is impressive (Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment). The biggest difference between clerics and land druids is that clerics get their channel divinity (cd) but lands get natural recovery. I've never even just played as a Fighter or Rogue either, but what I'm interested in trying next is a Paladin. what would be better overall? For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) I remember playing a human druid, that fights with summons and shape shift. I want to play a single-class Cleric or Druid all the way through BG and BG2; this is something I've never done before. but cleric domains generally are substancial. Additionally, the feat functions differently between clerics depending upon the alignment of their diety. Like: a Druid buff makes someone run fast or the entire party walk through an area undetected. Full cleric spellcasting 3rd level druid spellcasting Free TWF pips F/D Full druid spellcasting No cleric spells Neither gets grand mastery. its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Members Online. Extended metamagic is obviously good, empovered/maximized is barely needed because cleric has In both NWN and NWN2 the Druid has a very powerful spell selection, although these spells are something you need to grow a strategy around for rather than just label as a plain "nuke", "buff" or "debuff". Caster Level(s): Druid 9 Innate Level: 9 School: Conjuration Descriptor(s): Air, Earth, Fire, Water Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Range: Personal People that have played both, paladin and cleric. I was wondering if a druid would be viable as an offensive spellcaster? I would let others do the healing while I do damage but not sure if I shall just go with the sorcerer again. SS is even worse in this department because of druid spell list. If I were to play a Druid, it would be for roleplaying reasons or to make a certain build. An "absent-minded professor" has low wisdom and high intelligence. As a cleric, I often sacrifice one spell-casting level for a level of fighter, because I get access to the martial weapons feat for free and +1 to Clerics are masters of divine magic, which is especially good at healing. Cleric 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4 +10 bonus to overcome a specific creatures SR. Like the barbarian's class ability, this DR is not overcome by any material or magic. Aerie vs. I am planning on healing/buffing others for the most part, so I might go Ecclesitheurge cleric, or Divine Herbalist oracle. I was thinking something along the lines of a fighter/cleric/ranger with decent str and high dex, con, wis. Clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, favored souls, and spirit shamans cast divine spells -- all based on wisdom (except for favored soul and spirit shaman, who also rely on charisma). Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 penalty on attack rolls). Combine a Cleric's high AB with a WM's large threat range for a ton of critical hits. As far as spells go, a cleric is only better than a mage in Spell failure occurs when spellcasting is attempted in conditions where the requirements of the spell cannot be fully matched, the casting fails and the spell is wasted. azygos1 • • Edited . A Cleric can turn away or even destroy undead. Rogue 2 / Fighter 2 / Cleric 16 / Stormlord 10 Many people start playing Neverwinter Nights 2 with little or no idea on how to make a character. The only things that make a cleric a much better healer than a druid is Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, which is exclusive to the Life domain. Of course most of this is all changeable. Below are two builds, Cleric and a FS that I am considering playing throughout the OC; both builds are being designed to have access to improved two weapon defense and fighting feats. A druid must choose and prepare her spells in advance. Druid has probably the best synergy with monk because of wildshape and elemental shape, which keep your monk's attacks per round and bonus AC from wisdom, and you also get spells you can use before wildshaping. Camouflage: Target gains +10 to Hide checks. Macintosh. I LOVE Druids so take my response with that grain of salt, but you will get most of what a cleric can offer through a Druid, with a very different slant on things. Summon Creature V. Aerdrie Faenya Baervan Wildwanderer Chauntea Fenmarel Mestarine Gwaeron Windstrom You need a total of 1. With my magi exotic armour set. I eventually branched out and tried a Druid and then a Cleric. One of the most important items you need to get is Great Druid's Armor available for buying in chapter 2 and 4. NWN2 Going to do oc and expansion. you really only want to mix a spell-casting class with other classes for very specialized reasons. Spike growth, pass without trace, conjure animal, conjure woodland beings don't really care about casting stat and neither does bless, aid and Well, I generally prefer Druid to Cleric so I'd suggest Shepherd 19/Life 1 and indeed, Shepherd 5-7ish before multiclassing at all. Generally they are a mix of Feats available to normal characters as well as feats only available to the pets. So I built this human druid/rogue/wm that can live on druid spells and animal companion and rogue sneak damage. This basically makes you a spellcasting armor wearing monk capable of using flurry. The only things clerics do better are healing (because they get more spells like restoration) and undead (druids can go Shade of Uskwood but the spells are delayed and they don't get Command Undead). [6. As a spellcasting class gains class levels they gain access to higher spell levels, a wider choice of spells known (either at current levels, or from gaining higher spell levels) and more spells per day. Every +1 counts. 0. To test, I just now created one in ToB, and it had level 1-3 Druid spells (and loads of Cleric spells) as expected. This is in contrast to some conditions that prohibit the casting of spells. I was thinking of maybe picking this over the PHB Cleric for possibly serving a ranged or rogue space (assuming we lack one). If you aren't going epic, then pure Cleric or Cleric with a couple levels of Paladin (for charisma boost to saves, martial weapon proficiency and discipline as a class skill) or Bard (discipline and tumble as class skills) are pretty good options. Tbh your experience will be fairly similar either way. . Been tinkering a bit with a strong dual-wield build, but can't seem to find one in the character build section that really tickles my fancy. Light cleric has dupreme radiant damage outputs and grate subclas spells . Few questions: I suggest taking 1 level in Cleric(Healing + Animal domains) ASAP to make early game smoother as you will have a strong ally to fall back until you mature. Will give 5 extra ac. Just handy since it can deal with the locks and traps and you can haul along a real warrior or cleric plus use summon creature for tanking. If you want spells, this is a very good way to go. I have 24. Additionally, ability modifiers should be taken into account. If you take cleric levels, you'll gain access to divine favor and divine power to super charge your AB along with access to some nice domain spells. Advertisement . @Avenger_teambg - so far as I know, yes. IMO its been brought up too much at the expense of dps and utility. Cleric have more buff than bard, but cleric is extremely OP in the game and if you know how to play it right, your cleric can actually melee better than the barbarian and do thief stuff better than the rogue. Once 2nd ed came out and they did the "Brown Books" and added kits it was all over; Cleric with the right kit was all you needed. I have played a Drow FS up to level 4 to learn the game mechanics. FS feats (weapon spec etc) gear you toward melee build. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. None of the prestige classes in either NWN1 or NWN2 ever caught my fancy much. In both NWN and NWN2 the Druid has a very powerful spell selection, As for Druids being weak; one of the highest AC builds out there is a druid. It's quite powerful defensively but spellcasters are also quite powerful! NWN2. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) (17th level Shifter) for those kinds of abilities vs the cost of high level Druid spells. Mask of the betrayer, you get 4 companions, A mage with 10 levels in red mage, which means if she takes practiced spellcaster she gets +4 spell casting levels so she can craft the best gear in the expansion at level 26. Sand, Zhjaeve, or Ammon Jero - Aerie is a sub-par character even in her own game, while any of the NWN2 crew could beat the stuffing out of her with ease, though if she were translated to NWN2 as a pure mage, pure cleric, or mystic theurge, she would probably hand them their asses. Cleric Domains are nearly essential on harder difficulties. why do people Between a Druid of the land. The druid has divine spellcasting, which you already have though there are a few more direct damage spells, unless you invest several levels into druid, you won't be able to use them. Most of the domains are meh, the extra spells are cool but most dont work well without the enhancements to boost them. Spellcraft is also nice exp boost not to mention that monk dip gave me access to all monk quests. To a lesser extent there's also Disciple of Life (also from Life) and Circle of Mortality (from Grave). The effect lasts for 5 rounds + the cleric's Charisma modifier. --> be amazed at how powerful clerics actually are lol At base lvl the Druid is the "Nature" caster and the Cleric is the "Divine" caster. If you take the proper cleric As for the main question: They are all different in playstyle really, so it comes down to personal preference. Clerics are OP anyway so it's never wrong to go cleric. Most classes will gain these feats every 3 For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Arrows are low dmg, so a pal/cleric with divine might gets good To play solo you need to be strong at all levels. ), damage that ranks from OK to great depending on the domain and unlike Druid, Clerics don't need concentration for all of this. For oc: It is possible. Description (Cleric): You can convert any memorized cleric spell into a cure wounds spell (if good or neutral alignment) or an inflict So, warrior clerics want a high caster level to have longer lasting spells (ext battletide = 40 rounds instead of 32 for example), and be harder to dispel (dispel check = 1d20 +15 to exceed Caster Lvl), and get better effects (+5 magical vestment vs +4) Caster clerics want to penetrate spell resistance, AND do more damage, such as a 20d6 chain And have the chance to fall (but can be avoided). Even an inexperienced Cleric can bring people back from the brink of death, and an experienced Cleric can bring back people who have crossed over that brink. These bonus feats can be used to take any feats that the character could take with a regular epic feat. This is probably the best possible Zen Archery Cleric for PvP, but for regular play you need to consider that you actually have to play a low-level Cleric. Comments. This is different from DnD 3. Bard 5, Cleric 5, Druid 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5 +3 or +6 on saves. An unsummoned companion can be recalled after a short cooldown time. It gives you armour and weapon proficiencies if you plan to be more melee. Implemented with custom Resist Spell checks. Cleric gets most of the same healing spells, hella control and support spells (Sanctuary, Bless, Bane, Aid, Enhance Ability, etc. the only benefit i'm aware of is more summoning, though i'm not sure how this works. The Spontaneous Conversion feat is automatically obtained by both Clerics and Druids but functions quite differently for the two classes. I just wish your deity changed the colours of certain spells/abilities, because then you could have a Moon Light Cleric Considering the buffs druid can offer, some raidgroups have used 2 druids, both not specced for healing at all and instead 1 berserker druid and 1 condi druid (so that all 10 players get grace of the land, frost spirit and spotter buffs). Or companion domain and feat for the Dino. Or a cleric of Selune. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Druids [] A Druid can channel stored spell energy into summon creature spells that the Druid did not prepare ahead of time. Druids make better healers than cleric's technically, because unlike clerics they can eventually get a few level 5 spells, but @CaptRory is right it is not a very effective use of ones time especially during a battle. • The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: enlarge person (1), Tenser's transformation (6). Log in to add games to your lists. Druid has quite a lot special interactions in the world like woodcraft, tracking and animal empathy. Menu. Therefore, my guide covers two distinct styles of play the Caster Cleric and the Battle Cleric. 5 times the unique spells, you still have nothing to replace animate dead, druid's shapeshift still stinks especialy compared to turn undead, plus kits don't combine to multiclass, where again cleric has the diversity-advantage. Cleric and druid mostly. First pick is I think tome for haste and premonition Second pick is a choice between plant for Barkston. Druids are very versatile but Clerics are usually better at most basic things, like dmg/healing/buffing. Yes, most people think it's a waste to do Monk and any arcane class. sarevok57 (For that matter, there is always the bugged ranger-->cleric dual class that hits 7th level druid spells before a pure druid). Wisdom is important for clerics and druids, affecting the This spell list is used by clerics and favored souls. High WIS builds that walk around naked alot can spare a level of monk for the AC (shifter) If a cleric is dual wielding, taking a level of monk will probably make up for the lack of full plate with the WIS bonus to AC (assume +12 on dex and Wis, thats +11 AC right there past your clear stats) and if you main hand a kama For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) OC or not OC. Monk2/DruidX is pretty simple and all around beefy for PvE. Any priest class willing to press a heal button can contribute a ton to a raid but druids are by far the weakest healer. High cha means you will have wider choice of invocations better saves better dc same ac (but you need divine shield) and worse touch attack. Caster Level(s): Bard 2, Cleric 2, Druid 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3 Innate Level: 2 School: Conjuration Descriptor(s): Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Favored Soul. By level 6, an extended bull strength can last you an entire dungeon. Minadin, Apr 17, 2013 #15. I'm tempted by Tristian as an Ecclesitheurge but I'm unsure whether a healer is a necessity as you progress through the game. Aside from moon druid, the entire rest of the druid class is weaker than the cleric class. Aid. 11 Spore Druid + 1 Cleric seems really good, opens up spell versatiliy without losing any spell slots or spell progression and gain armor proficiencies/weapon proficiencies. Druid through BG:EE and BG2:EE . You could alternatively use a Druid instead of a cleric Glancing at For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) Druid might be interesting for both cleric and druid spell books and an animal companion although it does mean you will be casting more buffs. so there is room for it to be stronger. Depends on the campaign and level range you are expected to play in. Life Cleric is actually a damage over time beast: The point of Life Cleric is to sit in the middle of the enemy, having high armor, and Spirit Guardians + Spiritual Weapon the enemy in the face. @James_M - you ought to be getting only level 1-3 of Druid spells, not 1-4, because that's all a single-class Ranger gets. Though even on my caster druids I often take 1 level in fighter. Not in terms of game mechanics and optimization because I feel both work fine for my party composition, Which(if any of you have played) FEELS better in the story and setting? I think I’m struggling with For some simple numbers for you. By comparison, a cleric with 3M experience would be level 21. That said, turning undead isn't as useful as you believed. Overall , everithing a druid does cleric does better ( except having free guiding bolts , jesus christ that is broken ) . That is, only specific Domains are better healers than a druid. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. (That is unless there's now slings in the game). Only thing more powerful than a cleric this time round is a cleric with better companions. Overall, it's a choice between high level cleric or druid spells. Druids have to cross class with another class to use heavy armor where as Cleric come with it. Druid spell list lacks good buffing spells so melee build is out. Munchkin Blender, Jun 19, 2009 #7. Cleric or Druid X/Fighter 1 until Cleric or Druid 20, then Fighter from there to Cleric or Druid 20/Fighter 20. The failed spell's associated spell slot or use per day is considered to be used. Druids get a few spellcasting disruption spells (insect plague, summon insect) as well as a very good late game level (they can get up to level 10) which makes their dispel Play a light cleric, focus on your domain ability, inflict wounds and guiding bolt. Late game, you are better off relying on spells. Druid healing power has been brought up, but still good step behind cleric. i'm hearing animal domain is redundant for druid, i'm assuming cause they already get a pet. Icon. Light: Object shines like a torch. The cleric also gains damage reduction equal to twice this amount. Community and Good Domains give a ridiculous attack bonus on boss fights, and with Domain Zealot the Cleric can still take their regular turn. It is valid to say that the druid spells don't start slapping until level 4/5 but you will otherwise still have access to all the cleric spells until that happens.
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