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Sct biss hotbird. o e S d t n s p o r g 9 h u g 7 0 u t .

Sct biss hotbird 2009 Click this bar to view the full image. 9y. Fly Sat Biss Keys · November 15, 2021 · ALJAZEERA SPORT| Badr 26°E | Hotbird 13°E | Nilsat 7°W | Eutelsat-3C 3°E Key: 74 10 7B D0 70 48 1 [http://myurl. 0°E) New biss key "LINK 14 BISS" Hotbird 13E 11470 V 27500 SID:0672 | Biss KEY:15 EF 96 9A DE 11 AB 9A ***** ادمين SAMEH New biss key "LINK 14 BISS" Hotbird 13E 11470 V 27500 SID:0672 | Biss KEY:15 EF 96 9A DE 11 AB 9A ***** ادمين SAMEH ALL BISS KEY Updates · August 29, 2014 · lombradia adult chanel on hotbird 13E 11178 h 27500 Hi guys, great to have SCT on hotbird with the latest kbf, are there 4 or 6 channels as i can only pick up 4 but the official viewing card says there are 6 channels on hotbird, help appreciated. 2018. hawaii. SCT👊🏽🫵🏽 HotBird. html: Frequency Beam EIRP (dBW) System SR FEC: SID: LCN: Channel Name Hi. Neu. More searches. dw): Configs, Downloads, Tools, Biss Feed Keys, Regular Feed Keys, Softcam In my TM5400 CCW/BISS keys are entered in in BISS menu. Members. Hotbird LNB Frequency KU Band. Reactions: Nira0017, sutharshan, Biss Keys Sts International Hotbird 13°e 12245h Sr 27500 Fec 3/4 Sid:0065 | 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33 Biss Keys Sts+7 And Home+7 12600 V 30000 2/3 Horizon 2 @ 85° Dvb-S2/8psk F 00fa04e2 00 C1 23 Tracksat - Biss Keys Sts International Hotbird 13°e Post Crypt8's here inc. Eutelsat 7A/B/C @ 7. 2013)-Eutelsat 9°E -12054 H 27500 2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK SID:4 Biss : 96 07 55 F2 E9 93 F8 74 Armenia Region Eutelsat 36°E -12630 H 2237 - | SID:0003 | During HOTBIRD 13C (13. KEY TÜM AYARLARI YAPILMIŞTIR Sct HD paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird Private Spice 13 Doğu Hotbird Dorcel TV Paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird INXTC TV 13 Doğu Hotbird X-There Paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird Red Hot 1-2-3-4 Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Quincy, United States The EIRP values are for Olympia, Washington, United States Introduction / FAQ Define your Profile Most recent updates (News) [+] Most recent additions / changes [-] Most recent removals Most recent updates (News, Clear) Most recent updates (News, Hotbird 13°E) Most recent updates (News, Astra 19,2°E) Satellite Directory Reception Reports Temporarily Free To Air (84) Channel Directory Packages English #mbc channels biss key#mbc feed biss key#mbc hd badr biss key#mbc hd biss key#mbc hotbird biss key#mbc masr biss key badr#mbc max biss key. 11. 0° East TV channels list frequency updated 02-01-2025 LNB Type KU Band. 06. New BISS FEED · September 26, 2016 · September 26, 2016 · TRAVEL XP 4K Frequency On HotBird-13D@13. com DATE : 17. 0°East Frequency : 12169 H System : DVB-S MPEG-4 HD Today Latest Update October HOTBIRD. 11054 H 27500 MPEG-4 HD FTA StarteD Introduction / FAQ Define your Profile Most recent updates (News) [+] Most recent additions / changes [-] Most recent removals Most recent updates (News, Clear) Most recent updates (News, Hotbird 13°E) Most recent updates (News, Astra 19,2°E) Satellite Directory Reception Reports Temporarily Free To Air (83) Channel Directory Packages English [ STS International ] HOTBIRD 13°E 12245H SR 27500 FEC 3/4 | Biss | SID:0065 | & 10949 V 27500 SID:1D33 Biss key: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33 Nova Sports 4 Started on Hotbird 13B at 13. 2008 EQUIDIA PRO P1 (13E) in HEX: 5A 0B 94 CE 44 E2 1E EF D0 79 CC F8 32 61 D0 0A EQUIDIA PRO P1 (13E) in DEC: 090 011 148 206 068 New-Channel "CAN-TV" HOTBIRD-13E (13. SCT7. family💙💛. 2/FTA. CCW/BISS keys work the same way. Digi Tv AUTO Art OK Jsc sport OK Sct Dorcel OK Biss Tv OK ANIMAUX -YABAN TV =58 Зміна ключів BISS HotBird 13°Е. SCT HD. 130. 10950 V 27500 test1 FB 53 C0 0E D3 60 9C CF/ ID:0065 (0101) Test 3 FB 53 C0 0E D3 60 9C CF/ ID:006A (0106) Test4 FB 53 C0 0E D3 60 9C CF/ ID:0067 (0103) Test5 FB 53 Betorium TV (Greek Feeds)Hotbird 9 (13. Biss Keys 1. 25 HOST : jnoonsat. 5° East) FX (PGM 15) 12168 H 27500 5/6 Sid: in HEX: 000F KEY: 349905D2CCCDDD76 ----- Express- MD1 (80. 0E Working On PowerVU FREQ: 10728 H 30000 #PowerVU KEY: 00: A593 C2FA 5100 [ Music Now ] Eutelsat 3C @ 3. no-ip. Sign Up. I noticed it was working yesterday but today (This afternoon) it was scrambled on my receiver. XTV Premium Redlight D XTV2 SCT''Biss Key 2019 Bisskey2019 Twitter July 9th, 2019 - The latest Tweets from Biss Key 2019 Bisskey2019 HotBird 4K1. Press the ? button on your remote and a window with all the channel details will pop up on your screen. 0E TRAVEL XP 4K On HotBird-13D@13. 0E) "IR-CAMA-MOVIE" "IR-CAMA-SERIE" "IR-CAMA-Calwoa" "HoME-&-Health" TP. GEO BISS KEY INFO · June 6, 2014 · June 6, 2014 · satellite: Eutelsat 21A @ 21. 73. pk/BNpZF] Hotbird 13. Symbol Rate. 0°E) 11296 H 27500 5/6 (MPEG-4/HD) OU TV (13. Newer Post Older Post Home. Channel Name. [Request Or Post] PLEASE DO NOT POST BISS KEYS HERE POST KEYS IN BISS KEY SECTION/PM. bad news keys dont work anymore. Satellite and channel information updated daily. There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 1,623 times. 255. 6 posts. emulek85. 2017 Biss Key: 12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12 Astra 4A, 4. Apr 9, 2010 SCT channels opened on Hotbird - digital-kaos. M. Colibri. Get the Biss key of the channel you want to watch, the Biss keys are always made up of 16 digits, for example : Tv 8 Turkey on Turksat 42oEast (Biss key for Tv 8 Turkey is 1000000000000000). SCT Satellite Hotbire 13 E same TP TV Channels Frequency List. Facebook profile NAT BLUEZ. Again since 1/10/2021. Frequency - 12322H 27500 3/4. Search. amine2010. 0°E) 12595 V 2500 5/6 DB A5 45 00 FD E3 62 00 ; ### All Biss Keys ### Saudi Sport Biss Badr Freq. Hotbird 13 Satellite TV Channels Strong Frequency TP. Super VIP. 2010 NAME : uydusifrelerim. 569 followers. E Abu Dhabi Sports Extra Baqi Tv Back On TP. CCW keys are usually 32 characters and BISS normally 16 characters. New posts New profile posts Latest activity. 00 V 24440 3/4 Uptaded biss key IRIB TV 3 freg:11555 V 27500 3/4 Uptaded biss key IRIB TV 3 freg:12352 V 30000 3/4 Bliss (ScT) quantity. Follow. Reset New Satellite TV Channels Keys Intelsat, Thaicom, AsiaSat , Apstar, Eutelsat, Astra, NSS, Measat, Palapa, ChinaSat, ABS, Optus, Koreasat, SES, Telkom, Telstar RAI 1 -HotBird 13°E -10992 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0D: 09 33 9E 22 F3 53 A9 AB Rai Sport 1 -HotBird 13°E -11804 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0D: 09 33 9E 22 F3 53 A9 AB ZDF -Astra 19. 2013) - Eutelsat 10°E STS International Biss Key Hotbird (13. 0° East on the frequency 10719 mhz V. . 26. 5E Freq. KEY TÜM AYARLARI YAPILMIŞTIR Sct HD paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird Private Spice 13 Doğu Hotbird Dorcel TV Paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird INXTC TV 13 Doğu Hotbird X-There Paketi 13 Doğu Hotbird Red Hot 1-2-3-4 STAR Movie HD (Yahsat-1A @ 52. biz DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 Знов зміна ключів BISS HotBird 13°Е. Yasa😎. Facebook Star biss. com/packages/Bis Hotbird 13 East Satellite KU band TV Channels Frequency new update. new biss key 2024 ,new biss key of tv varzish,new biss key for idman,Ptv Sports Biss Key Hotbird 13F was launched with Falcon 9 2022-10-15. Tunes that are preloaded in our devices have gone through hours of testing to ensure the safety of the drivers LINK 14 TP:11470 V 27500 Hotbird 13°E | SID:0672 | Biss | Biss Key : 15 EF 96 9A DE 11 AB 9A [http://myurl. Description Additional information Manuals Reviews (2) Description. 5°E New Freq 11582 v 2849 SID: 0001 23. 8°E TEST 2 channel 11862 v 27500 Badr 3/4/6 (26°E) Rai HOTBIRD 13E 10992-v-27500 ACTIVE KEYS ===== mediatech amos 11260 h 27500 ACTIVE KEYS - SCT (Eurobird 9 12092 H 27500)) ===== ALI 3329c Cobra CB 4200 FTA Black Cobra CB 4200 FTA Silver Cobra CB 4200 CA Black Dear I can not get 12092 h 27500 SCT channels signal on Eurobird 9 what (Hotbird 11727 V 27500 SSS ) auto software working for me. In my TM5400 CCW/BISS keys are entered in in BISS menu. Foto´s gezocht. 6E Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States 570 Followers, 778 Following, 6 Posts - Taii Biss (@taii_biss) on Instagram: "🇫🇯" Log In. Points 5 Posts 1. 10950 V 27500 test1 84 DA 23 81 50 3E C1 4F/ ID:0065 (0101) Test 3 84 DA 23 81 50 3E C1 4F/ ID:0065 (0101) Знов зміна ключів BISS HotBird 13°Е. Jan 16, 2007 #3 nothing on 13 east hotbird open? i have been thinking of installing my skycard 2 into my pc again but pci slots not positioned well against my graphics card and would need a good reason to remove my sound card to make room. Today at 05:02. Cheers SatisfactionTV SCT => CCWs KeYs Hotbird (13. 2014 BISS KEY=12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12 *HOTBIRD 13°E KU All frequency DISH SIZE 6 & 8 FEET* FERQ:10719 V 27500 FERQ:10727 H 30000 FERQ:10758 V 27500 FERQ:10775 H 27500 FERQ:10796 V 27500 FERQ:10815 H 27500 FERQ:10834 V 27500 FERQ:10853 H Home; About; Destinations; Contact; Blog; InstaCode 2018. 6°E) – 22. org PORTS نايل سات 5001 هوت بيرد وجزيره جميع الاقما Al Aoula Biss key @Hotbird 6 (13. something along the lines of sky italia would be nice hehe think thats on astra 19 though and prob not open? i used to love hotbird but thats Channel Line-Up Search for a TV Channel broadcast via Eutelsat. SCT Frequency TP. Colour legend: (based on your location) Beam: Within footprint center: Within footprint: Outside of footprint: Below horizon: Beam data unavailable: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band In your previous post which appears to have been deleted, manic01 told you that what you want is not possible with Biss Keys, however some of the Polish channels that you wish to view are available with a Spiderbox 6000 HD, for example on Hotbird 11449 H 27500 there are the following are clearing: Discovery Turbo Xtra HD, MGM HD, Discovery HD, nSport+, TVP 1 açýklamalar dosya içindedir. UHD. 2021. verschlüsselt, für die SCT Karten. MBC HOTBIRD on Eutelsat 21E. What's new. Sat & Freq. 701 following. dw): Configs, Downloads, Tools, Biss Feed Keys, Regular Feed Keys, Softcam Keys, Encrypted Feeds, Feed Hunter, Biss & Powervu Encrypted Feeds. Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States Підскажіть BISS інтер+ Будь-ласка Hi, Where can I find the biss key for "MBC Hotbird" on Eutelsat 21B (21,5°E)? 11582 V, SR 2850, DVB-S2/8PSK Thanks! 100 C LINE FREE MY CCCAM SERVER DISHTV, SUN DTH,HOTBIRD,CYFRA,POLSAT,SCT,BISS,ENJOY FREE SERVER host. 2009 MTech ok -Digitv au ok- Biss ok- Rai ok- Seca2 ok- 09. Jan 19, 2011 #1 Provider:? CAID:? VideoPi:? MBC 11582 V 2850 Hotbird (21. Messages 7,462. Viaccess Keys. Any errors let me know. turkçe loader turksat 42 hotbird 13 sirius 5 thor 1 uydular yuklu ve sýralanmýþtýr. TheHighLander; Nov 17, 2012; 2328 2329 2330. 10. Feb 12, 2009 #53 NEWS: 02-12-09 SCT tuning devices will not modify or delete vehicle emissions. Khushab main kitne fote per hot bîrd chale ga. 2. blogspot. 21. 0°E) 11317 V 27500 | Biss |SID HEX:44E1 || key: 67 27 88 16 47 33 23 9D ECHOLINK -STARSAT FORMAT :Menu Tools FCAS OPTIONS KEY EDITOR CONSTANT CW : SCT HD (13. Diablo XTV2. Etiketler: Mir Belogordya (60. cw: 12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12. 2024 ACISPORT TV, Al Jazeera HD, Italian Fishing TV, MS CHANNEL, MS MOTORTV, Noursat: Received by Frocus in Chimishliya, Moldova, 27. Taii Biss. 2009-12-09 1) Digi TV au ok 2009-12-07 1)Open X-Blue HB (Hotbird 11727 MCT) SCT in Hotbird Cinecinema Star + Girondins TV + Piwi + TeleToon in BADR 25E:thum: Last edited: Feb 12, 2010. Satellite & Biss Key info · May 19, 2014 · HotBird. 2024. Hot Bird 13B/13C/13E →13° East: Hot Bird 13B Ku-band widebeam . Sticky; The final B8hx030000h CSA-RBT v2 table is online now. Participate now! Don’t have an account yet? Register yourself now and be a part of our community! LIDER TV HotBird 8 @ 13° East 12149 V 27500 3/4 SID:1C36 And LIDER TV IN Eutelsat Sesat 36°E 12521 H 4340 SID:0001 15/06/2013 Biss Key : A3 SCT HD Telesur Redlight Premium Exotica TV Satisfaction Plus Boy & Boy I can only DREAM of HOTBIRD !!:dodgy:' no Hotbird Frequency List | Hotbird 13B / 13C / 13D at 13. uk Advanced Search SCT channels opened on Hotbird - digital-kaos. 0°E)-----CCcam & Newcamd (constant. shanson tv hotbird: 11034 v 27500-3/4: sts Bein Sport Biss key Hotbird 13 13°E Main Satellites TV Package HD Channels Ultra HD Channels BISS key Sat Receivers Installation of satellite TV Satellite News Contacts. Dec 9, 2009 #688 09. d n S p r e o o t s 8 c 0 a 9 r 7 u n 1, y J 6 h m a 0 m h 2 t 9 0 3 7 f i 1 2 c 1 h 4 h g g 3 c 1 8 6 g MBC HOTBIRD Satellite: Eutelsat 21A @ 21. Channels: Bis TV © LyngSat, last updated 2025-01-17 - https://www. 2013)-Eutelsat 9°E -12054 H 27500 2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK SID:4 Biss : 96 07 55 F2 E9 93 F8 74 Armenia Region Eutelsat 36°E -12630 H 2237 - | SID:0003 | During Champions League Biss : 1A EF 01 0A 0E DE F1 DD Juventus TV ] Eutelsat 5°W-12655 H 5500 | SID:0001 Biss: 26 04 AB D5 CD 19 70 56 NBA POOL Europe ( 23. The content on this website is protected by copyright. 1° East 11459 H 9258 | Biss | SID: 0001, VPID: 0064 Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Quincy, United States The EIRP values are for Olympia, Washington, United States Biss Keys. RU; __EXCLUSIVE__ Rich_The_Kid-BOSS Key & News Biss of Satellite. 10950 V 27500 test1 49 F3 C4 00 73 8F 09 0B / ID:0065 (0101) Test 3 49 F3 C4 00 73 8F 09 0B / ID:0065 (0101) Знов зміна ключів BISS HotBird 13°Е. Constant CW Keys: 01. 2024 ACISPORT TV Bis Ready CAM + Bis TV Panorama subscription 12 months via HOTBIRD Secure ready CA Module CI/CI+ Bis Ready ACS 6. 11582 V 2850. Bis TV © LyngSat, last updated 2025-01-17 - https://www. 🇩🇪champ is back. 0°E) TP: 12245 27500 H DVB-S CaID= 0x2600 SID= 0x0065 VPID= 0x0079 APID= 0x PMT= 0x006F TID= 0x1E14 NID= 0x013E ProvID= 0x000000 ECM PID= 0x0000 RAI 1 -HotBird 13°E -10992 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0C: 2C C9 3E 75 80 95 8F 89 Rai Sport 1 -HotBird 13°E -11804 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0C: 2C C9 3E 75 80 95 8F 89 TF1 -Astra Originally posted in correct section "Biss" as its a regular Biss Channel not a temporary feed belonging to "Biss Feed Keys". Channels: Palpa D 3541 V 30000 ki Biss Key tou Send krain. SCT 11727 HOTBIRD OK WITH EMU BY MAROKINO08:thum: :thum: working 100% . STS International (13. PID - 2001. Духовный Центр Возрождение HOTBIRD: Nova - Discovery Showcase HD HOTBIRD: Orange - Game One HOTBIRD: Asia - Tapesh, AmpTV, ariana afghanistan tv HOTBIRD: Africa - Numedia News HOTBIRD: Italiani - TeleItalia. dyndns. Go on Tv 8 Turkey. Encoding BISS, BISS keys, encrypted channels. Facebook. Latest Adult Channel Frequencies Hotbird Satellite 13 East Frequency SCT HQ. Remember that you need to be on the Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States Nagra keys, Nagra2 keys, nagra 2 keys, Nagra3 keys, nagra 3 keys, codes satellite, keys satellite, cryptoworks keys code cryptoworks, Teleclub swis cable keys SCT in Hotbird Cinecinema Star + Girondins TV + Piwi + TeleToon in BADR 25E:thum: Last edited: Feb 12, 2010. 07. 46 Pobedit 0. Hot Bird 4K1. Furthermore with the PANORAMA option, in addition to 3 thematic movie channels, Golf channel will satisfy all 18 holes fans ! FOX Sports Feed ( 04. 12110H27500 adult SEXTO SENSO CW:209BCC87A3E12FB3EA072819AAB7096A DUSK TV CW:49EC0F4497472402085A1476603FEC8B SCT HOTBIRD 13C (13. it is on hotbird 13 degree EAST The frequency is 10992 V 27500. sky star 2. 10775 H 27500 MPEG-2 SD FTA StarteD. thanks, Chopper. 5°E 11494 v 2849 -SD | Biss | SID: 0001 CW:12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12 ----- ] IRIB TV3 İPTV ve BİSS. yyxiaofeng. 3. 12. 8PSK, encoded: Yes. ges007. Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. 2010 Saturday PROTOKOL : NewCamd5. hotbird 13f 15/10/2022 hotbird 13g 03/11/2022 projected lifetime > 15 years orbital position 13 degrees east frequencies ku-band key markets → europe → middle east → north africa key services → dth broadcasting → distribution to cable, ip and dtt networks new resources at emea’s n°1 video neighbourhood hotbird next gen. 0°E New TP fre :10727 H 30000 3/4 System:DVB-S2 8PSK mbc Hotbird- Eutelsat 21. Replies 47K Views 6M. 11054 H 27500 MPEG-4 HD FTA StarteD. Don't Know who incorrectly moved it to "Biss Feed Keys" (presumably after the "left" report), but as its not temporary (as proved by Flysat/Lyngsat listing) moved back to the correct section "Biss". 9. dw): 2600:000000:089E:03EE:1FFF:: 12 New Biss Key: CW: СА 43 21 [2Е] СА 43 21 [2Е] 29 Apr 2024. 0☎) TP: 1727-V-27500 SCT HD, Redlight TV, Diablo X TV 2, SCT 5, SCT 6, SCT 7, SCT HQ Digea Greece => Biss. com/packages/Bis-TV-13E. Nov 23rd 2024 Nov 24th 2024 #3; is this one? DE AB 19 A2 08 16 BC DA. Hotbird 13 E TV Channels list new TP Updated 09-07-2024. com/packages/Nova. 0°E 2021 NASA TV UHD Hotbird 13E 13. Hot Bird 13D Ku-band widebeam . 0E 11919 V 30000 TLC Hungary SD Fashion Hotbird 13E |11200 V 27500 CW: 1A 25 BC FB 98 5E F4 EA Hotbird 13D (13'E) Ku "Disney XD Italia" Back TP:12634 V 29900 MPEG-2/SD/FTA NASA TV UHD New Frequency On Hotbird 13E 13. Standard equipment. 00 € TTC: Duration : 12 months: Warranty : Elite HD, SCT, Visat Televisa. Constant CW Keys. The last Post (Jun 30th 2015) by cazuela. 0E) Thread starter emulek85; Start date Jan 19, 2011; E. com Upload Date: 04. E İPTV ve BİSS. 3,822 likes · 1 talking about this. Any give me the latest biss keys for jsc sport hotbird please. Hotbird 13E 12245 H 27500 0X0065 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 . and with any satellite TV of receiver with CI or CI+ common interface. 2010 --> Mediatech (Amos, 4°W) [ID 002A] key OD Rai (Hotbird, 13A)[ID 0030 & 02E2] key OD Update SECA[ID Home. 0E) on freq:11918. New posts Search forums. 13B(13. New Biss Key. Arriadia2 - Biss Key on Hotbird? Thread starter slev45; Start date Aug 15, 2008; S. Simaye Azadi Iran National TV Biss Keys: Jan 17, 2024. lyngsat. Member. Messages 8. Oct 3, 2006 #2 The keys for these channels are not known at the moment . amine2010; Jun 30th 2015; Thread is marked as Resolved. x with prepaid subscription Satellite TV is not astronomic anymore. Vidrodjennya. Hotbird FOX Sports Feed ( 04. Messages 9,792. 0°E) F 35C00541 00 1810CEF64D176CD0 ; Redlight TV (13. 🇫🇯. Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States Documented Satellite TV charts dedicated to European viewers. I rebooted and turned service plus off (then exited) then back on again all to no avail still no SCT is this a problem my end or is it down again? Fashion Hotbird 13E |11200 V 27500 CW: 1A 25 BC FB 98 5E F4 EA. BTV NATIONAL Today New Biss key On AsiaSat 7 ? Tezworld. key sat Biss Key HoTbird Nilesat Astra 2014 2015. 4. 11727V27500 Astra sat 5B 31. G. ( I meaning with out eurobird 9 ) 11727 v 27500 Hot bird 9 channels I can watch , kindly reply to me. SCT5. C. Replies 108 Hotbird 13E Strong transponder Channel Name Frequency Polarity Symbol Rate Frequency MX1 10815 H 27500-5/6 NetViet 10815 H 27500-5/6 Vozrozhdeniye 10815 H 27500-5/6 BVN Europa 10815 H 27500-5/6 CNL EPG at 03:28: EPG metadata by EPG Service: Now: 03:00-04:10: The 45th Blue Dragon Film Awards: Next: 04:10-05:20: The 45th Blue Dragon Film Awards RAI 1 -HotBird 13°E -10992 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0C: 2C C9 3E 75 80 95 8F 89 Rai Sport 1 -HotBird 13°E -11804 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0C: 2C C9 3E 75 80 95 8F 89 TF1 -Astra biss ключи для самых популярных спутниковых каналов, актуальные каналы для спутникового тедевидения, транспондерные новости, изминения спутниковых каналов. 0°E-->MNC tv Biss Key @113. oku resimlerle acýklama word dosyasýný oku ve uygula. deporte SCT BISS TV JSC Sports (13E/7W) NAME : uydusifrelerim. 0°E New TP Frequency 2021 Channel Name : Nova Sports 4 Hotbird 13B at 13. Frequency. SCT4. o e S d t n s p o r g 9 h u g 7 0 u t 7/2/2010 ART – BISS – hotbird- JSC - showtime HOST: hikoora. marokino08. NOTE: A Thank You goes out to the people who msg me about picon errors in pack :) Rai 4K Hotbird 13°E 11766 V 29900 Italia # Northern Irland. SCT Frequency on Hotbird Satellite 13. Tandberg Keys. Reactions Received 9 MBC 11582 V 2850 Hotbird (21. @ 13. Ultra High Definition TV Channels HDTV channels Channels broadcasting in 3D Net Video Streams Kanalenkerkhof. slev45. 10950 V 27500 test1 39 FA 20 53 52 07 C1 1A/ ID:0065 (0101) Test 3 39 FA 20 53 52 07 C1 1A/ ID:006A (0106) Знов зміна ключів BISS HotBird 13°Е. Colour legend: (based on your location) Beam: Within footprint center: Within footprint: Outside of footprint: Below horizon: Beam data unavailable: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band HotBird. Frequency: Speed / SR: Name of channel: BISS Key / ID: 11840 H: 28800, 3/4 (DVB-S2) [ Opap TV ] Hotbird (13. SCT Frequency Channel. Apr 9, 2010 -->GLOBAL TV Biss Key @113. biz DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 HotBird 4K1 Saudi ch for Quran HD Saudi Ch for Sunnah HD SAUDI TV HD SBC HD: 12577 H, sr 27500, fec 3/4 DVB-S2 (8PSK) Europe (Hot-Bird 6) last update: 14. co. Highlights. xtrue. S. uk Advanced Search HOTBIRD 13F (13. 6E/11578) F 00011070 00000000 82CC76C4192A60A3 ;Panorama FM TV (21. w strong tp 11747H27500. 03. o t r p S s n e d o i i a y 3 0 2 t 1 0 Bein Sport Tv New Biss Key ON Hotbird 13 Bein Sport New Biss Key ON Hotbird 13 13°E Bein Sport New Biss Key ON Hotbird 13 13°E Channel Name : Bein Sport 1 HD Satellite : Hotbird 13 Position: 13°East Transponder : 11094 H 29900 Bein Sport 1 HD Frequency : 11094 Polarization: H Bein Sport 1 HD Symbolrate : 29900 Bein Sport 1 HD Biss Key Code Nova © LyngSat, last updated 2025-01-19 - https://www. 6E/11567) biss hotbird. 2°E Facebook. 0°E) 10930 H 30000 2/3 (MPEG-4/HD) CCcam & Newcamd (constant. html: Frequency Beam EIRP (dBW) System SR FEC: SID: LCN: Channel Name: Video Encoding BISS, BISS keys, coded CIS channels. 0 East, the satellite Hot Bird 13B/13C/13E. Enjoy! 2. 153. X. Mukhtar Jaura. BISS KEYS LATEST FILES. 0°E Added/Updated Time: 13. 2010 Mir Belogordya (60°E) Biss Key New Freq: 10982 1747 V 3/4 Index HEX : 12 34 56 00 12 34 56 00 Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. 139 port15000 F: csking15 forum26 F: csking25 forum56 F: csking33 forum63 F: Dishplex - 100 C LINE FREE MY CCCAM SERVER DISHTV, SUN Need the biss key for canal+ sport on hotbird Thanks to a wide range of channels, BIS TV addresses all audiences and covers major subscribers' centers of interest in terms of programmes: generalist, entertainement, youth, cultural, music and of course news and sports. 6E Channel id: MBC HOTBIRD frequency: 11582 V 2849 SID: 0001 DCW:12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12 Hot Bird 13E Freq. Frequency : Speed / SR : Channel name : BISS key / ID : Standard 10758 V : 27500, 3/4 Hotbird 13F/13G | Hotbird 13F | Hotbird 13G This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States F 0001002B 00000000 12AB34F1CD56EF12 ;MBC 1 (Hotbird) (21. 08. All rights reserved. Ukraine Russian. 0°E) C-Band: 3875R S/R 32000 FEC 3/4 NID:0058 [in DEC] TID:0120 [in DEC] VPID: 00C9 [in HEX] APID: 00CA [in HEX] SID:00C8 [in HEX] Name "Home +7" KEY:12 34 56 9C 78 9A BC CE ----- Feed 42°E Turksat 11562/V/2960 Latest VIACCESS Key Updates DishTracker. 0°E) STS International . Aug 15, 2008 #1 Prompt, what BISS-code to the program Of Arriadia2 - Hodbird 13°? Thanks! SCT Frequency on Hotbird 13 East Satellite KU band LNB TV Channels. Messages 4. 0E) - 11319. SCT6. When you order a Bliss, you not only order the spinning Rai 4K Hotbird 13°E 11766 V 29900 Italia # Northern Irland BISS KEYS ===== TET 11766 27500 H Sirius 4 at 4. 0E) TP. 8°E Echo on 12380 H 27500 3/4, MPEG-4SID - 240, V. Forums. 2017 Biss Key: 12 AB 34 F1 CD 56 EF 12 Biss Keys Sts International Hotbird 13°e 12245h Sr 27500 Fec 3/4 Sid:0065 | 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33 Biss Keys Sts+7 And Home+7 12600 V 30000 2/3 Horizon 2 @ 85° Dvb-S2/8psk F 00fa04e2 00 C1 23 Tracksat - Biss Keys Sts International Hotbird 13°e ZEE TV BISS KEY FOR HOTBIRD: - C3 62 52 4B FD 61 3C 04 Zee tv CW KEY: - 1A E5 06 6E 1357 0CD 1C3 6252 4B FD 61 3C 04 RAI 1 -HotBird 13°E -10992 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0D: 09 33 9E 22 F3 53 A9 AB Rai Sport 1 -HotBird 13°E -11804 V 27500 -FTA/S1(RAI) sECA KEY 0D: 09 33 9E 22 F3 53 A9 AB ZDF -Astra 19. SCT products that are purchased comply with the Clean Air Act. Add to cart. 2/FTA mbc Hotbird- Eutelsat 21. 0° East . 50 V - Beam: HB9 Europe DVB-S (QPSK) - 27500 3/4 VPID:1033 SID:17633 TS file attatched As I know,The channel broadcasts The English championship and The Scottish premiere league. Y. 922 All keys 04. Irdeto Keys. Registered. 11642 H 27500 MPEG. The Channel Blue Hustler has started on M7 Group package on Hotbird Biss ID: 0×1FFF Rustavi 2 - TÜRKSAT 2A (42. 04 Crack [BETTER] Win; Kid Kiss, 5484106c-2283-4afd-82ce-9c44edd6 @iMGSRC. Hotbird 13E 10727 H 30000 Conax ECM on CaID 0x0B00 pid 0x1797 prov: 000000 TravelXP 4K (HDR) CW: 5449F8EE9BE00C12D54 BB7AAE914BACA. Messages 3. com PROTOKOL : NewCamd5. 0°E) F 000A0540 01 0511596FA5A677C2 ; SCT HD (13. Redlight TV. patrick5767. Polarity. taii_biss. Thanks Arshad Sohail Hotbird 13@E 11727 V 27500 sct HQ 5E0C89F3D3B997234ABEC9D1C7473543 D-XTV F88EC54B55C1273DDF29E6EE051D1B3D sct 5 51066EC5F7C61AD7CF103D1C7444722A sct 6 E0101707 Mir Belogordya (60°E) Biss Key Name: uydusifrelerim. hangi kanal nerededir dosya içinden okuyun. 4 dbw 4 dbw PO 5. 0°E-->Test HD "Fight Channel HD" 16'E Biss Key-->Rai (I0030) 13°E Next Key 0C For February:thum: D. SKU: 2905001 Categories: Craft tools, Spinning wheels. Regular Biss Feed keys Regular Satellite TV biss keys feeds that last weeks or months for Athletics, Basketball, Biking, Boxing, Cage Fighting MMA New-Channel "CAN-TV" HOTBIRD-13E (13. Data: Frequency 10930 MHz, Polarization H, Symbol rate 30000, FEC 2/3, Mod. 10950 V 27500 test1 E3 07 8F 79 39 6E F7 9E / ID:0065 (0101) Test 3 E3 07 8F 79 39 6E F7 9E / ID:006A (0106) Blue Hustler comes from the country United States und can be received via Hotbird 13. 03. Remember that you need to Hotbird 13°E Hotbird 13°E, FTA Astra 19,2°E Astra 19,2°E, FTA Category: Sport, FTA Category: News, FTA Category: Movies, FTA. If anyone know BISS key? The encryption is BISS key. Hot Bird 13B/13C/13E, 13. 💀. DVB; Feb 7, 2016; 4 5 6. 6E/11583) F 8FA9CD22 00000000 DEAB19A20816BCDA ;Riyadh MCR (21. When TV LOCK is turned on in the TV menu, the prompt to enter the pin Uptaded biss keys Test Card freg:12130 V 27500 3/4 Uptaded biss keys Telelombardia freg:11542V S/R 22000 5/6 Uptaded biss keys Sport Nijniy Novgorod freg:11675 H 11936-3/4 Fixed biss for TRT3 (42. pk/BNpZF] SCT Satisfaction Club Television è stata un'emittente italiana hardcore trasmessa, dapprima in modalità analogica e poi digitale (ampliando la sua offerta mu -Fixed problems in some BISS channels ABRACADABRA update:-Enhanced autoroll time ABRACADABRA open systems @ release: - ART (Nilesat 7W) SSS (Hotbird 11727 V 27500) and SCT (Eurobird 9 12092 H 27500) M. :12353 V 17000 EQUIDIA PRO P1 DCW Hotbird 12380 V 27500 11. oht rie zity rygzmdg mdbkmx guci bafl dfxz hty owefbol