Yoyo loach and guppies So long as you’re keeping them with the right type of plecos, it’ll be a good experience. Individual Guppies may show some variability in sleep times, often Dec 13, 2019 · Theyve never done this before and my yoyo loach that I've had for months has never been attacked. They grow up to The Yoyo Loach not only adds dynamic visual interest to the aquarium but also contributes to the tank's cleanliness by actively scavenging for food on the substrate. Jul 23, 2017 · I bought him first as a friend for another yoyo loach, who he long outlived, but he seems very social with other fish in the tank- I also have two weather loaches, two sucking loaches, three siamese algae eaters and a large common pleco, as well as a lot of guppies. They can be May 31, 2023 · Yoyo Loach. a female betta with weather loaches and a platy; not the best (betta was kinda nasty to the platy). Dojo Loaches – Colorful, excitable, and suited to unheated aquariums. This behavior makes it tricky to keep a yoyo loach in an uncovered tank, as it may pop out of the pond while jumping in the water. 5 gallon with guppies. But if you have a small pond with too many guppy fish, there is less chance that the Frog eggs will survive. Male vs. I can't say for sure as each fish will have its own temperment. Yoyo Loach Tank Mates – What You Should Consider - "File:Botia almorhae. 5. Yoyo Loach Your culprit is either your yoyo loach or your betta. Platties like guppies should be fairly safe from the yoyo's but babies/ fry probably wont be. If your bettas tail is fine and it's just the guppies, your betta is most likely the aggressor. What I have been noticing is it will start to chase any fish that comes close, then the yoyo loach will start chasing another totally random guppy. They're all too big and/or aggressive. No additives, just the frozen animal and water. The problem is that we have snails in the tank thanks to trying our hands at plants. I've had them for a week and thus far have not seen them show any interest in eatting the snails. A downside is that they love to leap out of the water like a yoyo, so it’s good to keep a lid on the tank if you don’t have labyrinth fish such as Rasboras who need open air to Aug 2, 2009 · I am not sure about the assasins with the loaches but they will most likely become lunch. Your 20 gal will be at capacity ad your 30 gal will have room to grow. Tank-kept Guppies with consistent 14-hour daylight cycles quickly establish corresponding 10-hour nighttime sleep routines. Foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp are good sources of protein for yoyo loaches and can be fed as occasional treats. 0 – 7. Notes. Yoyo loaches, also called Pakistani loaches or Botia almorhae, hail from the gentle rivers of South Asia. Aug 3, 2023 · Can yoyo loaches live with guppies? You can pair yoyo loaches with guppies, but make sure that their habitat is suitable. Oct 24, 2023 · YoYo loaches are not suitable tank mates for larger and top-dwelling fish such as guppies, which may harass or nip at the peaceful YoYo loach. Both are… Read More Can yoyo loach live with guppies? Here's a video of the guppies, plants and the yoyo loach I brought, if anyone knows the strain of these guppies that would be great to know what they are! As Yoyo Loach Tank Size – What Should It Be? - "almorha bootsia, almorha loach, baghae, baghi, baghuwa, jabo, mosaiikkinuoliainen, mřenka zdobená, sekavka zdobená, tiger loach, जबो, 沙鰍, 沙鳅" by Alberto Alcalá is licensed under CC BY 4. 5 inches, yoyo pattern, and she looks wide to both sides, she has a dark spot on her underside like my guppies do when they are pregnant. I have a 45G that's 24 inches tall and the fish thrive. This loach is a bit tricky to keep and it is recommended for intermediate fish keepers. Besides, the guppies are expected to bring no problems to you. I had some previous fish that had a minor case of ich but they were treated with copper and donated to my local fish store. These species might be semi-aggressive, but mainly not towards other fish, but their own kind. 0°F. But, does having different species of loach make up for not having more of one of each species? Nov 16, 2023 · 6. It's in a 55g tank I'm interested in modifying for nano fish. Guppies 6 Danios 1-2 Weather Loaches 5 Gal 1 Betta This will separate out you cold water fish and your warm water fish. Appearance. Jan 24, 2005 · Hello all, I have 2 mickey mouse, 4 red eyes, 1 yoyo loach, 1 pleco and then added 2 black mollies and 2 guppies in a 30gal. Make sure you have enough space for both to maintain peace in the tank. Guppies are very peaceful either way, and housing them together with harlequin rasboras should not be an issue. Oct 16, 2008 · 1 Zebra Loach 1 Black Kuhli Loach The Zebra and Yoyo seem to enjoy each other's company and they play with each other. If you’re tired of seeing the same old tetras and guppies when browsing your local fish shop, then you’ll love the YoYo Loaches curious & intelligent foraging nature. A home-bred Yoyo Loach, however, finds it demanding to stretch up to this size. Their comfort is essential to keep them calm. It’s been bothering my other fish (tetras, mollies, female guppies and cory). The Lohachata Botia Loach is sometimes referred to as a scaleless fish they do in fact have small scales that are embedded in their skin. Mar 22, 2016 · I have a couple clown loaches, one yoyo loach, 10 rainbow fish and a small bristlenose Pleco in a 55 gallon. New article - Yoyo Loach Care Made Easy: Tank Setup, Diet, and Companions Dec 18, 2023 · A full-grown captive-bred Yoyo Loach is typically 2. Fat-bellied yoyo loaches usually become inactive, with slow movements that result from heavy body weight. Dwarf chain loach are generally peaceful but may exhibit territorial behavior towards their own kind. With dramatic black patterns on a gold or silver body, Yoyo Loaches are energetic, peaceful fish. Guppies are super hardwater fish, Kuhli Loaches are super softwater (blackwater) fish. Apr 9, 2020 · I think the YoYo has a very dominant personality & the flashing is his way of flexing. Recently I did add a small Yoyo Loach and I have my suspicions about that the yoyo loach did this. Sep 16, 2023 · Another type of loach that is compatible with german blue rams is the yoyo loach. Yo-Yo Loaches and Tank Size Question Advice Hi all, i recently picked up. I made a bad decision it seems by adding 4 more small yoyo loaches. Feb 11, 2012 · a female betta with weather loaches worked out just fine. Jan 19, 2019 · The yoyo loach is an interestingly colored loach that brings energy and activity to your tank. Among them, Clown Loaches and Yoyo Loaches stand out not only for their striking patterns and playful antics but also for their voracious appetites for small invertebrates. They need way too much flow to put with guppies and like cooler water. Will this salt hurt the pleco and loach? I did read the salt is bad for their Extra air stones can be fun for the more curious Yoyo Loach, and some will play in the air bubble streams, yoyo-ing, while others will ignore it. Cories also make good bottom dwellers in a community tank. Loaches prefer to be in groups, so it is best to keep them in schools. To ensure the comfort of Dwarf Chain Loach, it is beneficial to add dither fish. The most commonly-used vernacular name of ‘yo-yo’ loach is derived from the typical body patterning in juveniles of the group, comprising a series of alternating ‘i’ and ‘y’ shaped black, grey or brown bars (usually 4-5 of the former, 3 of the latter) which in most specimens appears to form that phrase if one imagines the ‘i I've had these yoyo loaches for about 3 years. she is about 2. My tank has 3 male guppies, 2 cardinals and 2 bloodfin tetra, 2 dwarf gouramis, sailfin mollies and a spotted plec, some Cory's and a shrimp. Temperature Range – 22 - 27°C. You can place yoyo loach with guppies in the same fish tank until there is sufficient room for both. They are part of the loach species and can range in size from 6 to 12 inches. Yoyo Loaches, named after their unique markings resembling the letters “y” and “o,” make fantastic tank mates for Clown Loaches. Jul 14, 2024 · Types of loach that can live with guppies: Clown loaches, Kuhli loaches: Water temperature: Guppies: mid-70s Fahrenheit; Clown loaches: high 70s Fahrenheit: pH range: 6-8: Water acidity preference: Clown loaches: more acidic; Guppies: less acidic: Water hardness preference: Kuhli loaches: soft to moderately hard; Guppies: any: Minimum tank size Apr 24, 2023 · Keep water slightly acidic and add a rock or gravel substrate to mimic the Yoyo Loach’s natural Ganges River habitat. Jun 14, 2023 · Yoyo Loaches thrive in a tank with plenty of hiding spaces, such as rocks, caves, and driftwood. Avoid keeping kuhli loaches with aggressive fish, pet snails, and most shrimp species as they’ll eat the latter. I have a yoyo loach that is about 5 years old that I got along with this tank back in August. They can coexist harmoniously with a variety of small community fish species such as tetras, rasboras, guppies, or other non-aggressive species. Their crown jewel is an extended spinal cord protrusion gracing their forehead when relaxed. I have finally finished cycling this tank and added in the fish. My tank have guppy's and a yoyo loach, me and my girlfriend are discussing about the loach behavior, I did not having seen guppy baby's anymore on my tank, I believe that's the yoyo loach eat them all, my girlfriend claims that the loach is innocent and the guppy's not have baby's this month, since the yoyo loach is a voracious snail eater, you guys believe that the loach may be eating the Species – Yoyo Loach - Botia Lohachata. Read up about their needs before you get either. Jan 4, 2025 · Adult Yoyo Loaches need a minimum tank size of 40 gallons to stay healthy. Aug 8, 2024 · Guppies grow to between 1. Yoyo loaches scavenge on the bottom of the aquarium and are highly active and bold fish. 5 inches long, which is a pretty small size. I think it’s because I only have 1 of them, but I don’t have room in my tank to get any more. They're true herbivores and wont eat baby shrimp fry. Harlequin rasboras are more than peaceful enough so they will leave the guppies alone. May 23, 2022 · There are some people who say that guppies can live with clown loaches under the right conditions. striata) are safe and unlikely to eat adult guppies; Kuhli Loaches are meek and have small mouths, so they won't eat guppies; Yoyo Loaches can be kept with guppies, but separate them when the loaches grow; Batik Loaches are unlikely to eat guppies, but they are solitary and may not be a good fit Cardina and Neocardina Shrimp, Cardinal and Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, Hatchetfish, Mollies, Dwarf Gourami, Angelfish and Guppies, Zebra Loaches, Yoyo Loaches. The key is to find fish that can not only live in the same temperature and sort of environment, but avoid harming the dojo through over competitive or aggressive attitudes. They are also gentle in temperament and unlikely to bother even schools of yoyo loaches, but be careful to make sure each species is getting enough to eat with similar diets. Size: Yoyo loaches usually grow to about 10–15 cm (4–6 inches) in captivity. The Yoyo Loach lives between 5 and 8 years, and the Gold Zebra Loach lives around 6 years. 5 and 2. They are playful and curious but who is great tank mate for these little guys? Feb 1, 2024 · The active little Yoyo Loach could just be your pest snail solution. These species have a unique appearance, their whole body is covered in black and white markings, and some of them may resemble the letters “Y” and “O”, hence the Nov 25, 2013 · Hello any help would be appreciated. 5 inches in length, and in no way are they large enough to pose any sort of threat to harlequin rasboras. bachelor tank, 5 guppies, 1 albino rainbow shark and 1 yoyo loach. SeriouslyFish is a very good source for that. Social, lively, peaceful, and adaptable to both soft and hard water Sep 30, 2018 · 4 yoyo loaches 6 glowlight tetras 5 Endler guppies 4 Amano shrimp Local fish shop has a points based system, ours is 32 points and we're well within that with our current stock TLDR: out of 4 yoyo loaches, 2 are acting weirdly and flashing occasionally, all other fish are fine. The tank has been setup for 30 months. Keep your fish in a large tank with plenty of hiding spaces for the loaches. Thus, guppies do not attack kuhli loach unless they feel stressed out. I have guppies and platies in a 40g with two bettas and 3 sand loaches. Given below are some of the fishes that Yoyo loaches Not only that, but they would complement the dwarf gouramis well in terms of appearance. Anyone got any suggestions? Thank you! I was given a single yoyo loach along with seven guppies, I set them up in my (cycled) 30 gallon and the guppies are doing great, but the loach seems hostile and darts around the tank even during the day. com/channel/U Recently set up a 40 breeder with some guppies, tetras, mystery snails and yoyo loaches (I know yoyos can eat smaller mystery snails but they’re breeding so much it doesn’t matter). Various (e. Tanks Mates and Compatibility – This is a boisterous fun loach that should be kept with bigger tank mates and with others if its Yoyo Loaches – Cheaper than clown loaches and suited to large tanks but not appropriate neighbors for invertebrates. . You’ll enjoy how gorgeous the angelfish look in the tank. Are there any foods that yoyo loaches should avoid? Yoyo loaches are generally not picky eaters, but there are some foods that should be avoided. I’ll never forget the first time I saw a Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae). But on a side note I would be careful with the zebra/yoyo's w/ the cory's I had some albinos in with my loaches three of the cory's lost an eye or two the loaches were not aggressive towards them but when feeding on sinking pellets I thinks the cory's eyes got sucked out they all are still alive two with Guppies and clown loaches can live together in the same tank, since both species require similar water requirements, including pH and temperature. Loaches are a diverse group of bottom-dwelling fish that are celebrated for their unique shapes and behaviors. So four would need at least 70 gallons. Guppies are small fish that grow to be around two and a half inches long. Just keep the tank water pure, by changing out half the water every week and feed a balanced diet. 20-0. Guppies are a peaceful and colorful species that can coexist well with yoyo loaches. We plan on moving the fish currently in our 55g tank to our son's 29g freshwater tank. This whole time the water has shown the same reading of ammonia, 0. Yoyo loaches, also known as Botia almorhae, are popular freshwater fish that are loved by many pet owners for their playful and active nature. In terms of vegetation, these fish love an abundance of plant life for their secretive, shy nature and to keep their stress levels on an even keel. Loaches Do you think loaches shaped like the clown loach such as the horai's loach and the yo-yo loach and the orange finned loach can be kept with a few pairs of convict cichlids in a 55 gallon tank? <I give you good odds with these smaller cobitid species and the Convicts given the size of the system, if the Cichlids start to tussle Sep 19, 2022 · a yoyo loach has made several appearances tonight. They share similar habits, such as being bottom dwellers and enjoying a hiding place. Their dark bands with light blue tint contrasts against their silver bodies creating a really interesting look. Jun 17, 2024 · Loaches. Yoyos ought to just be added to a rummy nose tetra’s aquarium after a laid-out hierarchy not entirely settled by all of the other fish living inside it Nov 24, 2023 · The Yoyo Loaches do not grow to be as big as the Gold Zebra Loach. However, loaches are more aggressive than guppies and they may attack if they are disturbed or if they feel threatened. Dec 8, 2023 · Find out if yoyo loach and guppies can coexist in the same aquarium. Juveniles do well in 20 or 30-gallon tanks. The guppies are primarily grey with other colors on their fins, while the gouramis are colorful. The tank has corys, plecos, longfin tiger barbs, emporer tetras, and a beta sorority. 5 inches and they live for about 5-8 years. I’m aware that as the yoyos get bigger they may be able to eat the shrimp. Dwarf Chain Loach: Ideal for their playful nature and small size, Dwarf Chain Loaches can coexist with Angelfish without disturbing their space. I just got 7 kuhli loaches and bought them a nice secluded rock cave for them to cuddle in. The Yoyo Loaches are quite compatible with other tankmates and are semi-aggressive to their members at times but without any harm. Nov 22, 2017 · I want to get 1 or 2 I know they are better in shoals but I have a pond snail problem starting cause my plants from my lfs have snails my stocking is 2 platys 3 guppies 6 harliqun rasboras 1 dwarf gourami and 3 pepper corys (I know I need to get more just put those in 3 days ago dident want to It's been about a month-and-a-half since I started the new foods I did go through the Water Circle which was very frustrating I had to change Waters at least May 31, 2023 · Discover the best 20 hillstream loach tank mates, including barbs, tetras, and guppies. Fishes: 5: male guppies 1: 2 inch clown loach 1: 2 inch redtail botia loach, or blue botia loach 1: 1 inch clown pleco 1: 4 inch whiptail catfish 4: baby yoyo loaches (brand new and not sick, but were quarantined with the large loach for 2-3 days due to high nitrates) was told they could join my other small yoyo from "the incident" 4: 2-3 inch A large size pond with a good hiding place may prevent the guppies from eating them. There are also YOYO markings on the sides of this fish. Sep 4, 2024 · Unique Traits: Awesome Yo-Yo markings when young; Yoyo loaches get their name from the interesting markings on the sides of young fish that often literally spell out the word ‘yoyo’. Yoyo loach and guppies can find their way to live together when the habitat is suitable for both species. Many talks have been about whether guppies can survive in a fish tank with white cloud minnows. Can yoyo loaches live with guppies? Yes, loaches can live peacefully with guppies. 7°C) Maximum Size: 6 inches (15 cm) The yoyo loach (Botia almorhae), also known as the Pakistani loach, is a small fresh water fish native to India and Pakistan. I don't know if they are taking turns, or if only one is left. Cool schooling behavior and those curious whiskers are always moving. Yoyo Loach Looking for unusual aquarium janitors that double as fascinating fish? Enter Botia lohachata, the captivating yo-yo loach. Jan 8, 2025 · The Kuhli Loach, also known as a Leopard Loach, is an eel-like, peaceful fish that makes a great tank mate for a Dojo due to its shy and docile nature. A long as there is enough room, and hide out areas for the loaches , they should be fine. Dec 7, 2023 · Angelfish can live with yoyo loaches, but the tank size should be increased to at least 8 gallons for each fish. Growing to a manageable size of 4–6 inches (10–15 cm), these playful bottom-dwellers are both entertaining and effective at controlling pests like snails. The Lohachata Botia Loach is an active scavenger that is a semi-aggressive fish that enjoys the company of its own species, or other semi-aggressive fish. Nov 22, 2021 · This is the first time I have seen this happen. Some popular loach species to consider are the clown loach and yo-yo loach. The kuhli loaches will remain near the bottom of the tank minding their own business. On the mouth there are four distinct pairs of barbells, a spine is also located just below the eye socket. youtube. 0-7. 5 inches long to get rid of the exploding snail population in my fish tank. Can White Cloud Minnows Fish Kill Guppies? No. I added them Thursday with Oct 22, 2006 · the tank has been set up for almost two months now, the yoyo's school with the two zebras, they were in a tank together when i bought them and i liked the fact that they all played together. Angelfish can bother some other common community fish, but kuhli loaches are great at putting up with them. Yoyo Loach Tank Mates – What You Should Consider New article – The Ultimate Guide to Yoyo Loach Tank Mates – Creating a Thriving Community Aquarium Oct 2, 2011 · Hatchetfish tend to be rather flighty and I would think that yoyo loaches could easily send the hatchets flying into glass covers. Nov 5, 2021 · Currently have 1 Betta ,1 yoyo, 6 glowlight tetras, 5 Endler guppies, and 4 Amano shrimp. Let’s take a closer look. Do Kuhli Loach Eat Baby Guppies? Maybe, but this is not common in the aquarium since both fish are bottom-dwellers. What is a good yoyo loach Jul 7, 2023 · Yoyo Loaches do best with other species of fish than their own, especially ones of the same size like them, or slightly larger. Nov 13, 2010 · I have kept guppies together with yo yo's before with no problem. Guppies are peaceful fish that will add color and vibrancy to your community fish tank. Dec 31, 2019 · Another issue, the Yo Yo loach (species is Botia almorhae) is generally peaceful, but like all loaches (to some degree) they establish a social structure within the group and there will be some in-fighting though not damaging if the fish are maintained in a group of at least five and there are numerous hiding places in the aquarium. Jul 11, 2014 · So it took a bit to realize what he was, looked it up and sure enough a yoyo loach. tank. Yoyos also get along decently (in my experience of keeping fish over the years) with small/baby dinosaur bichir, khuli loaches, cory cats, ropefish (feed the ropefish daily though, if your yoyos fit in his mouth. Female Guppies – Understanding Their Unique Traits and Breeding Secrets. It originates in the slow-running and still waters of the Ganges basin in northern India and possibly Nepal . 0-86. The best tank mates for angelfish are livebearers (platies, mollies, swordfish), certain catfish (Corydoras, Twig, bushynose, and bristlenose plecos), and peaceful cichlids, such as keyhole cichlids, loaches (kuhli and yoyo), and Zebra Danios. It will school with others of the same age and size. My question is "Can I?" depends on the tank size tbh. My yoyo's are inquisitive little buggers and will taste anything This often leads to some fish taking offense ;-) I’m telling you this to highlight the risks of buying guppies from unverified sources. Yoyo loaches are less popular than other loach species but are equally fitting for a community setup. I put 2 in the tank. In any case, yoyos are regional and rummy nose tetra may not endure them well in that frame of mind as they become bigger than rummy nose tetra. Nov 10, 2021 · Hi all, I have very recently added a small yoyo loach to a planted 55 gal with guppies. Comment: Guppies are peaceful and small, making them good companions for Plecos in a community tank setting. Yoyo Loaches, owing to their shoaling instincts, should be kept in groups of at least five to facilitate the formation of their intricate social hierarchies. Learn about their compatibility, care requirements, and potential challenges to consider before adding them to your tank. You won’t see guppies come into conflict with plecos. These tropical freshwater fish feature slender brown bodies marked by a splash of lighter cream color resembling a yo-yo. One down side, I think they gorge themselves on whatever live plants I have. Water Parameters for Yoyo Loach Water Temperature . , Botia lohachata for YoYo Loach Jan 28, 2004 · ok, im no loach person, but im a little sure that they are fin nippers (please correct me if im wrong) my field is livebearers, so ill tell you think, guppies tend to favor soft water better but they can still do good in hard water, just sometimes their tails get a little ruinny but it heals a little Jul 27, 2022 · Some of the best kuhli loach tank mates include corydoras catfish, danios, tetras, rasboras, gouramis, bettas, red cherry shrimp, angel fish, Apistogramma, guppies, mollies, and discus. Current Size – 5-6cm. This will keep any individual fish Dec 7, 2023 · Discover if black kuhli loach and guppies can coexist peacefully in the same aquarium. Beware of guppies hybrid with features that can diminish the fish’s lifespan and affect their quality of life. pH Range – 6. Another incompatible species is the clown loach , a larger relative of the YoYo loach. Sep 15, 2024 · The Yoyo loach is generally longer and slimmer than some of the other loaches that are part of this family but it still retains the overall shape of a typical loach with its curved back and straight belly. Jan 24, 2024 · Yoyo Loach with Guppies. 5. Don't get them together, they're adapted to the respective other end of the freshwater spectrum. These fish are social and active, creating an engaging and dynamic tank environment. Jun 21, 2014 · Yoyo Loach Stats Minimum Tank Size: 45 Gallons (205 litres) Care Level: Moderate Water Conditions: pH 6. there are occasional shoving battles between the clown and pictus when resting but never anything serious. Nov 8, 2023 · The final pick for Hillstream Loach tank mate is the Yoyo Loach. When buying these fish I was told all are community and not aggressive so what would of killed my loaches? Oct 23, 2019 · Yoyo loach is a very peaceful and active fish. Pros of Keeping With Sparkling Gourami. a 40 gallon breeder that I hope to get set up sometime this winter, and I was wondering if 6 yoyo loaches would fare well in this size tank? im seeing a lot of conflicting numbers in terms of minimum tank size ranging from 40 gallons, all the way to 100 gallons for a The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach (Botia almorhae) is a freshwater fish belonging to the loach family Botiidae. Instead of the nice rock cave half buried in the sand i got them, they insist on just barely squeezing below a small decorative stick i placed in the center of the tank. Since they can eat any tiny snail around, it is not be advisable to keep the two in the same tank. Yoyo loach can go grow up to 2. Awesome fish. I have 2 golden mystery snails coming 1 I'm thinking of adding to this tank. Loaches are interesting and active fish that can coexist with mollies and guppies. The yoyo loach also makes a clicking sound when feeding on the Jan 13, 2023 · Smaller plecos such as bristlenose plecos will be able to get along fine with guppies. 5 inches or half of an adult Gold Zebra Loach. My LPS told me to add aquarium salt (1 tblspn) for the guppies and mollies. They are social too, so be sure to pick up a group of 6 or more. Since Yoyo Loaches are bottom feeders, they eat a lot of worms, snails, larvae, brine shrimp, and vegetable flakes. Adult Length – 12cm. Mar 3, 2008 · For loaches do NOT get clown loaches, skunk loaches or tiger loaches. The ideal water temperature for Yoyo Loach is 75. This fish Currently I'm trying to rehome a pleco someone basically dumped on me because I want him to go to a 150 gallon tank and I don't have room. Fast Delivery In-Store Pick-Up Exotic Selection; Gateshead Guppies Yo yo (Pakistan) loach £4. 0. However, it’s almost surely not going to be a good idea to keep this fish in the same tank. Nov 8, 2023 · This type of loach is a very close relative to your yoyo loach, but you’ll benefit from a difference in coloration because gold dust mollies are black and yellow. Jan 25, 2024 · Dojo loaches are freshwater fish that originated in parts of Asia, specifically Japan, Korea, and China. Yoyo Loach and Red Cherry Shrimp Feb 20, 2014 · Are these compatible ?? as I've read some stories of yoyo loach eating guppies. The one bad thing about having a hobby supportive family is that they hear you talking about fish you'd love to have in the future and you come home from work to find a bag with two yoyo loaches floating on your tank (because you talk enough about acclimatation that they know not to just dump them in). They are excellent snail hunters and can sometimes dig through the substrate in search of burrowed snails. Pets & Vets Menu Toggle. Yoyo Loach – Botia almorhae. Yoyo loach, also known as reticulated loaches or Pakistani loach, are freshwater fish that require specific habitat conditions in a large tank or home aquarium. They are known for their scavenging behavior and can help keep the tank bottom clean. When I bought them, I noticed the tank they were in was littered with empty Dec 19, 2022 · Kuhli loaches are some of the best tank mates for angelfish. It's a 65L tank, I'm not sure on exact water parameters because I'm not at home and didn't really think they were relevant for a stocking question, but we do home tests and take samples to local fish shop and they're always completely fine. They are in a 20 g. These loaches are native to rivers and streams in South and Southeast Asia, and they are known for their distinctive patterns of black and yellow stripes that resemble the string of a yoyo, hence their name. The common name “Yoyo” was given to this fish after “yo-yo toy”. 5 Soft to Medium Temperature: 76-82ºF (22-27. Yoyo Loach is a hardy fish, but only in the right conditions. I have heard from different sources that I need more then one of each loach type. Jan 5, 2016 · I have a Yoyo Loach in a 29 Gal, pretty decently planted tank. Mar 6, 2020 · Join me as I try to rid my guppy tank of snailskingdom. Otocinclus are very hardy and one of the most peaceful nano catfish you'll ever find. They’re famous in the aquarium world for their distinctive looks and spunky personality. They also like robust, active, and sociable fish that like to interact and swim in groups or pairs. 9 days have passed, the tank contains 1 5" yoyo loach, a 2" yoyo, 6 tetras and a hillstream loach. Yoyo loach swollen with eggs will eventually resume its body shape once the breeding season has ended. Fish much smaller than Yoyo Loaches may in fact become a chasing target for Yoyo Loach. Zebra Loaches (B. a male betta with guppies didn't work out a ALL (totally harassed the guppies, maybe because of the tails) a group of female bettas was a NIGHTMARE Mar 16, 2021 · The mouth of the yoyo loach points downward, sporting four pairs of barbels. Yoyo loach should be kept in a minimum tank size of 40 gallons. - Subscribe, Turn on Notifications & Stay Tuned to each new Episode! https://www. Also, avoid long-finned fish like bettas and guppies, as the zebra loach can bully them. When excited its coloration can fade out, and it is not unusual for this species to play dead, much like its cousin the clown loach. 25 inches) that eat equally tiny I have had a few guppies and mollies living alongside my yoyo loaches for a while and they have been relatively peaceful, recently though I’ve noticed they’ve been getting more and more aggressive and saw that one of my guppies has died with what looks to be bite wounds. If your yoyo loaches are ever chasing away your guppies or bettas, then it's probably them. Those that have yoyo loaches, is this normal or is this becau Nov 18, 2006 · I bought 2 yoyo loaches, approximately 3. There are: 4 albino siamese algae-eater, 4 abino Corydoras, 3 female and 2 male guppies (my first successful breeding), 1 YoYo loach and 1 male betta. Yoyo Loach. Jan 6, 2014 · 2 Adult Guppies, Two 5-6 month old guppies (have had these guys since they were fry), 2 platy, 2 endler guppies, 4 clown loaches (introduced as of past 2 months) * As detailed a description as possible of the symptoms the fish are exhibiting (remember a photograph can speak a thousand words). Jan 25, 2004 · Yoyo loaches "may" bother the guppies. Every opinion is valid <3 I did some research because the CAE didn’t look like others I had seen, and I discovered it was a yo-yo loach. Introduction: The Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae), named for its distinctive markings resembling the word “Yoyo,” is a popular and energetic freshwater species. Can yoyo loach live with guppies? Yes. My tank is set up as such: 55 gallon 7 plants setup in a medium density in half the tank 1' of bogwood in the opposite end 5 fancy guppies oto catfish Siamese algae eater 2 ghost glass catfish 10 ghost shrimp 2 bamboo shrimp Sep 3, 2016 · HI! I am having a problem with my male fancy guppies fighting. Feb 15, 2007 · Ok, so turns out I was right, the water was cycled cause the bacteria I added cycled it much faster. I know I should have researched this before getting the loach but saw him at Aug 19, 2024 · Yoyo loaches are active fish that will be the stars of your tank. Mixing it up for them can be fun. If you plan to breed the frog eggs in the pond, create a suitable environment that makes the Tadpoles find a secure place to hide and survive long Jan 1, 2022 · I currently have a 120 with 6 clown loaches, 10 zebra loaches, 2 yoyo (long story i know i need more), 7 angelfishes and 5 pleco (l204 and bn). Also, make sure that hiding place for the fishes as both cloud minnows and guppies are active fishes and like to hide and spend some alone time there. Yoyo loaches are omnivores, so they can eat meat as part of their diet. Dec 22, 2012 · Guppies do well in any medium to large tank no matter how tall. Meet the Yoyo Loach. It is important to reduce environmental stressors so that the loaches do not become aggressive toward the guppies. We’ll get into that a bit later. Though danios have a high temperament and peaceful nature, they can show some signs of aggression due to different reasons. New article - Mastering Yoyo Loach Size: Care Tips for Happy, Healthy Fish. There are only 2 male guppies and around 6 females. Rosy Loaches – Tiny fish (1-1. Pet Questions May 24, 2022 · I have a giant male plakat betta, various platies and guppies, synodontis petricola catfish and a few mismatched species that were combined from old community tanks and their schools not replaced (I'm trying to let them die out naturally) such as chili rasboras, hasbrosas pygmy corydoras, and a salt and pepper cory, and of course now only 1 Mar 11, 2022 · Do Guppies Attack Kuhli Loach? No one has reported that guppies attack Kuhli loaches. Jun 10, 2022 · What is most amazing about the yoyo loach is how it loves to dash upwards in the water and then swim back to the bottom. Close and frequent encounters with each other would stress them out, and they may attack each other. g. My Guppies prefer frozen. Main Menu. The yoyo has great character and has been known to recognize its owner. Yoyo Loaches are best kept in schools of 6. jpg" by Lukáš Mižoch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2. If the Loach displays gasping or labored breathing then there might be a problem. Because in the wild, Yoyo Loaches can easily go as big as 6 inches. Learn about compatibility, behavior, and care tips for a thriving aquatic community. Aug 23, 2024 · Yoyo Loach Aquarium Mates. I currently have 2 Yo Yo Loaches and 6 Kuli Loaches in the tank that I'd like to keep in there if possible. Clown loaches might be 12 inches long at maturity. The male guppies I added to this tank ignored the big red male betta I had in their other tank. There are some contributing factors that influence their growth and can help them grow bigger. Also, bear in mind, that any Botia species must be kept in groups - preferably 5 or more - as they are incredibly social creatures. In a 40 gallon tank, you can keep 2-3 fish. There are a bunch of kuhli loaches and yoyo loaches, guppies, and four mollies as well as many snails and shrimp. They all get along well. 3. The Yoyo Loaches can be quite shy in the beginning, but once they get accustomed to their surrounding, they will become more active. Fat-bellied yoyo loach remains rounder throughout the year. Yoyo Loaches only reach about 2. Their circadian clocks synchronized sleep with sunset and sunrise cues. Guppies are small fish, and if you have young guppies in your tank that are not capable of overcoming danios, they can get them killed in worse situations. They have a similar lifespan. Ick often begins unseen in the gills. It has been running for about 4 months now with great growth. Jun 27, 2023 · Other Botia species: As Yoyo loaches are sociable, keeping them with other Botia species like zebra loaches, clown loaches, and dwarf chain loaches can be a great idea. The Black Kuhli on the other hand likes to hide. What are Kuhli Loaches? Feb 16, 2009 · Well I miss having cichlids. However, it is crucial to ensure that the guppies do not overpopulate the tank and that appropriate hiding spaces are available to prevent the yoyo loach from chasing them. I have noticed the other male guppy pestering this male before but not to this extent. I couldn't take him back tonight and have decided to maybe keep him a bit and let him eat some snails. Today I came home to find him with reddish fins and heavy breathing. Horsehead Loaches – A nocturnal creature that only comes out at night to look for food. Here are some key points to consider when setting up a tank for yoyo loach: Tank Size. However, due to significant size differences, loaches might eat guppies under stressful conditions, such as elevated toxins and stuffed tanks. One of the most distinctive features of these fish is their elongated appearance, which is perfect for wriggling through the substrate to search for food. Loaches. Healthy fish can slough off Ick despite a weaker tankmate being infested. Special Requirements - They prefer a tank with good water flow. While they’re known for being playful, they’re not aggressive and they won’t bother the gouramis in your tank. They also appreciate a bit of current in the water. Yoyo Loach: Yoyo Loaches are known for being particularly peaceful; they grow to a size that is noticeable but not threatening to Angelfish, fostering a harmonious tank environment. Sadly I can't keep him because I only have 2- 10 gallon tanks with shrimp and my daughter's 5. Yoyo Loaches are relatively peaceful and get along with most other species, including your pea puffer. These numbers only work if you’re planning on keeping a single Yoyo Loach in your aquarium, which isn’t recommended. Regular fish shops overstock guppies, often causing them to interbreed, which is a hotline to producing fish with genetic faults. - Seizure / flipping while swimming every now and then. Mollies Jan 10, 2010 · 2 KulI Loach 3 Yoyo Loach 1 Albino Pleco 3 Tiger barbs 1 Fire Cracker Barb 30 Gal. A friend offered me a yoyo loach to control my snail plague issue, should I accept it? I've heard they are aggressive towards other loaches. Avoid keeping Yoyo loaches with slow-moving, long-finned species like bettas and fancy guppies, as their fins can be nipped by the more active Yoyo loaches. This would bring a slight difference to the dwarf gouramis and it would complement the colors well. I was told that males wouldn't fight if there were no females in the tank but they have actually been killing each other off. This behavior makes it necessary to be more vigilant if you have a yoyo loach in your tank. Aug 26, 2008 · After some research I decided yoyo loaches would be the best bet but am not convinced. lost a baby yoyo from him but he leaves the large ones alone Sep 19, 2024 · For each Yoyo Loach in your tank, you need 10-15 gallons per fish. I realize that it is a bit over crowded and i do suitable water changes to keep the nitrate controlled. I will get more if the yoyo loach is still here when the 55 is ready. Dec 27, 2024 · Yoyo loach can be kept with rummy nose tetras. 117 Upper Cibolo Creek Rd, Boerne, Texas 78006 Gateshead Guppies . Jun 9, 2022 · Egg-bearing yoyo loach will remain active, moving from one point to another. The pictus is 3/4 grown and still no guppies lost. i know that loaches are egg layers, i didnt know the I have a 18 gal tank with some guppies a swordtail a female betta and my 2 kuhli loaches. Upon closer inspection i noticed that his black stripes had faded to almost white in the middle of his body. 2 Wild Guppies studied in natural habitats also slept predominantly at night. i have 8 yoyos in my 125g with 15 dojos and a goldfish and pleco. Not deliberately just by their own activities and becuase the yoyo's are highly inquisitive about their tank mates. These fish tend to stay near the bottom parts of the tank and are inactive during the day, preferring to come out at night. Jun 9, 2022 · Some of the favorite food choices for yoyo loaches, apart from shrimp are snails. 11. 25ppm, it was not caused by the tank not having been cycled, so I was led May 23, 2006 · Room temperature obviously varies depending on where you are located, and some loach species will not be happy at lower temperatures. Learn how to create a harmonious community tank and provide the best care for these species. The hillstream loaches are also very poor choices (Common names are Hong Kong Plecos, butterfly loaches). Jan 12, 2006 · I have mine in with yoyo and clowns, he schools with the yoyo I suppose because of the very similar tail and body markings. Last night i got home and was doing some maintenance and notice that my Yoyo Loach was flashing around the tank. May 6, 2023 · Loaches and gouramis are great tank mates thanks to the fact they inhabit different areas of the tank, and Yoyo loaches are no exception. He has a relatively big rock cave to hide in that he sits in most of the time when he isnt chasing the guppies or darting around. 50 or 3 for £12 Polka dot loach (Kubotai) £6 Can Danios Fish Kill Guppies? No. However, this compatibility does not mean they are pushovers – they can hold their own when Apr 24, 2023 · The Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates include goldfish, barbs, danios, and other types of loaches. Constant monitoring is necessary because when stressed zebra loaches become vulnerable to ich due to a lower immune system.
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